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Story 7: Isekai Restaurant Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 3: Magical Girl Maou Onee-Chan


- Silas -

I woke up with softness on both my sides. I didn’t even need to open my eyes to know who they were.

On one side of me was a head covered in pink hair and on the other side was a blonde head of hair, the feel of skin on my skin making Silas junior make a tent in the blanket, that she was only wearing one of my shirts and nothing else didn’t help.

Now, how did things end up like this?

- Flashback -

“You don’t really have to do it, you know?” I repeated for the umpteenth time to the girl in front of me.

“No. This is the least I could do.” She answered, oddly in a determined tone.

From the corner, I could see Rimuru and Ainz giving me a thumbs up.

Lavinia Reni was asking to be an employee of my shop and I was confused on what to do.

She returned from Zeref’s world a few days ago and went to visit a guy called Va-kun, her little brother of sorts. There she learned that the entire Wizards of Oz organisation in Japan was wiped out along with the Utsusemi organisation and now she didn’t even know what to do.

The Governor-General guy had offered her a place in Grigori which was the organisation of the Fallen Angels. He was a known Sacred Gear enthusiast. She had however rejected it because she didn’t want to be used to research her Sacred Gear. It brought some unpleasant memories back for her.

She did offer to help them out if they were ever in trouble but nothing beyond that. She then returned here and asked me for a job because she found that I was looking for staff for my restaurant. That bit was fine but she apparently wanted to pay me back for helping her.

I didn’t even do anything and it felt like I was taking advantage of her.

“Yes yes. With the number of customers you are getting now, serving them all while also cooking will take a lot of effort. Some help will go a long way.” Rimuru bounced on his seat.

“This is indeed a good suggestion.” Ainz agreed.

I think you would look more convincing if you were not giving me a thumbs up from under the table.

I let out a sigh. “Alright. Still, you are seventeen. You’ll be going to school, right?”

“School?” She tilted her head.

…oh dear.

They were not sending her to school, were they?

“We will need to get you admitted to a school. At the very least, complete your high school education. If you want to study further, it’s your choice. You can work here in the evenings.”

“Oh, little miss wants to join a school?” Hayato asked, just having entered the restaurant.

“I still need to get her admitted to one.”

“You know, I can get her admitted with my cute granddaughter, Miu. She can also get a friend at school hahahaha.”


That’s actually a very good choice.

In this world, there was a chance that she would be watched over by several factions who are aware of her Sacred Gear and not get to have a normal teenage life. Devil knows what kind of life she has had till now. Yes, this is a good choice.

“In that case, I’ll trouble you.” I bowed lightly.

“Hahahaha no problem. This is just a little thing.”

- Flashback End -

Lavinia had been nothing but a dear to everyone in the restaurant. Although a bit oblivious with a penchant to go naked in our private times.

It was a great surprise for us, well Shuna and me.

– Flashback –

I looked at the girl who was sleeping beside me in nothing but my shirt.

"Ahhh oh Good Morning Silas." She greeted me as she stretched, making the shirt stretch and move to the side, giving me an unobstructed view of her breasts.

"Good Morning. What are you doing in my bed, Lavinia?"

"Oh, I accidentally entered the room and you looked so warm and comfy so I got in to snuggle." The answer was said in a matter of fact tone, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

I felt the corner of my lips twitch.

"Why, is there something wrong with it?" She tilted her head lightly.

No one can be this oblivious, right?

Yeah, that's not possible.

There is just no fucking way that's possible.

So, I will just see how long she can keep up her act.

I am an advocate of true gender equality. If you rub your breasts on my body, be prepared to have my dick rubbed on yours. Sexual harassment can be both sided.

"Yes, there is something missing." I answered seriously.

"Eh! What?"

"It's obviously morning. So… where is my good morning kiss?" I asked, as if something obvious.

What I didn't expect was her wrapping around my neck, breasts pressing on my chest as she kissed me on my cheeks though.

"Good Morning." She smiled purely, leaving me speechless.

I could only leave murmur a soft good morning in reply.

She really isn't this oblivious… right?

– Flashback End –

I tested my theory for a few days, did a few things, and found out that she was actually that oblivious or rather had a different sense of privacy than me.

Other than her pure nature, she was a very welcome addition to our lives.

She was incredibly famous with the guests of the restaurant due to her cheerful personality. At first Shuna was a bit flustered with her behaviour, especially when she entered my bedroom the first night with just a thin shirt on but after a week or so, she… Well, just got used to it.

If you can’t change it, join it.

Well, who cares?

I looked at my watch. An hour left until I needed to get up.

I turned around and spooned Lavinia, my dick snuggling in her crack as a perfect fit as my hands wrapped around her and pulled her into me.

When you dance with the devil, you don’t get to pick the tune. If she came to my room with only my shirt on, she should be prepared in case something happened.

I am not one of those dickless harem MCs who would just blush and waste my night sleeplessly.

The fact that she just moved and got more comfortable in my arms was just a plus.

A month had passed since I reopened my restaurant. Some things changed. For example, Zeref went to get his wife’s body who was suffering from the same curse as him. August followed him, as did Irene. The only one from that world who came to our restaurant was a little girl called Brandish.

She followed Lavinia around like a little lost puppy when she was working.

Lavinia was going to school with Miu, Hayato’s granddaughter as well as learning martial arts from the teachers of Ryozanpaku when she had time.

I was sometimes worried that she would overwork herself.

So, I discussed this with Rimuru and he said that he will look for a way to help her become stronger.

Maybe she was growing on me.

Rimuru on the other hand had been busy. The different races in the Jura forest were wary of his village now that he had all those orcs and ogres or rather Kijin under him. The village was attacked by a bunch of Lizardmen but they were beaten up before they could even get closer to the village.

The Hobgoblin Riders had gone to the other Goblin villages and gathered them all under one wing.

They formed a pact with the guardians of the Jura Forest, the dryads under someone called Treyni to protect the forest from outside invasion because now Veldora was absent in return for being recognised by the Dryads.

