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Story 7 Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 7: The Birth of a Demon Lord


- Silas -

I was in a world of black.

I couldn’t see or feel anything, not even my own body.

All I could do was hear voices in my head.

And a very soft, low but continuous voice of Shuna and Lavinia.

Commencing Gifting.

I remembered the words of Ainz but with it I also remembered what I had done just a while ago.

- Flashback -

I looked down on the frozen city beneath me.

A stretch of white as far as the eyes could see.

Unique Skill : Cold Blooded gained.

Cold Blooded?

Yes. I guess it’s true. Even after killing all these people, I don’t feel anything. I guess I really am cold blooded.

What does this Skill do?

Notice: Cold Blooded increases the power of the Host for each individual killed by the host.

I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry.

This world was really plotting to make me a Daemon.

“What a breathtaking sight!” The white haired Daemon behind me exclaimed while the other two just stood there stunned.

There was a strong fluctuation of Magicules and Clayman’s position was found.

“Take care of any survivors. Leave Clayman to me. Just make sure no one escapes.”


The very next second, I was right in front of him, freezing him in place.

“I don’t know if you are lucky or unlucky because I am in a hurry. That said, you need to die for Milim to be released.”

“You bastard! How dare you!” he roared at my face.

A few slashes from my Black Thorn and the three remaining of his limbs fell off.

“Dare… no, no. It’s not I who dare… it’s you who fucking dared to come after mine.”

I raised my knife to stab his head and made the last comment to break all hopes for him. “Oh and don’t think about reincarnating. I will eat your soul after this… just like the other three.”


A look of pure hate dawned on his face.

“Were they close to you? Were they your loved one? Were they dear to you?”

He snarled and I… I smiled.




He began struggling frantically as if he wanted to tear me apart… and I let him.

I slowly raised my knife to stab him as he began to struggle and shout. “No, NO! Help me! Laplace, Tear, Footman… Kazeram-samaaaaaa!”

… Kazeram?

My hands paused for a moment.

“Who’s this Kazeram?”

But the guy wasn’t listening so I did the same thing as I had done to the last clown.

“Kazeram, Demon Lord Kazeram is my Master. He’s….” I jumped back as I looked at the guy in surprise.

His energy rose suddenly.

What is happening? I asked my Demonic Sage.

Notice. The individual Clayman has used his soul as fuel to gain magic. A suicide attack.

… So he decided to sacrifice himself rather than give away the information.

Notice. The power of the individual Clayman is going beyond the level of Demon Lord Seeds and is halfway to an Awakened Daemon Lord level.


I snapped my fingers and a pair of barriers appeared around the area.

Anti-magic Area over a Holy Barrier.

Masterchef made sure that I wasn’t affected by the barrier at all while weakening Clayman.

I slashed his neck off, completely and swallowed his half-burned soul to make sure he didn’t escape.

Unique Skill: Manipulator gained.

I picked up his head and walked away, commanding the Daemons to return after they completely finished off  any stragglers.


I noted down the name for later. I have more important things for now.

- Flashback -

Ainz’s words echoed once more in my ears.

Don’t become a different Silas.

I understood.

But I wanted to be better.

Today, I almost lost my loved ones. If only I could have been better than I was? Maybe, just maybe. I could have prevented all this.

I wanted to bring light to their lives. Not make them worry about me.

The Voice of the World has accepted the wish.

Unique Skill: Perfectionist gained.

A soul corridor was established between Rimuru Tempest and Sil.

The voice continued and I concentrated on the two voices in the background and fell asleep as the voices continued.

Harvest Festival of the individual Sil initiated.

Sacrificing souls to provide energy for the Demon Lord Seed to awaken.

Wisdom Lord Raphael has initiated the evolution of the Skill Demonic Sage.

Evolution Unsuccessful.

Reinitiating Evolution.

Evolution Unsuccessful.


Sacrificing Unique Skill: Seer.

Reattempting Evolution.

…Evolution Successful.

Unique Skill: Demonic Sage has evolved into Ultimate Skill: Dantalion, Lord of Forbidden Knowledge.

Initiating evolution of Unique Skill: Tsunami.

Sacrificing Unique Skill: Falsifier.

Evolution Successful.

Unique Skill: Tsunami has evolved into Ultimate Skill: Sitri, Lord of the Seas.

Initiating evolution of Unique Skill: Permafrost.

Sacrificing Unique Skill: Cold Blooded.

Unique Skill: Permafrost has evolved into Ultimate Skill: Cocytus, Lord of Eternal Frost.

A second Demon Lord Seed was discovered.

Sacrificing souls to provide nourishment to the seed.

A mutation detected.

Initiating the Evolution of the Unique Skill: Masterchef.

Evolution Unsuccessful.

Reattempting Evolution.

Evolution Unsuccessful.

Sacrificing Unique Skill: Perfectionist.

Reattempting Evolution.

…Evolution Unsuccessful.

Sacrificing Unique Skill: Manipulator.

…Evolution Unsuccessful.

Sacrificing Unique Skill: Optimist.

…Evolution Successful.

Unique Skill: Masterchef has evolved into… the Ultimate Skill: Helel, Lord of Perfection.

Extra Skill: Demon Lord's Haki gained.

Extra Skill: Natural Effect Nullification gained.

Intrinsic Skill : Infinite Speed Regeneration gained.

Extra Skill: Abnormal Status Nullification gained.

Extra Skill: Thermal Fluctuation Negation gained.

Awakening Completed.

Evolution to Devil Lord completed.

- Shuna -

Another round of gifting commenced.

She didn’t know what had happened but she knew things must have been extremely bad for Sil-sama to willingly become a Demon Lord.

She felt her pain and helplessness through their connection.

And it pained her just as much. She wanted to become stronger so as to support him more, so that the next time, she wouldn’t need protection and would be able to protect him and thus… Shuna wished.

She wished to be strong.

