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Skillful Reincarnation

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 6: Peace Conference Ends


- Sam -

I looked at the bisected body of that bitch falling from the sky and it barely calmed my anger. The entire battlefield had calmed down in an instant.

One second it was all going well and then that… I gritted my teeth and took deep breaths, using Senjutsu to quickly calm my anger.

It was a close call.

A very close call.

If I hadn’t taken the Dimension Lost from Georg, Rias and Kuroka might have died.

If I hadn’t taken the Phoenix Bloodline at such a high level, I would have most likely been seriously injured.

If there had been even a single step wrong then… and this was right after I had thought that I was finally someone who had a say in the world.

But I had no time to wallow in my thoughts right now.

I looked at the other fool who had come to attack this place with the bitch.

Creuserey Asmodeus was looking at me shocked but he wasn’t looking at me exactly….rather he was looking behind me.

In fact he was not the only one doing so.

Everyone on the battlefield was looking at me or rather behind me in shock.

I looked behind me and saw the twelve wings of white flames flickering as if they were feathers. In fact the embers falling from the wings looked like white feathers. Is this how my wings look now?

I hadn’t seen them yet but they looked quite good.

“Twelve wings, that power….who are you?!” The Asmodeus shouted.

I looked at the idiot annoyed.

“Ichigo Kurosaki….”

“Don’t lie to me!”

“Oh! You caught me? Surprising….I didn’t expect an idiot like you to catch up. I guess the thing they say about old cats not being able to learn new tricks is not true after all.”

“Why! You carry the noble blood of a Satan in your veins, then why do you attack us?”

….does he still not understand why I attacked them?

Is he that blind.

“For those….” He pointed behind me. “Worthles….”

His words were not finished before I had swung my sword, sending another wave of Black Light towards him. The guy barely dodged but still lost a hand in the process.



“Huh! I missed the mosquito again.”

- Kuroka -

She watched in awe as Sam stood in front of them like an ever healing, unbreakable wall, especially those twelve white wings of fire spread protectively in front of them, making him look even grander.

The power he was throwing around was beyond anything she had experienced from any devil.

Even Vali’s powers seemed like a candle flame compared to Sam.

She knew that Sam had some sort of power which he kept to himself.

They hadn’t pried too much into it as everyone was entitled to their own secrets but their guess was that it had something to do with the abnormal ritual and related to the soul of the dead which gave him all these power ups at random times.

Still, the growth this time was beyond all her expectations.

She didn’t even notice it.

One moment that insane bitch was attacking them with Ophis’ power. The attack had made all the hair on her back stand and she was sure that she would have died had it hit them.

And at the very next moment, there was a barrier in front of them with Sam standing protectively in front of them with a sword drawn and wings out.

The barrier in front of them had been shaken while everything all around them was reduced to nothing.

She even witnessed Sam being almost blown apart but the very next moment, his body reformed back together.

The most terrifying part however was the fact that his power was still rising.

The foolish Asmodeus sensed it too and shouted. “You traitor, you dare attack us, the descendants of the True Satans for….for those girls?”


“I dare!” Sam whispered lightly but it was enough for everyone there to hear..


He started laughing and Kuroka noticed that his wings had taken a slightly darker shade.

His voice was quiet at first but slowly grew louder over time and even Kuroka felt chills on hearing it.

He suddenly became quiet.

“I dare, you ask?” He looked up towards the devil in the sky and asked. “Why wouldn’t I dare?”

He smiled mockingly.

“Katerea Leviathan attacked her so I killed her….in one attack.”

Creuserey gritted his teeth.

“Had Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan, attacked her….I would also have killed her….in one attack.”

The whole battlefield had gone silent at his words, but he wasn’t done yet.

He looked directly into the now distorted face of Creuserey Asmodeus. “Had Leviathan herself attacked her….I would have done the same thing….killed her….in one attack.”

“You traitor! Attack him!” Finally Creuserey couldn’t take it anymore and ordered his leftover people to attack and he himself attacked directly directly only for another flash of black light to flicker, leaving the bisected body of the Asmodeus descendant in the sky.

The entire army stopped in their tracks at the sight but Sam wasn’t done yet.

He raised a hand and several hundred magic circles were created, covering the entire sky and then with a slight movement of his finger, black light spears rained on the army.

Many of them created barriers and covered themselves but it was all for naught. The spears passed through the barriers as if they were nothing, ripping apart anyone who had come forward to attack him.

The single move calmed the whole battlefield down and Sam looked towards the remaining Old Satan supporters. “Anyone else wants to see what else I dare?”

No one spoke anything.

This was probably the first time she had seen Sam look so angry.

Rias got up and went past the barrier and hugged him from behind as his body stiffened for a moment and the rising power disappeared almost instantly and his wings regained their pristine white colour again.

“Sam….let’s go back….please.” She whispered soft enough that only the ones in the barrier could hear her.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled. “Okay.” He then turned towards the Leaders of the Three Factions who were looking at him as if he was some kind of a ghost.

