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Story 7: Isekai Restaurant

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 9: Meetings and Alliances


- Silas -

Two weeks had passed since the Walpurgis and things were getting back to the routine again.

Weiss and Irene had taken over the job of managing the Kingdom nicely and Shuna and the rest were doing quite well with my home world.

It’s just that several factions wanted to make alliances and sign treaties with the White Night Youkai Group now.

Yes, that’s the name they selected.

In fact, they were aware of the chunni-like name given to me by the people of Rimuru’s world and even named their newly formed faction after it.

Well it’s a good thing if they were making friends. I really don’t like unnecessary fighting.

I was just worried about Ikki, who was going to that Soul Society place with Kisuke and Yoruichi.

Milim was busy nowadays due to Frey becoming her assistant and making her work for her territory.

I somehow couldn’t even imagine her doing paperwork.

On the other hand, Ramiris had established a base in Tempest and a dungeon was being constructed for adventurers. Rimuru was creating an attraction for the people to come to Tempest and also generate a source of income for the city.

And on the topic of increasing income, my restaurant was now reconstructed and far bigger than before.

The dwarves did the work and with some work the whole district around us was transformed. Yuri and Tanya had been buying properties around the area and now we had the surrounding area under us. The Dwarves and Orcs took care of all the construction under the barriers which made them unnoticeable.

And so my Restaurant was now several times bigger than before with two floors and private cabins for meetings.

The entire place was fortified to the High Heavens by all my friends. Starting from Ainz, Zeref, Irene and Rimuru who used his own Ultimate Skill Uriel to create barriers around the place. It was a modified and upgraded form of the Unlimited Prison Spell which kept Veldora imprisoned for several hundred years.

According to Dantalion, one can keep dropping Nukes on the restaurant till the end of the planet’s lifetime and it still wouldn’t make a dent in the place.

It’s not like the Restaurant needed the barriers but the Dwarves had made a resort of sorts around the place coupled with hot springs and all which was not considered a part of the restaurant and thus not under the Restaurant's protection.

In fact, more or less the entire town was under extremely strong barriers.

Still… these guys overdid it.

I still needed to choose the staff. For now, Weiss had sent me some people from the kingdom. Elves.

Fuck, I didn’t even know they existed in Rimuru’s world.

Rimuru was so jealous when he found out.

Two girls, one a Dark Elf and the other a normal Elf. They were named Mhirael Discardia Monarova and Latifa Synphetee Ortavia respectively. We shortened their names to Mira and Latifa.

Mira was a silver haired woman with slightly darker skin and purple eyes. Latifa on the other hand had golden blonde hair and pale skin with green eyes.

She only needed white wings and I would have believed that she was an angel.

They were the leader of the crowd and were currently being trained by Yuri and Naberal about their maid duties.

As for the cooks, I talked with Jiro-san and Sanzaemon-san. The former said that he will look for some people and the latter actually invited me directly to his School to choose any people who I wanted to invite.

I really need to go there soon. Managing such a big restaurant will become hectic for me if I don’t use magic, which I really don’t like using while cooking.

Shuna and Lavinia were getting busy with other work so we needed other staff. Orihime on the other hand was a regular. She had become very famous with the guests.

Today, people from another Youkai group from Kyoto were going to come for some kind of treaty.

Shuna and the others will be busy with the meetings so the Restaurant was left to Orihime and me.

The door to the Restaurant was opened and to my surprise, the ones who came in were… bunny girls?

Another group of new people. The last few days several new people had arrived in the restaurant. First there was the old guy who was a ship coater, Ray-san.

I really had no idea what the coating thing was. Maybe it was something like painting.

He got along quite well with the oldies group. Apparently he was something of a martial artist too.

Then there was that student of a Knight Academy, Kagenou. He was quite happy to eat Japanese food, especially Ramen.

And now these new ones.

"This building….I don't recall there being a building like this here before. The one at the lead said." The one in the lead said.

Orihime greeted them.

"Please take a seat. What will you all be having?" She asked.

"What place is this? When did you all set this place up?"

"Eh!" She was not expecting the question.

Did the door open in some kind of odd place?

I went and explained the situation to them and surprisingly, they didn't even question it. From them we found out that this world had had several such cases before.

They were members of the Warrior bunny tribe and lived in the territory where my Restaurant's door had opened. I talked to them and they agreed to cooperate.

Yuri went to meet their leader and discuss things to not cause any problems.

The girls were managing things quite well.

- Yasaka -

She was escorted along with Nurarihyon, Azazel and their guards to meet the Princess of the White Night Youkai Group, the girl who had destroyed the Clan of Abe no Seimei, almost single handedly.

To say that none of them were nervous would be a lie.

The attack which was used there was enough to shake everyone in the country. It was at least on the level of the Top 10 Strongest beings of the world.

A youkai of that strength could be either a boon or a curse for all Youkai in the world depending on their attitude.

They had shown an extremely unbending attitude against the Seimei Clan which made people hesitant to even speak with them. It was only the reassurance of Nurarihyon and his previous connection which made her reassured for this meeting.

Even the escort, a blue haired Kijin, was strong. Extremely so. Not to mention the sheer number of auras she could sense with her Senjutsu. Either they were using some kind of illusion or she was dreaming because there was no way they could have above one hundred Ultimate Class beings.

How was such a group unknown?

"These barriers, I have never seen anything like this before." Azazel commented.

Yes. These barriers which covered the whole city were unlike anything she had seen before. They were strong, much stronger than her barrier which separated the mundane and supernatural sides of Kyoto.

Just how were they even maintaining this thing? She needed the power of the leylines to maintain her barriers and there were no such powerful leylines in this place.

Several other thoughts were running through her mind.

As they reached in front of a building, another figure stepped out and Yasaka found herself staring.

Nine Golden Tails.

A nine tailed fox! A completely new and unknown nine tailed fox!

She unconsciously spread her aura to see if this was some kind of a trick and was frozen stiff.