Her new powers from the previous Harvest Festival, Unique Skills Analyst and Manufacturer helped but she didn’t know if they were enough.

Unique Skill: Absolute Barrier

Unique Skill: Prophet gained.

Extra Skill: Natural Effect Resistance gained.

Intrinsic Skill : Infinite Speed Regeneration gained.

Extra Skill: Abnormal Status Resistance gained.

Extra Skill: Perfect Memory gained.

Extra Skill: Holy Demonic Attack Resistance.

Extra Skill: Haki gained.

Evolution to Mystic Oni was completed.



A mutation was detected.

The individual Shuna possesses excess magicules.

Finding a solution.



An alternate path of evolution of Mystic Oni was discovered.

Evolution to Royal Oni was successful.

- Milim -

She sat down near Silas as she looked at him evolving.

Many thoughts ran through her head.

If she had known that Clayman was going to attack Tempest, she would have blasted him right then and there.

She knew he was causing trouble for Rimuru and thus pretended to play along just to trick him together later on.

With Rimuru’s strength, it shouldn’t have been any problem in the first place. Especially if Sil and the Bone-guy helped.

She was sent with Frey to kill Carrion and destroy his kingdom and when she was summoned, everything had already happened. Frey had barely held her back because Clayman was working for someone and she wanted to find the identity of those behind him or Tempest could be attacked again.

Even so, looking at Sil get mad because of her, felt good.

She did hold back and while Saitama was strong and was becoming stronger very fast too, she knew that she could have defeated him if she had used her Stampede Mode and the Wrathful King Sataneel but she stopped the fight as soon as she felt Clayman running and Silas chasing behind.

And now she was worried if Sil would hate her because of it.

She shook her head and stood up, fists clenched.

“Frey, when the Dragon Faithful come, have them heal everyone in Tempest as well as help with fixing the city.” She asked and Frey went aside to do so.

“Milim, hey Milim, did he wake up?” Ramiris was flying around her head.

As she was  about to answer Ramiris. she sensed someone coming from a distance. The level of power made it obvious about who it was. Why was he coming here all of a sudden?

She turned back and looked towards the Bone guy who was more or less in charge due to both Rimuru and Sil being unconscious and Saitama not being interested.

“No matter what happens, don’t attack. I will take care of everything.”

She waited and sure enough he landed in the middle of Tempest with a huge blast, making a crater in the middle of Tempest.

“Milim, Ramiris and is that Frey? What are you all doing here?” Guy asked, surprised as he walked towards them.

The two Daemons leading the group whom Rimuru and Sil had summoned stood in front of their bodies, blocking Guy’s way, making her raise an eyebrow.

These two did seem a bit odd.

“The ones becoming Demon Lords are my friends. Also, I was here first. Why are you here?”

“Me? I sensed multiple Demon Lord level beings awakening and decided to take a look, not to mention the landscape changing attack nearby. So, what is going on here? Is this one of your games?”

“Yes yes, what is going on here, Milim? Why did you suddenly call for a Walpurgis? Also, why attack and kill Carrion all of a sudden? What was that idiot Clayman doing and why are you helping him with that?”

She clicked her tongue. “Tch. I was going to expose that idiot Clayman and beat him up in the Walpurgis because he tried to control me with something. I didn’t know that he was going to attack Tempest with his army. I thought they were going near Eurazania.”

“C-c-control you!”

“And Frey.”

“So Carrion?”

“Is alive. It was supposed to be a prank and then I would have beaten the snort out of Clayman in front of everyone.”

“So where is he anyway?”

“He’s dead. Sil killed him. That idiot attacked Tempest on the excuse of testing the new self proclaimed Demon Lord Rimuru but attacked Tempest behind their backs. Shuna-chan was killed and Sil got mad and killed him. Clayman was working for someone.”

“Who are these Sil and Rimuru? Those two, awakening?” Guy pointed towards the two resting together.

“Umm. The slime is Rimuru and the Daemon is Sil. They are my best friends and little brother.”

“Little Brother, you say?”

“Yes. I adopted.”

“A slime and a Daemon. Also, why don’t I remember such a Daemon? Is he one of yours?” He asked the two Daemons protecting Rimuru and Sil.

“Great Rimuru is the Master, I wish to pledge myself to.” The black haired one said, with a hand over his heart. “And no. He is not one of mine.”

“Neither mine but I am quite interested in him. I was summoned by him.” The white haired girl said.

“Did you attack and kill Clayman?” Guy asked the woman.

“You mean the Deathman? No. We were explicitly told to leave Clayman to him. We were merely backups and didn’t have the opportunity to do anything. Although, it was a beautiful sight. A world full of white.” She looked up. “Just like Noir, I wouldn’t mind serving him if he willed.”

“Heh! Never thought I would see a day when both Noir and Blanc wished to pledge loyalties to someone, and a Daemon at that. Not even a Primordial. Although, there seems to be something unusual with his awakening so I can understand the intrigue.”

Noir, Blanc?

Milim remembered hearing those names from somewhere but couldn’t remember where.

“Silas is a Devil though.” Ramiris said with a hand on her waist?

“A what?”

“Silas is not from this world. He is a Devil from a different world.” She explained.

“Oh. A different world, you say?” Guy replied, intrigued.

This led to them explaining everything.

Even those two Daemons were listening to everything.

Guy asked some questions to others and then decided to sit and wait till the two woke up from awakening.

“So, tell me about this new world?” He asked in the meantime.

“Eh, I have only been to Sil’s world. It was amazing. So many things to do. So many tasty things to eat, not as good as Silas’ food but still good. And so many interesting places to go. Oh oh and games. We had so much fun.”

“Umm umm. I even saw and met Spirits from another world. In fact, my best contractor yet, Orihime, is from a very interesting world. I plan to go there someday. She has a contract with Six different spirits. All those spirits are born from her. So amazing. Even Lavinia has a contract with two Elemental Lord level spirits bound to her soul. The new worlds are so interesting.”