Finally he turned towards Vali and asked. “I’m leaving. Those two fools completely ruined my mood to fight. Will you be staying?”

Vali looked at him for a moment and shook his head. “No. I have had enough….” he looked at the Red Dragon Emperor who was now breathing hard from exhaustion. “Disappointment for one day too.”

Vali landed beside him and he waved a hand, as the space around them wrapped, teleporting them away, leaving a stunned little Sona Sitri staring at them..

No one even moved from their places to stop them.

Kuroka looked around the place. “Where are we?”

“The barrier inside the school. We still need to take care of the Hero Faction after all. I left the place to get away from the eyes of the followers of those idiots.” He let out a sigh. “I feel so annoyed.” He then turned towards Vali. “Let’s go and beat up those Hero Faction clowns. I want to vent out for a bit.”

Kuroka sweatdropped.

“Hmph. I am not interested in bullying the weak.”

“There is always the fight with the Northern Gods.” She chimed in.

“Oh. In that case, Kuroka.”

“Yes nyaa~”

“Can you put everyone inside to sleep?”

“That would be easy, nyaa~”

“But before that.” He pulled both Rias and her into a tight hug.

His smell had changed a bit and he felt warmer somehow….and it was not because of the flaming wings. She too wrapped her arms around him to enjoy the warmth.

They stayed like that for a minute before Vali broke the peaceful atmosphere. “Are you three done already?”

He pulled back and smiled at Vali, the same warm smile she was used to seeing him in. “Sorry for that.”

“Anyways, I am leaving. We still need to report to the Khaos Brigade.”

“That….I am sorry. It’s just that I lost control of myself for a moment there.” He bowed.

Vali snorted. “You shouldn’t apologise for every little thing. You are a Lucifer. Have some pride. As for those two fools. If you hadn’t killed them, I would have done it myself. They were the ones who made the first move. No one can blame us for what happened.”

“Thank you.”

“Hmph.” With that Vali teleported away, leaving the three of them there alone.


“You know, this is the first time I have seen your wings and they look beautiful. Is that why you were hiding it all this time?” She asked.

Sam looked at Rias and then at her. “It’s a long story. My wings….and my power….they keep on changing.”

“Huh! Well that much was already obvious. Anyways, let’s knock them out first.” She pointed towards the barrier.

“Wait! I have a plan.”

“What plan?”

A devious smile formed on his face.

- Serafall -

She hurried to Sona’s side as soon as those….people teleported away and checked to see if she was unhurt.

She had almost frozen everything in the area in a moment of rage when she saw Katerea attack Sona but then….

Even now she felt a chill down her spine when she recalled the moment.

“Are they alright?” Sirzechs came behind her and asked and she could sense the tension in his voice too.

In fact, if she had been ready to freeze everything around her, Sirzechs had almost lost control and reverted to his True Form and that….would have been something far worse.

In a way, the boy’s intervention had averted a much greater disaster.

She felt pity for him because unlike her who could check on Sona, he couldn’t even see the condition Rias was in right now.

She lifted her head to see that Grayfia was checking on the other children and they had called out Asia Argento who was healing anyone who was injured.

The Angels and Fallen Angels were taking care of the leftovers who didn’t flee and stayed back to fight, not that that boy had left many to be cleared.

The barrier had also been destroyed by that first attack of his and the reinforcement were rushing in.

“Yes. Most of them are only lightly injured. They are just deeply exhausted. They will be fine after a good rest.”

They took the children inside the main school building which was under barriers to bring them out of any danger.

Around half an hour later, the rest came in as well.

The Angels still had a shocked look on their faces and as she had expected, they directly turned to Sirzechs. “Sirzechs, just who….or what was he?”

The man in question though, himself looked just as surprised. “I….I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? Didn’t you say that he was reincarnated by your sister?”

“Yes. Rias did inform me that she reincarnated him but she never told me anything else.”

“It was the power of Lucifer and the Phenex Clan. Do you think they were….?” She asked.

Sirzechs looked even more confused. “I….don’t know.”

“Then why don’t you ask him? Call him. If they are in range, ask him who he is.” Azazel suggested.

“Although I am sure I have never met him before, for some reason, something about him felt… very familiar.” Gabriel said, making them turn towards her.

“Familiar….how?” Sirzechs asked.

Azazel was the one who answered instead. “The boy looked almost… Angelic. I thought I was hallucinating and it was a Great Seraph with his twelve wings, not to mention, he was wielding a Holy Sword. It took me a moment to realise it was the flames of the Phenex. And he’s a Lucifer. No wonder Vali was not speaking of him. The Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light... None of the Satan descendants had inherited the signature powers of their ancestors, and now one did and that of all things?”

Michael took the next turn to speak. “Sirzechs, can you please contact him?”

Sirzechs thought for a moment and nodded.

Grayfia handed him the phone that the guy had left and he dialled the number again. Surprisingly, the call connected.

“Hello, is this Samuel?” Sirzechs questioned.


A moment later a voice came from the other side. “I-it’s me, Onii-sama.”