Such insane amounts of power.

During her reign as the leader of the Eastern Youkai, she had met several other faction leaders, but none, not even Lady Amaterasu, the Head of the Shinto Pantheon had this much power.

"Oh, checking me out?" The one in front of her said, making her realise that she was caught staring. The girl however didn't look offended at all. "Sure. I understand it. I am worth checking out after all." The girl laughed.

"My apologies. I didn't expect a Kyubi no Kitsune in this place and was caught unaware."

"Hahahaha don't mind it. You are all here to meet Shuna-chan right? Go on. I won't stop you. We can get to know each other after the meeting." She waved it off before walking towards a place which looked like an Onsen.

They were left speechless. Even Azazel, who would have made some inappropriate remarks, was unusually quiet after sensing her power.

"She was?" She asked the Kijin leading them. In her shock, she had forgotten to ask for her name.

"Kurumi-sama is a close friend of our clan and lives with us." The Kijin replied.

"So there are other types of youkai here too?" Nurarihyon asked.

"We don't discriminate by race. There are beings of other races who have joined us and live with us of their own will."

"Oh, which races?" Azazel asked, all the while checking the surroundings.

Before she could answer, they had reached the destination. They signalled their subordinates to wait outside as they went in.

There were several people inside the room. A red haired oni and a white haired old man and in the middle was the pink haired girl, their Princess.

"Thank you for escorting them, Yuna-san.” The princess nodded towards the blue haired Kijin who bowed and retreated. She then turned towards them. “My name is Shuna and these are Hiro-san and Hakuryu-sama. They will be accompanying me in the meeting. I hope none of you had any inconvenience coming here."

"No no. We are practically neighbours. There was no inconvenience.”

“Thank you for your benevolence.” She bowed slightly.

Yasaka had to force herself from raising an eyebrow at her. The manners she was exhibiting were immaculate. It was hard to believe that such a young and polite girl was capable of doing what she had done.

Nurarihon took the lead. “I believe this is our first time meeting each other so I will introduce myself. I am Nurarihyon, the Supreme Commander of the Nura Clan. We had an alliance and I thought I should meet our new allies and see for myself. These are my friends, Yasaka, the leader of the Eastern Youkai faction and Azazel, the leader of the Fallen Angels.”

“We would be honoured to show you our home. I apologise if it’s not to your liking. It’s just that we haven’t settled here for too long and things are still under construction.”

“The place is coming up quite well. I am sure that in a year or two it will become one of the best places for Youkai to live.”

“Thank you.”

Some pleasantries later, they approached the actual subject of this meeting.

“We are neighbours and I for one do not wish for any kind of conflict between my Kyoto Youkai and the White Night Group and therefore, I would like to propose an alliance between us.”

“Definitely. We at the White Night Group do not like fighting either… unless attacked first. I hope you can understand that if we let anyone attack us, leave without any retaliation, it would make people think we are easy targets and invite further attacks.”

“So, was that it? The Seimei clan was just that, an example?” Azazel asked and Yasaka found herself glaring at the man.

The red haired Oni’s expression steeled but the Princess on the other hand was not offended.

“Tell me something Azazel-sama. If someone were to enter Grigori, attack your closest people, cause damage which results in something very tragic for your faction and then walks away, what would you do?”

“But destroying their whole faction was a bit over the top.”

“We asked them politely, several times in fact. They had just laughed off at us.”

“Well obviously, Ariyuki was one of their leaders.”

“Which makes his actions all the more serious. The leader of a faction comes and attacks another faction, it was a big deal. A genuine sign of war. Just because we prefer to remain peaceful doesn’t mean we will back away from such blatant provocation. I believe we have every right to protect our people too.”

Azazel raised his hand in surrender. “Now now, no need to get so riled up. I just wanted to know what kind of views the White Night Group has. Someone of your power suddenly comes out of the unknown and destroys a well established faction. It does make people quite uneasy.”

“We have a responsibility to protect our people, Azazel-sama. As a leader of a faction, you must understand my situation too. We are a new faction. We have lived in seclusion till now and only came out because our leader thought it would be good for us to see the world so that we do not stagnate. We do not wish for any kind of conflict with anyone and are perfectly happy to be on our own. In fact, we prefer to keep a neutral stance regarding any other faction’s politics. You do not need to feel uneasy with us.”

“That’s good to know. But you just said leader. Could it be that you are not the leader of your faction? I thought you were the princess.”

Yasaka’s heart skipped a beat. She had noticed it too. If she was not the leader, who was it? Was it that Kurumi?

“Our Leader is called the Lord of the White Night. He is the Guardian of our faction. Apart from this, he prefers to remain anonymous. He has no interest in politics or even factions. He enjoys his simple life and does not want others to disturb it. For all matters and purposes, Shuna-hime is our leader.”

“So no chance we can meet him?”

“My apologies.”

“Is it the one called August?” Azazel asked.


Both she and Nurarihyon looked at the Governor of the Fallen, thinking what he might be up to.

“August? Do you mean the magician August-sama? Oh yes. Lavinia-san must have told you about him. I thank you for the information but no, August-sama is not our leader. August-sama’s father is a good friend of our Lord.”

Over the course of the meeting they tried to enquire several times about their leader but were met with the same answer.

At least they were willing to cooperate on anything as long as it didn’t involve any kind of war. Even their demands were nothing excessive. Just a piece of land in some of the places she owned to make outlets for their human businesses.

It was until they were informed that there was a fight involving one of the escorts.

- Vali -

He was getting bored sitting in the room while Azazel was doing business stuff.

Deciding to take a walk outside and see the place, he got up and left the room.

This was the place which had the Headquarters of the new Crossroads Publications. A place worth checking out.

As he was walking through the town, he crashed into someone and stumbled back.

“Ahh dammit, who’s it?”

Looking at the one in front of him, he raised an eyebrow.

