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Isekai Restaurant

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 10: An ordinary day in the Restaurant


- Silas -

I woke up in the morning with an arm on my chest and someone breathing on the side of my neck.

Well, it would be a stretch to call it waking up as I was barely able to sleep all night.

I was still unsure about what was happening.


I had to get out of this before anyone caught us like this.

With this in mind, I slowly slipped out of her grip….or tried to do so but my movements woke her up.

“Hmm….g-good morning, Sil-kun~” Lavinia yawned as she said.

I was unsure on how to respond but still greeted her back.

“Good Morning.”

She turned on her back stretching and I was finally free of her grip but the sight in front of me, made me hesitate from moving a bit.

Her stretching had caused the shirt she was wearing, my shirt….my unbuttoned shirt to shift away, revealing two impressive globes with the edge of the shirt being stuck on two pink nubs preventing her breasts from completely being revealed.

Blood ran to my lower body at the sight and my morning wood was now morning iron.

Does this girl have no idea what she was doing?

Not letting myself fall into her pace, I quickly got up and went to the washroom.

But apparently, the day was just not on my side.

There was a knock on the door and Sakura’s voice came from the other side but before I could do anything, the door opened by itself.


Sakura looked inside the room and saw me in just my shorts with a visible tent and Lavinia sitting on my bed with just my shirt and her panties on.

The Sage could run hundreds of situations in my mind and in none of those did this look good.

Still, I had to try to salvage the situation somehow so I tried to explain first.

“This is not what it looks like, Sakura. Believe me, I ….”

She let out a sigh and my heart sank and then she looked at Lavinia and me. “She sleepwalked into your bed, didn’t she?”


“She has the habit of sleepwalking into other people’s rooms. She did the same with Brandish and me.” Sakura sighed.

“Mmhh, Sakura-chan….good morning.”

“You shouldn’t walk around into other people’s rooms, Lavy. Please get dressed.”

“Eh….but I was feeling cold and Sil-kun looked so warm….”

….don’t talk, please don’t talk.

You are making the situation worse.

“That’s not a good enough reason, Lavy. You should only sleep with the guy you like.”

“But I like Sil-kun.” She said with a tilt of her head as if stating the obvious.

Say what….when did that happen?

Why don’t I know about this?

However before I could say anything else she continued. “And I like Sakura-chan and Brandish-chan. That’s why I sleep with you all.”


I just stared at her, observing her with all my Skills.

Was Lavinia Reni….just that simple of a girl?

“That’s good….but did you ask Silas-san for permission before getting into his bed? While you might not mind, he could have a problem right?” Sakura explained patiently.

Sakura was the younger of the two and yet it looked like she was the older in this situation.

“Ehh, you don’t like me, Sil-kun?” She looked at me surprised, almost hurt.

I was taken aback at suddenly being thrown under the bus.

“Wha….? It’s not like that….I mean sure….what again?”

Not sleeping properly last night along with the weirdness of the situation was taking its toll on my mind.

“See, he said he likes me too.” She smiled brightly.

Sakura looked at her and let out a sigh. “I see. In that case, get ready. We are having breakfast soon.”


“And please dress up properly before leaving the room.” Sakura interrupted before going forward and buttoning her shirt up.

“Thank you, Sakura-chan. You’re the best.” Lavinia hugged Sakura tightly before looking at me. “Sil-kun, would you like to take a bath together?”


“I think I want to bathe alone today.” I replied, controlling the twitching of my lips and inner reluctance about the statement.

That said, I needed time to understand what was going on.

“Ah, too bad. Next time then.” She waved at me and left the room and I looked at Sakura.


“You don’t have to explain anything, Silas-san. Lavy….she….didn’t mean anything bad. She….just had an unusual upbringing.” She continued after a moment of thought.


She then walked towards me. “And I know you won’t ever do anything bad to anyone. I trust you.”

“….thank you. It’s just that the situation looked too….”

“It didn’t look that bad, you know. If anything, I would have thought you two got together rather than you doing something bad.”

“That….makes far more sense.” I said after a moment of thought.

“You should trust yourself more, Silas-san.”

I smiled at her words and looked down….suddenly realising that I was just in my underwear with an erection. “I….thank you but I need to go to the bath. Excuse me.” I hurriedly left the room, pulling myself out of the awkward situation.

Although I think I heard a chuckle behind me.


Breakfast was surprisingly normal.

Lavinia showed no signs of the morning’s incident and acted as if everything was normal.

