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Ace in the Hole

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 7: Ultimate Class Magician


- Ace -

I looked at the girl in front of me blankly, trying to understand the situation.

The Ashikabi word struck a memory from my past life.

The wings.

“Are you a… sekirei?” I asked, just to confirm everything.

She nodded enthusiastically.

“I’m Matsu, Sekirei Number 2 and your own personal Sekirei.” She jumped up to her feet quickly and grabbed my hand, her face near my own as her burnt orange eyes looked into mine.

I moved my face back instinctively.

“O-okay… just give me a moment to take in the situation.”

I sat on my bed and used Occlumency to calm myself down and she took a seat on the couch.

Matsu… she at least looked the part.

“How did you… or rather, what exactly was the situation outside?” I asked her. My memories about this world weren’t clear apart from a few things. I hadn’t seen the whole thing or read the complete Manga so collecting information would be good.

A few minutes later, I understood the reason. The ones who were chasing her were the members of the Disciplinary Squad of MBI because she had stolen something called a Jinki.

As for Jinki, these were some kind of super important artifacts of the Sekirei from the so called ‘Age of Gods’.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


“Behave normally. Don’t tell anyone about my powers or anything which happened here. This is a different world than the one you are from. For everyone else here, you are a friend of mine whom I met online.”

“Ooh! A secret mission. Who is it at the door? Your girlfriend, lover or don’t tell me… your wife?! This is so exciting, like a secret lover hiding from the wife. By the way, I don’t mind if you have other lovers… it just makes me feel…”


“Please….just quiet. I will explain everything later.” I calmed her down before opening the door.

Sure enough, it was Lavy.

“Ace, it’s time for dinner.” She said and then paused looking at the other person in the room. “Who is she?”

“This is Matsu. She is a friend and someone I am intending to collaborate with on some of my projects.” I turned towards Lavinia and introduced her to Matsu as well.

“Your friend? Really?” She asked, suspiciously.

“Huh? What do you mean by that?” I asked, offended.

“Nothing….it’s just that you never go out of your room for anything except classes or food, a….what was the word for it, yes….’Hikikomori’, so it’s strange that you have friends.” She tilted her head cutely but I felt as if I was getting shot by arrows with every word from her.

Behind me I heard Matsu giggle at her words.

“....I am not a Hikikomori. I was a hunter alright. And I don’t just lock myself in my room. I work. It’s not the same.” I complained.


“Yes.” I facepalmed.

“Okay then. Would your friend be joining us for dinner?”

Going out for dinner would mean facing Shuri and she would catch Matsu instantly due to her inexperience.

I was about to deny when Matsu’s stomach made a noise and she looked embarrassed and I let out a sigh. “Alright. She’ll join.”

We went to the dining room where Shuri and Akeno were already waiting.

They were surprised by the new arrival but took it in a stride when I introduced her as a friend.

“Oh my. Ace-kun brought a friend home. I never thought I would see the day.” Shuri laughed, covering her mouth with a hand.

I just let out a sigh, knowing that they would just increase their teasing if I responded.

“So, what do you do Matsu-san and how did you two meet?”

“I work as a freelance programmer.” She lied through her teeth. “I found one of Ace’s papers and he appeared in front of me.”


“Contracts.” I offered.

“Oh. Well, good to see that you are making more friends. You are welcome to visit us anytime, Matsu-san.”

“Umm thank you.”

“Actually, she just lost her home and my deal with her is to give her a place to live and in return she will do some work for me.” I interrupted, slowly creating a story in my mind.

It’s not that she will ask me any more but some others might get suspicious of Matsu and they won’t find any information about her which will raise too many questions.

“Oh my. That’s horrible. Are you well now?”

“Y-es. I was saved by Ace at the right time.” She replied.

They however didn’t question her more.

We had dinner and left for my room.

I directly took her inside the trunk lab and explained the situation to her.

Several hours later, she sat in front of me, taking things surprisingly well.

“Are you not surprised?” I couldn’t help but ask.

She shrugged at my question. “I was originally from another planet and the survivors of our race went to earth. So if other planets with life can exist, why can’t other dimensions with life exist?”

“….fair point.”

“But that does bring me to a question. How did you wing me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Ordinarily only someone with the DNA of a sekirei can awaken the ability to be an Ashikabi. You on the other hand….are from a different world all together.”

“Hmm.” Her words made me think. “Can I see you using your power?”

“Umm, my power is Technopathy. I can control digital devices.” She said and I remembered but my trunk had several things which could be used.

I kept several laptops and computers for trade in my trunk so I just pointed her towards one. She opened one and stepped back and closed her eyes and sure enough, things began to start running on them one by one.

While she was doing this, I was trying to sense how she was doing this. It had a slight hint of magic.


“Did you get anything?” She asked.

“It’s magic.” I replied.

“This is my ability.” She explained.

“No no, what I meant to say was that you are using Magic.”