Salmon Pink hair. Annoying face. A White Scarf.

The guy also looked at him and his eyes widened.

“Hey, you’re a dragon, right?” The boy asked, suddenly making Vali stunned. “Yes, you smell like a dragon. Fight me.”



“I don’t fight weaklings.”

“Huh! Who are you calling a weakling?”

“You obviously. Do you see someone else here?” Vali mocked.

To his surprise, fire lit up on the boy’s hands. “You take that back. I am very strong.”

Vali, I sense a Dragon inside the boy. A very strong one. His Magic is Draconic too.’ Albion spoke in his mind.

A Dragon.


“Then come and have a taste of defeat.” Vali got ready for the fight.

Both of them clashed, making the area around them explode with magic power.

The opponent was not that weak either.

The Divine Dividing manifested on his back and just as he was about to get serious, he heard a voice from above.

“Oye, you two brats. Stop making noise here. This is an office area.” Looking above he saw a blonde haired girl floating in the air. She looked barely above his age.

“Get out.” The fight was just getting interesting and he didn’t want anyone to interfere with them.

They were about to clash again but Vali found himself smashed to the ground instead. The little girl was standing above him with her foot on his face.

The other guy was under her other foot.

“Do you think this town is your backyard that you can come in, cause trouble and give no shits about anyone?”

Vali had never felt so humiliated. He held her leg and used Divide.

Vali! No!

Albion’s voice sounded in his head but it was too late.

He felt an overwhelming amount of power rush towards him before he fainted.

- Azazel -

He rushed outside as soon as he heard that his escort had gotten into a fight. He had brought the kid because he wanted to tag along after knowing Lavinia might be there. Now, thinking about it, it seemed like a bad idea.

Reaching the place, he saw Vali laying on the ground, blood coming out of his orifices.

There were two other children there and several Oni surrounded them.

He quickly ran to Vali to check on his condition but none of the Oni stopped him.

There were signs of a fight but his injuries were not from the fight. It was from… did he try to absorb the power of an Ultimate Class being?

This dumb boy.

“What is going on here?” The Princess asked.

“Hime-sama. When we reached here, they were already in this condition.”

“The kids were fighting. I told them to stop and shoved them into the ground. The white haired one tried to do something to me, absorb my power in some way and then this happened.” The blonde haired girl said.

Azazel looked up in surprise. “He tried to absorb your power?”

“Yes, do you have any problem?”

He tried grasping her power and damn! She was an Ultimate Class. Just what kind of monsters did they raise here

Vali must have underestimated her.

“Umm Old-man, will he be alright? I just wanted to spar with him for a bit. I didn’t want him to get hurt.” The salmon haired kid asked, worried.

“Ah, he bit off more than he could chew. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. He just needs some bed rest for a month or so.” He brought out a Phenex Tear to feed him when the Princess interrupted them.

“Please let me.” She walked and sat down beside Vali and brought out a vial with a blue liquid on it and spilled it over him.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, all the wounds on him were healed.

“What was this potion?” Yasaka asked, amazed.

As far as Azazel knew, the only thing which could show this effect was a Phenex Tear but it had to be consumed.

“This is a potion we make in our faction. We Kijin are very prone to getting hurt due to our war loving nature. So, potions such as these help us a lot.”

“Are these for sale? By the way, what other products does your faction produce? We never got a full list of what we can trade.” Azazel took the chance to ask.

They had such potions and even weapons surpassing normal Holy Swords. The barriers around the town and who knew what else.

“The alliance and the trade agreement was sprung on us a bit suddenly. We couldn’t prepare anything for the time being. I need some time to discuss things and decide the prices before we can give you a reply.”

“That’s understandable. As far as we’ve had access to, Phenex Tears of the Devil faction was the only thing which could do this. We all have our own methods to heal but something like this is very rare.” Nurarihyon pointed out. “Not to mention, those things are extremely costly even for the Devil faction, not to mention us. Having an alternative will help everyone a lot and also give your faction a good enough position.”

The Princess looked in thought and then nodded. “I will keep that in mind.”

Vali regained consciousness soon as another group of people arrived at this time and the one heading the group was a familiar face.

“Va-kun, Governor-General Azazel. What are you guys doing here?”

- Lavinia -

“So that’s how it was.”

“It’s all this dumb Natsu’s fault.” Erza smacked Natsu in the head, making the boy cower in fear.

She had sent Azazel away and brought Vali to the restaurant.

The boy had been quiet since he woke up.

Sil-kun brought a bowl of ramen for them, making his eyes light up.

“Is this guy the Sil-kun you were talking about? He doesn’t look like much.” Va-kun pouted, making others smile while a few of the children, especially Mirajane, looked incensed.

“Doesn’t look like much? Says the boy who got beaten up by Tanya-chan.” Mirajane taunted.

Vali bristled but didn’t say anything, taking out his anger on the food in front of him..

“Kuahahahaha they were just playing around. Don’t be so harsh on them.” Veldora-sama laughed. “When two dragons meet, fighting is a normal thing. The dragons inside the two of them are quite good too. Not as good as me, the Great Veldora Tempest but still good enough.”

“Yes! It was amazing. I am all fired up. Let’s fight again” Natsu-kun jumped, spraying fire from his mouth before he was smacked down to his seat by Erza-chan.

“Don’t go on teaching bad habits to the kids, Veldora.” Rimuru-san scolded. “On second thought, we can build an arena of sorts in the town for people to spar without destroying the surrounding areas. I will look into it.”

“That would be wonderful. Also, Va-kun, you should be careful when using your Sacred Gear.”

He pouted but didn’t say anything.

Over the next few hours she showed him around the place before they separated. Although it seemed that he was getting along well with Natsu-kun. He did promise to come over to complete their fight soon.

Right now they gathered in the meeting room. The guests were resting in one of the Inns so they had taken the opportunity to gather and discuss the matters.

“So how was the meeting, Shuna-chan?”

