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Good evening,

I feel a bit like the MC in this image...well if I had a fireplace...I guess a fireplace video on my second monitor will have to do ;)

So this update is finally done...Not with as much content as I would have liked but at least a few new scenes are implemented and the christmas special is also included. I almost expected to run into this situation at the start of the month. I've worked on a lot of images and materials, but putting them all into the game and also make meaningful events is a different story. That's why only a part of what I've worked on is now implemented in this update. The rest will come (as said before) in the final update next month.

So what's new in this one?

  • Arianna's bonus scene from last month (337 images)
  • A new reward system where you can gain extra talent points by doing activities like farming/cutting trees/picking locks/finding items.... 
  • A new event for Christmas (I will put a spoiler at the bottom of this post on what to do, only read if you really want to ruin the surprise or can't find out) (438 images)
  • Reworked the animations for Tia in Katherin's house + added some new. You can now wake Katherin at night when she is already sleeping (280 images)
  • Beginning of Tia's quest (it's not that much yet, but you can see where the journey is going) 2 new maps
  • bugfixes as always

Here the links (full download) Mega - Mediafire
(this download is ready to go, you don't need anything else)

Update only 0.5.2.x -> Mega
(This is only for people who already have 0.5.2.x installed, extract into the  root folder of your current installation and replace all files, If you get missing image messages something went wrong, just download the full version then)

Hotfix a: Fixed the strange bug that called the Ayita event when entering the area around Madrag Kaz.

Hotfix b:
- Fixed a problem with Tia's quest freezing all npc's (If you already ran into that problem lose a fight to restart in Mira's room. that should fix it)
- Fixed a bug with the talent progress system.
- Fixed some typos

As always:
Old save files work as always. I've written a guide how you can transfer them.
You can find it here: How to transfer saves

Please report bugs you run into via discord/pm! I will fix them asap!
I forgot to declare this version as a testversion...since the upload is already running while I write this I won't cancel it just to add that to the version name. I've done again a lot of tests so in best case everything works *fingers crossed*.

Walkthrough hasn't been updated, but I'll link the old one at the bottom of this post.

It was a long month so far, in terms of time that I spent working on the game. These next few days I will now take a small break. Which means I won't work on Monday, after that I'll be back onto it working on the Mira/Frisha/Emily bonus scene. I can't promise that I will be able to complete it before new years eve, but yeah I will try.
For now I wish you some happy holidays! If you find any crucial bugs I will fix them tomorrow morning after I woke up.

Now comes the spoiler part... So please stop reading now.
You have been warned! (maybe someday patreon will invent the spoiler tag)

Let's begin with Arianna's scene:
After completing her content up to the point where she isn't grounded anymore leave Arenfield through the North (on a day where she is in the forest).
For the Normal part you won't have to do anything complicated, for NTR you must be on the Dasan path and then leave Arianna allone for a few days, after that enter Rumah in the morning when she is there.

Christmas special:
There is a new fir tree that you can cut. it will spawn at random but there is also 1 100% spawn in the middle of the deep forest map (I will remove that in the future). If you cut it down during winter (ingame) or in december (RL world time) The MC will think about putting it in his house (only if renovated, and you have to succeed in cutting it down). At home you can then place it near the fireplace (surprise, it's like in the image above) If Athia is already moved in and is working in the kitchen she will talk to the MC about it (different dialogue depending on route). If Athia isn't in the kitchen the moment you setup the tree interact with the tree when she is there to trigger the dialogue. After that everything should be selfexplained.
When christmas is over (You have to remove the tree in spring/when christmas is over) you will be able to dream about the new scene in the MC's bed (I haven't tested this)
A new reward has been added to the Krampus fight (in case you didn't kill him already this year, otherwise you have to fast forward to the next december ingame)

New interaction for Katherin:
When having sex with Tia at Katherin's hut and she is sleeping next to you (you must have had sex with Katherin at least 5 times) change speed when fucking Tia or change positions 3 times. The MC is now also able to walk over in the middle of the night even when Tia is around and another interaction as already mentioned above when you pull away Katherin's blanket while she is sleeping.




There is a hotfix available to solve the problems with the additional talent points. If you already ran into the bug in the Tia quest check the info under hotfix b in the release post!


Will test it out, you are the man for fixing it in-between!


How do I update the game? I just downloaded the new version and I'm brand new here. Btw, I love the game! :)