“Well, some people did call it that. I believe that in the old days, the ones from the previous seven ships were called Gods by several people of Earth.”

“That does make sense. And since they did have children with humans, they passed on the ability through their blood but over generations, their blood thinned and their descendants lost their ability to use these….powers but their blood must still contain this DNA and maybe small traces of magic. Kinda like squibs.”


“Non Magical humans….not an important topic for now. Anyways, I think it should either be a matching element or the quantity of latent magic from the Ashikabi which make the Sekirei attracted to them. After all, from what you have told me, you all were sent to Earth to continue your entire race so choosing the best possible mate would be something one would consider. Well, it is just my theory but I think Sekirei were made in a way that they react to ones with strong and latent magic. There are those who can trigger more than one Sekirei, right?”

She looked to be in thought. “Yes….it is possible.”

“Then it is probably the quantity of latent magic rather than elemental compatibility or the Ashikabi would have to have ancestors with different elements.” I said, while trying to piece more of the theory. “Well, it is still all just a theory. But if it is true, then me winging you is not a surprise. Many people from this world could do the same.”

“I….see. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that you are my Ashikabi and I am your Sekirei.” She said with a tone of finality which was quite different from her chipper and playful attitude till now.

“Sigh….this is all too sudden.” I mean she jumped me dammit. “but….since it has come to it….welcome to the family.” From what little I remembered of the world, Ashikabi meant everything to a Sekirei.

Abandoning her would be worse than killing her.

“Really! Thank you.” She jumped on me and I dodged to the side.

“We must establish a few rules first.” I sat her down and explained the basic rules of the place and how she will have to act to not attract attention or I’m screwed.

The only thing that came out of this is that if things were as I remembered, then a Sekirei would be completely loyal to their Ashikabi. WIth this, I can have someone helping me out in some of my work.

It also brought me to another thought.

What if someone attacked me directly after opening the Hole? I would be screwed without even understanding anything.

I needed to take measures for such a case.

I put on the necklace I had received from Wiz inside my clothes.

I will have to erect a barrier next time before opening the portal to prevent any such thing from happening ever again.

With our conversation over, I brought her back to my room and had the room beside mine cleaned and on her request, transfigured a door between our rooms.

In her room, she set up several of the computers for her work.

I got her a connection to the Devil Net and internet and the first thing she did was make an identity for herself and a background.

At least now she is a registered resident of Japan. It was done mainly because in her last world, she was a resident of Japan and knew the language as well as the customs of the place which would make her story more believable.

Lavy was already sleeping on my bed and this made Matsu throw a knowing look at me.

“I’m fourteen.” I replied, rolling my eyes.

“Old enough. In olden times….”

“Shh shh shh….I want to sleep.” I waved her off.

This girl was a pervert.

But I was extremely tired from all the work. It was less of a physical exhaustion and more or a mental exhaustion.

I lay down on my bed and before I knew it, I was already deep in sleep.


I woke up the next morning with two people hugging me from both sides.

I looked to the side and saw Lavy and Matsu hugging me from either side and slowly removed their arms from me.

I looked at the clock and realised that it was almost time for my class so I hurried to get ready and leave.

Before leaving, I woke Matsu up and told her to stay inside the room and learn more about the world.

After teaching my class, I went to Mephisto to have a talk.

“Come in. Oh! It’s you Ace. Take a seat.” He invited me, looking up from his stack of papers.

I took the seat and waited for him to complete his work.

After fifteen minutes, he kept his pen aside and looked at me.

“So, what can I do for you?” He asked.

“I will have someone staying with me for a while.”

“Oh!” He smiled. “Is it a girl? Oh my, Lavinia will be disappointed….but then again, it is normal for Devils to have harems.”


“She is someone who summoned me using one of my contracts. I think she is skilled and can help me with some of my work so I took her in. I was just here to inform you that she will be staying with me.”

“Well alright. It is your house for all matters and purposes. I don’t mind anyone there as long as they don’t become a danger to us.”

“Thank you. She is completely safe. I can guarantee it.”

“Since you say so. By the way, I have already contacted the examiners for your Ultimate Class Magician Promotion Exams. I want you to be prepared tomorrow. Those guys can be very picky so be prepared. You can take a leave today. I will inform your class.” He warned.

“It’s fine. I can teach. I already have something in mind for the exams.”

“Great. Off to work then. I have to fill up several forms. Your classes have brought too many new magicians wanting to join our organisation. This has increased my workload.” He complained but I sensed that he was happy.

I taught another class and went back to find Matsu in her room, in front of her computer.

“Can I order a few things from the Internet?” She asked.

“Umm sure.” I passed her a card. I didn’t have any shortage of money right now due to all my students taking extra classes and making contracts. “I have an exam tomorrow so I will be a bit busy. If you need anything, you can ask the maids in the house. They have been informed about you. By the way, did anyone come to visit you?”

“Got it. I am still familiarising myself with everything here. And yes. Shuri-san came by to bring me breakfast but left when she saw that I was working.”