Rimuru had then sent a few Kijins to the Lizardman territory to send a message to the Lizardman chief about the attack on Tempest and found out that they were doing so on their own initiative.

The idiots who had attacked were led by the son of the chief who actually tried to rebel against his father to attack the Kijin but was beaten to an inch of his life by them. He was later banished along with a hundred of his followers and they ended up joining Tempest.

Really, fate’s ways are strange.

Ainz on the other hand encountered some attackers who were attacking the nearby village from a different country. He took them out and brough the village under his protection and went to investigate the situation in the nearby city.

“Mr. Bang’s order for a hotpot is done.” I called out as I placed the fish on the counter where Shuna carried it from.

Suddenly, the door to the shop opened and in came Rimuru who was looking tired. He was followed by Benimaru and Hakurou and another young girl with pink coloured twin tails.

“Ohh, what place is this? And what is that scent?” The girl jumped around looking at everything curiously before jumping to Bang’s seat and staring at his Hotpot.

“Behave Milim.” Rimuru dragged her back to a different place while the girl stared and almost drooled at the hotpot. “I’m sorry, Bang-san.”

“Hahaha no worries. It’s good for young ones to be energetic.” the old man waved it off.

“She is more than two thousand years old though.”

This caused the man to almost choke on his food as he stared at the cute girl with shock in his eyes.

“Silas, get a full course of the best you can get. Actually, get us a serving of the rabbit dish you gave us that day and then start cooking the main course.” Rimuru ordered while Benimaru came and said something in Shuna’s ears, making her stiff.

I looked at him questioningly but he just pointed at Shuna before going back to take a seat behind Rimuru while Hakurou took a seat with Mr. Bang. He was already a part of the old monsters group.

Shuna came and relayed the information to me.

The girl was called Milim Nava, one of the oldest and strongest Demon Lords from Rimuru’s world who had come to Tempest.

Rimuru enticed her with food and brought her here to soothe her because the top brass had picked a fight with her thinking that she was there to kill Rimuru.

… damn, talk about fucking up.

Still, this is a Demon Lord?

“Ohh, are you a daemon? You can cook?” I looked back to see her looking over the counter, right inside the kitchen.

“I am a Devil apparently. The Daemons from your world are different but then again I haven’t met any to give an exact difference between us.”

“My world?”

“This restaurant operates between several worlds. I am not from your world.”

“What! Really?” Her eyes glittered as I brought out some of the chocolate for the dish. “Ehh, what is that? Looks and smells amazing. Can I eat some? Hey, can I eat some?”

“Umm, Milim-sama please wait on your seat. The dish will be served as soon as Silas-sama is done.” Shuna came to the rescue.

“Rimuru, I want it now. I want that sweet thing he is using, now.”

“Sure, we can get you one of those but that would be it. You cannot eat the dishes after that.” Rimuru explained with his hands spread out.

“Ehh? Why?”


Is she really a Demon Lord?

My impression of Demon Lords is going down very quickly.

“NO! I WANT IT NOW.” She stomped on the ground and I sensed a massive amount of power behind me.

This power made that clown look like a candle compared to the sun.


I took a deep breath to reorganise myself from the sudden surprise.

I took control of the shop and the very next instant, her power was dispelled as she looked around in surprise.

“This shop is a place for people to enjoy their food and good food needs time to be cooked. Do you want me to give you raw food which tastes like crap? If so, then I can get it to you in a minute.”

That did the job as she sat down quickly although with a pout.

Really? That easily?

The power of a God with the mind of a child.

Such a dangerous combination. Seriously, how do you even deal with someone like this?

I served the first dish as soon as possible.

Lièvre À La Royale. The same dish I had served to my customers as an apology.

She practically jumped on the plate and I got some time to cook the other dishes.

It was only after three whole hours that she was satisfied and I could sit down in peace.

The guests had more or less left the place except for Rimuru and his party.

“Oi, Devil.” She got up on the chair and looked directly at me.


“Work for me.”

“No thanks.”

“What? Why?”

“I enjoy working here. I meet many people from different worlds, visit different places and make new friends from everywhere. I don’t want to leave this job.”

“But that’s not fair. I wanna have fun too.” She cried.

“Then you can come and visit me anytime you want.”

“Yes yes, I can bring you here to visit Silas whenever you want.” Rimuru came up for my backup.

“Really? Promise?”

“Promise.” Both me and Rimuru said at the same time.

I accompanied her out till Tempest and even packed an entire chocolate cake for her making her light up instantly.

“Know what Devil? I like you. I will call you Sil.”

And just like that, my demonic power soared and all I could think about before blacking out was… Not again.

Starting Evolution.

Rare Skill: Water Manipulation has evolved into Unique Skill: Flood.

Rare Skill: Ice manipulation has evolved into Unique Skill: Frost.

Extra Skill Gained: Water Resistance

Extra Skill Gained: Fire Resistance

Extra Skill Gained: Cold Resistance

Extra Skill Gained: Shock Resistance

Extra Skills: Water Resistance, Fire Resistance,  Cold Resistance and Shock Resistance were combined to All Elemental Resistance.

Extra Skill Gained: Physical Damage Resistance.

Extra Skill Gained: Magic Resistance

Extra Skill Gained: Corruption Resistance

Extra Skill Gained: Spiritual Damage Resistance

Evolution to Arch Daemon successful.

- Demiurge -

“Ainz-sama, pardon my ignorance but this is the first time I have heard of the names Silas and Rimuru and I believe that this is shared by most of our fellow guardians. Might I ask you to enlighten us?”

“You may.” Sounded the voice of the Supreme Being who sat upon his throne, his majesty somehow even more pronounced now.

It was as if a layer of darkness obscured his presence, for those unworthy to not even be granted the honour of gazing at his awe-inspiring form.

He was stronger than a month ago… which was somehow impossible.

Ainz-sama was already at the level cap. An overlord and yet he somehow became stronger. This had plagued his thoughts for several nights before Albedo of all people gave him the words of wisdom.

He is a Supreme Being. Obviously something like this should be within his reach.