“Heh. Now you are making me interested too. By the way, did you find who was behind Clayman?”

“No. He had some help from someone from the empire. I know this much but there were others too.”

“Empire? Is Rudra playing his games again? Also, wasn’t this Veldora’s area? Where did he go?”

“Who knows?”

They talked around while the rest were busy fixing everything.

Eight hours later, both Rimuru and Sil woke up.

- Silas -

I opened my eyes to Shuna and Lavinia’s faces.

Shuna was giving me a lap pillow and Lavinia was sitting beside me.

Yes. This scene was right.

“Welcome back, Sil-kun.”

“Welcome back, Silas-sama.”

Both of them greeted me and I wanted to just lay there in peace. But there were things to do.

I got up and hugged both Lavinia and Shuna first.

We don’t realise how dear someone is to us until we lose them.

They didn’t stop me either.

I saw that Orihime was fidgeting on the side, probably feeling left out. She was the newest member of my restaurant. The two girls realised it too and pulled her in for a group hug.

With this done, I left to face others.

“So this happened. I didn’t know, okay.” Milim was frantically explaining herself and all I felt was a headache.

Dammit, I could have taken my time to torture Clayman.

“Do you know what mistake you made in the whole thing, Milim?”


I went forward and hugged her. “You put yourself in danger. There was a chance, however small, that he could have actually controlled you and that… would have been a problem.” I didn’t even know what to say. In her own assessment, she wasn’t quite wrong. And yet I don’t want to just let it go so that she pulls another stunt like this later on and puts herself in danger. So a punishment is needed. “And for that… no desserts for a month.”

“WHAT! NO! SIL! That’s horrible. I don’t… no, I won’t do it again, okay?”

“Nope. Punishment for mischief needs to be delivered.”


“Say anything more and I will increase it to two months with no games.” I added making her shut up instantly. Although that didn’t stop her from pouting.

“Hahahaha I never thought I would see the day that someone could reign in Milim. This alone makes up for this trip. But… I still need to ask you some questions.”

I looked up at the guy with red hair standing beside Demon Lord Frey.

“He is Guy Crimson. A Demon Lord with Milim and me.” Ramiris explained and I nodded to him.

“Quite a mess you all caused here. I can understand you killing Clayman. The idiot bit off more than he could chew. I would have done the same. But… why did you freeze the entire city, not to mention bring winter to half the continent?”

Half the continent?

I didn’t think it would affect that large of an area.

Do I regret it?

I thought and didn’t feel anything.

Considering it was all Clayman’s territory, I didn’t feel anything.

“Clayman was hiding in the city.” I replied.

“And?” He prodded me further.

“I wasn’t in the mood to play hide and seek.”



We stared for a few seconds at each other before he cracked.

“Pfft, hahahahaha! That’s the best reply I have heard in a while. Yes, yes. This is a good reply.” he started laughing again.

I was gawking at him at this point.

“What, surprised? Did you think I was going to defend Clayman or get on your back for a city? Clayman bit off more than he could chew. In fact one of the current Demon Lords Leon also came to the position after killing off the one who went to test him. Their problem for being so weak. And as for the city… I killed two countries when I awakened as a demon lord. You were comparatively tame.”



Something is seriously wrong with this guy.

“So I heard that you are from a different world.” I nodded as he continued. “Since Ramiris is fine with you, I don’t have any problem either… well unless you try to destroy the world… then I will have to kill you.” He warned and I could feel that he was being extremely serious now.

“I don’t like fighting. I would rather prefer working in my restaurant than something like that.”

“Yes, I did hear about this restaurant of yours. Why don’t we go there and talk about some important matters? I came here so far, I am a bit tired and hungry, you know.”

You are a fucking Demon Lord. And by what my instincts tell me, you are stronger than me. How can you get tired from a simple journey…

I looked at Rimuru and he nodded. “Go on. I will take care of the city.”

“No. Actually you come in too.” Guy interrupted.

“Rimuru-sama, you can go in. Leave the city to us. We will take care of it till you finish your meeting.” Benimaru kneeled.

We walked to the restaurant with this.

The Demon Lords as well as two of the Daemons we had summoned followed us.

What went on after that was Guy questioning us on several things, about the attack and what we had found, etc.

“Kazeram… I thought he had died.” He said when I told them the name of the guy behind Clayman.

“You know him?”

“He was the guy who was killed by Leon. Still… even a Deathman like him would have needed more than a few hundred years to revive, which means someone revived him. Was it Rudra?” he whispered the last bit to himself.

“I remember Kazeram was the one who recommended Clayman to the position and they were both Deathman too. So they might be connected as well.” Frey added.

I served them something to eat in the meanwhile.

Cooking after all this was… therapeutic in a way.

We talked about several things before the meeting ended.

“This cake thing is quite good.”

“Right, right?” Milim tried to take a bite from Rimuru’s piece but stopped after a glare from me.

“Umu, I recommend the next Walpurgis to be held here.” Ramiris stood in her place and shouted with a loud voice.

“Seconded.” Milim agreed.


Isn’t that the meeting of the Daemon Lords?

“Heh, doesn’t sound too bad. Okay, I agree.”

What the fuck? Ask me first? I own this place.

Then again, a Walpurgis here means more customers. Not to mention, Rimuru will have to participate in the meeting so I can keep an eye on him.

“Sure. Just tell me a day or two in advance for the reservation. You wouldn’t want my other customers to disturb the meeting, right?”

“A week or two. The meeting will be in a week or two. I will send my maids to inform you about everything.” Guy replied quite casually.

“Hmm, alright. I don’t see why not.”

As we were about to leave, Guy turned towards me. “By the way, your Ultimate Skill: Helel. What is it? Why can’t I see anything about it?”

“My what?” I asked. It took me a second and my new Skill, Dantalion’s help to understand what he meant.

“I don’t know. I just got this Skill.” Which was true.