I went back to my own room and started working on the final part of the spell I was going to use tomorrow.

I needed to be able to affect a city with the spell.

Transfiguration was not a Magic suited for mass destruction… or at least that was what people in the wizarding world thought but with enough power behind it, even a stone can be used as a cannonball.

I was going to use my Ultimate Class Demonic Power reserves to my advantage.

By the time I was done with everything, it was time for Dumbledore’s class. I used the class to clear some of my doubts with him, ironing out the final pieces of the spells.

After the class, I felt a summoning and quickly erected a barrier in front of me and then opened the portal.

On the opposite side was a familiar face.

“Kazuma. How have you been?” I asked him with a smile.

He quickly offered me the rings. I checked them and they contained the name of the spells on them too. “Great job.” I offered him the rest of the payment. “It is always great to do trade with you.”

“Same here.” He gave me a thumbs up.

“Glad to hear that. In that case, summon me when you have any deals or when Miss Wiz gets any new items.”

“I will.” He replied but his eyes didn’t move from the games in his hands.

Seriously, this guy forgets all his fears as soon as his games are in his hands.

I closed the portal behind him and took an early day off today.

I need to be in top shape tomorrow.

- Mephisto -

He sat with the rest of the examiners for Ace’s Ultimate Class Magician assessment. He still prefered Ace to Acelin because it was a mouthful.

The boy was barely fourteen and a half and was already taking the assessment to become an Ultimate Class Magician.

In front of them were several screens monitoring Ace as well as the different parts of the city.

“Is he the new star of your Grauzaberer Magician organisation that I have been hearing so much about?” He took the file in front of him and read. “Ace. The guy who created the ‘Transfiguration Magic’?”

“Yes. Have you not been keeping up with the news?” Mephisto asked the guy.

“I am sorry but I have been… busy with some familial issues.” the man spoke with a sombre tone.

Ah, he had heard of it. His son was born with a Sacred Gear which was out of control.

The man didn’t elaborate further so he didn’t ask either. “He’s far younger than I had imagined. Did he really create a completely new type of magic?”

“That he did and even teaches classes in Grauzaberer.” The other examiner for the test, MacGregor Mathers, the bishop of Saelena Lucifer asked. “I have had the pleasure of seeing one of his creations and it was quite a new approach to magic. Not to mention the book he wrote. Transfiguration is an incredibly versatile type of magic.”

“But whether he is really worthy of being an Ultimate Class Magician remains to be seen.” The last one on the panel, Markus Ambrosius said.

He shot a look at the magician in service of the Pendragon family. They used Merlin’s title just like the Pendragons used Arthur Pendragon’s title, but unlike the latter he didn’t have any blood relation to Merlin himself, and that alone was his claim to fame.

Did this idiot really think creating a new branch of Magic was a small feat? Or was he thinking himself to be his namesake?

If he wasn’t so special then why were the Golden Dawn begging for joint classes?

Mephisto didn’t comment and looked at the screen. He didn’t need to after all, he had already seen the true extent of Ace’s power a month ago.

The three examiners had finished looking at the records of his achievements and everything was already verified, making him eligible for the test so Mathers, as the senior most examiner, started the exam.

On the screen, Ace was wearing the standard Grauzaberer Uniform, a grey robe with a wizard’s hat, after their namesake, the Grey Wizards.

This was probably the first time he had seen him in this uniform.

He drew his black wand and pointed towards the ground and a bolt of magic shot at the ground. The spell hit the ground and disappeared in it.

They waited for a few seconds for something to happen.

“Is that it? So much for a new branch of Magic.” Markus commented but just as his comment had ended, the ground began to shake. The tremors grew bigger and the entire ground began to rise as if a mountain was coming out of the earth.

They watched as a small mountain formed in front of them but that was not all. One by one several mountains rose from the ground.

“Well… that’s certainly above a High Class level. It completely changed the terrain of the place. Although the way to utilise the spell could use some work. Creating mountains alone is just…” Rudiger’s words were stopped by a sudden roar from one of the mountains which was then followed by the other seven as well.

The mountains shook and out of the mounds of dust came out gigantic dragons. These dragons made Tannin look like an ant. They spread their wings and flapped, blowing away the nearby buildings as they took to the skies.


Those beasts could destroy cities.

“Are you sure he is not using the Annihilation Maker?” Rudiger asked, looking at him seriously.

“No. he is a natural born devil.” He replied, smugly throwing a look at the wannabe Merlin who had his mouth open in shock.

But apparently Ace wasn’t done yet.

Those beasts gathered their breaths and shot beams of fire at the city below.

Wherever those beams struck, it vapourised everything in their path with a blast radius of around a kilometre.

All of them watched as within a few minutes, the entire city was razed to the ground and the eight dragons took to the skies till they could not be seen.

No one understood what they were doing until a dozen or so seconds later, they saw meteors the size of a small mountain finally collapsing on the city below, taking care of anything that was left.