The Supreme Being spoke, looking at the entire gathering of the Nazarick staff. “I believe that you all have the same thought in your mind?”

Some members looked at the ground but didn’t answer. “Our apologies. We just enquired the information so that we may not slight the guests of Ainz-sama. We do not mean it as any insult towards the guest. Please punish me if we were too presumptuous.”

“Silas and Rimuru are… both Supreme Beings.”


The roars and exclaims of shock echoed throughout the room.

“Silence!” He roared, making them all gather their bearings to listen to the Supreme One’s instructions further.

"What do you know of the Supreme Beings?"

"The forty four Supreme Beings created Nazarick and all of us. They are all beings of great power who have fought monsters and gods alike. Ultimately, they left for other worlds and only Ainz-sama stayed with us." His words brought up painful memories of all the guardians.

"Umu. But that's not all. Long before Nazarick was even formed, there were several hundred Supreme Beings."

Gasps of shock went everywhere.

"Thousands of years ago, even before the world of Yggdrasil, there was a great war, a war so big that entire planets were erased. Gods and monsters were killed and so were my fellow Supreme Beings while many of us were left severely weakened… including myself. At the end of the war, only less than fifty of us were left. Some were grieving for the death of friends and left for different worlds to spend their time alone." Ainz-sama paused and stared into space as if being reminded of the past days.

"Among the ones who were left, there was one person who was probably the kindest of us all. He used all his powers, sacrificing everything he had, even the memories others had of him in the world except us forty four and his own memories too, to make a place which everyone of our lost brethren would be able to find. A restaurant connecting several worlds. A place which can only be opened in worlds with the souls of the Supreme Beings. For you see while our brethren died, he believed that their souls must have reincarnated somewhere… and he was right."

He could hear the sounds of each person's breath in the room and the heartbeats of the ones who were alive.

A history which none of them knew of. A hero among Supreme Beings, their sacrifices…

"What was the name of the Supreme One?"




"He doesn't remember any of his past memories or has any of his past powers as do several others. But they are regaining their powers slowly. If and when you meet them, do not treat them with disrespect. Anyone in the restaurant can be people with the souls of former Supreme Beings, even the most common looking humans. They might look simple but one day they will all return to their own form. You are not to interfere with it in any way, nor talk about what you have heard about today lest it affects the Spell cast by Silas."

"Yes, Ainz-sama."

"Rimuru is one of those people. He had reincarnated as a human but later on reincarnated as a Slime. His personality is very similar to Touch Me-san. A very kind and heroic person. He was and is one of my best friends. In future you all will be acting together with his subordinates."

"We will not let the name of the Great Tomb of Nazarick down."

"Now, I believe that you both encountered these names from the memories of some of the Paleadis, correct."

Four of the combat maids bowed before confirming.

"We have memories that we are to serve them but we didn't know their faces or even who they were so we thought that someone might be trying to control us somehow."

"Umu. A very reasonable and wise choice. Caution is the better part of safety. You have those names in your memories because they were unlocked when I came in contact with them. They were the superiors of your creators and saved their lives several times. You were made as a memoir for them in hopes that they will one day reunite with us… and that day has come."

"We will be honoured to fulfil the wishes of the Supreme Beings."

How lucky are they to be allowed such an honour?

"Ainz-sama, you didn't tell us what race Silas-sama is?"

"A Devil."

As expected of a Supreme Being.

– Ainz–

They bought that?

Well obviously they would. It took him a month to come up with that pile of bull crap and practice in front of the mirror. Now, he just needs to inform Rimuru and Silas of this.

They will not complain.

They will be getting two hot maids each after all. How can they complain?

– Silas –

I opened my eyes to find myself in Shuna’s lap. “How many days was I out this time? I asked, not even trying to get up. “What about the guests?”

“Eight hours. We closed the shop for the day. We didn’t have many guests after that. Only Saitama-sama came and he was happy with the Udon I made.”

“Thank you for taking care of the situation, Shuna.”

“It’s my job.”

I just laid there, closing my eyes.

I was having money problems.

Surprisingly, even with my world breaking powers, I was having money problems. Obviously I could easily solve it but it was still surprising that I even had this problem.

I only bought and sold things from the system and while the income was decent, I haven’t had too many guests from other worlds. Even in the worlds which my restaurant opened to, only a select few people could even find the door.

Ainz and Rimuru could literally crash the economy of the place and shower me with Gold coins but I didn’t want that.

Ainz was reading a magazine for otakus while Saitama was playing on a console with Milim.

“You could always start another business on the side, you know.” Rimuru offered.

“I am always busy with the restaurant. Moreover, the last mess makes it difficult for me to go around. People are on the lookout for some Devil from what Lavinia has told me about. Me suddenly appearing in the area would cause many eyes to turn in my direction.”

“Hmm, that’s indeed a problem.” Ainz turned a page of the magazine.

“You could always get someone to manage the business for you. Maybe, have Lavinia do it for you. As for the staff. I think this area is controlled by the Youkai.”

“The nearby area. This one is neutral but yes.”

“I can send some Kijin under your command. They can set up a territory in this area. In this way, this will be established as a territory of the youkai and people wouldn’t try to look for a Devil here. Oni are a type of Youkai, right?”

“They are.” I answered, thinking about the plan.

“The Youkai can act as a cover for your business. As for what business you can do? Hmm, how about getting manga,  anime and games from other worlds and selling them here. You can easily make a successful entertainment business. It wouldn’t even be that hard. And both worlds will get amazing sources of entertainment too. A win for everyone.”

“Moreover, it’s not a business relating to supernatural things so it will be relatively safe.”

“I have no idea how to set it all up.”

“That’s fine. We can figure things out.”

“That would be taking advantage of you all. You have already done too much for me.”

“Don’t mind it. This will also help us considering that some of the things from the modern world will be very convenient for our worlds. And without you, it wouldn’t have been possible anyways. You help just by existing. To be honest, this was our original plan and it would be kinda sad to not see it fulfilled.”