“They wanted to make an alliance with us. We also secured a trade agreement with them although they want to trade the Health Potions, weapons and armours if possible.” Shuna-chan replied.

“I see. I will ask Rimuru-sama and Ainz-sama. They are talking about setting up a factory. I can ask Weiss to set up the Hipokute Herbs production areas in Jistav too. We cannot burden Rimuru-sama with it. Silas-sama has said that he could get Hipokute Herbs because they can be used as food too. We don’t have to worry about the supplies but it would still be prudent to establish a farm for the herbs.”

"What about the weapons and armour?"

"We don't sell them normally but auction some of them occasionally and take commissions from other factions to craft for them. The main problem is that we don’t know how much our products are worth in this world. The auctions will help us get an idea but we must investigate things in the meanwhile. We have several blacksmiths among both the Kijin and the Elves of Jistav, not to mention the Dwarves. Elves are very good at Enchanting items and are being taught by Irene-sama. Their skills are only going to increase."

"Anything else we can ship as our products?"

"Food. Silas-sama was talking about making a hunting team and going to Jiro-sama's world. We can ship normal food products from that world. It would still be far better than most things we can get in this world."

Several things were decided in the meeting and they finally turned in for the night.

– Serafall –

"Why is mother at the Dantalion House? She hasn't returned for a while now." She heard Sona asking her and went stiff. "I have asked everyone but they just keep avoiding the question. Just what is going on with everyone?"

Mother hadn't spoken a word, just as she had said that day. All her peerage members were searching the whole world for Silas but to no avail.

She had tried using the government records to find him but it didn't give any results. Silas had gone underground after his adopted parents died.

Not even his friends from High School knew where he went or what happened to him. There were rumours about him running a restaurant but when they tried to find anything specific, they always came out empty handed.

Not to mention Japan has become very chaotic now. What with a group of Youkai suddenly rivalling Sirzechs and Ajuka coming out with the ability to use Holy Magic. That was the absolute worst thing which could happen to them.

How does a Youkai even use something like Holy Magic? Something of that level should only have been possible if Heaven's System was used to bombard something but it would have set Heaven back by several decades.

This stopped them from investigating in several parts of Japan as well as they might have wanted to. Even now, she was collecting information and was planning on having a meeting with the new Youkai group to decide on a further course of action.

Due to all this mess, none of them wanted to tell Sona about what was happening so as to not burden her.

But it was having an opposite effect on the girl instead.

"Sit." Letting out a sigh, she instructed.

Sona followed while she thought about how to approach the subject. This wasn't something normal after all.

She collected her thoughts and decided to go with the flow. "Do you remember we had another sibling, the brother who passed away before you were born."

An odd look came on her face but she nodded regardless.

"He… is still alive. Father had… hidden him outside of our knowledge. Silas, the boy who saved your and Rias' life, was our brother."


Over the next hour, she explained the entire situation to her.

“So we just need to find him, right? If so then next year I will be starting school in Japan. We can always find him there.”

“It’s not that easy. The entire Japan has become a hot zone over the past few months. I will go there myself and check things out.”

“Will mother be staying at the Dantalion House till then?”

She let out a sigh at the question. “I don’t know Sona. I… don’t know.” She really didn’t know.

- Ikki -

Standing in front of the blind captain, he wondered how things had escalated so much. Then again, entering the Soul Society through a cannon ball was probably not the most subtle method to begin with. The silver haired captain was a tough cookie. Normally, Ikki would have fought him to challenge himself but there were others with him and he couldn’t afford to fight while risking their lives, so they backed out.

Over the last two days, Ichigo and the rest had gathered back and now they were headed towards the peak where Rukia Kuchiki was being executed.

“Are you sure you can take them on Kurogane?” Ichigo asked.

“I will.”

“Oi carrot top, you think this guy can take on the ‘see no evil’ guy?” The captain backing up Ichigo, Zaraki asked. “I wanted to take all four of them on by myself but I will let this pass. I will take on the bucket head. I always wanted to see the face under that helmet.”

They separated from each other while Ikki stayed back with the eleventh squad to fight the other captain.

“How foolish of you to think you can stand in the face of justice? Let me show you the error of your ways.”

Ikki got serious as well. This was a captain. Similar to the one before. “Come Intetsu.”

Over the period of time, Intetsu had changed as well.

When he returned back to his world after becoming an Enlightened in Rimuru’s world, he felt some kind of chains shatter.These chains had been holding him back, limiting him.

On some investigation, he found that he had become something called a Desparado. Someone who can increase his Magic Power by training.

Later on, with the help of Kisuke, he was able to make a connection between the Darkness Spirit and his Intetsu which caused it to change as well.

According to Kisuke, his sword had the possibility to evolve later on.

The blind captain attacked and Ikki matched him. He was good at swordsmanship but not at Ikki’s level. He didn’t gain any advantage in swordsmanship and was pushed back.

Suzumushi Nishiki: Benihikō.” The captain made a 360° arc with his sword as white blades formed in the arc.

Ikki employed two of his newly acquired Skills, All Seeing Eyes and Thought Acceleration. The captain waved his sword and the blades rained towards him but… they were all too slow. He deflected each and every one of those blades away with ease.

The area quieted down for a bit.

"Hahahaha that was quite nice. You are not half bad, kid. Let's fight when this is over." Kenpachi Zaraki laughed.

“Continuing to resist in the face of Justice. It seems I will have to get serious against you. Bankai: Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi.”

The ring on the side of his sword spun and enlarged and an area of darkness wrapped the whole place. Ikki couldn’t see or hear anything.

He reflexively used his Thought Acceleration Skill at full power and felt the very instant that he was cut. It barely helped him dodge a fatal wound.

Still, there was no sound behind that attack but… there was displacement of air. Such changes could be felt.

Ikki recalled the teaching of the masters of Ryozanpaku. “Seikuken.” Then he reigned the aura to a skin level thickness. “Ryusei Seikuken.”