“It seems like an Angelic Skill and yet I haven’t heard of any such Skill at all. It’s generally rare, near impossible for a Daemon or a Demon Lord to get an Angelic Skill.”


I looked at Lavinia. “I am not big on mythology but do you know about this name?”

She nodded and explained. “Helel is or rather was an Archangel, the favourite son of God and the twin brother of Archangel Michael.” I saw Guy narrow his eyes for a moment. “He later on rebelled against God and made the Devil Race.”

“But wasn’t Lucifer the creator of the Devil Race?” I asked and she nodded.

“He was also called by another name… Lucifer.”

Everyone quieted down for a moment and I noticed Guy again.

At this point, I saw the widest grin on his face that night. “Lucifer, you say? Hahahaha… you are really interesting Sil. Really really interesting. I look forward to the Walpurgis.” With this said, he turned around and left.

I looked at Ramiris in confusion.

“Ah Guy has an Ultimate Skill called Lucifer, Lord of Pride. I think he was just happy about the name. Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

… that look didn’t assure me much though.

Two days later, everything was more or less settled.

Milim had sent for her people and they were quite well versed in healing.

Tempest was healed back in almost no time with their help and all the evolved monsters. The biggest gains were among the Ogres who had come to my world and were named by me using Rimuru’s method. Due to me awakening two demon lord seeds, the power they gained was even more.

It left us with a total of two hundred and thirty mystic Oni and a dozen or so Wicked Oni from the ones who were resurrected and finally Shuna who had become something called a Royal Oni, a mutated version of the Mystic Oni.

Apart from them, the maids, Yuri and Narberal gained decent power ups too.

Ainz got a Demon Lord Seed. Ikki broke through and became an Enlightened. Lavinia did the same.

He held back the awakening when I offered the souls as he believed that he should max his level for the Demon Lord Seed or whatever that meant and then try the Awakening.

As for Saitama, well… nothing changed.

Oh wait, something did change.

The Spirit who had blessed Saitama… evolved.

It became an Elemental Lord of Light.

Not even Ramiris knew what had happened honestly.

My own Skills were completely different beasts altogether.

Sitri, Lord of the Seas was something which gave me Water Manipulation of a higher level and a certain degree of Weather Manipulation too.

Dantalion, Lord of Forbidden Knowledge was like a supercomputer inside my head only a billion times or so faster. Really helped out in keeping my shit together.

The real shockers were the last two.

Cocytus which was made from Permafrost and Cold-Blooded.

It gave me Ice Manipulation of the Ultimate Level but that was not the most dangerous part of the Skill. The most dangerous part of the Skill came from the Cold Blooded aspect of the Skill.

Any people I kill using this Skill or any souls I eat or have eaten, I will be able to summon them to fight for me. This also applied to the ones used for my Harvest Festival.

It was the last one which was the most surprising.

Helel, Lord of Perfection.

This Skill came from my Masterchef Skill.

The effects of this Skill were as follows.

Complete control over the law of causality, fate, Law, and Order.

In a time stopped world, where all other phenomena have ceased, the user's will is given absolute priority.

In a moving world, where there are many phenomena in motion, the user's will influences all outcomes, and it is absolute.

This Skill reminded me of the God Mode in the games I used to play in my previous life. There were some limits to this Skill supposedly and that’s when it encounters a similar type of Skill of the same level and if someone had a Skill of a higher level, theoretically, they could resist the effect of this Skill to a certain extent, although not completely.

That said, this was not all.

There was also a secondary effect which made this Skill almost insanely difficult to defeat.

Rebel’s Will: Can make any Angelic Skill rebel against their owner and control Demonic Skills to a certain extent.

No wonder Guy couldn’t find anything. It was because Dantalion purposely hid the effects of the Skill because it was afraid that he would have attacked me.

Thank goodness I have Dantalion.

According to Dantalion, the only drawback of this Skill was the fact that this Skill requires extreme levels of magicules to use to the full extent. Even with my own insane Magicule reserves, I couldn’t use it for a prolonged period of time.

I even gained a few new employees.

The white haired Daemon I had summoned decided to serve me. She was very interested in the new worlds and wanted to see the new things with her own eyes.

The two who were summoned with her joined along with her. Their names were Moss and Cien.

She then went ahead and used all the bodies in the city to summon several dozen Daemons who were helping in the reconstruction of Tempest.

She herself was called Blanc but it was not exactly her name but rather a title so I named her… Weiss.

Tanya moreover suggested to loot… ughh, salvage all the resources from the frozen city to help rebuild Tempest as well as for funding for our own base in this world.

It was very reasonable advice but I won’t lie, it left me feeling very strange for a while.

Apart from them, a new addition to our forces was the three tailed fox I freed from Clayman.

She wanted to work for me and I was looking for extra security.

I was about to name her Kurama but then Kurama identified as a male so I named her Kurumi instead.

This resulted in her becoming a Nine Tailed Fox.

She then roped both me and Rimuru into naming all her tails with me naming five of them and Rimuru naming the other four.

I found out that my magic reserves were several times higher than even Rimuru’s. The two Demon Lord Seeds were apparently a big deal.

I actually had higher magic reserves than normal Milim but if she used her Skill, I wouldn’t even be close to her. Not to mention, she had a cheat skill which could generate magic for her infinitely.

Hax. I call fucking hax. Not that I was any better but I still call hax.

I reopened the restaurant yesterday and surprisingly Zeref was the one to return first. He asked for Touma and quite luckily, Touma was there too.

He had come to attend his Martial Arts class after a long while.

They decided to bring Zeref's wife to the restaurant to cure her tomorrow.

Also, turns out, August was Zeref’s son.

Man… was that a shock.

He explained the situation to us and I thought about Ikki.

People can be so different.

With August were a few others. Two girls and a boy.

Mirajane was the eldest of the siblings. Elfman was the second and Lisanna was the youngest kid.

