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Like always, here a list of everything I changed/added over the past month since

  • Bonus scene for Frisha (4 animations)
  • Reworked 2 maps (Smithy / Lucius shop)
  • Added new fasttravel positions for the camp and witches cottage (on the map)
  • Reworked MC character model (You can still use the old images if you prefer them)
  • Reworked Lucius & Henry
  • Fixed Penny's give vegetable script and she's now also actually visiting the shop to sell them.
  • Added the mansion into the global time script and adjusted time segments. Made new positions for each character for 5pm and 7pm
  • Continued Penny's quest. Can now be completed and you can approach her character progression in different ways. Made 8 new animations in total for her story + additional images 
  • Other smaller changes and fixes (Can't remember everything I've done)

Think that's everything..
It took a bit longer than I anticipated. So now I'm working on Ophilia's bonus scene (will upload a new version for that tomorrow)
After that we'll have a new month and currently it looks like update will be about Bianca & John.
This is an update I've been waiting to do for a long time! (So thank you for voting for it) It will add some new locations like the mine to the game and some new characters (John's daughter for example). This update is also needed to continue the main story of the game. So you'll get a vote option for that in the near future!

Thank you for your interest and support!



Since Bianca is coming up: Do you think you will be able to add the Stealth skill with this next update? I know you were thinking of doing it, but you didn't seem 100% sure.


I will try to add it since it would be the perfect time for it. But I don't want to make too many promises.. This next update already looks pretty big.. So not sure how much can be done within a month.


Then I shall pray for the almighty god of video games and adult media to assist you!

Celso Manuel Nogueira Ascenso

hi very good these updates from peny and frida, but what about children when you think about putting them? hihihihihi


Pregnancy is going to get added in the future. The first woman who has already a vote option for that is Kate. The others will get an option for it as well. I intend to do this right so means a pregnancy update also adds in fitting animations and other stuff for the character.

Celso Manuel Nogueira Ascenso

I can only imagine the work you must do with it, a little question, when kate is kidnapped by her uncles the chance of picking her up? I still haven't figured it out. and now good continuation and do not catch the covid kkkkk