Over the next few days, I would find out what Sakura had meant. Lavinia really was such a simple minded girl. It turns out that the people of that magician’s group didn’t teach her things which would be considered common sense for normal girls. That woman really just wanted to research her Sacred Gear and nothing more. 

Not to say that she was a fool. She just had a very….different sense of privacy.

Although apart from this, Lavinia was a very sweet and honest girl who we all loved.

In those days, she had wandered into my room twice in the middle of the night, wearing my shirt and sleeping by my side quietly.

After the first few times, especially seeing that even Sakura was not bothered by this, I gave up caring and just got used to it. I mean it’s not like I hated having a cute girl cuddle with me at night.


“Ice Devil Slayer Magic?” I asked, looking at the book in front of me.

“Yes. This is the perfect magic for you. The Demon Seed inside you is something produced in the bodies of the users of Devil Slayer Magic over time as they use this magic. It then changes their magic slowly to have a more demonic flavour and when it finally blooms, the user becomes a Devil. But your case is different. You are already a devil so it will most likely just empower you.” August explained.

“Hmm.” I nodded as I looked at the book. “Should I keep something in mind when learning this magic?”

In humans, this magic changes the flavour of their magic and due to this, sometimes the personality of the user changes. They become more predisposed to….indulging themselves.” He said after some thought. “Though, that is quite unlikely to happen in your case as your magic is already demonic.”

The guy assured me and I nodded.

“His Majesty told me that your body was not producing demonic power on its own and that’s why you were dying. Now, your body has far more demonic power but we can always work on improving your reserves. This magic will be the best choice for you to take advantage of your innate qualities. You shouldn’t let this chance go.”

“Alright, I’ll learn it.”

Over the next few hours, August explained the magic to me in detail and I got to use some of the spells and surprisingly, the spells came almost naturally to me.

In fact, it was even faster than with Ice Magic. Even without using Sage, I could feel a strange familiarity with the magic.

Was this what August meant when he said this magic was perfect for me?

According to him, this magic is best learned in combat and so we sparred for a while and in all that time, I couldn’t even put  some dust on his cloak.

The guy was seriously a master of magic.


“So how are your magic studies coming along, Silas-kun?” Hayato-san asked me as I finished preparing their orders and sat in front of them.

Rimuru, Saitama and Ainz were playing games as usual in their own corner. We had renovated one side of the Restaurant so that people could gather there and people coming to the Restaurant don’t start off by seeing Ainz’s face the first thing when they enter the Restaurant.

Kisuke-san was also present and enjoying his usual dangos.

Cid-kun was sitting with the rest and watched as Touma trained his stances under the guidance of Kensei-san with a few comments from Bang-san, Atomic Samurai and Issac-san on the nearby table.

“Amazing. Learning magic is wonderful. It’s like exploring a completely different world.”

“Hey Nii-san, show us some cool magic you have learned. Tohru-chan can use some really cool magic too. Which ones can you do?” Naruto asked, jumping excitedly.

“Hmm, I don’t think I can do anything close to Tohru’s magic but I will try.” I thought of something and walked to the corner of the Restaurant.

Sakura had put some plants here and often took care of them.

It made the place look much brighter.

I picked up a flower from the plant and brought it to them.

“See.” With a slight push on my magic, the entire flower turned to ice.

“Woah. That’s so cool. It looks like an ice-cream. Can we eat it?”

“No, you don’t eat frozen flowers, Naruto.” Miu scolded.

I laughed at their antics and gave the flower to Naruto to play with.

As soon as I did this, I felt another gaze from my side. Looking in the direction, I saw Kanna giving me those cute dragon eyed looks again.

“You want one too?” I asked.

She nodded.

With a chuckle, I picked another flower and did the same, making another flower of ice for Kanna.

“Here.” I gave the flower to Kanna and patted her head.

“See, I got my own.” She showed the flower to Naruto.

Kanna stared at her flower and suddenly without any warning, she bit off the flower, eating it completely.

“Ah! She ate it.” Naruto shouted pointing a finger at her.

Kanna looked smugly at him. “Silly Naruto. If you don’t ask Silas for permission, he won’t be able to deny you.”


That’s not how it works….dammit.

The boy looked as if he was enlightened at the words while Miu was still understanding the situation before she could begin her lecture.

The two kids were already done with the situation.

“That’s smart, Kanna-chan. Wanna play.”


“Let’s go.”

And with that both of them ran out to play on their own.

“Naruto, Kanna!” Miu shouted as she bowed towards me and ran after the two kids quickly.

“They are getting along quite well. I was worried how she would adapt to living with you all.” I said looking at Hayato.