Mirajane was a bold child who came off as bossy and rude but I could see that it was a defence mechanism for her.

August told me about the history of the children.

They were orphaned and she killed a Demon inhabiting an abandoned church. She however had a special type of magic as well as a tiny hint of Demonic Blood so she was able to use the soul of the Demon to gain power.

Her innate magic caused her arm to transform.

This kinda reminded me of a game I had played in my previous life. Devil May Cry.

The sad thing was that the same villagers whom she had fought to protect, were afraid of her now and had all but chased her away from the town along with her siblings.

August found her then and took her in.

The guy couldn’t see abandoned children. Guess I know why now, because of his own history. Not that I am much better.

I took Lavinia and Orihime and they were in the same situation.

Even Shuna was an orphan when we first met.

August brought her to me because my situation was quite similar to hers.

“So, I heard what you did back at your home village. That was mighty brave of you.” I spoke as I sat beside the girl.”

“I-it was nothing. It was just a weakling.” She replied haughtily and I couldn’t help but smile a bit.

“Or you are just that strong? Anyways, good job.”

“Hmph.” She stared down into her bowl of sweet dishes.

“August told me that you have some Demon blood in you?”

She froze and then glared at me.

“Now don’t be angry. I was just surprised when I found out. I am quite similar, you see. I am a natural born devil. I was raised by human parents though. Adopted. But the thing is, we both were raised in a similar environment. Although, I would love to have cute siblings like yours.” I laughed as she looked at me a bit scared and a lot more curiously.

She didn’t say anything but returned back to her food.

A few moments later, she whispered something but I could hear it all the same. “Are you scared of it?”

“Scared?” I leaned back on the seat. “I won’t lie and say I am or rather was not scared. Hey, I kinda snapped at my customers and went out in the middle of the night to cool my head… only to encounter a monster attack on a boy. It was my new Devil wings which helped the two of us to escape from the place. So all in all, my powers did help me out. I mean, a sword can be used both to kill and protect. It depends on the user how they use the power, right?” I spoke my thoughts.

“B-but, aren’t people afraid of you? Don’t they all push you away, even when, even after everything you do for them? It’s just…”

“Enraging? Frustrating? Yes. That can happen… but, I also have people who support me. I mean why should I care about strangers when my own loved ones have no problems with who I am? I think you have such loved ones too. Your siblings, August and your new friends. I can be one of them too if you want? I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with a cute girl like you?” I joked as she blushed and sunk further into her food bowl. I let out a chuckle and then continued. “Still if you want, I can take you to other worlds where having a bit of Demon blood is not a big deal.”

She looked at me as if trying to find any hint of a lie and I just smiled and patted her head lightly. “Also, you have some pudding on your nose.” I smiled, making her blush furiously and clean her nose.

This girl is such a tsundere.

Later that day Irene came with a miniature version of her.

And I found out another story which left me with a lot to think about.

On one hand there were parents like Ikki’s who were actively trying to make their child’s life hell and on the other, there were people like Irene who protected her daughter for hundreds of years and then had to abandon her when she thought that she would be safer away from her. All this really shows how different people can be.

Irene had gotten much more comfortable in this place because she could taste food again, making her get a bit of support as well as control over her mind.

The girl, her daughter, was called Erza. She is a very quiet girl who loves cakes.

We talked about a few things and Irene told me about her experiences of when she was transforming into a dragon and was losing her senses.

The Demon Seed Zeref had implanted into me to save my life also had similar effects and changed the user into a real demon. I was however an exception because I was already a Devil and the Demon Seed was changed into a Demon Lord Seed by Rimuru’s world.

Her words helped me reconcile with the changes in myself.

She left with her daughter and they will come back when Zeref brings his wife for the cure.

Tonight, I was with my subordinates for a different matter altogether.

“So tell me all about the Exorcist who attacked us?” I asked Yuri and Narberal.

“It was an Eastern Exorcist, Onmyoji I think people here call them. He looked like a child. We made a portrait of him for the information gathering. Unfortunately, we don’t have an information network in this world and can’t find any information about this guy.”

“He’s an Onmyoji. Our base is surrounded by areas belonging to the Kyoto Youkai and the Five Principal Clans who are the five most prominent clans in the country, blessed by the Shinto deities. Their main powers come from the divine beast each house worships. The Kyoto Youkai on the other hand are under Yasaka, a nine tailed fox, a priestess of the Goddess Amaterasu, the Head of the Shinto Pantheon. The reason why this area was unclaimed was because there were often fights which mainly took place in this town, so both sides avoided taking this town so that they avoid any unnecessary troubles.” Lavinia explained.

“So basically, we are in a buffer zone between two big forces of the country?”


I sighed.

“Say, you said they are both subordinates of the Shinto… then why do they fight?” Shuna asked.

“The Onmyoji and the Youkai hate each other. They basically hunt each other so the hatred’s part of the work. The Shinto only interferes when things get too out of hand. They are both quite strong forces, after all.” Lavinia offered.

“Or the Shinto let them fight within themselves to keep them in check? Could be anything. They are independent forces after all.” Tanya suggested.

“What did you find from the Youkai who attacked us before?” I asked Yuri.

“They were from a Youkai faction known as the Shikoku Youkai. The one in the lead was the son of the previous head. He was planning to take over this area and make the Kyoto Youkai and the Five Principal Clans fight against each other as the inheritors of the Divine Beasts are still young. In the midst of this, they were planning to assassinate the leader of the Kyoto Youkai and make a name for themselves while taking over Kyoto as their territory. They wanted to compete with the Eastern Youkai’s leader Nurarihyon who had defeated the previous leader of the Kyoto Youkai before Yasaka, Hagoromo Gitsune. We were targeted because we were in the place.”

… so basically some wannabe kids were trying to be dumb hotshots and got fucked up.

Hmm, what to do now?

I thought of something and under the advice of Dantalion, gave the order.

