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Hey guys,

This week I've been working on animations and images for the most part.
I've added 10 animations for Bianca (in total 341 new images). Aside from that I've also implemented the mine and southern road map that I worked on before.
What's left to do is to write the actual story. There are about 3 days left to do that if I want to hit my deadline on the 27th, starting right after writing this report.

As said before I won't be able to complete Bianca's quest by then. There is just too much that I want to include and making all the missing sprites and another map would be too much for this month alone.
Also there won't be new content for Melissa & John in update The current focus is on building up a relationship with Bianca. Everything else is for update next month.

So with that I'll now continue working,
Wish you all a nice and hopefully sunny weekend!

Update 04-27:
I won't be able to complete the update today. I've added another scene just yesterday evening. That and the writing of the dialogue for Bianca's scenes need more time. I'll do my best to get everything completed until tomorrow evening (28th).



Shaharia Chowdhury (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 20:29:11 so melisa and john are they going have scenes together in update sexually i mean
2021-04-23 18:56:48 so melisa and john are they going have scenes together in update sexually i mean

so melisa and john are they going have scenes together in update sexually i mean


Scenes yes, but not together. But Mira is going to be part of Melissa's story ark

Kevin Daley

makes sense their suposed to be best friends based off of what i got from the diolouge. plus their both the nerdy type but melissa defently comes off as the bigger fasinista/money hungry nerd then mira. who needs vary little to stay happy.

John Tremblay

Hi ! I have a question regarding my saves, it says that my game version is *whatever version the game was when i first created a save* (for example even though my game version is currently, therefore I would like to know if that's normal and if it's not, how can I fix it?

Kevin Daley

it seems you messed up with your saves. this game has alwase had problems with its saves being carried over. to do it properly you need to drag your hole save filder from your previus game to the new update. everything needs to be put into the new save folder. mess that up and you lost your save its now corrupted


The save version number is inprinted on the save when you start a new game. So it won't change afterwards and helps me in case there a bugs. But other than that it has no meaning and even saves from 0.2.0 are still viable.