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Hey everyone,

Friday again!
Like every month this last week of the month was/is a challenge for me.
It's always the point where I have to decide what I have to cut out even if it was planned in order to get an update finished before the month ends. Some of you have probably seen the spoiler image on discord with Frisha's new dress that I have planned for her. I already started making an animation for that and also added dialogue images & chracter sprites to the game. But in the end I had to cut it out since adjusting all her dialogue to the new dress would have taken way too much time. So now it's something you can look forward to next month!

The work on Nyra's scenes also took longer than I anticipated. At the start of the month I felt like I owed you these scenes since I had already planned to add them last month. But the implementation is often a lot more time consuming then the actual making of the animation. In this case there were also different storylines with Nyra that I had to keep in mind. After all it had to make some kind of sense for her to do these things. That's why I changed her motivation depending on the path you chose.

For Liandra, I already came to the conclusion that this update would only be an introduction update for her. But my original plan was to add more interaction and a daily cycle for her already. So this is also a big part of my goal for next month together with some scenes with her.

And then we have of course Julia & Yasmine. I would have liked to write more dialogue for Julia already where she reacts to the MC's proposal. Not sure how far I can go with her story next month, the focus will be on Liandra & Frisha and as you all know time is always the limiting factor.

But for now back to the new scene with Arianna & Kate, I already know that I won't be able to finish the whole thing today. I will release what I'm able to finish later today/tomorrow morning, the rest will then follow next week as soon as it's done.

Ok time to continue!
I wish you all a nice weekend!




Take it easy, I think it was in the other post that you mentioned you had your 2nd vaccination. I had mine as well and was knocked out for a few days with just no energy and fever. Don't overdo it. The amount of content you manage to knock out every month almost like clockwork is insane when comparing to some others. I think we can almost safely say, that Kirlic is waiting for us in the distance at this rate. Edit: Maybe Kirlic for a Christmas goal, though I have no clue what is on your mind with Kirlic.

Kevin Daley

I’m thinking more February at minimum for kirlec, we still got people left, systems, skills and quest to finish before I would personally find it proper to head out. While kirlec itself is pretty much the start of chapter two which would automatically bring in a whole new zone, bunch of new people, factions, enemies, buildings, skill lines, and most importantly quest be it sub, side, and main. Which would leave anything unfinished in the dust. Kirlec would just cause a worse crowding issue then we already have. Which means a lot of people will end up like qwuen left in the dust. Even if their a major cherictor to the main questline


Mmm, you have some good points. I guess it will depend on how "easy" it will be to travel between Kirlic and Arenfield and how interactive it will feel to go from one place to another. We would be diving deeper into an actual RPG/Adventure type thing than it is an adult-type thing, with quests between NPCs from Arenfield and Kirlic, so you end up travelling back and forth a few times to complete a quest for example. Or bringing something from one place to another, recruiting people in Kirlic to become part of your army in Arenfield so that you can eventually overthrow Giron. Setting up your own trade route between the two places for Penny and/or Ophelia so you can grow your influence, perhaps if you break Penny free from having to sell her harvest to Lucius and taking over the old farms that she had to sell previously it'll grow into a booming business to supply Kirlic with resources that they need to continue the war. Your army could be providing protection for traders/travellers from one place to another for a price, etc. But that all depends on the mastermind of Chyos what he all has in store for us with Kirlic. I could spend a day trying to come up with ideas that make sense story-wise but each idea would probably be at least 1 month of work. So I guess can swap to something else for a Christmas goal.


Hey Chyos, is there a chance to implement a pregnancy system an to impregnet, so many girls talk about pregnancy.

Kevin Daley

Coming from experience those ideas would be more then a month. Hell just look at the recent update, it’s my idea. And its probably going to take another week or two to fully implement because of its structure being that of a triggering event (a simple start that can have different paths based off the variableas that occur. Example Kate picks up Rick, Thomas picks up Rick, Clare picks up Rick, who’s home etc) so it’s open to expansion in the future


Oh for sure, it'll be interesting to see how developments go if we can provide with a good enough solid base of income to allow for Chyos to expand the team. I'd gladly offer my help (if wanted) on story writing/ dialogue/ grammar, but waiting first to see what the current overhaul will do. The one performed by Just. Then we'll need to work on some advertising for Chyos to reach a bigger crowd!