He looked towards the panel. “Is this a pass?”





And then clicked a photo.

- Ace -

I stood before the magicians who had come to assess my performance.

The scale of the spell had taken a lot out of me and I had to take a break for an hour to recover from exhaustion before I could appear here.

Even with Ultimate Class powers, spells of this scale are difficult to cast.

Thankfully, I was using a bit of the Luck Potion and Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem under my hat, lending me a helping hand in casting the spell.

Mephisto introduced them to me one by one.

All big names including the strongest Bishop of the Underworld.

“Can you explain the spell?” The green haired man, Rudiger Rosenkreutz asked.

I nodded. “I used a Compound Transfiguration Magic. First I transfigured the earth into mountains and then those mountains into dragons. Inside their stomach, the earth was transfigured into fuel and dirt mixture and compressed at high pressure, basically creating a thermobaric weapon in its stomach which they used in their breaths. And finally they took to the skies and I cancelled the spell, dropping those mountains on the ground.”

The man looked in thought before nodding his head. “Makes sense. Each of those dragons alone could have rivalled a strong High Class Devil and you made eight of those. This alone was enough to pass the exam but then you went and added the meteors.”

“I… was told that I had to destroy the city to pass.”

“Affect the city. Not everyone can destroy a city in a single attack. To affect it, a single meteor would have been enough but I am glad that we got to see such a spectacular show. Great job young man. I hope to see more of your work in the future.” Macgregor Mathers praised.

The last man didn’t say anything but he just looked at me with a sour face.

What’s his problem? But I didn’t ask as long as it didn’t affect me.

Macgregor brought out a badge and a certificate offered to me. “This is an Ultimate Class Magician Certification. Welcome to the big leagues, Ace. Next, I look forward to your performance in the Recommendation Games.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I replied.

“Recommendation Games? Are you talking about the new Law passed by the Satans?” Rudiger asked and then as if understanding something, he turned to look at me. “Are you a Low Class Devil?” He asked, stunned.

“Yes Sir.” I replied, politely.

He stared blankly at me for a moment and then added. “Say Ace, would you like to join my Peerage as a Bishop? We can draw a contract if you want.”


“Oi, just what do you think you are doing. Stealing my people right in front of my eyes.” Mephisto came in front of me.

“Ahahahaha I am sorry, Lord Pheles but I am really impressed by his talent and want to nurture him. I think he could advance very quickly by participating in the Rating Games in my peerage. The sheer potential of Transfiguration Magic in different types of Rating Games is hard to describe.”

“Hehehehe you are late already Rudiger. This kid has been offered an internship by Lord Beelzebub himself. I doubt he will be joining anyone’s peerage.” Mathers laughed.

As expected he knew about the whole thing.

Was he sent by the Satans to check up on me?

“Really! Ajuka Beelzebub himself? Well in that case, I don’t think I can offer anything to him then but my offer is still open. And even without that, I would love to have you over for tea sometimes. I have a young son. He would love to make new friends.” He laughed but I saw a sense of sadness in his eyes.

“Have you found any solution to his problem?” Mathers asked the man and he shook his head.

Mathers patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry. You will find a solution soon.”

“Yes.” He nodded.

I looked at them curiously but didn’t ask anything.

I didn’t know the man well enough for such a thing.

But later I asked Mephisto about the information and found out that his son had awakened a Sacred Gear which was actually killing him slowly.


Compared to bastards like Bedeze who would throw out his own child because of having a weak Clan trait, this guy was doing everything he could do to save the life of his half-devil son.

It made me respect the man even just a bit.

I kept this at the back of my mind. I will keep an eye out for a way to help him out.

Getting a favour from one of the Top ten Rating Games players would always be a good thing.

There would be a celebration in the Grauzaberer Magician Organisation for me becoming an Ultimate Class Magician.

Originally Mephisto wanted to hold the party today itself but that would have required sending the invitations in advance and doing so would have sounded incredibly arrogant. Thankfully Gregory saved the day and stopped him from doing so earlier.

They sent the invitations as soon as I passed the exams.

It is a big event for any Magician Organisation after all.

But I did get a party somewhere else.

As soon as I returned home, what greeted me was a surprise party planned by Shuri.

“You know that I could have failed the exams too, right?” I shook my head with a smile.

“No way. Sensei’s magic is amazing. There was no way you could fail.” Akeno protested.

“Hmm hmm. Ace-kun’s magic is awesome. I knew you would pass for sure.” Lavy chimed in.

“Ufufufufu they had already started preparing for it yesterday when you told us the time for your exams. They never doubted that you would pass” Shuri smiled as she patted my head.

I gave the two girls a light hug and then looked at Matsu who joined in.

“Congratulations Ace.”

“Thank you.”

We were still getting to know each other and while she was genuinely affectionate towards me and I knew it too, it was a bit hard for me to reciprocate to everything so fast. I was trying though but things like these take time.