“Lavinia, can you get the basic information about these factions from your friends? If they are reluctant to do so due to you not being a part of them anymore, offer a trade. If you can get the information about the guy himself, even better.”

She nodded and I turned to Shuna.

“Send Yuna to the Shikoku Youkai along with the prisoner. Exchange him for every bit of information they can give. I want to know why an Exorcist and a Youkai group would be working together? Tell her to take twenty Kijin as backup.” There was a chance that they might have been used.

Yuna was Souei’s elder sister and was very calm in general. She was also very good at infiltration and espionage like her brother. In fact, Souei was taught most of his skills by her.

As for the twenty Kijin, they were just for safety. I didn’t know how strong the faction was. Going there alone would be stupid.

“Send Hiro to this Nurarihyon guy and inform them about what you found and ask if they can give us some information about this Onmyoji and Japanese Supernatural Society in general. Send a couple of Kijin with him as well but not much. We don’t want to make this visit seem like a threat but more of an introduction.” Our background was that of a recluse Oni tribe that was from one of the abandoned islands of Japan and came to the mainland to explore the world. As such looking for allies and information would be the most important and common thing to do.

With their orders done, I turned towards the others.

“In the meanwhile, fortify this place to a level where we can withstand the attack of a Daemon Duke at the very least. We will think of what to do next. As for the materials, use the money we got from the city. I will ask for some help from Zeref and see what to do from there.”

“Yes Master.”

Our meeting ended and I relaxed while the rest went on to their work.

Shuna and Lavinia stayed back and snuggled by my side.

“This work is hard. Why can’t these people just leave us alone?” I sighed as they rested on my chest.

The two had gotten very clingy after the incident and I didn’t mind either. We were too busy for anything sexual but we were a lot closer than before without a shred of doubt.

“We will make our home. A place for us to live peacefully.”



We retired to our bed as they disrobed. I did say that we were a lot closer than before.

I felt a hand slide up and down my length, slowly making me hard. I looked at the culprit and found Lavinia looking at me with half open eyes. She whispered into my ears. “Sil-kun has worked very hard. Let me help you relax a little.”

I didn’t say anything and just relaxed more as she moved under the blanket and soon enough, I felt a hot breath on my length followed by a kiss at the tip. The warm touch made me let out a sigh of pleasure, making Shuna aware of what was happening.

Not wanting to be left behind, she turned me towards her with a slight pout before capturing my lips and I entertained her by pushing my tongue into her mouth.

One of my hands dragged her on my chest as the other went below the blanket on Lavinia’s head, gently caressing her hair.

It didn’t take me long to let out the first load, relieving a lot of my stress.

But the girls were not done yet. Lavinia gulped down everything and then cleaned herself with a spell as she came on my chest and Shuna went below the blanket this time and exchanged places. I captured Lavinia’s lips as her massive breasts pressed on my chest. Their combined efforts made me reach the peak for a second time soon.

And I didn’t want to leave them unattended so for the last time, I was the one who went under the blankets as the girls hugged each other and their moans echoed through the room once more.

- Lavinia -

She waited for Azazel in the room. She had asked for a meeting to discuss the information on the exorcist.

Ikki had accompanied her because he was interested in this world and wanted to see real Fallen Angels for himself.

The door to the room was opened and Azazel walked in.

His eyes widened slightly looking at them.

“So, why this sudden meeting, Lavinia? Don’t tell me you have fallen for my charm too?” He smiled.

“You are a very charming guy Governor but I am already taken so I will have to pass.”

“Oh, what a surprise. So, who’s the lucky guy? Him?” He looked at Ikki beside her.

“No. He is just a friend. He wanted to see Fallen Angels for himself and came with me. Can we get to the topic?” She asked.

“Hmm, that would depend on the topic, dear. I don’t even know what you want.”

“Information.” She brought out the picture of the guy and kept it on the table. “I want any and all information on this guy.”

He looked at the picture and raised an eyebrow. “That’s… certainly a face I didn’t expect to see. Where did you even encounter him? Many thought he was dead for centuries. Then again, his clan has always been good at sorcery and with their part Youkai ancestry, it’s not something out of scope. But…” He looked at her directly. “Why should I give you any information? You did quit. We let you go as well. As far as we are concerned, we shouldn’t have any kind of connection.”

“I am not asking this for free. I am here for a trade.” She brought out the Unique Grade Weapon which Sil-kun had gained from the Majin under Clayman. “This sword is called the Ice Blade. This is my offer for the information on this guy as well as the information on Youkai of Japan generally.”

- Azazel -

He paused for a moment at the sight of the sword.

The first thing he had noticed when he had entered the room was the massive increase in the magic power Lavinia was showing. Not to mention, the boy beside her who was around the same level. How long was it since their last meeting? She was an Ultimate Class easily and that’s not even counting her Longinus.

If she could use her Balance Breaker with this amount of power…

What method had they used to increase their power so much?

All these thoughts circled his mind as he talked to her.

The chill from the blade was felt even from where he was sitting. He picked it up and checked it with a few analysis type spells and the results were quite astonishing. The blade itself was at the level of Excalibur Fragments, a bit stronger maybe.

Blades such as these couldn’t be unknown and yet… he didn’t recognise this one. Was it newly created?

If so, who created it?

The runes and engravings on the blade were completely foreign and he didn’t recognize them at all. Not to mention the metal itself. He pushed some of his magic power into the sword and the icy aura spread out from the blade, freezing the surroundings.

He looked back at the girl who was becoming nothing short of an enigma in his eyes.

“This is quite nice. I am more interested in the creator of the blade though. Where did you find this?” he asked.

“One of my friends was attacked by its user. He’s dead and we got the blade.” She answered quite honestly as he didn’t detect any lie in her words. He was honestly expecting no reply.

“Do we have a deal?”

“Can I still not meet your teacher?” he probed her again.

“My teacher wishes to remain away from the Supernatural world. If not for this guy attacking one of ours, I wouldn’t even have bothered.”

