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Good morning everyone,

The pre vote is now over, Arianna won this time so I will add her option to the poll:

her state is getting worse! It's time to act and infiltrate the cult. You will join their ranks and find out more about their motivations. There has to be a cure for Arianna and you will find it.

The Queen got a decisive boost in votes last month. So I doubt any of the other options will be able to catch up with her, but we will see. I'm happy to finally continue with the main story of the game again ;)

All votes matter! Your votes carry over into the next month,  indicated by the +x values. This means even if your choice doesn't win  this month it will at some point eventually win. The results of previous  polls and explanation to how the poll works can as always be found in the result sheet

Options of this poll:

Lyvia (+191):
The brigands are getting bolder every day. They  start kidnapping people from Arenfield and the trade route to Kirlic is  getting attacked frequently. It is time to properly train your men and  prepare them for the confrontation with the Raven.

The Queen's visit (+356):
The  war has drawn on for too long now and so the Queen decided to visit her  husband together with her daughter near Arenfield. While she is there  she also wants to make sure everyone is doing well and tries to help the  people in Arenfield.

Mira (+111): The ritual failed, now you have to deal with the consequences. Maybe it's not too late, you have to travel to St. Joseph's monastery and secure the seal.

Melissa (+51): She has come up with a plan to search for a long lost expedition. Who knows what relics might be recovered or should they best be forgotten? She will also visit her friend Mira, a lot has happened since they have seen each other the last time.

Penny(+39): Now that the farm is running again it's time to consider reclaiming her lost farmland. But will the Coldstone family be willing to give it back? It's time to negotiate and to visit their estate to the SE of Arenfield.

Emily(+91): Now that you have started to live with her the question for your life together becomes more and more inevitable. Depending on your previous choices this means: marriage, pregnancy, new sex scenes.

Tia (+85): You now know where to find her father, it's time for the  reckoning. Travel further into the mountains to find his tribe and give Tia her revenge.

This content poll will run until the end of June. - I have been thinking about this the whole weekend. Tried to calculate how much time I will need to get Anya's content done. In the end I've come to the conclusion that I probably won't be able to do it in just this month. At least not up to the point where I want to get to. Because of that I will take some extra time In June to get her content done properly.


Kevin Daley

i cant believe I'm finally saying this but where finally close to actually being in the proper time/setup to go to kirlec. all we need is just Arianna for the cult progression, and Kate or possible Ophelia for the crossroads in and that's it the roads clear its not rushed anymore (especially because kirlec can be called a chapter 2 or 3 of sorts, so BIG UPDATE). this is especially so as even the royalty's going to be updated most likely next update as the queens defiantly winning this poll.

Kevin Daley

i just noticed a good opportunity for lyvia's update. recruit dasaan as a mercenary. after hes kicked he really doesn't do anything and in all honesty besides for some possible scenes as of now hes just waiting for execution. recruiting him as a mercenary would allows you to put him back in ruhma with ought him being chieftain (which i hate by the way, like ntr and sharing but thats just to much lost control) thus you get his ntr and possible threesome scenes. while at the same time leaving him open for other content and gaining a named and strong combatant on your team specialized in the ruhma area. plus the way you recruit him is easy. you find his tent, ask him to join, he says no, he attacks, you beat him, ask again, he says no, repeat till you sufficiently show dominance and he says yes. then hes treated like frank and moved to his proper location. also so ruhma dosnt get mad his punishment their is hes not payed (so hes kept afloat by his moms goodwill), forced to do the night shift, has to move to your old home, has no actual power in town, and hes the guy who has to go around a bary everone who dies (someones doing it right now, or the wolves are just feasting way more then they should be). the only way you can get the ntr scenes is similar to that of tia, special privlages where you give the ok. quick easy, and gives us the best of both worlds. we recain the ntr scenes and dasaan while at the same time for those who do not like ntr it not needed for his recruitment or posting as you have complet control over what you want to do with him.


No it is unnecesary now. He is dead, and probably on a lot of saves he is dead. If Chyos would do thgat, he need to "resurrect" him without fucking the saves of the people, including me.

Kevin Daley

not on mine and (kicked him) hes really easy to keep alive. find his dad, get the tooth, confront him and pop the tooth, he runs. plus if you let him take over you can later rebel and kick him out that way as well. plus this is only really ment for people who have him alive and want to reactivate his ntr scenes, or just have him as a free merc, or for interactions with his mom. if anything its just a reimplementation, with a bonus of now having complet control over him and not needing to pay. plus the natori scene you can do with his mom, uwww sweet, sweet revenge. were fucking your mom and your going to watch, because now you and her are my bitch

Joe Moe

What I find interesing is how long has Melissa and Penny options have been going on? I like both of the arcs. However in my opinion i almost wish they were like a small addition to some of these top choices since who knows when they will be added/win