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Hey everyone,

It's Friday, so time to talk about the past week and about what is planned for the coming one.

Last night I finally finished the bonus scene for Imawyn & Tia (4 new animations & 1 reworked old). There was a problem with the upload at first, but by now the links should work fine. This was again a bit bigger than originally planned, but I decided that Imawyn really needed a bit of my attention. Also the writing for this scene was a bit more complex, that's why it took longer in the end.
Today I've continued to work on her dialogue in order to make one of her new animations also available without Tia joining in. This will be added in the update.

I haven't forgotten about Ophilia of course. I've worked on a new outfit for her together with some smaller changes to her model. In the coming week I want to make new sprites and dialogue images for her together with writing the dialogue for her new quest. If possible I want to release that already on the coming Friday.
You know my deadlines are always a bit unrealistic and I guess this one isn't an exception.
But I still hope I can make it by then in order to get the update done around the 26th.

Before starting the next bonus scene poll on Monday there is currently a pre-vote running on discord to determine the new option that will be added. If you want to participate take a look.

Ok now that this post is done back to working on the game!
I wish you all a nice weekend!



Iwa is one of my fav characters, such a tragic character and heart broken character. I wanted her to be the first person I have a child with so im looking forward to the kind of attention she gets in the future.


hoop anya gets some love soon:D