“He attacked?” Azazel asked for more but got no answer. He let out a sigh internally and continued. “Okay deal.”

The next few hours, he answered all their questions and gave them the information they needed before she got up to leave.

“By the way, if you want any more trades in the future, tell me.”

“I will keep that in mind. Thank you for helping me today, Azazel.”

“Oh by the way, didn’t your friend want to see Fallen Angels? What do you say, want to go to an Oppai Club?” He asked the boy who looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

“N-no. Thank you. I was just interested in how Fallen Angels trained. I heard that there were humans who trained under Fallen Angels too and was a bit curious.” He replied very politely.

“The children at the Nephilim Academy? Yes. In fact Lavinia was a member for a while. Come, I’ll take you there.” He escorted them, hoping to learn something about their skills. In fact, he was going to keep an eye on the Seimei clan and see what happens to them to know just what kind of people Lavinia was with right now.

They soon reached the training grounds where the kids were training.

Tobio was sparring with Kouki and the girls faced off against one another as Kokabiel watched over them. They saw them enter and stopped their fight and looked at them.

“This is the Slash Dog team, the up and coming group of the Nephilim Academy. They all have Sacred Gears with Tobio owning a Longinus just like Lavinia.”

“A longinus? That’s very strong. I have only seen Lavinia-san use hers but their power was amazing.” The boy remarked.

“Well obviously. They are called weapons which can kill a God for a reason. You wanted to see the training, right? They are around the same age as you. Why don’t you go and spar with them?”

“Me? No no. I will only disturb their training.” He denied.

“Not a problem. You will just give them a new perspective. Go on.” He looked at Lavinia who nodded. “Okay, listen up everyone. We have a guest for training today. His name is Ikki. Tobio, get in the line for a spar.” He ordered.

Vali, in the meanwhile ran up to Lavinia and sat with her as they watched the spars.

In the next fifteen minutes, the guy called Ikki completely decimated the entire Slash Dog team with his swordsmanship alone. First solo and then against all of them at once.

He hadn’t used any kind of magic at all. Just pure strength of the body and skill in swordsmanship.

“Is he one of your teacher’s students too?” he asked Lavinia.

“Ikki-kun? No. He is more of a swordsman and a friend of my boyfriend. My teacher is a magician although he does know some martial arts.”

“Your boyfriend? Is it that Sil-kun guy you were talking about?” Vali said something and he perked up his ears to hear.

“Umm. Sil-kun is my boyfriend.” She smiled.

“Are you sure he is not tricking you?” Vali replied arrogantly.

“Eh? No way. I don’t think so. After all, I am the one who went after him.” She smiled, making the boy quiet all of a sudden. “Are you worried about me, Va-kun?”

“Hmph, who would be worried about you?”

“Don’t worry. Sil-kun loves me a lot. I am very happy there. One day, I will take you to meet him if you want. He is a very good chef. I am sure you will love his ramen.”

Vali’s eyes lit up a little but he still maintained his fake stoic look.

Azazel mentally noted down the name for investigation later.

“Those children will need more training. But your friend is very skilled, Lavinia.”

“Hmm, Ikki-kun works very hard.”

The boy returned back soon. “They are very good students. I can see that they are new but they are quite talented.” The boy said.

“That they are. But you are nothing less yourself. I haven’t seen such good swordsmanship on many. What do you say, wanna join Grigori?”

“Eh? No no. I am fine where I am. Thank you for satiating my curiosity.” He bowed and Azazel sighed inwardly.

He looked at them as they left. He will have to keep an eye on the Seimei Clan now.

- Hiro -

He sat in front of two Youkai as several others sat on the side. The man in front of him reminded him of the old man Hakuryu. Old age and experience of centuries backing his strength and the aura he commanded was easy to see from the reaction of his subordinates as they sat there quietly. Complete loyalty.

The young man beside him on the other hand reminded him of the Young Master, Benimaru. Young but with extremely high potential.

“So… what’s it that you wanted to talk to me about? Actually, why don’t you start by introducing yourself first.” The old man addressed them.

Hiro bowed lightly in return. “We are from the White Night group. Originally from a small island, a distance from the mainland, we migrated to the town of Miyama on the outskirts of Kyoto a while ago.

“That vixen’s territory?”

“No. Miyama town is a neutral territory or rather was when we entered the area. It was a buffer zone between the Kyoto Youkai and the Five Principal Clans and was not occupied by any group.”

He saw the old man raise an eyebrow. “That’s quite some guts you have, sitting between those two groups.”

“We Kijin are not afraid of fights.” he replied resolutely. “We wish to establish a place for our young generations on the mainland and while our leader doesn’t like fighting, we will not back down if someone challenges us.”

The old man laughed. “Onis who don’t like fighting. Now I have seen everything. So… what does it have to do with us?”

“Recently, we were attacked by a group of youkai from Shikoku. It was the son of Inugamigyobu Danuki, Inugamigyobu Tamazuki. We easily destroyed them. But we were attacked by an Onmyoji two weeks later. The goal of the Onmyoji was to recover the weapon which Tamazuki was using. We found out from Tamazuki that the weapon was given to him by someone else and since it was the Onmyoji who knew where to recover it from, it had to be him.”

The young man beside him looked impatient and interrupted. “And how is any of this our problem?”

“I thought you would be interested because the weapon… was the same one which was used to kill the previous head of the Nura Clan, Rihan Nura.”

Several auras fell on him at the same time. If it was him before the Harvest festival, he wasn’t sure he could have stayed upright, most likely would be on the floor.

“Do you understand the meaning of your words?” The old man asked, seriously.

“I do.”

“Who was this Onmyoji? What proof do you have?” He asked.

Hiro brought out a file and handed it to them. “According to the information we could collect, he is called Abe no Ariyuki, a member of the Abe no Seimei Clan, former head. As for the proof, we have video proof of the attack, Tamazuki’s confession and the attack of Ariyuki himself. You can also visit Shikoku and talk to Tamazuki himself. He was exchanged back yesterday to his father for information and an alliance with us.”

