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A quick status update:
The first part of the release ( will be up later today.
I will just work as much as possible on it before the day ends and then upload it.

I've reworked all images of the intro and also rewritten or adjusted most of the dialogue in the intro. I've also fixed several bugs like the serving time bug with Kate (thanks to Tim for the report) and other small stuff, changed Bianca's quest so that it is no longer bound to Claire's quest, added a new way to set all bandits to sleep at the banditcamp (you can now speed it up after you did it the first time), added new sprites for Emily together with new face images. Currently I'm working on Kate's dialogue (the big one when she goes to bed). I'm already on it for 3 hours now.. But I hope it won't take the rest of today. I also want to add a dream sequence that will let you replay the Emily&Marcus sex scene if the MC did see it during the intro. (It will show when you lose in battle, but only with a certain percent chance).. After that I will work on Claire's dialogue.

Not sure if I can finish everything today, but definitly next week when the full release will be out. I will also work on the new scenes until then. Reworking the intro images took longer than I expected but it felt really good to get them out of the game! So thank you guys for making that possible ;)
In case you're planning to start a new playthrough I suggest you stop after the intro. I can't tell how much will be added in after that in the coming week, But I probably won't change anything within the intro after today.

Soo I will continue to work now,
when the release is up later today I will also update the Wayfarer release link to!

Hope you're all having a nice weekend!




BTW. Found a bug in my latest playthrough... if you grind Wheat into Flour you don't loose said Wheat... the game indicates 2 Wheat = 1 Flour... correct?


...Also is it wrong that I want to roll up that skirt and bake a fresh creampie hopeing it'll turn into a bun? ^^