“Hmm. I wouldn’t mind some funds to buy games and other stuff from the modern world. If you are worried about taking advantage of us, we could always become shareholders. For example, there is a comic convention in two weeks. We can lay a foundation for our business there.” Ainz pointed out in the magazine.

The idea did sound good.

At this time, the door to the restaurant opened and a little girl who looked around ten walked in. She was wearing a military cosplay uniform and had blonde hair and blue eyes. Now, the military cosplay part might have been a bit doubtful because of the all too real rifle she was carrying. To be honest, she looked like a fantasy nazi.

I noticed that her steps were measured and too much like a real soldier.

Her eyes turned around the place, widening as she looked at us. She immediately jumped back and brought out her gun and light flashed on the tip of her gun but before she could fire, the shop neutralised the magic.

She looked with shock at her rifle and shot from her place with the knife on the rifle raised towards us but Rimuru shot a string of spider silk, tying her to the spot.

She struggled, even when she was bound on the ground.

“So, what’s the case with her?” Rimuru asked.

“Ah, Ainz must have scared her.” Out of all us Saitama replied, making the skeleton look abashed, if skeletons could even look like that.

“I forgot to wear the mask. Wasn’t expecting anyone to come at this late hour.”

I got down in front of the girl. “I will remove the cover from your mouth but I need you to be quiet and listen to me, alright? Nod if you understand.”

She looked at me with anger enough to burn a hole through my skull but nodded nonetheless.

“This place is a restaurant between worlds. Not exactly a part of any world but a space connecting them. Do you understand?”

She looked unimpressed but nodded nonetheless.

“This guy might look like a skeleton from a B Grade horror movie.” “HEY!” “But, he is not a bad guy. He is a human or rather was a human who got transferred to a different word but got stuck in a skeleton body. Reincarnation if you will call it or in this case, transmigration.”

“I was reincarnated in a slime body. I was dying and heard a voice which asked me questions and the next thing I knew, I was in a cave with a giant dragon.” Rimuru raised a hand and offered.

“Well yeah.” I shrugged. I did notice the widening of her eyes at this point. “So, before you start trying to kill anyone, do understand that I will kick you out of the restaurant and ban you forever if you do so. Are we clear till here?”

She nodded.

“Good.” I removed the string covering her mouth and she became relaxed or rather composed herself better than before.

“Now, who are you and would you like to eat something?” I smiled.

She however sat down on a chair and stared at us for a while and then picked up the menu. “A Ramen.”


I went inside to make a bowl of ramen while keeping an ear out to listen in on the conversation.

“So, why did you attack us, kid? Was big bad Ainz really that scary?”

“You say that you were reincarnated, what did you do before that? What kind of voices did you hear?” She asked, I assume Rimuru.

“I was a salaryman. Had a run in with a mugger and got killed. The voice was asking what I wished for.”

“Hmm, it does sound like him. Did he appear in front of you? I mean, did he talk through other people?”

“Don’t know, I was blacking out so I could only hear voices. Wait, are you?”

“Tanya Degurechaff. Former Japanese resident, a salaryman. Do you think I can go back home from this world?” She introduced herself, although I could still hear a tinge of suspicion in her voice.

Another isekai character.

What’s my shop? A gathering place of isekai characters?

“Well… there are several Japan’s in the world. Ainz was from a far future version of Japan, another guy Hayato comes from a completely different version of Japan. In fact, Silas, the owner, is also from a different version of Japan. So, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you.”

“Hmm, thought so. It really isn’t easy.”

“Wait, you said him. Do you know the guy who reincarnates people?” Ainz asked.

“Really? Do you think he can be the same guy who reincarnated me?” Rimuru asked.

Even my ears perked up at this. I mean I was reincarnated as well.

“I call him Being X. He’s…”

We didn’t get to listen to anything else as I felt a presence enter the shop, I left the ramen and came out quickly to see the figure of a man walking in, almost like a zombie. That said, the aura around the zombie was strong.

“So your faithlessness has even attracted the attention of devils and monsters? Are you still going to oppose me even at the cost of condemning your soul to demons?” A voice, completely foreign to the one expected of a zombie, sounded as it started at Tanya.

Seriously, what’s up with today?

“You wanna bet against it?” The girl mocked.

I mean the guy was supposedly a God or something similar, right?

Stop mocking it.

“It is all futile. You must be guided towards the path of a believer. Let me show you how even demons or monsters cannot help you with this.”

The aura thickened and I sensed Milim getting up.

Okay, time to stop this.

The restaurant crushed the aura in the very next moment and Milim sat down, huffing and going back to her console.

The Zombie looked confused.

“Guest, what would you like to eat? If you don’t have anything to order, I suggest that you leave and not cause trouble within the premises. This is private property and I will be forced to take action if you do so.”

“A creature seeped in demonic power. Your soul is irredeemable. I feel sorry for you.”


“Oi, are you the guy who reincarnates people in different worlds?” Rimuru got up from the seat and asked the zombie but I don’t know why a very strange silence fell over the room.

“It is but a mere part of my power. Rejoice at being able to witness my presence monster. Do not fear for I shall grant mercy to your souls and purge you right now.”

The next moment, the zombie was blasted to the side of the restaurant, against a wall. “RETURN MY DICK, YOU CRAZY BASTARD!”


I don’t think anyone expected that. Not even the zombie guy. Not even when he was devoured by Rimuru.

It was only after a minute that he stopped. “Oh!”


He looked around sheepishly. “According to Great Sage, it was not this guy.”


Did you just accidentally kill the wrong guy? Also, don’t act like you don’t remember what you just shouted. I thought to myself but didn’t say out loud.

“Also, it was only a possession. The one it was possessing was already dead. I got some Skills from devouring it.”

I let out a sigh and just went back to finish cooking the Ramen. I should have accepted such a life when I got this System in the first place.

Tanya Degurchaff was instantly recruited by Rimuru while Ainz sent over two people. Yuri Alpha and Narberal Gamma.

Lavinia used her contracts to get them IDs in our world.

Tanya was apparently someone at a high level in a respected company in her previous life. She jumped at the fact that she could stay in a modern world and decided to work for me.