- Saelena Lucifer -

She finished her discussion with her fellow Satans, ironing out the last details of the Recommendation Games.

“I can’t believe they fell for it.” Serafall laughed. “They rejected it as we had guessed but the announcement of the Games must have caught them off guard. I am surprised they didn’t make more noise.”

“They cannot do that or they will earn the hatred of the public. Moreover, they still have the option of interfering.” Falbium explained, while still half asleep.


“I mean they could always send their own people to participate in the Rating Games. For them, this is just another way, more seats for their candidates. But we have already done what we could do. If the Low Class Devils want their chance, they will have to win it through merit. After all, there is no way we can identify and separate people or forbid them from participating. It goes against our whole argument.”

“It will be hard no doubt but not impossible.” She commented.

“Still thinking about that kid, huh?” Serafall asked.

She didn’t reply.

She in fact did think of him.

For even a kid of that age to say such words… it has actually led her to review what they had been doing and she indeed found ways in which she could improve the lives of the common people.

“Well we can always see how he does in the Recommendation Games although I doubt he will win with the kind of competition we are expecting in the first Games. He might have better luck next time but now he will have no reason to complain even if he loses. I wonder how Mephisto is preparing his Ace.” Serafall said.

“I’m not sure about that.” They looked towards the speaker.


“Oh, do you know something?”

“Around twenty minutes ago, the said kid passed an Ultimate Class Magician assessment. He is now an official Ultimate Class Magician, the youngest person to be given this title. Mathers and Rudiger were among the judges. He was offered a position of a Bishop by Rudiger but he rejected.”


“Seriously? Ultimate Class? That kid? How old was he again?”

“Fourteen years five months old.” Ajuka read the file he had received from Mathers.

“Ultimate at fourteen… that’s… I only know of three people who have had such a feat.” Serafall looked at them.


There have only been three Devils who had achieved such a level of strength at such an early age.

But unlike Rizevim, Ajuka and her, this kid was someone who wasn’t born different but attained this kind of power through sheer effort.

Ajuka played a video of the assessment for them to see.

One tiny figure commanding several titanic dragons to bring total devastation to the entire city. It was like a sight from a movie.

“Wow… that’s some crazy magic right there. Thankfully he had just played with bugs the last time.”

“At least the Recommendation Games will be interesting.”

She remembered the words of Mephisto from that day and a smile came on her lips.

“Yes, the Recommendation Games will surely be amazing.”

- Ace -

It has been one week since I passed the Ultimate Class Magician exams.

This period of time was relatively peaceful for me as I kept myself locked away in the mansion doing whatever I needed to do.

Mephisto had given me two weeks off as he was preparing for the party. The guy was extremely giddy about having another Ultimate Class Magician in the organisation.

During this time I took a break from classes and spent time with people in the mansion.

I got the time to tell Matsu about my situation and how unusual my power was and she had been very supportive of me.

In return, she told me a lot about her world and was thinking of ways to help me out.

Many Devils had businesses in the Human World. In fact, all the Pillar Families, as well as famous devils, had huge businesses in the Human world and Matsu was planning to create one for me.

With Matsu’s specialties, she was planning to create a Tech Industry for us and I already had enough funds for her to go ahead.

The internet in the human world was not as advanced as my previous world. The Devil Net was more advanced due to Ajuka and his team of researchers but I knew of industries which would be rising soon enough and with Matsu’s powers and expertise, she could completely monopolise the entire industry.

With a little help from Mephisto, I got a place for ourselves and established my first company, Ace Solutions with Matsu as the chairman.

I gave her all the ideas I had from my world and she had plans from whatever she had seen Minaka Sahashi do in her own world.

We still needed to recruit people for our industries and I had a plan for that already.

I was planning to recruit low class devils from the underworld who do not get a good enough representation so that they can make deals and advance. In this way, I can create a support base for myself. But I will have to get to a good enough position for that. I didn’t want to use Mephisto’s influence for everything.

Maybe I can find a way to strike a deal with Ajuka during the sentence.

Yes, the date was coming soon.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by a summoning.

I quickly arranged everything and opened the portal.

On the other side was a face I had been waiting on for a while.

“Well hello Draco Malfoy. I was wondering when you would summon me. After all, you are already on your deadline for the payment. It is the tenth day after all.” I smiled.

The man beside him clenched his wand but didn’t make any moves.

“What are you?” The older Malfoy asked.

“Oh my, where are my manners? I am Ace Belphagor. I believe you must have heard my name. As for what I am? I am a Devil.” I manifested my wings and both the father and son stepped back as the older of the two pointed his wand at me.

“I would advise you to remove the tip away from me. I don’t like being threatened.” I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the man as the temperature of the entire surroundings chilled. Mist appeared from his mouth and he quickly removed his wand.

“Good boy. Now… what is it that you desire?” I asked, putting up my best smile. “Power, wealth, women, position or information, I can grant you all for a suitable price of course. But first the payment which is due.” I put forward my hand.