Sirzechs froze in his place and then, another moment later, he burst out in a flurry of questions. “Are you alright?  You didn’t get hurt in that attack, did you? Actually, you all have done enough, return home right now. We can manage the rest. There is no need to endanger your lives anymore.”

“....I am alright. No, I wasn’t hurt. Sam appeared right on time to help us. I….am sorry but this is something I need to do.”

“You don’t need to do anything. You all have already made great contributions to the Underworld by the information you have revealed.” Sirzechs insisted.

“And that information is subject to change in several places….just like today. We cannot take any risk….please.”

Grayfia, in a rare moment of affection, stepped forward to place a hand on his shoulder and he let out a sigh.

“Just….take care of yourself.”


Michael took this moment to implore. “Sirzechs.” and the man in question nodded.

“Rias, is Samuel with you?”

“He….is doing something right now?”

“Will he be able to speak with us, possibly meet us for a while?” He asked.

“....is he in any kind of trouble?” the voice on the other end asked, warily.

“No. Nothing of that sort.” It was Michael who spoke. “What he did today saved a lot of lives and made this Peace Conference a success. We were just….surprised and curious about him.”

“I see. He is back. You can talk to him.”

The voice on the other end changed.

“Sam here.”

“Hello, I am Sirzechs, Rias’ elder brother.” Sirzechs opened up. “I want to thank you for what you did today.”

“You don’t need to. I didn’t exactly do it for you.”

“But you still did us a great favour.” She added, standing up.

“....you are welcome.”

“Can you come and meet us?” He finally spoke.

“I know what you want to know but right now might be a bit problematic. I still have to take care of the Hero Faction and report back at the Khaos Brigade Headquarters. I mean, I kinda messed up their whole plan either way.  I will contact you in a week or two at best. Actually….is Archangel Michael there?”

“Yes.” Michael replied.

“I….know what you all are thinking and I will explain everything when I am there but I have a request….or rather an offer if you are willing to consider.”

“What request?” Michael asked curiously.

“I….wish to see the Shroud of Turin.”

The eyes of everyone widened at his request but the boy continued.

“Don’t worry. I don’t want the Shroud. I just want to see it in person for a while. If you want, you can monitor me while I do so. I am not asking this for free either. In return for this and one more favour, I will offer Heaven, the True Longinus as payment.”


Silence prevailed in the whole room.

Everyone was stunned by his offer.

“You have the True Longinus?!” Michael exclaimed.

“Just got my hands on it.”

Michael collected himself after his confirmation. “Very well, I promise you on behalf of Heaven that I will let you see the Shroud of Turin when we meet next time and complete your previous request regarding clearing the name of Asia Argento and Xenovia Quarta.” He promised solemnly.

“Great! Oh, and some friendly advice. Heaven’s System has a lot of loopholes and there are a bunch of Angels who are using this to avoid ‘Falling’. Currently, there are Pure Angels working with the Khaos Brigade.”


“So it would be better if you kept anything I revealed to yourself and your close confidantes only.”

The Angels had fallen into a stunned silence.

“Okay, if there is nothing else, I will leave. I have a lot to do today.”

“Sam!” Sirzechs spoke.


“Please take care of Rias.”

“I will.”

“Thank you.”

With that the call was cut.

“So….we wait for him to contact us?”

“The boy is in a very dangerous situation, Azazel. Let him take his time. He is already doing more than we could ever ask for.” Micahel said.

“Hey! I am not complaining. I just want to know when the time comes. I have many questions for him too.”

“I will contact everyone when he gives me a date.” Sirzechs spoke, a hint of firmness appearing on his face. “For now, we have to take care of things in our hands.”

The other leaders nodded at his statement.

- Euclid Lucifuge -

“....and he killed both of them.” The man in front of him completed the report and Euclid had a frown on his face.

That boy….was a Lucifer?

But how?

He hadn’t heard of any Lucifers being born recently apart from Vali. So where did this guy come from? And he had the powers of those traitorous Phenex as well.

Did Razevan have a child with some Phenex?

“You may leave now.”

The man bowed and teleported away and he looked at the information they had gathered, which was practically nothing except his name and picture.

With another thought, he too got up and teleported away.

He reached his destination soon enough and directly walked towards the inner area and knocked on the door.

“Who?” A voice came from inside.

“It’s Euclid, my Lord.” He bowed.

“Come in.”

He opened the door and entered, closing the door behind him.

“What brings you here, Euclid? I thought you were busy with your new group of friends, what’s their name? Ah, the Khaos Brigade.”

“I have just received a surprising piece of news.” He placed the file on the table in front of him. “Apparently there is a new Lucifer in the world.....and this one is a Super Devil too.”

The figure in front of him suddenly raised his head, looking at him and then picked up the file.

“Samuel White? A Lucifer? He doesn’t look like one.” He frowned.

“Around two hours ago, he killed Katerea and Creuserey….using the Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light….because they attacked a girl with him. He then proceeded to kill a large part of the army who were leading the attack on those fakes with a barrage of Black Light Spears.” Euclid reported.