She was in fact more than happy to jump from her previous world which was drowned in war because that asshole being wanted to make her a so-called believer.

I mean, talk about taking things too far.

The two maids on the other hand. They were odd.

Yes. The fact that they were not humans was not it either.

No. I knew enough non humans to know it was not it. There was something else going on.

They looked at me as if I was made from Gold and they wanted to just sit at my feet and polish me everyday just so that they could stare at me in awe.

Just what the fuck did Ainz tell them to make them act like this?

I mean they were good at their work. Like too good even but somewhere in the back of my head, I always felt something was going on which I didn’t know about.

Our first goal was to establish a Manga publication in two weeks. Production was not an issue. Rimuru could make even modern machines have a complex. He just swallowed the ink, the paper and well all the materials and spit out completed manga.

We decided to make twenty thousand copies of our manga. The plan was to take the Manga industry by storm.

The copies will be sold in the comic-con in Tokyo in the next two weeks.

We found that this world already had a shoddy version of Dragon Ball because I remember reading it.

So we went for another series.

Since the company will be connected with the new Youkai faction forming in the town, we decided to make it a bit obvious.

Yu Yu Hakusou.

It has a good story about Youkai so I don’t see a problem with it.

Of the big ones, we decided to go for Naruto. The locals will buy the ones which they are most familiar with. Ninjas were always a hype in Japan.

Then came Sailor Moon.

An obligatory Magical Girl show as Rimuru and Ainz stated it.

The true Trump Card which Tanya suggested in this was pushing in Yu-Gi-Oh! and then starting a gacha business selling cards everywhere using this.

Let the world witness the horrors of Gacha.

It was at this moment we realised, ‘This Loli was Evil’(With a capital E).

Last but not the least, a fan service story. To Love Ru. I think Rimuru made some personal changes to this one.

We filled the rest with some other titles and the manga was done.

Two Light Novels were added too.

One was ‘The Irregular at the Magic High’ and the second one was ‘Sword Art Online’.

In the meantime, we established our company. Crossroad Publications.

The owner on paper was Shuna while my own name was kept out of the documents to avoid any unwanted suspicion.

For people from different universes who have crossed roads with each other.

The first day of comic-con arrived and we were ready for business then why was it like this?

“Remind me, why am I doing this again?” I asked, looking slightly annoyed at Rimuru and Ainz who were both completely under their cosplay disguise while a pink haired twin tailed Demon Lord hung from my arm, eating a candied apple.

“You wanted your identity to remain unassociated with the company. And Milim cannot be left unsupervised. There was only one choice, really.”

“But why can’t anyone else take her with them?”

“Oh? Who?”

… yes who?

I thought of the list of people available to us and found out that there was really no one who could do so.

Shuna was not that knowledgeable of this world.

Yuri and Naberal were good but my instincts were shouting at me to not let them do this job.

Tanya… letting two lolis walk around was like inviting trouble… well for the world, knowing who one of those lolis was.

Lavinia was already hanging out with Brandish and somehow I didn’t think she could manage Milim.

Ainz wanted to experience Comic-con for himself and Rimuru was showing him around. They will also be watching over the business and producing extra copies of the manga if in demand.

“Now be careful and enjoy your day.” They waved at me as they entered the place which was reserved by the Crossroad Publications.

“So, where are we going?” Asked a super excited Milim who was wearing a magical girl costume for our promotion.

I looked at the girl who looked no different from a normal person and decided to make her have fun for the day.

“We will go out to an amusement park nearby. But you do remember our deal, right?”

“Yup. I don’t fight with anyone unless they hurt me. Don’t tell anyone about the restaurant and that I am not from this world. Hide my power. I remember everything.” She gave me a thumbs up.

“Good. As a reward, I’ll get you an ice-cream first. Come on.”

We headed to the ice-cream shop which was being run by an old woman. “Oh my, how cute. So what do you want, little Miss?”

“Sil, Sil, what do we eat?” She pointed at the list, eyes shining bright.

“You can take any you want?”



“Yay!”She jumped and got right to ordering everything she could.

The woman laughed at her antics. “You have a very adorable little sister.”



I realised that it was exactly what we looked like to people. Just a couple of siblings hanging out.

Not a literal Arch Daemon and a World Ending Demon Lord.

The words even made Milim pause and look at me but I replied before she could say anything. “Yes. Yes she is very cute. Thank you.”

Her eyes brightened at the reply. She picked the funny looking ice cream cone which was almost half her height.

A bit away from the shop she suddenly stopped. “Sil… if we are acting as siblings, wouldn’t I be the Onee-chan?”



You don’t look like one from any angle.

I wanted to say that but the look in her eyes made me just nod. “That would be correct, technically.”

“Very well. Then I am the Onee-chan. If anyone troubles you, you can come to me. I will beat them up for you hahahaha.”

That did not reassure me somehow.

We played around in the amusement park for a few hours when I needed to go to the toilet. Milim was playing on a Gaming Machine so I didn’t disturb her and went out to take the call.

Years later, I would look back to this day and remember the two mistakes I made on this day.

First, was leaving Milim alone.

Second was the thing I thought about when leaving her.

‘After all, what could go wrong in five minutes.’

As even the noobest of otaku could have called it out.

Yes, I raised a flag.

- Rias -

“Are you sure this is alright, Rias? We are surely going to be punished for sneaking out.” She let out a sigh as Sona complained again. “We brought escorts with us so it’s fine.”

“Bringing Akeno and Tsubaki doesn’t count.” She pouted. Really, she was such a worrywart.

“We are going to be coming to Japan for school starting from next year. I am just… scouting the area. Yes. I am just scouting the area.”

“The extra repetition was not needed.”

“Oh come one Sona. When will we get this kind of opportunity again? Lady Serafall is in a meeting and we can explore the area ourselves. And this is Tokyo, Akihabara. The Lilith of all Otakus. It would be such a waste to not explore it.”

“Stop wasting your time Sona. You know how she gets when this topic comes around.” Akeno giggled and she pouted.

As they were passing by, a little girl in a magical girl costume passed by them.