“Hahahaha Kanna-chan is adorable. I feel like I have another granddaughter now. And yes, they squabble among themselves and when they get tired, they play together. They even play pranks together. I think both of them are getting along quite well. I think Kanna-chan was just missing a friend to play with and Naruto is happy with someone his age to play with too. Normally the kids at his school are good but he cannot tell them about this magic stuff so Kanna came in as a welcome change.”

“I am glad that they are getting along.”

It had been a month since the attack on the Restaurant.

A few things had changed since then.

First, Lavinia decided to leave the place she was working at previously and started working here.

In fact, she went there today to meet some Va-kun person who is like a little brother to her as well as formally resign from the organisation.

Second, after a month-long investigation, there were no more supernatural people in this area.

As for the details, we would only know that when Lavinia returned with the latest information.

Third was that our assessment for Jujutsu Sorcery was decided and was set two months later. This was done because many students were scheduled to be promoted and there was a shortage of examiners for everyone.

I need to get some sort of in with the Supernatural world to know more. Until now, the only things I knew were the things I had learned from Tobio’s friends and Lavinia….which was quite basic.

My world had all the mythicals creatures I had heard about in stories, literally every pantheon ever. The Supernatural beings numbered in millions….even billions in total although most of them live in different dimensions connected to this world.

For example, the Underworld was real.

Not a surprise considering I was a devil and all.

But that was not all.

The Underworld was not exactly hell although there were apparently several different hells in this world all watched over by the respective pantheons. The Underworld was instead a place where different races, predominantly Devils and Fallen Angels lived.

The Devil side was ruled by four Devil Kings, Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus and had an entire government of their own.

The Fallen Angel side on the other hand were angels who had fallen from grace. They looked like Angels but with black wings and one could guess their strength from the number of wings they had. The higher the number of wings, the stronger they are.

They are ruled by an organisation called the Grigori.

The Angels led by their Father, Devils and the fallen Angels fought in a three way war called the Great War and they have been in a state of cold war since then….that said, their relationship is….complicated.

It was one of the reasons I kept my identity a secret from everyone as they could target me if they knew there was a devil in this area.

Lavinia was working with the Magician Organisation called the Grauzaberer under Mephisto Pheles, the same one from the stories and she was sent to work with the people of Grigori against a common enemy of sorts.

The Wizards of Oz were originally magicians of Grauzaberer who separated from them and created another magician organisation of their own.

Their terrorist activities led both the sides to cooperate and hunt them together.

We didn’t get to see their full power as Ainz and Zeref took care of them quite early but apparently that woman was quite strong. She could have easily burned down the whole town and yet she was nothing compared to the actual monsters out there.

It all sounded like the plot of some manga or light novel to be honest but hey….I was a devil….what else could I say?

“You know, you will have to encounter them one day. From what Lavinia said, Devils apparently live for thousands of years and none have died from ageing yet. The chances of you not encountering anyone from the Supernatural side….is nigh impossible.” Rimuru said.

“Hmm, the best you can do is train and prepare.” Ainz added. “We need to schedule the training trip soon. What about your schedules? Can’t you find one week in between?” He asked.

“I will be free starting next week.” Rimuru said.

“Oh, by the way, how did your date go?” I asked, looking at the guy.

I was pretty sure I saw a blush on his face. “That….yeah, it was good.”

“Eh….just that? Give us the details man.”

“Nothing much. We just went on a long drive. Shizuka-san is a very good driver. Then we had dinner. The year-end vacations are coming to an end soon so she will have to prepare for the new students starting next week.”

“What about you Saitama?” I asked the last guy who had been quiet from the start.

“Ughh, I need to study.”


“There is also a theory exam for the Hero Association entrance. It determines my rank too. I need to study for it for the exam in three months. Bang-san provided me with the books for them. You guys can go ahead with the trip.”

He looked like he had sucked a lemon.

I patted his shoulder. “Are you sure? We can always go when all of us are free.”

“Nah. You need this more now. I think you three should go first. I will join next time.”

“Saitama is not wrong, Silas. You need to get some real combat training. You should free some time in your schedule and come with us. We will be hunting in the Jura Forest. There are plenty of dangerous monsters there. We could get some serious training done there.”

“Hmm. I will. Sakura could stay with Lavinia at Zeref’s place and continue their studies. And August did tell me that I would need to learn my new magic in combat so hunting in the wild could help.”

“Great! Then the three of us can go on our hunting trip next week.”


“Alright. I will take care of things on my side too.” Ainz nodded.

“It's decided then. Now….” Rimuru turned towards me. “What's the deal with you and the new girl?”