The figure’s mouth opened. “Demonic Light! Are you sure?”

He nodded and the figure in front of him smiled. “How surprising! Tell me everything.”

And he did.

“Hahahahahahahaha he threatened to kill aunty Leviathan if she had done the same….that’s so funny. Alright, I take back what I said before. This guy definitely has Lucifer blood. No other devil would have the balls to say such a thing….let alone in front of so many other devils.”

“My Lord, what should we do about him?”

“What else to do? I suddenly have a new family member out of nowhere, so obviously we need to meet him.”

“And about him killing Katerea and Creuserey?”

Lord Rizevim turned towards her. “What of it? Those fools got a bit of power from that dragon and bit off more than they could chew. At least, Creuserey should have thought better than to go after him when he revealed himself. If they died, it was their own fault.”

He bowed. ”As you say, My Lord.”

“Alright, let’s leave unimportant things aside and go to your party house. I originally thought I only had my cute grandson but now I suddenly have another family member hahahaha. It’s time to celebrate.”

- Sam -

“What exactly is your plan?” Kuroka asked me while I was reinforcing the barrier around Cao Cao.

I also used my newly obtained Barrier Magic and Space Magic to assist me in the work. Finally, with a lot of power behind the wards, everything was done.

I had used all my skills to strengthen this barrier and considering how my Skills looked like now, it was seriously saying something.

This barrier would be able to withstand anything apart from a full powered Balance Breaker blow from the True Longinus and looking at Cao Cao’s skills, he is still far away from that level.

“Hold on for a bit.”

She did and soon I completed my work and turned towards the two girls behind me.

“The thing is….Cao Cao is working for Indra so if we fucked up, we could have one of the strongest Gods of the world, coming after us. And….”

“And?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Most of the normal members of Khaos Brigade were actually captured and brainwashed against their will, repeatedly thrown in dangerous situations and made to achieve Balance Breakers just so they could be used as tools. They didn’t even get a chance to choose. I kinda feel bad for them so this is also a chance for them. Without their Sacred Gears, they would be free to leave but if they decided to stay back then it is all on them.”

“So, we just let him go?” Kuroka asked, miffed.

“Oh no. We don’t just let them go.”


Letting them go without letting them experience the actual dangers of such a life would only bring them back to this path. No. I needed to do something to make them afraid.

I smiled and explained my plan to them.

“You think it will work?”

“I don’t see why not? As long as we do things properly, it would most definitely work.”

My plan was simple: we keep them locked up for a while and make it look as if they are captured by the Old Satan faction.

I will use all this time to copy all their abilities and remove their Sacred Gears and after I am done, the spell will frizzle out due to the deaths of Cureuserey and Katerea.

And since Katerea and Creuserey are already dead, who would know what they had done before dying?

The barriers were made so that they have a completely white interior and their sense of time will be messed up while they sleep inside.

Finally, I just had to release them and have someone point these people to Shalba Beelzebub and let them tear each other apart.

Not that these idiots would be able to do anything without their Sacred Gears.

It’s just that….I am kinda worried about Indra poking his nose if all his people are dead….at least till I am at a level where he cannot do anything to me.

And just as we had discussed, we began putting everyone to sleep while pretending to be the Old Satan faction and safe to say that their reactions were hilarious.

“You all….traitors!” Georg growled.

“Shut up, filthy human. Be glad that your pathetic life can be of service to the True Satans.” I imitated Creuserey.

Kuroka wasn’t far behind and pulled a perfect Katerea.

“Did that cretin think he could strut around with that accursed stick of his, provoking and challenging us without any consequences?”

“Cao Cao would not let it go!” Georg shouted.

“That would happen when you get out of this alive. After today’s attack, I will personally take time to carve out your tongues for your imprudence.”

Hot damn!

Kuroka was fucking killing it.

They attacked the barrier without an effects and Kuroka just laughed in Katerea’s voice before knocking them out with a simple use of magic.

Cao Cao was harder. The guy directly attacked the barrier and even used his pseudo-Balance Breaker but Kuroka’s poison was already affecting him and soon enough, he too fell.

The first thing I did was seal his magic and Sacred Gear.

“Are we done?” Kuroka asked.

“I just want to do something here for a while. You guys can take a break if you want. This will take time.” With that said, I began copying a Skill I had been anticipating for a long time.

S Ranked Sealing Magic from the True Longinus.

I was slightly broken between this and the A Ranked Bloodline of the Biblical God.

With the colour of the A Ranked ??? Bloodline Card I had, I was pretty sure that if I got the God’s bloodline, I would probably make it jump to S Rank immediately and the benefits from that would be immense but Sealing….

Thankfully, the call with Michael gave me a way out.

The Shroud of Turin must also have the blood. Same with the Crown and the Goblet.

So there were other sources from which I could get the bloodline.

But I doubt if the other Skills were available from other sources.

Secondly, I needed the Sealing Skill for various uses, like separating the Sacred Gears from the users.

I had copied Cao Cao’s skill already so I had no way of removing the Spear without killing him… unless I had the S Ranked Sealing Magic Skill.