The man quickly went to his desk and brought out a bag and threw it at me through the portal.

I checked it and found the amount.

The easiest five hundred galleons I had ever earned.

“Now tell me, why have you summoned me?”

“We want nothing.” The man said sternly and I was actually surprised.

He actually denied it.

“Oh! What a surprise? I actually thought you would want power and wealth obviously, knowing of your deeds. What a surprise?”

“I have nothing I want from you.” The man remained adamant but I could see the movements in the eyes of his son.

“Well, if that is really the case then let it be. I seriously thought you would be interested in knowing how your family might suffer due to one of your mistakes but I guess you aren’t afraid of Voldemort so who am I to say anything.” I shrugged.

As expected, that worked.

“What do you mean?” He asked, his eyes opening wide at the mention of Voldemort’s name.

“Are you asking me for information?” I asked back.

He paused for a second, clenching his fist and gritting his teeth before nodding.

“Great! Let’s decide the price. This is a relatively small piece of information so nothing much. Twenty thousand Galleons. This much should be nothing for your family, right?”

“That’s too much!” The little idiot shouted.

Yes. It was too much. I in fact agreed more than anyone that it was too much… since Voldemort was already dead… but they didn’t know that so it was still a small price for them.

“How can I be sure that you are not lying to me?” The older man asked.

I shrugged. “You can always verify the information. It wouldn’t be hard to do so. So… Do we have a deal?”

He nodded. “Yes.” he then looked at his son. “Leave the room, Draco.”

“But Father.”

“Leave!.. now.”

The boy was apparently not expecting such a reaction and hurried outside.

“Now that was rude. You didn’t need to scold the kid that much. He could have learned a thing or two which might have helped him in his life. Anyways, it is none of my business what you do to your family. I want my payment in a week.” I snapped my finger and sent a chilling wave. It basically did nothing but made him feel very cold for a second. “Or your entire family will suffer from Malediction.” His face paled and he quickly nodded.

“Great. So you see the thing is, you remember the Diary of Tom Riddle? The same one which you sent to Hogwarts this year in a certain someone’s basket?” I asked as he was shocked. “What? Why are you surprised? I know a thing or two. That’s my job after all. Anyways, that thing is called a Horcrux. You can search for it although I doubt you will find it easily. It’s a piece of magic, one of the worst kinds of magic, in which the caster cuts a piece of their souls and seals it in an object to tether themselves to the world of the living by using the life of another person. I won’t explain the details. But if you want to know then it will cost you more.”

His face paled as he understood the meaning of my words.

“Exactly. You fucked up. Now the thing is that if he had created only one of those then you might have lucked out as he could have died if his anchor was destroyed. But he created several of those. Some he gave to his loyal subordinates… some he hid in secret places. The one you had was created by him in his sixth year when he was a prefect. He used the life of Myrtle Warren, the one you all call Moaning Myrtle and used Rubeus Hagrid’s Acromantula as a diversion. It was the first of his anchors and you my dear Lucius… sent it to Hogwarts and let it be destroyed. I am not sure Voldemort would be pleased if he heard of it. I can obviously offer help… for a price.”

I let him suffocate in fear.

“That will be all. You will get your payment by tomorrow.” The man answered quickly.

“Great! Always good to see people keeping their side of the deal. I never like taking lives for broken deals ya know. It’s such a waste. Okay then. Good bye. See you soon.” I waved to him and closed the portal.

When it was closed I finally let out a laugh.

I am going to juice half of that idiot’s property and maybe Sirius would even throw a prize for me if he found out about it.

“What are you so happy about? Did something happen?” Matsu peeked from the door and asked.

“Of course. I got some more funding for our company. Someone was kind enough to give me free funds and said that he will provide more in a week.” I smiled.

“Really?” She asked, looking excited.

I took the bag and poured its contents on the bed as five hundred golden coins filled the bed.

“Wow! Are those gold coins?”

“Yup. Pure gold.” I replied.

I had them tested.

These coins weighed almost three times heavier than normal coins and when changed into gold, it was worth a lot more than just five pounds for one galleon.

With the amount I have right now, I could get hundreds of millions and Lucius was kind enough to provide me with more.

“Multiversal trades are really profitable, aren’t they?” She asked, turning towards me.

“Well, I prefer gold because currencies may vary from one place to another but gold almost always works.”

Right at that moment, I sensed another summoning.

Oh. These things were getting quicker.

I set up a barrier and Matsu knew what I was doing.

“Can I watch?” She asked, pleadingly.

“Excuse me?”

“Can I watch you make deals? I won’t interfere, I promise.”

“Sure. Although it would probably just be Dumbledore teaching me.”

“I still want to watch.”


She took a seat behind me and watched as I summoned the portal and sure enough it was Dumbledore.

By now I was kinda able to identify the regular summoners but it was still way off from being able to pinpoint them in this vast multiverse.