The move was harder to employ with three of his senses gone but was not impossible, so when the sword came near him, he dodged and slashed at the opponent’s neck, making him retreat.

Maybe the opponent was not expecting this move but Ikki was not about to give him any chances.

So the next time he attacked and Ikki felt the sword coming towards him, he directly used his Unique Skill: Severer.

Thousands of blades made of twisted space rushed out from his, slicing all the surrounding buildings into pieces. The dome of blackness was removed and Ikki saw that the captain who was attacking him had lost an arm and leg.

“Tousen!” The other captain shouted and Ikki found that the helmet protecting his head was now gone and there was a wolf’s head on his body.

A Beastman?

“Oi bastard, pay attention when you are fighting me.” Zaraki snarned before swatting him away with his own sword, defeating him. “Tch, so disappointing. They couldn’t even make me serious.” He clicked his tongue before looking towards the mountain where large spiritual powers were exploding one after the other.

They looked at each other and raced in the direction of the Spiritual Power.


The rest of the fights were fought by other people.

Ikki was there to rescue the girl, Rukia and didn’t want to fight others who had no intention of fighting.

The rebellion of another captain was an unexpected surprise for everyone but at least Rukia was saved.

Over the next few days, he was challenged several times by Kenpachi and those fights pushed him immensely. The man was a beast who lived for the sake of fighting. And Yachiru, the little vice captain, reminded him of Milim. They even had similar hair colours.

Yoruichi’s name was cleared and she was able to get him some training with the second division. To be honest, the most challenging part of the training was to resist the blatant flirting of Yoruichi.

The captain of the second division seemed to be annoyed at him for some reason.

Still, he learned a lot from his visit to the soul society. That creepy captain of the twelfth division tried to drug and capture him but was beaten into a pulp by Kenpachi and then Yoruichi paid him a visit.

The guy hadn’t bothered him since then.

A new session of the Academy will be starting next week. This time….

He will win.

- Silas -

When I opened the restaurant today, I found myself hosting a very unique group of people.

Irene had come back from the kingdom of Jistav for a break.

Today I wanted to see if I can do something about the problems she had due to the Dragon Slayer Magic.

She was quite tense but also hopeful.

Worst case, I kept Orihime who could revert things back to normal or as Dantalion says- rejects phenomenon so any problems can be undone.

It’s just that some other unexpected guests had arrived.

Velzard was here for some good ol Dragon Banana Pie. She was taken with the taste of the food and often dropped by.

It’s just that Veldora always ran away when she was about to come.

The second guest was Demon Lord Valentine who had come to receive the order of the Blood Berries.

It was the last guest who surprised me the most.

Orihime was attending to her but she was a bit odd so I came out to see what she wanted.

“Yes miss, what do you want?”



“If you want privacy, I can show you to one of our Private Cabins. What do you want to order?”

She just tilted her head.

“What do you want to order from our menu?”

Again no answer was given.

“The child is a Dragon.” Velzard interrupted, making me take another look at the girl.

I thought of something and asked the girl to confirm my suspicions. “What is your name Miss?”


So it was her.

“You are the one Veldora met, right?” I asked and she just nodded.

“What do you want, Ophis? Are you here to meet Veldora?”

“Home noisy. Want silence.”


Yes, I don't understand her at all.

"Explain in detail."

Over the next hour, we racked our brains to understand what she was saying.

"So Great Red is making noise in your home and you asked Veldora for help."

I asked and she nodded.

"And they somehow became friends and now both of them are playing and making noise there."

She nodded again.

I sighed.

"As one would expect of that evil dragon. Always destroying other people's homes." Valentine clicked her tongue, annoyed. She then turned towards Ophis. "If you want a place to live, you can stay at my place. No one will disturb you there. You have my word." She vowed.

… I waited, surprised at the sudden turn of events.

Ophis considered for a while and decided to visit the kingdom of Demon Lord Valentine.

While the rest prepared and sealed the Blood Berries, they sat in the corner of the restaurant and finally I turned towards Irene.

"The side effects of your magic were analysed by me and I think I can remove them if you want to."

I saw her eyes widen and her lips parted in shock. "Are you telling the truth?"

"I have no reason to lie to you."

"I will do anything you want so please… heal me." She begged.

This was the first time I had seen this woman so desperate.

"Let's try an easy method first." I opened the door to the Restaurant into the world of Rimuru and told her to follow me outside.

The other restaurant patrons decided to follow too.

"This worked with me so maybe it will work with you too. I name you Irene Belserion."

I felt a decent part of my magicules surge and used for the naming.

The magicules were soon refilled using Fairy Heart.

'What is happening to Irene?' I asked Dantalion.

'The individual Irene Belserion is undergoing an evolution.'

"She has my crest, although a weakened version." Velzard said from behind me. "It must be from her connection to you. What's her situation?"

"Undergoing an evolution."

"What was wrong?" She asked.

I told her the whole story of the Queen of Dragons and the Mother of all Dragon Slayers. The Sage Dragon, the war between Dragons and humans, the betrayal of her husband and the people she had protected, losing her mind but still protecting her daughter for four hundred years. By the end of it, Velzard had a half enraged, half annoyed expression on her face.

"All of them are fools. Blindly sacrificing themselves for humans only to be betrayed. And by the end of it they even had to leave their child alone.  A fool….Just like him." She whispered quite softly.

She kept on muttering relentlessly.

Her power surged a bit and I looked at her but she composed herself soon enough. Her next action shocked even me. She went to Irene and touched her forehead.

The Ice Crest was whole.

Velzard actually blessed the woman.

Looking at my surprised expression the Dragon continued. "I am not doing this for her. I need the method of the Dragon Slayer Magic. You said the Dragon Slayers were like children to a Dragon. We True Dragons cannot have children without losing our powers and because of this it was forbidden by Veldanava to give birth to a child. I just want to use this method to see if it works for us." She went on to explain Veldanava's case. I knew some things from Veldora but this was more detailed.

