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Almost midnight again, I wonder if I ever manage to get something done earlier 🤔

Anyways, it's done and I'm happy that I got this complete before the weekend.
So as always old saves will work just copy over your old save folder.

This update includes the bonus scene of last month for Yasmine.

Quick guide how to see the scene:

  • Yasmine must have corruption 6+ and you must have had sex with her at least once
  • Talk to Julia when she's in the kitchen so she is added to your relations
  • Talk to Yasmine when she's in the livingroom (7am - without Julia, 8pm - with Julia)
  • When she asks you if you will come and visit her later on you can now choose "right now"
  • If Julia is in the room (8pm) she will now watch you closely if not the dialogue will be ofc without her presence
  • If Julia watched you you can talk to her when she's in the kitchen the next day
  • You can now either choose to give her hope or don't do it (If you don't then there is no more content with her)
  • Now talk to Yasmine again at (8pm) and continue afterwards

    I've also made some fixes for bugs and ofc you can start Penny's quest (just talk to her on the field and follow the questlog)
    These past two weeks where almost entirely spend on working on the farming mechanics and daily routine and ofc drawing the new map + making fitting sprites and working on the locations to match in daz3d. Most of the dialogue was written today so if there are typos please report them also ;)
    I hope there are no gamebreaking bugs, but if so report them to me via discord or pm!

    Thank you all for your support! More details for what's next and about this update in the weekly report.

    Here the link:
  • Added a fix for Julia's cheating



Found a Bug... Carrot seeds disappear from inventory and can't be planted.... no matter how many Cabage seeds you plant you always seem to keep 3 in your inventory which can be planted again


ok that's a strange one. I will investigate. Thanks for the report. Edit found and will be fixed


Another Bug I noticed... after giving Penny vegetables once for selling you see several sacks close to the fields, but when trying to give her a 2nd serving (after she supposedly sold the first load) there is nothing near the fields. Also it was brought to my attention that every physical task currently reduce Rest, yet helping Tia chop wood in the morning or noon reduces Energy and not rest, which seems to be inconsistend based on the current system


The point with penny selling the vegetables is currently a placeholder until I implement her meeting with Lucius to sell them. For the inconsistency with the wood cutting: When I made Tia's content I didn't have a second "energy bar" I could use. You are right of course, I should switch the woodcutting also to rest based.