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Good afternoon,

I've just finished my tests on the new version. I hope the mercenary management now works without problems. You can start the new quest by visiting Lyvia at the campfire at your camp.

Time for a short changelog (Including Tia's bonus scene):

  • Alternative route if player forgets about Tia and leaves her to Dasan (3 animations).
  • 4 new animations for Tia with the MC at their hut
  • Tia will now walk around Rumah in tribal wear (updated/added all images for that), all dialogue images are changed and sprites as well. (you can either trigger this by having Nyra become your wanita or if you leave Tia at rumah for 2 days before she becomes your wanita)
  • New option to skip the intro when you start a new game
  • Bugfixes around Rumah
  • New quest to expand the mercenary camp
  • Reworked 2 of Lyvia's animations and added 3 new
  • Smaller things: New trees to cut, New character sprites for the MC

With this update you can set everything into motion for the tier 3 mercenaries, however the last part where you actually arm them isn't implemented yet. While testing I also found that the visualisation might need some improvements so that you can better see where your higher tier mercs are. So this is something I will try to find a solution for with the update.

Also: Currently there isn't a way to improve moral. Exeption: moral will rise every month after the mercs got paid. but better not let it drop too low by sending all your mercs to training. If it drops below 20% Mercs will leave your service (only do that if you want to test it, I didn't test for it yet).

Here the links Mega - Mediafire 

Thank you for testing! there is a hotfix available at the bottom of this post.
The links are also updated to the fixed version.

As always:
Old save files work as always. I've written a guide how you can transfer them.
You can find it here: How to transfer saves

Please report bugs you run into via discord/pm! I will fix them asap!


Michael Johannes

lyvia schließt sich bei verlassen des camp immer der gruppe an, auch wenn ich den befehl zum trainieren gegeben habe.


I'm not interested in Tia tbh.