There were also those Malebranche which needed to be sealed.

And if I had an opportunity, I would probably go inside Trihexa’s seal and throw a bunch of new seals to surprise anyone idiotic enough to try and free it.

Let them experience the horrors of an S Ranked Skill.

Most importantly, it would give me a sort of protection from my greatest fear in this world… being sealed.

The fact that I would get access to Trihexa and might be able to copy its skill was also a plus.

This skill was just too good to let go.

Kuroka didn’t say anything while Rias already knew everything and both of them sat on either side of me, resting their heads on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around the two girls and relaxed.

She left after a few hours to confirm who Koneko was. They already had an arrangement for the entire meeting.

Finally, only Rias and I were left there.

I set a small barrier around us to give us privacy and she sensed it, hugging me tightly. I held her and laid down on the ground.

“I’m….” She began to speak.

“I swear, if you apologise to me one more time, I will get angry.” I scolded, making her quiet. “It was a battle, anything could happen. If anything, I am the one who should have been more careful and not stick to my….future knowledge. I have already seen many places where they were different.”

She didn’t say anything. I took this chance to caress her hair and place a light kiss on her forehead.



“I think I have an idea about the Skill I want to give you.” I spoke softly.

She paused for a second and I explained further.

“I was able to copy many skills today and one of the best was the one I copied from Sirzechs.”

I explained to her the effects of the Demonic Mutation Card.

“I couldn’t control which Bloodline it will latch onto and you will not become strong immediately but….you will get a big boost in your strength. Although you will have to train more to fully develop the abilities. It will just increase your ceiling, your upper limit. So….what do you say?”

“Okay.” She whispered.

“Great.” I kissed her forehead once again and snuggled with her.

Today had been extremely hectic and I was feeling sleepy right now.


When I woke up, I found myself in Rias’ lap. She was still awake.

“You didn’t sleep?”

She shook her head and caressed my hair. “I was not sleepy.”

I didn’t say anything and decided to enjoy her lap pillow.

The Skill had been copied.

My second S Ranked Skill and the first actively usable S Ranked Skill.

My mind was already full of extremely large amounts of information about a variety of Sealing Magic Spells….even the ones used to make Sacred Gears.

The funny thing was that even with my current power, I wouldn’t be able to use these skill to their full potential.

I needed more raw power for that.

“Has Kuroka returned?” I asked.

“Hmm, she went back home to talk to Xenovia. I told her that we will move the Hero Faction members to somewhere else and then return and she agreed. Vali in the meanwhile went back to report to the Khaos Brigade Headquarters. We need to go there tomorrow.”

“I see.” I nodded. This much was expected. “Alright, then let’s transfer these fools away from this place.”

And I did just that.

It took us around twelve hours to remove the Sacred Gears from all those people. Seriously, I was not regretting getting the Sealing Skill in the least.

They were all teleported to an island in Japan which had been uninhabited for decades. It wasn’t that difficult with my Space Magic and the Dimension Lost.

Finally, with everything done, I took Rias and teleported away to our home.

It was already midnight. Kuroka and Xenovia were still awake, probably waiting for us.

“Is everything done?” Kuroka was the first one to ask.

I nodded in confirmation. Turning towards Xenovia, I summoned the Durandal and handed it to her.

“Thanks. This was a big help.” I smiled.

“Hmm. This was the least I could do since I couldn’t go there to help.” She spoke stoically but I could sense the frustration in her voice.

“Don’t worry. You will get your chance soon. Just keep on training.” I patted her shoulder.

She nodded.

Kuroka brought out some takeouts which she had prepared beforehand for us since I couldn’t cook today.

“You both go and get cleaned up. I will set the table.” She looked quite cheerful today.

In fact, my Senjutsu was also sensing her happiness.

Meeting her sister and making up with her had helped her mind and mood a lot.

“Thanks Kuroka.”

Both Rias and I went to our room and undressed, directly going to the bath.

It has become a habit for us.

But unlike usual, today, she sat on my lap, facing me, my shaft directly on her snatch.

I raised an eyebrow but she was already in action. She reached my face, caressed my cheeks and then approached me, placing a kiss on my lips.

A soft kiss with no tongue, just feeling my lips.

My hands went around her waist as I let her do what she wanted.

She soon separated and smiled and handed me something.

Hair colour remover.

My face lit up.

I looked at her and smiled. She had already figured out that I absolutely loved her crimson hair.

I didn’t wait another moment as I washed away the black magical dye from her head, revealing her glorious crimson locks.

In the meanwhile, she took some soap in her hand, washed my chest, shoulders and then went to my arms.

Taking a bath with her was never about sex but the whole act always felt very intimate to us.

She then sat on the side of the bathtub and spread her leg slightly. I raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed.

“I-it’s not that. Turn around. I will wash your hair too.” She was completely red.

I chuckled and did just that.

The position however was doing crazy things to me. The softness of her thighs and the warmth of her core while she massaged my hair with shampoo, all this while in a warm bath after a long and tiring day….I did the only thing any reasonable man would do.