"Okay. I will give you the method from her. But you know, the laws of other worlds are different. Maybe you could have children in other worlds without any problems." I suggested. Dantalion agreed.

It even started to research a method for higher level races in this world to have children without suffering any side-effects.

Really, these Skills are too hardworking.

She turned to look at me but there was a weird glint in her eyes.


"Yes. Should be." I shrugged.

"I will hold you to that then." She smirked suddenly.


The fuck do you mean by those words?

I wanted to ask but somehow didn't want to poke the hornet's nest so ignored it now.

The Blessing of the Ice Dragon Velzard made the evolution process even better.

I asked the Goblina’s of Rimuru's village to arrange a place for her to complete her evolution in peace.


She completed the evolution in a few hours. The first thing I did was check her for any side effects and found none.

Irene became a Divine Dragon, basically a Dragonoid with added Divinity. Dantalion could have done better if her Dragon's Seed hadn't matured earlier. Maybe she could have become something like a True Dragon of sorts.

The woman had hugged me and cried when she discovered that her side effects were gone. In fact she had suddenly become even stronger than all of my subordinates. Divinity was an equivalent of a Demon Lord. Obviously there was still a difference between them.

For example, she wouldn't even put a scratch on me in a fight. There was a huge difference between us.

She did awaken an Ultimate Skill, Belserion, Lord of Enchantments. She was quite emotional at the reveal.

I sent for Zeref and waited for their arrival. Meanwhile I cooked a feast.

– Mavis Vermillion –

Sitting there and watching everyone talking with each other, making jokes and having fun, she felt truly blessed.

They had been very surprised when they found out Silas could heal the side effects of the Dragon Slayer Magic. But then again he was able to remove the curse of a God so this was not really an impossible outcome.

Zeref had told her about the situation with Irene and she had felt the pain of the woman. They did get along very well the few times both of them got together. She might not have been able to raise August but Natsu was also a kid who needed a mother. Not to mention the other kids Irene had saved.

So finally watching her get the happiness she deserved, Mavis truly felt happy for her new friend.

The reason for all this happiness was also by her side.

Silas had done too much for them to repay in a single life at least.

On second thought, these two looked quite good together. And the more she thought of this, the better the idea seemed.

So there was only one thing she could do.

“I think you should work for Silas from now on.” She said, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. “As someone who is at such a high position, you should work directly for the King of the said Kingdom or people might suspect that your actions are being influenced by Zeref.”

“Ah, I don’t think that would be necessary. I don’t mind Irene working for Zeref. I was the one who asked for his help.” Silas denied but she didn’t want to give up.

“And you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that we think it would be much better for Irene to go out more. She is more suitable for these kinds of things and seems more happy when she is doing these. She would have a better life there. Moreover, as the King, you shouldn’t underestimate the opinion of the people.”

“B-bu-t, I have to repay my debt to Zeref.”

“You have done more than enough for us already Irene. From now on we want you as a close friend and not a subordinate. Moreover, Silas has done so much for all of us, so we should think about him too. You working for him is a win-win for everyone.”

“I also think you look happier recently. Your new working environment is suiting you well. You should give it a chance Irene.” Zeref said too. “You will still be an honorary member of the Spriggan Twelve and a part of the Alvarez Empire.”

She and Zeref persuaded them for a while before they agreed to it.

- Yuri Alpha -

She looked at the village in front of her. Warrior Bunnies. Although inferior to anything in Nazarick, Silas-sama had shown the ability to change even the weakest of beings into extraordinary warriors. These people were already a warrior tribe much like the Ogres. If given proper training, maybe they could become good enough for the position of guards. Just like the Lizardmen recruited by Ainz-sama.

The elves sent by Weiss had shown promise and great potential.They were carefully selected by her and sent to be trained for a team of Pleiades for Silas-sama at Yuri’s wishes. And Silas-sama had given them all names. With dedicated training, Yuri was sure that she could turn them into a force to be reckoned with.

The Dark Elves were given Demon Seeds, a skill which she had learned from a subordinate of Emperor Zeref, while the Light Elves were made to have a contract with a Spirit through Lady Ramiris who lived in the newly made Dungeon in Tempest.

A force of twenty maids were almost ready while another two hundred and thirty of them were currently  being trained.

She couldn’t be left behind in serving her Master.

“Let me understand this. You wish to establish some trade relationships with us. Materials from this world in return for weapons, food and even teach us the art of magic. Is that correct?” Their leader, a white haired female Warrior Bunny questioned.

“That would be correct.” She affirmed.

“And you have no interest in our lands or our people?”

She looked at her with a confused look before realising. “I do not wish for you to take this in the wrong way but this small piece of land has no value for us. My Lord rules over a country far bigger than your land. He has millions of beings under his rule and yet he has no interest in ruling or worldly affairs. As for your people. I agree that your people do have a passable level of physique but it’s still nothing compared to other beings under our Master.”

“Hoh! That’s quite a claim. You mean to say that we are weak?” The woman stood up from her throne.

“In comparison to the ones serving our master, yes.”

“Hahahaha this is really funny. I read in some documents left by our ancestors that beings of other worlds can be extremely strong. Even we, Warrior Bunnies, were not the natives of this world. Let me test this claim today. If you people win, I will agree to any kind of alliance. Bring in your champion.”

“A champion? I suppose I can fight then.”

“You are a maid servant.”

“I am Yuri Alpha, the Vice Head of the Pleiades. We are battle maids assigned to protect our Lord. Fighting is a part of our job. I accept your challenge in the name of my Lord.”

- Tyuule -

She looked in awe and horror as the bespectacled maid decimated all her warriors single handedly. She was not even using any kind of magic and with just Martial Arts and her overwhelming physique, she took down over a hundred of her people. The most shocking part was that she was not even breathing hard.