Dumbledore wasn’t one for talks so he continued his lessons.

It was vacation time at Hogwarts so I asked him if he could extend the class and he obliged.

The man really wanted to get the deal done.

- Mephisto -

“Have all the invitations been sent?” He asked Gregory.

“Yes. I have sent invitations to all other Magician Organisations we are close to. The High Class Magicians of the Organisation were given one pass each and will get to invite one of their own guests. Apart from them, only the students from Ace’s class will be invited. They have also submitted the names of their guests.” Gregory offered him the list of the guests which he perused. “We can use this party as a chance for them to exhibit their talents and form contracts with talented Devils. Too bad that Ace himself is just a Low Class Devil or he would have gotten a lot of contracts.”

“Oh, it’s only a matter of time. He will be becoming a Middle Class Devil in a year and a half. He will have all of that later.” He answered while his eyes stopped at a certain name on the list and a smile formed on his lips.

“Something attracted your attention?” Gregory asked, probably noticing his smile.

“Nothing. Just had a thought.” He waved his thoughts away and kept the file aside. “By the way, how is Georg doing?”

“Oh that boy always keeps himself locked away in his room. He is talented but never concentrates on anything. I am tired of reminding him to be honest.”

“Bring him to the party. Maybe it will do him good to have a competitor.”

“Competitor? Ace? I don’t think he is anywhere near that level….”

“I was talking about Lavinia and Akeno. Both of them are very talented. Especially Baraqiel’s daughter.”

“Oh. That makes sense. By the way, I have heard that Ace lives with a woman with unknown background and is opening a company?”

“Yes. He does.”

“....Is she safe? I mean you already know how many people have tried to get their hands on him? And a woman with a completely unknown background coming out of nowhere….it is suspicious.”

“Hahahaha oh don’t worry about her. I have had the chance to meet her and she is safe. Moreover, that kid would never allow anyone he doesn’t trust within ten feet of him until he absolutely has to. You underestimate how cautious that kid can be. They will never get him unless he wants them to get him.” He smiled, recalling that they didn’t even know what he looked like.

“Well if you say so. It just seemed a bit odd to me so I brought it up.”

“No, it’s fine. They are completely safe. You don’t need to worry about them.”


With everything taken care of, he laid the file aside and waited for the next day’s party.

- Minaka Sahashi -

“So a portal appeared in space and Sekirei Number Two just jumped into it? Not only that but there was a guy on the other side who could manipulate Ice and single-handedly subdued all of you?” He asked, disbelievingly.

The group in front of him looked down except Number Four who was glaring at him or perhaps just pissed off at her defeat.

But the matter was just that strange.

“All of you?” He asked again. “And you didn’t identify him?” An unknown Sekirei?”

How interesting!

As far as he knew and had researched, there were no other Sekirei apart from the one hundred and eight he had discovered in the ship on Kamikura Island.

The other seven ships had landed centuries ago and all of the residents had passed away. He had spent no effort investigating this.

He even had the rest of the Jinki in his possession, further verifying that none of the people from those ships had survived.

Was there something else he didn’t know?

And this person used two different types of powers.


The portal could be explained with the use of a machine of some kind….or maybe two people were cooperating together.

“And this unknown person, Sekirei, was working with Number Two to steal a Jinki from MBI?”

“Actually….” Number One hundred and five started speaking but hesitated.


“When Matsu jumped inside, she knocked him down and….”


“She was winged.”


“She was winged by the unknown guy.”

“....I don’t get it. Didn’t you say that the guy was a Sekirei? Then how could he wing another Sekirei?”

At that time, Takami entered with a disc.

“I have received the footage of the entire thing.” She played the disc and they watched.

One moment Number Two was running and then suddenly out of nowhere, a portal opened.

“Play the entire chase again.” he ordered and they observed.

He watched closely.

Number Two was running. She dodged an attack from Number one hundred and five which shattered a trash can, sending the contents flying.

A piece of paper flew and stuck to Number Two’s face and she fumbled to remove it while running but the very next moment a portal opened from somewhere.

There was indeed the light which was seen during the winging of a Sekirei confirming the words of Number One hundred and five.

Number Four reached there and directly attacked the boy on the other side of the portal only to be countered and thrown away.

The rest of the group drew their weapons but he threw something outside which flew away and then just froze her along with everyone in the team. Most of the cameras in the area were destroyed in the attack.

And then the portal had closed just like it had opened.

It was really something he hadn’t seen before.

He was absolutely sure that he didn’t know this….whatever he was.

Had some other countries obtained some data and secretly developed something?

Was Number Four collaborating with them?

But he was sure of one thing….this kind of power was not something ordinary Sekirei could achieve.

The ease with which he took down Number Four would put him above the leagues of the normal Sekirei.

And even the Ice Attack only froze everyone so that they couldn’t break out….even Number Four couldn’t break out of it. There was only one Sekirei who could completely dominate Number Four like that.

But she never participated in anything.