Relaxed and enjoyed the moment.



“Thank you for being in my life.”

I opened my eyes slightly and saw her reflection in the mirror. Her face had an adoring look with a hint of sadness as well. Meeting with her peerage members and seeing her brother after so long must have reminded her of many things. I didn’t want her to think about any depressing thoughts right now so I took her hand in mine.



“Really! Ditto?” She smiled and shook her head, her sombre look dissipating with that smile of hers.

“Yup. Thank you for being in my life too.”


“I thought it sounded cool.”

“It didn’t!”

“Aye aye Captain.” I saluted.

“Pfft….” She finally cracked and both of us burst out in laughter.

The atmosphere lightened up again.

We got ready and went for dinner. Kuroka had been waiting for a long time.

The rest of the gang had arrived there as well.

“Are you both alright?” Ley Fey asked, worried.

“Alright? Didn’t you hear? Sammy here, soloed the whole Old Satan faction. Damn, I should have gone there too.” Bikou jumped excitedly.

“I heard that you cut through the barrier and even the clouds?” Arthur asked, interested.

Vali didn’t say anything but he was also looking at me.

I smiled and answered their questions one by one.

“Yes, I am alright.” I patted Ley Fey’s head and turned towards the other two. “I kinda lost my temper for a bit, the rest kinda just happened. Cutting the barrier and clouds was mainly due to the Lucifer Clan Trait and Durandal. It has the property to cut through anything or something like that.”

Arthur nodded in understanding while Bikou was still jumping around excitedly.

Kuroka came out of the kitchen at that time, carrying a bowl in her hands.

“Oh, both of you are out already? That was quick. I thought you both would take a while longer doing….nyaa~” Kuroka smirked at us.

Rias blushed lightly but she was getting used to it while I chuckled. “I need energy for that and so dinner comes first, right love?” I turned towards Rias who was not expecting this and spluttered for words, making both Kuroka and me laugh.

She understood that we were teasing her and just pouted.

In the meanwhile, Xenovia was listening to our conversation intently as if taking notes….and knowing her, she might be doing just that.

We finished our dinner and sat around to talk about the events of today.

“So….would you like to tell us something?” Vali asked, breaking the conversation.

I knew what he was asking.

We had already discussed an excuse for my weird powers knowing that this day was coming sooner or later and that was the botched up ritual doing something to my soul.

“My condition….you are all more or less aware of it. My powers….are not something that I learned but more like to remember and get used to. It’s like I get all the memories and the more I practise, the more I learn. It has always been like that and even I am trying to figure out the particularities of this power. It could be due to the whole ritual but I am not sure about that. I have figured something out about my powers, just a part of it.” I looked at Vali. “It allows me to get used to someone’s soul or aura and maybe copy their power….at least that’s what I think it is.”

“Copy Powers? How?”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t always work. It could be more like awakening something I already had in me because to create me, apart from Lucifer’s blood, several others were used. Unfortunately the documents were destroyed so we don’t know exactly what they were. But I personally think my soul can get used to the….how do I explain this….frequency of other people’s souls and imitate their power. And even then I cannot copy any and all kinds of power. One in a hundred souls could be compatible with me.” I explained while keeping things vague.

“Can you show us how?”Ley Fey asked.

“Hmm….how do I do that?” I had already copied everything from them.

Alright, let’s pretend.


The guy raised an eyebrow at me.

“Can you summon your Sacred Gear?” I asked.

He didn’t speak but did it nonetheless.

Two blue and white wings appeared behind him.

I stepped forward. “May I?” I asked.

He looked confused but nodded nonetheless.

I touched the wings and down in a meditative position. “This will take a few hours.”

“How long?” He asked me.

“I don’t know, I have never tried this on anyone as strong as Albion. Maybe four….or five hours. You will need to sit here.”

They were interested and so was Albion and they did sit there quietly, although Bikou looked like he was having a hard time doing so.

Around five hours later, I breathed heavily and stood up with sweat on my forehead, an easy feat for someone who had a high enough Senjutsu level as me.

“Is it done?” He asked.

I nodded and touched his shoulder. ‘Divide

My A Ranked Divide worked exactly as I wanted it to and I felt a good amount of Demonic Power flow into me as Vali’s eyes widened.

“That’s impossible.” Albion’s voice sounded from his wings.

“And yet I can do this. There are many things I still need to figure out about this power like its limits as in how many powers I can accommodate or how long I can use them. And till now I only know that I cannot copy anyone a lot stronger than me or I go poof. Not that anyone strong enough would hold hands with me and sit there for hours straight for me to test. And all of this would come after I find someone compatible.” I laughed.

They looked in thought. Even Albion was silent.

“How did you know you could copy Albion’s power?” Vali asked.

“Mostly a guess.”

“A guess?” He looked unconvinced.

I sighed and explained more. “My power is in a sense similar to Albion’s Divide as it takes powers from others and makes it my own. This is why I thought I could possibly copy his powers. And I was surprisingly correct. But even then I got only his Divide while I sensed several other powers inside him.”