Tyuule had prided herself on the extremely high physical abilities of her race which was second only to the apostles of this world.

But not even those apostles would be strong enough to fight this woman.

And she was just a maid. She was not even the strongest. There were more like her.

The empire had been attacking them for a while now and while they had defended themselves, it was just a matter of time before something drastic happened. She knew they wouldn’t last for much longer against their numbers.

Those humans only treated her people or any other races as slaves and nothing else. She couldn’t push her people to a fate like that.

She agreed to the trade agreement. And as for the alliance, that was probably not going to happen. How could they agree to face a force like the Empire for a small tribe like theirs?

The woman dusted her clothes and looked at her. “Do not be disappointed. I was created by the Supreme Beings along with my sisters. This result was inevitable. You cannot comprehend the power of the Supreme Beings like our Lord.”

“Supreme Beings? Are you talking about Gods? Are you an apostle?” She asked. If so then it would explain her strength.

The apostle of an otherworldly God.

“An apostle? Hmm, you could call me one I guess. My Lord does possess Divinity so he could call himself a God. I do not know how apostles of this world are so I cannot tell you more.”

Over the course of the meeting both shared information about their worlds. A world much similar to this one and yet very different.

“I apologise but we do not fight wars for others.” The woman Yuri denied completely. “Any such decision can only be made by our Lord.”

Tyuule thought of it and didn’t know what to say.

“I need some time to think.”

“Very well. Then you can talk to us when you are ready. We are only going to be trade partners till then.”

- Silas -

The small party for Irene was over and she left for home along with Erza but she did give me a surprising hug before she left. I think she looked a lot cuter when she was smiling. I can see where Erza gets her smile from.

Yuri had returned and made a trade agreement with the Warrior Bunny tribe. They were under invasion by some kind of Empire and their leader had asked for help.

I didn’t want to get involved in any war if they didn’t attack me so I gave them an option to move into Rimuru’s world anywhere within Tempest or my Kingdom… damn, that sounded so weird even now.

But leaving the lands they had been living on for centuries was a hard decision for everyone and their leader, a white haired Warrior Bunny called Tyuule, asked for some time to think.

I agreed.

“What are you thinking, Orihime?" I asked, looking at the girl looking outside.

"Eh, I was worried about Kuchiki-san."

I sat beside her and patted her head lightly. Orihime's hair was quite soft.

These last few weeks, we had been spending a lot of time together and we had gotten very close.

"I am sure they will be alright. If they do not come back in a few days, I will go and visit them myself. I am sure Kisuke would know where to find them all."

A smile came up on her face as she nodded cheerfully and gave me a hug.

She had been unable to meet her friends all this time and there was also the thing about Rukia Kuchiki.

"You know what, let's go for a holiday somewhere. Ray-san invited me to his place. He stays on a very wonderful island. Let's go to the beach soon. I will ask others too."

"Really!? Okay. I will pack my stuff and I also need to buy a swimsuit. There are so many things to do."

And she began chattering away, making me laugh at her.

Shuna and Lavinia had returned from their meetings. They wanted to go to the beach too and began talking about preparations.

Really? We just had to cross the door of the Restaurant to reach there.

These girls got too excited.

– Nurarihyon –

"So they have a leader above even their princess? And some unknown Kyubi with dozens of Ultimate Class beings? How did such a clan remain unknown? What are their intentions, Nurari?" Magari asked, pacing around the room in worry. She was always one to worry unnecessarily.

"Their intentions are to see the world outside. Apparently their leader thought they were stagnating on their island and sent them outside to see the whole world. At least that's what they said…" He shrugged.

"And you believed them!" She shouted, appalled.

"There was no reason not to. I checked it out myself, they were not lying. While they were strong in using their own Youjutsu, none of them were using Senjutsu. Their intentions could still be felt if we tried. None of them were lying. And not only that but they also live peacefully with other races. I, myself, saw humans and Youkai getting along and playing with each other."

Magari sat down and he continued.

"I plan to let Rikuo visit the place with other children. We can observe if what we saw was just staged for us. And Rikuo can meet them and get along with their people to strengthen our alliance. Yasaka is planning a similar thing. These people can put us on the level of other major factions, Magari. Youkai all over the world can get a backing." He explained.

"But will they? Not to mention, will the Shinto allow such a force to establish roots in the country? Till now, they had been playing the Youkai and Onmyoji against each other to keep us down. Not to mention other factions."

"Other factions won't be able to interfere in Youkai matters. But the Shinto… I do not know. But I somehow have a feeling that they won't be able to do anything. Just call it a gut instinct."

"I can only hope so. With all the things happening, we are in a desperate need for a deterrent force which can help calm down the situation in the country."

Yes. He was hoping for it as well.

- Silas -

I was in our bedroom with Lavinia and Shuna. We were finally sleeping together for the first time this week. They had been extremely busy the past few days taking care of everything.

Shuna was in my arms, her back to my chest as I massaged her breasts, my lips on hers while Lavinia worked on my shaft. Both of them had gotten very good due to our time together.

I pinched Shuna’s nipple with one hand while my other hand was caressing Lavina’s hair as she licked the tip of my shaft before taking it in her mouth and working her tongue all over it. This girl was a massive tease even when she was not trying to be.

So I gripped her hair a bit tighter and pushed her down on my length. She gagged a little but didn’t back down.

“Should I stop?”

“Muahhahh.” She shook her head, grabbing my waist instead.

“Let me help her too.” Shuna said and slipped down.

And I enjoyed their teamwork.

– Orihime –

She finished her school work for the day and prepared to go to the toilet. Tomorrow they were planning to go out to buy swimsuits.

As she passed Silas-san’s room, she heard a weird voice.

“Mmhhh ahh right there Sil-kun.”

Lavinia-san’s voice.

She couldn’t suppress her curiosity and saw that the door was slightly opened. Maybe they didn’t shut it properly. The scene behind the door however made her breath hitch.