He suddenly recalled something.

“Something flew out of the portal before he froze everyone. It looked like a paper of some kind. Find whatever it was.” he ordered.

They looked at him weirdly.

“You want us to find a piece of paper in the entire town?” Takami asked.

“Well dear, that’s our only clue.”

After all, why would someone like that just randomly throw pieces of papers at his enemies before finishing them?

And wasn’t Number Four hit by a paper on her face too?

“You’re crazy.” Takami scolded and left the room.

But he made sure that the Disciplinary Squad would spend every moment of their time searching for the pieces of power.

Even if that was nothing, they still needed to be punished for failing a task.

- Ace -

I finished my class with Dumbledore.

Potions is….not my cup of tea.

Oh I could understand the subject and even do well but it just wasn’t cut out for me.

That said, I needed to know enough to learn even the basics of Alchemy.

Thankfully, Dumbledore covered it with Transfiguration lessons on the side, polishing my skills.

He might be wary of me but the guy never shirked on the deal. I could respect him for that.

“That will be all for today.”

“You can summon me tomorrow. I will try to keep the day free.” I replied.

He just nodded and threw a look at Matsu who had been sitting behind me obediently.

“She’s not a devil.” I smiled. “She’s….”

“I’m Ace’s wife.” She jumped excitedly and I facepalmed while the old man looked confused.

“Not really.” I shook my head.

Why was I even explaining anything?

“Alright. Bye.” I waved him off and closed the portal, leaving the man in confusion.

“You did wing me, you know.” She pouted.

I let out a sigh.

She was getting too influenced by Shuri’s teasing of me.

“So that’s how you learn Magic. That old man seemed strong.” She changed the topic, seeing me not replying.

“He is probably the strongest wizard of his world.”

“Oh! Even stronger than you?” She asked genuinely curious.

A smile came to my face. “I could take a hundred of him alone and win.”

Her eyes lit up at my proclamation and the feeling of being adored by someone like this….wasn’t bad.

I sensed another summoning at this moment.

Seriously, what was up with today?

This was already the third.

I waved my wand and things were arranged and the room was back in order.

I looked at Matsu and it looked like she wanted to keep watching.

I shrugged and summoned a portal again.

This time there was a completely new face on the other side of the portal staring at the portal in surprise.

He was a handsome young man with black hair and violet eyes. A bit scrawny, having little muscle.

He was wearing a casual outfit which was a red jacket with a black shirt underneath and grey trousers.

It looked like he was hiding somewhere.

Shaking my stray thoughts, I put on the show. “Hello there. Who are you and what is it that you desire?”

He just kept on staring at me in shock.

“Come on pal. I don’t have the whole day, ya know. You summoned me here so at least introduce yourself. Who are you?” I asked, a bit impatient.





“I….my name is….Lelouch Lamperouge.”





“Say what?”


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

Ho ho ho.

The Lord of Cliffs presents you with another cliff on Christmas.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.



HoHoHo- HORI SHEET! Double chapters?!? Merry Christmas to you too❤️❤️❤️

Scarlet Blaze

C.C would be a great Pawn in the future with her experience.


Thanks for the chapter. Its Minaka Hiroto not Sahashi


Its a christmas miracle and we thank you for being its prophet....Haehahe okay sry can't keep that up but still thank you for this christmas gift may your holidays be merry and bright.


Code Geass! Let’s gooo


The chapter was great as always. The Cliff was cruel as always. Can't wait for more.


Thanks for the second chapter! Can't wait to see what comes next.


Thank you for another great chapter! This stood out to me. >Ufufufufu they had already started preparing for it yesterday when you told us the time for your exams. They never doubted that you would fail.”< "fail" should be succeed or it sounds like the expected him to fail. That said I wish you happy holiday and a great new year.


Thank you Lord of Cliffs, for the wonderful Hang!


Muchas gracias por el capítulo, aunque se sintió increíblemente corto y estoy ansioso por ver más partes


With any luck Lelouch can have a good end this time. Canon Lelouch was basically bad ended from the start.


Loving how this is progressing, painful cliff there though.

Orchamus (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 06:37:48 Well damn, here hoping Lelouch can come over t ahead with this, make himself a happy life for him and Nunna.
2024-01-21 12:30:11 Well damn, here's hoping Lelouch can come out ahead with this, make himself a happy life for him and Nunna.

Well damn, here's hoping Lelouch can come out ahead with this, make himself a happy life for him and Nunna.



Osiris Sundavr

Code Geasse(pretty sure I butchered the spelling) huh? Are we going to end up seeing Ace recruit CC at some point? She would make an interesting Queen for his future peerage. If I remember correctly she is immortal and very lonely because of that. I also recall that she actually wanted to experience genuine love/romance but has given up on that because of her immortality? Though that could have been from a fan fiction I read somewhere, it has just been so long since I’ve seen/read anything to do with C.G. that I’m not too sure on anything anymore. Seems interesting though.