“My Divide alone can make the world tremble. Since you are the only one apart from me who can use it, make sure you train it to the peak. Do not sully my name.” Albion spoke.

“I will make sure I do justice to your power.”

Finally, I turned towards the rest. “So what now?”

The crowd burst out suddenly.

“That was amazing!” Ley Fey cheered.

“Wow, that really surprised me.” Bikou jumped excitedly.

“It is an incredible power.” Arthur nodded.

“I didn’t understand everything but it seems like a very good power. To even get the power of the White Dragon Emperor.” Xenovia nodded to herself as if she had discovered something great.

“The White Dragon Emperor’s Power is far beyond just Divide but thank you for your praise.” I shook my head.

“Wait! Is that why you were out with the Hero Faction idiots?” Kuroka suddenly asked me, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Yup. I was trying to see if I could get any powers useful to me….and you all wouldn’t believe what I got.”

“New magic!”

I lifted my hand and a grey mist came out of it.

Their mouths hung open. “So you were doing that by yourself, not using the Dimension Lost?” Kuroka asked.

“Yup. How do you think I controlled the barrier? Although I was only able to get the Space Magic from it.”

By now everyone was interested. Even Vali. “What else did you get?”

I gave them a smile and walked to the other side of the room….and summoned the True Longinus, still sealed.

“Guess what? Someone wouldn’t be able to wave around their big stick to overcompensate anymore.”



I stored the Spear away. “Imagine my surprise when I found out that the greatest weapon against any devil was the most compatible with someone like me, who was made from the blood of the Devil himself….then again, they were Father and Son after all, so in hindsight, it makes perfect sense.”

They were still blankly staring at me.

Xenovia was the strangest one. She walked up to me and fell to her knees.

I was taken aback by her behaviour and quickly picked her up. “What the hell are you doing?”

“You….you got the approval….blessing…..power God.” The tone of absolute reverence in her voice actually scared me.

This bull headed girl….just what in the world was she thinking?

“It was more of me using my power.” I tried to explain but she wasn’t taking any of that.

“But yet you got the acceptance of the Divine Will which means he has accepted you and decided to bestow his powers on you.”

“Alright alright, enough of this. I have made a deal with Archangel Michael to offer this to Heaven in return for a few things which we will need. Do any of you want to do anything with the spear?”

None of them wanted anything.

“Alright. That’s that then. I have several Sacred Gears on me though. The Hero Faction is clean now. So if any of you want any, you can tell me. I will give you all a list.”

“Albion is enough for me.” Vali denied.

“My Ruyi Jingu Bang suits me the best.” Bikou was unmoved.

“Caliburn is good enough for me but thank you for the offer.” Arthur said.

“Really? I thought you could use a Blade Blacksmith.”

He shook his head. “Any sword made from a Blade Blacksmith won’t be Caliburn’s match.”


“I-I like magic more. But thank you.” Ley Fey bowed.

“In that case I will keep the rest for trades.”

No one had any problems with it.

We talked about some more things.

It was decided that we were going to have a fight with some Northern Gods soon after tomorrow’s Khaos Brigade meeting.

And after I had a meeting with the Leaders of the Three faction, we would go to Romania.

I didn’t want to go there until I was used to my new powers.

From what I remembered, Rizevim and Crom Crauch had been there in the story.

I was nowhere nearly as strong to take them on.

Now if I could only get some peace and alone time with Ophis….

For, I decided to hide the Sacred Gears so that we are not doubted.

It was morning by the time everyone went back to their homes.

Kuroka and Xenovia were tired too and they went to bed soon after, leaving Rias and me alone.

We looked at each other but didn’t go back to our room but rather proceeded to the basement training room.

I used my newly acquired Barrier Skill to make a strong barrier around the room and then looked at Rias. “You ready?”

She nodded.

“Let’s sit. This will take a while.”

I opened my Skill List and checked everything.

S Ranked Luck

S Ranked Sealing Magic

A Ranked Severing

A Ranked Cutting

A Ranked Space Magic

A Ranked Holy Demonic Magic

A Ranked Demonic Mutation

A Ranked Divide

A Ranked ??? Bloodline

A Ranked Swordsmanship

B Ranked Belial Bloodline

B Ranked Phenex Bloodline

B Ranked Belphegor Bloodline

A Ranked Demonic Power

B Ranked Demonic Power Control

B Ranked Senjutsu

B Ranked Touki

B Ranked Light Magic

B Ranked Holy Magic

B Ranked Devil Magic

B Ranked Barrier Magic

B Ranked Human Magic

B Ranked Healing

B Ranked Golden Aura

C Ranked Curse Magic

B Ranked Light Resistance

B Ranked Holy Resistance

B Ranked Magic Resistance

C Ranked Enhanced Reflexes

C Ranked Enhanced Strength

C Ranked Enhanced Endurance

C Ranked Enhanced Speed

C Ranked Enhanced Physique

There were several other Skills too but these were the best ones. Several of the existing Skills were on the verge of Ranking Up.