The three of them were completely naked. Silas-san was between Lavinia-san’s legs and he was….kissing her….

Orihime found herself blushing red at the scene. The next scene which attracted attention was the movement of a pink spot and looking closely, she found it was Shuna-san. She was sucking on….’So Big.’

Despite knowing it was wrong, Orihime was unable to move away from the place as she watched everything in awe.

She felt a heat between her legs as her fingers searched for the source of the heat. A jolt of electricity ran through her as her fingers touched her clit and she had to use her other hand to cover her mouth. Her finger, as if having a mind of her own, made circles and pinched the nub and rubbed her lower lips just like Shuna-san was doing inside. The vision in front of her was becoming light. Silas-san took a hold of Shuna-san’s hair and thrusted deeply, groaning as he slipped his fingers inside Lavinia-san, thrusting it quickly. Shuna-san was doing the same with her fingers.

A few seconds later all of them groaned as their bodies shivered.

Orihime fell to her knees as she felt her vision blackout. Her fingers were drenched with her juices.

A few seconds later she woke up, startled as she looked at them continuing. Realising what she was doing, her blush rose to her ears but the scene was as if holding her captive.

This time Lavinia-san was taking Silas-san's... t-that part between her breasts and licking the top while Silas-san licked and kissed Shuna-san.

Orihime came twice while she fingered herself, watching the scene before going to bed. All the while wondering what face she would make when she saw them tomorrow.

It’s just that she didn’t see the smile on the blonde girl’s face when she hurried away to her room.

- Interlude (That Time Veldora Took a Walk) -

Veldora flew over the clouds, across the ocean to reach the country of China.

Recently, he had encountered a new subject of interest while searching through the internet for manga and novels.

It was something called Xianxia novels.

It’s just that while doing so, he was really attracted to some characters in the novel.

Learning the country of origin for this literature, he flew over there to see if there were any cultivators or sects.

Till now he was disappointed to not find anything, so he decided to rest on one of the mountain tops.

What a massive waste of time.

Just as he was thinking this, he felt the presence of humans in the distance so he changed his form and approached them.

In the lead was a black haired boy carrying a spear of some kind along with two other humans.

Veldora quickly appeared before them. “Junior, can you tell me where the nearest sect is?”

“Huh? Sect?”

“A Cultivation Sect.”



“Are you making fun of us?!” The boy shouted. He raised the spear and pointed it at him. “Wait, you're not a human.”

“Well obviously. This one is the third Young Master of the Great Nava Clan, The True Heavenly Emperor Dragon God of Chaotic Storms, Veldora Tempest.”

“Hahahaha to think I was searching for a way to prove myself worthy of my name and to find such an opportunity so soon, I must truly be blessed by the heaven's. Killing a Dragon will certainly prove me worthy. Georg, make a barrier, Heracles, attack!”

Oh?! Is this the fabled Young Master encounter?

So Veldora replied in the appropriate manner. “Courting Death!”

The boy summoned another spear with a Golden Aura and stabbed towards him. The Spear was good but… not enough for the current him.

Veldora dodged to the side but the wire of his earphones were cut off.

“Junior, you dare!”

Veldora released his aura, making the surrounding areas shake.

The brats fell to the ground, terror openly visible in their eyes. The one in the lead tried to stab him with the spear but Veldora grabbed it with his bare hands and kept it aside.

“Impossible!” The boy exclaimed, shocked.

“You had eyes but couldn’t see Mt. Tai. I, Veldora Tempest, possess the most noble Star Dragon Bloodline. Child who knows not the immensity of heaven and earth, kowtow before me and I will leave you a complete body.”

“I… I… I swear, I will pay this slight back a thousand fold”. The boy exclaimed once more. Before a "thud" was heard.

Veldora looked downwards and saw they had fainted.

“Eh? What am I supposed to do now?”

Veldora hadn’t encountered these situations in the novels.

What’s the standard procedure in such cases?

Thankfully he didn’t have to think about these things as he heard another voice near him. “Dammit Veldora. What happened this time?”

“Ah Silas my friend. I came here in search of any cultivation Sects and decided to ask these kids. They however wanted to kill me and prove themselves worthy of their names or something. They even broke my earphones so I just released my aura and scolded them a little but as you can see, they fainted.”


“Don’t mind. First search them. They must have some magic artifacts on them. That spear looked quite good. Must be a high level Magic Tool. Those other two had some as well. See if they have some kind of space rings or spirit stones or maybe some kind of Cultivation techniques.”


Shaking his head, Veldora went to search the boys.

Silas seemed to have realised and got to them. “These weapons are bound to their souls.”

“Oh, as expected, Spiritual Weapons. Take them.”

Silas looked at him oddly.

“What! They attacked me first.”

Silas shrugged. “I guess so.”

He plucked out a grey mist of sorts from the spectacled boy and another light orb from the other guy. As for the Spear, when he tried to bring it out, there was resistance.

“Holy Power. Interesting. Let’s try this. Helel.”

The Spear left the black haired boy and stuck to Silas in an instant and began glowing with a far stronger light than before. Veldora could even hear bells ringing around them. Even Silas looked quite surprised with the development.

“Oh? That’s strange. Did it react to Helel’s Power? I will ask Lavinia about it when I get back. Let’s go. I am sensing several auras coming this way. We need to leave quickly.” Silas put a hand on Veldora’s shoulders and they teleported away.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

The chapter was a bit later. I got busy with some work.

Several things happened in the chapter.

New guests were introduced in the background. They will get more screen time in the next chapter.

Ikki got to be a badass.

Shuna appeared before the other factions.

Ophis went out to find a new home.

Irene got cured.

Velzard is looking for a way to safely have babies.

Yuri is planning on creating a bunch of madly loyal maids for our unsuspecting Chef which includes Elves and Bunny girls. Rimuru is jealous about elves.

Orihime and Irene are getting some time each.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day. Peace Out.



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Thank you