All three of them suddenly turned towards me and looked at me intently. The light in Ainz's eyes turning brighter at the sudden topic.


“Oh come on. Don't give me that act. You two are acting all chummy with each other. What's the deal? Are you cheating on Sakura-chan?” Rimuru asked and Ainz nodded.

“The hell are you talking about? There is nothing of that sort going on between Sakura and me. As for Lavinia….it’s….well, it’s complicated.”


I let out a sigh and explained the situation.

“Lucky bastard!”

“Screw you.”

Saitama just stared at me without any comment and then looked back at his console.

“Oi you two. Aren’t you going out with Shizuka-san? And don’t you have an army of Maids and Guardians fawning over you? Why are you suddenly getting pissed at me?”

“Huh? What does that have to do anything? This is our right. You got a new girlfriend and your old girlfriend doesn’t mind. Isn’t that a harem? You are becoming one of those harem protagonist bastards. Obviously we will be jealou….pissed.”

“Right.” Ainz nodded.

“It’s not like that. At least I don’t think it’s like that….maybe. Honestly, even I am confused with the mixed signals.”

“Eh, I don’t think the signals could be any clearer. Those two girls like you….lucky bastard.”

“Obviously. Even my own extensive experience tells me the same.” Ainz nodded sagely.

“What experience? Where did you even get the experience from?”

“Obviously from Manga, Novels and Visual Novels.” He answered unabashed. “This situation is a classic harem novel plot. There is absolutely no doubt.”





It’s useless arguing about this with these guys.

My rescue arrived in the form of a new customer.

He was a young man of average height with spiky black hair and grey eyes. He was wearing a track suit of sorts. Maybe he was out for a run.

“Huh, was there a Restaurant here yesterday?” He spoke to himself looking around.

I got up and went to the kitchen while Tohru took his order.

“An order of Chicken Ramen and Salad.” Sakura gave me the order and I got down to work.

The new guy was talking to the people of the Restaurant in the meantime.

From what I could hear, the guy’s name was Ikki Kurogane and he was a student of the Hagun Academy in Tokyo.

Yeah, no idea what place that was so he was obviously from a different world. Another version of Japan.

The guy was talking to the Martial Arts masters when I took the orders out and he looked at me.

"Shop owner, are you really from a different world? Can this place really connect between different worlds?"

"Depends. If we are not from the same world, then yes I am from a different world. Why don't you tell me something about your world so that I can take a guess. Oh, start with your name. My name is Silas Evans, by the way."

"My name is Ikki Kurogane. I am from Hagun Academy for Mage-Knights in Tokyo. Nice to meet you, Mr. Silas."

"Hmm. Yes, we are not from the same world, Ikki. First, this shop is in Kyoto and second, I haven't heard of any Hagun Academy or Mage-Knights in my world."

"What? Kyoto? Really?" The boy asked surprised.

"Do you know of the Parallel World Theory? We are from two different worlds with similar places."

“Parallel Worlds huh. That’s an interesting way to look at it.” Kisuke-san came up and said. “Quite possible too, seeing that there are so many similarities between several of our worlds.” he then looked at Ikki and spoke. “So, can you tell me something about your world?

"Ah, yes." He then went on to explain about his world, Blazers, Devices, Mage-Knights and the bullshit surrounding the world.

“This Mage Knight Academy thing sounds a bit like Cid-kun’s Dark Knight Academy, right.” I said as we looked at Cid-kun who was suddenly caught off guard at my comment.

“In structure, yes but we don’t have anything like devices. There are artefacts though but they are extremely rare and I cannot imagine every student in the Academy owning one personally.” He said.

“Ah, Devices are not exactly something we can buy. They are weapons which a Blazer can manifest from their souls, the crystallisation of Magic Power which can be used in battle. It varies between user to user and can be anything from Holy Swords, Demonic Swords, Bows, Knives or even different types of tools.” Ikki explained.

“Manifestation of souls, you say.” Kisuke-san asked and I could see the mad scientist look in his eyes. “You said you were a student of the Mage Knight Academy. If so then you must be a Blazer too, right? If I am not being too invasive, can we see your device?”

“Ah….I don’t see why not.” He held his hand in front of him and made a motion of drawing a sword and shouted. “Come forth, Intetsu.”

A flash of light appeared from his hand and transformed into a black sword, a raven black Katana with a rectangular tsuba.

“That’s so cool!” Rimuru said as he looked at the sword.

Even Cid looked at the sword in interest.