I took a seat on the couch and she came to my arms and I used the Gift option.

A Ranked Demonic Mutation Card.

The first thing which happened was my Belphegor Bloodline slipping back to C Rank, not that it made too much of a difference.

I was still comfortably in A Rank with my Unnamed Bloodline Card which was supposedly even above Sirzechs’ Bael Bloodline. My Demonic Power will keep on rising the more I train. Not to mention after copying God’s Bloodline.

“How do you feel? Are there any problems, discomfort?”

She shook her head.


We didn’t talk much and just stayed in each other’s arms, waiting for the completion of the process.

I moved when there were only five minutes left for the process to end.

“Alright. Let’s get ready.”

She nodded and stepped in the open, not increasing the distance between us by a lot.

We were worried about her changing into something similar to Sirzechs’ True Form in which case being so close to her would have been dangerous.

Minutes turned to seconds and finally the last seconds ticked away.

I waited ready in case she lost control but that moment never came.

Three hours had passed.

And then I sensed it.

Her Demonic Power fluctuated slightly before bursting out in a hurricane.

I was already prepared and even threw in a few spells I had gained from the true Longinus to further reinforce the Barrier.

Her power kept on increasing and I took a chance to check her cards.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t her Bael Bloodline which the card was attached to but rather her Gremory Bloodline, directly turning it into a high level B Ranked Card.

Her demonic power’s rise finally stopped in the B Rank too.

With enough work, she would be able to turn them into A Ranked Cards.

The most surprising change however was her Luck Card.

It had changed from the original C Ranked Card to a new B Ranked Card.

Suddenly, she collapsed on her knees and stared at her hands with a shocked expression on her face.

“Is something wrong?” I asked worriedly.

She looked at me. “You….can’t see this?”

“What?” I asked, trying to take a look at her hand again.

“This….aura around my hand?”

I looked at her hand once more, even used Senjutsu and other magic but found nothing.

“No. It looks the same to me.”

“It’s….” Suddenly as if she had an idea, she summoned a Dice from somewhere and looked at it. A moment later, she rolled it and saw a result.

As if understanding something, she summoned several other dice, over a dozen of them and then looked at me. “Tell me a number.”

“Mmh five.”

She nodded and passed the dice to me. “Roll them.”

I nodded and went on with her experiment. Twenty dices rolled at the same time from my hands and….all of them turned to the same face….five.

I understood what she was trying to do.

“This….is luck. Sam….I can see luck.” She looked around at things, narrowing her eyes, still getting used to it. “Everything has luck. I just have to concentrate on anything to see its aura and then I can manipulate it.”

“Really!” That sounded awesome. “How do I look?” I asked.

I mean….I did have an S Ranked Luck.

She looked at me and narrowed her eyes, suddenly shutting her eyes back again, her face snapping to the other direction.


She raised her hand and then slowly looked at me, her eyes widening as she stared at me, slowly coming forward and touching my cheek.

“Sam….your luck….it’s….blinding. It was as if seeing the sunlight directly after staying in a dark room. It’s….Amazing!”

She caressed my cheek.

“You don’t feel any discomfort, do you?”

She shook her head. “No. I can feel my increased power but it dances to my will. Then again, Onii-sama had always had exceptional control over his Power of Destruction.” She explained.

“So you can manipulate luck now? How does it work?”

“It’s hard to explain. I will need to work on it to figure it out.”

“Then we do that slowly. You need to rest now. We have been working for the last two days without any rest.” I said and she smiled at me, walking over to me and hugging me. I, understanding what she wanted, leaned in and touched her lips with mine.

Finally, she will be able to protect herself to a certain degree in this world.

As for what happens in the future, we just have to work hard to prepare for it.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

I am back with another chapter of Skillful Reincarnation.

Sam got pissed off and scared the crap out of the leaders of the Three Factions.

The Old Satan faction is now half down all because of a mosquito.

Rizevim is coming out of his self imposed exile.

The Hero Faction has been neutered and they don’t even know who did it.

Sam kinda opened up on his powers in front of everyone to avoid their mistrust.

And finally, Rias got a new powerup.

Wonder how the Gremory Family will react to their actual Clan Trait?

I mean, one can fight the Power of Destruction but how will someone fight Luck?

In the next few chapters I will try to explore other factions a bit maybe. We will see what Vali team does in the background all the time.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.



Nah that’s some bullshit fuckin luck manipulation she’s gonna make trihexia fall down some stairs and snap it’s neck


WOOOO!!!! Was waiting for an update to this snippet FOREVER!!


Awesome as always, can't wait for more.


Great chapter keep up the great work! Love to see up Rias can get up to with luck on her side.

David Bray

he should totally get either telos karma or innovate clear and give it to rias


The actual cannon bloodline for the Gremory family is basically greater mana manipulation it's the reason Sirzechs and Rias are able to shape the power of destruction into spheres.


Great Chapter!


Great chapter, this is a very interesting story, I can't wait to see how he changes and the Angels reaction to him obtaining god's bloodline.
