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Thank you all for participating in the prepoll to determine the new option for the content poll this month! While the other options were pretty even, Mira passed with twice as many votes.
So the new option this month will be:

The ritual failed, now you have to deal with the consequences. Maybe it's not too late, you have to travel to St. Joseph's monastery and secure the seal.

Although Kate will probably win this poll, please don't forget: All votes still matter since your votes carry over into the next month, indicated by the +x values.
The results of previous polls and explanation to how the poll works can as always be found in the result sheet

Options of this poll:

Ophilia (+138): While travelling back to Kirlic her small caravan, now much slower because it is only pulled by a donkey, gets ambushed. By pure luck she makes it back to Arenfield now with everything lost she tries to find a way back to Kirlic, but what will her father say now that she failed so bitterly? (Needed for Kate's future quest to travel to Kirlic)

Kate (+277):  Although she tried to prevent it at first, she changed her mind due to her increasing corruption and stopped using a contraceptive. Now, even though she's not yet married to the MC, she got pregnant. (A break from her normal story, new animations for her while she's pregnant)

Gwen (+95):
Everything is prepared for the ritual to bring her sister into the world of the living. But what will happen afterwards? Which side will you choose in this conflict?
There will be more content for Sabrina aswell, but the focus will be on Athia (Gwen's sister)
you can either give her shelter or watch how she struggles.
(Aside the story I want to add more options for the MC's house with this update, you will finally be able to renovate it which will enable you to invite women over in the future)

Raaisha (+178): Although the direct threat from the orc camp has been lifted, Raaisha knows that this was just the beginning. The main settlement of the orcs is further north in the Darkwood. It's time to patrol the area to be prepared for further attacks. (More content for Raaisha and new area's in the forest. If time allows I will add the orc village in full)

Anya (+82): The shy girl that nobody in Arenfield really  knows. She arrived a few months ago to live with her granny after she  lost her parents due to the war. But shortly after that even her granny  died.. Now she is all alone in that old hut. You can't help but see the haunted look on her face. Something is threatening her and maybe she's just too proud to ask for help.

Lyvia (+27):
The brigands are getting bolder every day. They  start kidnapping people from Arenfield and the trade route to Kirlic is  getting attacked frequently. It is time to properly train your men and  prepare them for the confrontation with the Raven.

The Queen's visit (+36):
The  war has drawn on for too long now and so the Queen decided to visit her  husband together with her daughter near Arenfield. While she is there  she also wants to make sure everyone is doing well and tries to help the  people in Arenfield.

Mira: The ritual failed, now you have to deal with the consequences. Maybe it's not too late, you have to travel to St. Joseph's monastery and secure the seal.

The poll will run until the end of the month.
Thank you for participating!


Celso Manuel Nogueira Ascenso

Hello Chyos, when 1 give the dress to Liandra the game stop and i cant move Mc, the game freeze


I'll vote Lyvia, we need to finish the story: train on swords , secure Arenfield, have a proper mercenary group that possibly in the future being an army and Imawyn need to have her story.


Hey, this has been fixed in update There is an update only version available should you already have downloaded the version