“Hey hey, how much longer till we can get to the new game store? I have to go back too.”

“Down that lane.” The man pointed while looking around warily before hiding his face.

“Rias.” Sona called her quietly.

“Yeah. That was suspicious. Should we follow them and see?” It was an adventure.

This time none complained and they secretly followed the two.

They entered the opening of an alley and could hear the voices of the two.

“You shouldn’t follow around strange guys, jou-chan. Some of them might be bad people, you know.” The man started walking towards the girl whose figure was covered by the man’s back.

As they had thought, a kidnapper.

"So you are not taking me to the new game centre."

"Hahahaha. Oh, I will take you there but you might not like the game." He brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and some kind of bottle as he walked towards the girl.

"Milim punc…."

Tsubaki rushed in and chopped the neck of the kidnapper, downing him in an instant.

The girl who was preparing to punch the kidnapper relaxed and tilted her head cutely as she looked at their group.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" She asked, while Sona went to tie up the kidnapper and report the matter.

"Hurt me? Hahahaha how could such a weakling hurt me? I am very strong." She laughed, puffing her chest adorably.

“Do you have anyone we could send you to? A friend or relative maybe?” Sona asked as she finished calling the police.

“Oh, I forgot Sil. He told me to stay at the game place.” The girl suddenly realised something.

“Sil? Your guardian?”

“He is my brother.” She replied, oddly proud of the fact.

“Then how do we contact your elder brother? Do you have a phone number or something? Where is the Game Shop you were talking about?”

“Eh? Sil is not my elder brother.”

“But you just said…”

“I am the Onee-chan hahahaha.”

All of them sweatdropped at the girl’s attitude.

“And here is the phone number. She brought out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it over to them.”

“... this is the bill of the game centre.”

“Eh? I guess I forgot the phone number then hahahaha.” She laughed unabashed.

Sona let out a sigh and she couldn’t help but let out a giggle. A magical girl who doesn’t care about the world and acts as she likes.

“It’s like Sona-chan is a magnet for Magical Girls.” Akeno giggled, making Sona glare at her queen.

“We will go to the shop and see if we can find your brother.” Sona replied not paying any attention to Akeno’s joke. “What is your name?”

“Hahahaha be grateful to be in my presence. I am Maou Milim Nava… ughh, Magical Girl Sailor Moon… yeah, that!”



Sona was the only one who didn’t laugh.

In fact if Rias knew her well, she might be having a headache right about now.

“You know, this can be considered as a practice for communicating with children. A good quality for someone who wants to open a school.” She whispered in her ears, making her turn her glare to her as she giggled.

“Ohh! This looks good. What is this?” The girl, Milim or rather Magical Girl Maou Milim Nava looked at the people eating crepe with glittering eyes.

“That’s a crepe shop. Would you like one?” She offered the girl. After all, who could withstand the cuteness that the girl was radiating at every new thing in the place. It was like she was in a  completely new world.  Maybe she was in a different country for a vacation.

As they sat down with the crepe for each member of their group.

Milim was enjoying her crepe with a blissful look on her face. “You know what, you're all pretty good people. I like this crepe thing. It’s nothing compared to what Sil makes but still good.”

“Oh, your brother is good at cooking?”

“Hmm hmm, he is a chef. He doesn’t want to be my personal chef though or I would make him cook all kinds of tasty things for me. But his place is not bad either.”

“Chef? Isn’t he your younger brother?” Sona asked.

“He is. What of it?” The girl tilted her head causing Sona to sweatdrop. “You are quite weird Glasses.” She continued before going back to eating, making Sona’s lips twitch.

“Glasses? And who might you mean by that name?” Sona asked, barely controlling her anger.

“Eh? You obviously.”

Akeno intervened before Sona burst in anger. “Is that a nickname you gave her? Then again, we haven’t told you our names so using nicknames is understandable. My name is Akeno. She is Rias. This is Tsubaki and the girl you called Glasses is called Sona.”

“Oh! Cool.”

“So, Milim-chan. If Sona is Glasses, then what are our nicknames?” She asked her, curiously.

“Your nicknames?Hmm, the red one is Boobies The one with the hairband is Super Boobies. The last one is Glasses Boobies.”

… She probably shouldn’t have asked.

The look on Sona’s face didn’t make things better either. It was not a big secret that Sona was a bit conscious about the size of her assets, especially when everyone around her was growing at a quick pace. Even Rias herself had grown considerably in the last two years.

“So what are you doing in Japan, Milim?” She asked quickly, changing the topic.

“Hmm. Rimuru and the others were coming to have fun at the comic-con and I didn’t want to be left out so Sil and I went out to play. Then that baddie tricked me. I should have given him a taste of my Milim Punch.”

“Your brother must be worried for you. Can you tell us how he looks so that we might find him quicker?”

“Hmm. He has black hair. Blue eyes and smells like Glasses. Hmm. Actually, he looks a bit like Glasses.”

“My name is Sona Sitri.” Sona left out a sigh once more.

“Oh. And he also sighs a lot like you. I don’t know why.”

She giggled looking at Sona’s face.

It was probably the first time she was teased like this by someone who was not her elder sister. The fact that the girl was a self proclaimed Magical Girl Maou is even funnier.

“You came to visit the Comic-con?”


“Let’s go there then.” She offered instantly. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was the Comic-con.

“We are going to the shop first. Her brother might be waiting there first. I have already contacted the police to inform them about the case and the nearby police station is near the area too.” Sona intervened and she pouted.

Didn’t Sona understand, there was a Comic-con going on.

The five of them walked towards the place when she felt something odd.

“There is a barrier around the area.” Akeno notified, as all four of them took positions to look for the caster.

- Sona -

Just what was wrong with today?

First Rias somehow defeats her in a challenge and she has to accompany her in sneaking out while her sister is in a meeting.

Then they become minders to a miniature version of Serafall. It still chilled her spine to think that there were more people like her sister out there in the world.

She was around 80 percent sure that her sister was pranking her somehow or would be if this woman hadn’t appeared out of nowhere.

And now this.

