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As you know, Ryan is a Taylor Swift fan, but has only listened to her recent albums. So when I saw Speak Now (Taylor's Version) was released I knew I had to show him it, as it's my favorite album from her. Will he like her country-rock sound? Watch and see!



Teresa Salas

I hear Never Grow Up and almost instantly burst into tears 😢 So good!


It’s such a touching song! What is your favorite “From The Vault” song on this?

Ashley Murphy

My favorite vault song is timeless!

Ashley Murphy

The album is called speak now because people thought that she wasn’t really writing her songs so she decided to write this whole album by herself to show that she was. It was her time to speak.

Ashley Murphy

I think she saw John Mayer as bigger than her at the time. Someone she looked up to.

Ashley Murphy

Me is Brenden Urie from Panic at the disco.


Haha thanks! I knew that but for some reason get Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco confused for some reason...