The man looked over the file and pictures and the passed over the video to his subordinates to review and then turned to him.

“What is it that you want from us in exchange? You do understand that even if you present all these, I will not make my youkai group move against Seimei Clan with just circumstantial evidence and your words alone no matter what my personal opinion might be. Assisting you with the Abe no Seimei clan would need something more concrete.”

He looked blankly at the man. Was he misunderstanding something? “You seem to be misunderstanding something. The Seimei Clan or Abe no Ariyuki infiltrated our territory and attacked us. He will die within this week regardless. We don’t need anyone’s help with it.” The old man raised an eyebrow while many others scoffed but he continued. “All we needed for this was any information on them and maybe an alliance.”

“Just a bunch of countryside newbies. Do you think you are worthy of making an alliance with the Nura Clan?” One of the Youkai, a cyclops looking giant, spoke up as one after another many others started shouting.

He sensed his subordinates getting annoyed but held back.

The old man raised a hand and the crowd became quiet. “An alliance you say? Very well but… we of the Nura Clan believe in strength. Show us your strength and we will agree to form an alliance.”

Hiro raised an eyebrow. “Sure. Then what do you propose?”

“You are not the leader of the group so I assume that your leader would be stronger than you?”

“I don’t even come close to our leader.”

“But you are one of his commanders to be sent to make an alliance.”

He didn’t say anything but just nodded.

“In that case, defeat any of my commanders and I will agree to the alliance. Choose from anyone present here.”

He looked around the room and the aura from the people got heavier. Turning back to the old man, he bowed lightly. “I am not aware of their strengths and weaknesses, so… why don’t you send your strongest and I will fight them.”

The smile on the old man’s face grew.

- Nurarihyon -

He watched as the commanders of Nura Clan lay on the ground, unable to even move a muscle in front of the Kijin in front of him.

Aotabo, Kuratobo and even Gyuki were all defeated one after the other while the guy barely had a nick on his blade. The rest were just rooted to in place due to fear. And their leader was stronger than him….

At first, he had taken these Oni as the upstarts from a small island with no idea how deep the water in this area was. Especially Kyoto during this time when Hagoromo Gitsune’s people were already moving. They had the guts to sit in the buffer zone between the Youkai and the five Principal Clans. Well, some might call it guts while others, foolishness but it still didn’t take away from the fact that this Kijin was strong.

As strong as him in his prime, maybe even stronger.

How was such a tribe unknown all this time?

And if so, what did they want now?

Maybe the alliance wouldn’t be a bad option to know more about them.

And even more so if the Seimei Clan and Hagoromo Gitsune were really involved in the death of Rihan.

First that Mysterious Lucifer, then the Ice Devil and now these Oni. Just what was becoming of this country suddenly?

- Guy Crimson -

“You look awfully happy today? Did you find something of interest?” Velzard asked him quite curiously, as she sat down beside him.

He smiled. In fact he was sure he hadn’t stopped smiling since he left that Restaurant.

A pathway to countless different worlds. Beings from those countless worlds. New powers and the possibilities they bring with them.


The twin of Michael and the other name of Lucifer.

An Angelic Lucifer.

“Hahahaha yes yes Velzard. I haven’t been so excited in centuries.”

“Oh. I didn’t think a mere few demon lords would make you so excited.” She asked. “Was it the one who froze the continent?”

“Yes. I saw the area myself. He supposedly held back and only froze the city because Clayman was hiding inside and….hahahaha he didn’t want to play hide and seek. That guy destroyed the entirety of Clayman’s army, fought three Demon Lord seeds and then chased Clayman back to his own territory and killed him to awaken as a Demon Lord….all because Clayman killed one girl close to him. It reminded me of my own awakening. Coincidentally, the guy is also a Devil Lord like me.”

He then went on to explain everything to a now interested Velzard.

“A Skill as strong as your Lucifer and Rudra’s Michael….Really? Is he really that strong?”

“Yes. In a fair fight, he would have around a double digit percentage to kill me.”

“Hoh. That’s quite high praise. And for an ice user like myself from another world. I won’t lie and say that I am not interested in him too.”

“Because it is interesting, Velzard. Clayman was playing his games but this time he struck his foot on a hatchet.Even the Slime Rimuru awakened an Ultimate Skill, Beelzebub. This next Walpurgis is going to be something else.”

“Is that so? In that case, why don’t I come with you too? I am also interested in the cuisine of the other worlds.”

“Why not? Those cake things were quite delicious.”

“By the way, what is the guy’s name?”

“The people have given him a title already. It’s….”

- Damrada -

He looked at the vast expanse of white that covered half the continent and felt a chill down his spine.

It was still snowing across half the continent, even after a week of said attack.

No one would have thought that an attack on Tempest would result in something like this.

It was a simple plan that would have given them an Awakened Demon Lord in the Walpurgis under their control, removed a major threat in Hinata Sakaguchi as well as weaken the Jura forest for the future invasion of the empire.

But this….

In a single night, that monster, that daemon….It was like watching the second coming of Guy Crimson.

Yuuki, Clayman….Emperor Rudra….just what kind of enemy did these plans give birth to? He didn’t think anyone of them could have expected that.

He looked at the file. The entire fiasco was recorded by his people in the file and on the top, was the title people had given to the new Demon Lord.

The Daemon who turned half a continent white in just a single night….Lord of the White Night, Silas.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Authors Note:

The arc’s completed.

The last two chapters kinda went awry from the general theme of the story but it was mainly because I wanted to get this power levelling done already.

Silas is best when he is in the restaurant.

This level of power will remove almost all worries he has about his power and concentrate on the restaurant more seriously.

As for the effects this arc will have in the different worlds, be it DxD or Rakudai, we will see in the future chapters.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.


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