She looked at the brown haired, glasses-wearing woman flying in the sky in front of them. The most prominent feature about her would be her ten devil wings behind her.

A Satan Descendant.

“I came to this Satan forsaken country to look for the mysterious Lucifer but look what I found here. The siblings of the fakes, loitering around in the human world, pretending to be lowly humans? How disgusting.”

“Who are you? Why have you stopped us?” Rias went to the front and shouted out loud while Sona checked if she could send any messages to her sister. The communication magic was blocked.

They will have to find a way to distract her so that they can escape the barrier first. That would be quite difficult.

“Hey, who is this annoying woman? She reminds me of another guy whom I find quite annoying. Can I beat her up?” Milim spoke up and all of them froze.

“Hahahaha is this how much the names of the original Satans have been desecrated by the fakes that even insolent filth like this dare to insult us. Very well, let the world be reminded who the rulers of the Underworld are. Let those fakes suffer.”

A giant dragon made of water arose from behind her and raced towards them. All four of them erected a barrier but looking at the size of the attack, she doubted the barriers would be able to hold it back.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw Milim walking towards the front of the barriers. “Milim GET BACK!”

Milim faced the water dragon and took a punching stance. “Milim Punc….”

The scene around her as if slowed down and she could see the massive dragon racing towards the young girl who reminded her of her own sister, their images overlapping with each other for just a moment but before she could move, another water dragon came from behind them and crashed into the first one, destroying each other before they could hit the barrier.

Another one?

“Who?” The brown haired woman looked around in surprise.

She looked back and a guy with black hair landed behind them.

Devil Wings.

“SIL!” Milim shouted as she looked back and then raced into the boy.

“Barely on time.” She heard the boy whisper as he held Milim in his arms and then flicked her forehead. “Why did you leave the Game Centre?”

“Ah! I was tricked. I was going to beat that guy up but they beat him up first and then we were going to come to the Game place but then we ate crepe and then this meanie stopped and attacked us. Hold on a minute, let me just beat her up in a moment.”

He flicked her head again and then bowed towards the woman who was eying him cautiously. “I don’t know what they have done to offend you but I would like to apologise for them. They are still young, so can you please forgive their mistake and let this matter go? If I can compensate you in any way, I will try to do my best.”

“Apologise? Compensate? And how are you going to compensate us, by handing over the thrones which rightfully belong to us? Are you making fun of me?” The woman got angrier instead. Water rose around her, forming multiple water dragons similar to the first one.

“Look miss, I really don’t like fighting. I am sure whatever happened to you cannot be the fault of these people so please don’t blame them for the deeds of their elders.” The boy tried to reason politely but the woman was enraged but didn’t even pause before sending five of those water dragons, tearing through the surroundings towards them.

- Silas -

Five minutes.

I went to the toilet for just five minutes and this happened.

My heart almost jumped to my throat when I saw Milim about to punch. I was not exactly worried about the woman who now clearly appears to be an insane bitch but I was kinda worried about the city and the country and probably half the continent which might accidentally get erased if Milim decided to punch seriously.

As soon as I found out that Milim was missing, I went out to search for her. The barrier-like spell appearing in the city out of nowhere was a big sign and thankfully I arrived here right on time.

I looked at the water dragons and the thought that came to my head was….why? What is the use of using extra energy to make them shaped like dragons? Isn’t that a wastage of energy? The move I used a moment ago made it clear to me that the shape doesn’t exactly provide any kind of mystical power to the attack, so what was the purpose of using such fancy looking moves?

To look cool?

What is this, an anime?

Sage had already broken down the components of the spell at a single glance. It was a very basic kind of spell with a lot of power behind it.

I looked at the water dragons approaching me and let out a sigh. “Why do I get caught in these situations?”

In the next moment, I controlled the water on the ground and the nearby fountain and compressed it to the utmost limit, shaping it in the shape of a simple blade and slashed them towards the dragons.

My new Unique Skill: Flood, made my water spells over a hundred times stronger. It wasn’t even a comparison as the dragons were torn apart from between, breaking the magic controlling them as they fell to the ground in a shower of water.

The woman was shocked but in just a moment that shock turned into anger as she looked at me hatefully.

What’s with the hate, Lady?

Should I just let myself be hit by those inefficient, slow moving dragons just to soothe your pride? Grow up.

“Look Miss. I really don’t like fighting. I just like and want to live my life in peace. Can’t you just let it slide today? Whatever problems you have, solve it another day. There are a lot of people in the surrounding areas. They will get hurt and there will be a mess. It’s too troublesome to deal with that. So why don’t we both be reasonable adults and take a step back instead?”

“You….black hair, blue eyes. Water magic. A condescending tone and that face which reminds me of that traitor who dares proclaim herself with my rightful name. Who are you?”

Oh, come on. Now she is superimposing someone else on me? Get a doctor for your unresolved PTSDs, don’t hit random people with giant water dragons. Can this day get any worse?

“Hahahaha Silas is my little brother and I am the Onee-chan, Maou Milim Nava. Get beaten up meanie.” Milim laughed before making a face at the already incensed woman.


Murphy….thou art a heartless bitch.

I closed my eyes and facepalmed.

The woman became quiet for a second and then let out a shriek of anger as dozens of water dragons rose in the air. This time what looked like Magic Circles forming several weapons of magic accompanied them and they were numbered in hundreds.

It was like a mini tsunami up there.

“You know what? I’m done.” I whispered as I turned back and held Milim’s hand so that she wouldn't run around anywhere again. “Frost.”

The sound behind me stopped instantly.

I faced the girls and bowed lightly. “I’m very thankful to you for helping my sister out. If we meet again someday, I will treat you all to something good but today I am in a bit of a hurry so I apologise.”

And with that said, I took Milim in my arms and flew away.

- Ajuka -

Sitting down on the couch, he noticed a bunch of what looked to be some children’s novel lying on the table.

Sirzechs and Serafall called him over to Sirzechs’ place to question their sisters and their queens about the attack of Katerea Leviathan and the mysterious Devil who killed her.

The children were quite shocked by the incident and were getting ready before they arrived so Ajuka picked up a book to entertain himself.

He read through the books at his normal pace, having nothing better to do to pass the time but didn’t think that a children’s book would catch his attention.

But he got interested….surprisingly.

A few minutes later, Sirzechs and Serafall entered the room, followed by their little sisters and parents. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Ajuka. We were worried and the girls needed to go through some medical checkups first.”

“It’s fine. I just arrived.” He laid aside the book and looked at the shaken up girls.

“Rias, go on. Tell us what happened there.” Sirzechs asked his sister, giving her a light push and she came forward and replayed the story.

The other three came after her and filled in the holes.

“So, Katerea Leviathan attacked you out of nowhere.”

Serafall’s sister slowly nodded and ice started to gather on the glasses of the room.

“Control yourself, Serafall.” Sirzechs spoke, attracting her attention, causing the ice to recede.

“She said that she was there trying to find a Lucifer.” Sirzechs offered.

Ah, that mysterious Lucifer who overturned the table because some foolish magicians decided to poke the hornet’s nest.

Even after around two months, they found nothing about this person. It was understandable that the Old Satan faction would want someone like this who could clear an entire country of selected people on their side.

Thankfully, the person himself was more of a recluse and didn’t come out.

“Can you tell us something about the boy who fought her? Also, this little sister of his?”

“The boy was a Devil. His sister called him Sil. He had black hair, blue, almost purple eyes and looked like he was around twenty. He was extremely fast when using Water Magic. Actually, that woman thought he was related to Sitri because he looked a bit similar to Lady Serafall.” He noticed the Serafall freeze momentarily at this, remembering the incident from eighteen years ago. What a mess that was? She had almost frozen half the underworld in her rage.

Lady Sitri looked frozen too. It was Lord Sitri’s reaction which was odd. His eyes widened and his mouth opened a little. He probably knew something but controlled himself.

Rias continued. “He stopped the water dragon attacking us with a near identical attack and apologised to the woman, asking her to let go of the matter saying that he didn’t like fighting. She was however offended and attacked but he easily countered.”

She paused for a moment as if remembering the scene. “All those water dragons, all those attacks were easily cut off by him using water blades….instantly.”

“I observed something odd about him.” Sona spoke.


“He was not using any magic circles. From the start till the end, I didn’t see any magic circles. It’s like he could control all the water at will and he did so just by willing it.”

“Oh! Anything else?”

“The woman got very angry when Milim made fun of her and attacked us. At this point, I heard the boy whisper that he was done and ‘Frost.’ Everything instantly turned to ice. All those hundreds and hundreds of water attacks, the woman attacking us….everything….just froze. He….was not even trying. He then just bowed to us and thanked us for helping his sister and took her and flew away.”


A very uncomfortable silence settled over the room.

Katerea Leviathan was at the very top of the Ultimate Class, even a low Satan class if they pushed it and that was something in the world. The number of Devils stronger than her could be counted on both hands with fingers to spare.

And someone who could defeat her….so easily, Ajuka could only think of three such people, one of them being himself.

Even among the current Satans, Serafall and Falbium couldn’t do it. Not that easily.

Serafall had personally checked the site of the battle.

Each of those water weapons were frozen still. The entire thing looked like a lifelike sculpture than anything else. And all of it was done instantly. In less than a second.

“Do you know of anyone like that, Lord Sitri?” Sirzechs asked and unlike the previous reaction the man denied it, still looking a bit out of it.

“Can you all remember anything, even a simple thing about the boy and his sister?”

“Umm, his sister….she was not a devil.”

“Hmm? Explain.”

“She was a child around ten or so and called herself Magical Girl Maou Milim Nava. It was because of this that the woman got angry with us. Also, she repeatedly called herself his elder sister. She had the habit of giving nicknames to everyone. We could only find out what we did about him because she talked a little about herself. She was there with her friends to visit the Comic-con and she was with her brother. Her brother is a chef and she called him Sil. They were not from Tokyo.”


“That leaves us with even less than what we started with. First that mysterious Lucifer and now another unknown possible Super Devil out there that we don’t know about. Why is everyone suddenly gathering in Japan?”

“And the Japanese Supernatural community is being quite tense about this too. We cannot make any strong moves there to search.”

“Do you think they might be the same person?” Falbium asked.

He shook his head. “Highly unlikely. To master magic of that level of magic takes more than just affinity. Someone being attuned to several such elements is unlikely. Moreover, the guy didn’t know Katerea at all. If he was a Lucifer with that level of power, he must have had some idea of who she was.”

“Serafall, talk to the Japanese Supernatural communities and see if we can find out anything about these two. Ajuka, can you make a portrait from their descriptions?”

He nodded and created a magic circle and presented it towards the girls. “Think of the boy and his sister’s faces and put a palm on the magic circle.”

They did and slowly two faces appeared on the magic circle.

“Father….is he, maybe….one of yours?” Serafall asked and even Lady Sitri looked at the man.

“No. I don’t know him.” He denied.

Ajuka looked at another one of his magic circles and observed that his heart rate had increased, perspiration and breathing rate had slightly changed while one of his eyebrows shook. He was lying.

This was such a mess.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Authors Note:

Many things happened in this chapter. But all this is a setup for what is to come.

SIlas accidentally became strong….again.

The Loli dragonoid has arrived.

The Lili Fantasy-Nazi has arrived.

The people at Nazarick think Silas and Rimuru are Supreme Beings.

People in Tensura think that Silas is an Archdaemon.

And the people in Dxd think that Silas is a Super Devil.

Dxd world is going to experience a completely new kind of hell, The Gacha Hell.

And Silas is getting a business empire without even realising.

Our boi just can’t catch a break, can he?

Good thing, he is getting some good cuddle time with two hotties with possibly more to come maybe.

Oh and Sil also got an Onee-chan out of nowhere….accidentally.

Meanwhile Milim was cockblocked both times from casting fist and obliterating half of earth.

All the while both Rimuru and Ainz were doing cosplay at the Comic-con.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day. Peace Out.


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