Kisuke-san looked up and down at the katana with interest. “How interesting. It is indeed very similar to a Zanpakutō and yet it’s different. It's more of something between a Fullbring and a Zanpakutō.” He then suddenly looked at Ikki. “Does it have some kind of special ability unique to itself or some upgraded form? Sorry if I am being too intrusive. It's just that I haven't seen something so interesting in a long time. My name is Kisuke Urahara, just a humble candy shop owner.”

Ah, he was totally in his scientist mode.

“How did you….well, yes. Every Device has a unique ability of its own. They are ranked from A to F with F being the lowest and A being the highest. As for another form, the Device is the manifestation of the user’s souls, their ideals and convictions. In very rare cases, it is possible that the Device can change its shape when the user undergoes an extreme change in beliefs and spirit but such cases are only read about in books. I have personally never seen or heard of anyone being able to do so with my own eyes.”

“I see. Conviction based hmm. That’s new. Understandable and yet different. By the way, what is the ability of your Device?” Kisuke-san asked.

“My Intetsu can raise my physical stats by two times.” He said.

“That’s amazing. If I had double my physical stats, I could totally beat your rank, old man.” Atomic Samurai said to Bang-san.

“Hohohoho I think I still have some life in my old bones to hold my own.” Bang-san laughed and then looked at Ikki. “You don’t seem to be happy, Ikki-kun. Are you perhaps dissatisfied with your device’s ability?”

Ikki shook his head. “My ability….it’s not that special among other blazers. My Intetsu is Ranked F.”

“Eh? F Rank? Surely that can’t be true. Doubling someone’s physical abilities is broken, ya know.” Atomic Samurai asked , surprised.

“Normal Blazers can reinforce their bodies five to six times using just their Magic Power. Intetsu’s ability….it’s considered almost useless. I don’t have enough Magic Power either so I can’t use it in conjugation with reinforcement either.”

"But you can increase your power by training, can't you?"

"No." He shook his head. "Blazers cannot increase the amount of magic power they are born with. They are limited by their souls."


A period of silence descended over the place but he continued.

"But I will overcome it. I will become a Mage Knight and prove them wrong."

“Wow.” Rimuru whispered by my side.

“Talk about a shounen protagonist speech.” Ainz whispered back.

“He even matches the weak to strong archetype.” Cid-kun said, joining in the conversation.

“Yeah. Even got that pretty boy look.” I added, making all three of them look at me. “What?”

“Like you are one to talk, you damn harem protagonist.” Rimuru said.

“Damn straight.” Ainz confirmed.

“You guys are not going to let it go are you?” I shook my head.

“No way. At least not for a month….no two months because of two girls.” Ainz added.

“Hah….make that three months. There is Tohru-chan too. Who knows what this guy is planning.” Rimuru said.

“....” I ignored them. They would calm down in a while.

"Che, who needs magic power? You can always train your body and swordsmanship. You already got enough for your Device. Train hard and show everyone." The samurai guy with Bang clicked his tongue.

“Indeed. The Almighty has given us the greatest gift in this body of ours. We should be grateful to him and devote ourselves to training it to the best of our capabilities as a show of respect to him and Martial Arts.” Issac-san added too.

Shigure patted his shoulder. "Learn Ki. Martial Arts is strong. I can teach."

"Yes Ikki-san. I cannot use any Esper powers or magic either because my body just erases every supernatural power. But martial arts is really good. I have become much stronger than before. Also, you should eat the salad from the restaurant. It increases the rate of training by several times." Touma added his two cents to support the guy.

"You can do what?!"

"Yeah. He needs to put on his gloves at all times because of this." Kensei-san confirmed.

"Know what? Show me your swordsmanship. If you are good enough, I can give you some pointers as well." Atomic Samurai spoke.

We were looking at all this from the side when I suddenly had an idea.

I looked at Rimuru and spoke. "Rimuru. This Device thing, maybe… Do you think we can get some for ourselves?"

"Hmm. It might be possible if we go to that world. I would need to analyse the process once more."


We can actually analyse the process. In fact, I can probably use my Chef Ability too.

Ikki probably heard our conversation and spoke. “Umm, Shop Owner. Not everyone can awaken Devices. You need to have magic power, enough to awaken your device."

We all looked at the guy who seemed genuinely worried about it and we smiled.

"It's fine. I might just have enough magic power for it." I raised my hand and water swirled in my palm before freezing in the shape of a katana similar to Intetsu. "We only need your permission in case this is something harmful for your world."

"No no. It's not harmful."

“In that case, it’s decided.” Kisuke-san clapped his hand in excitement.

He was probably the most excited of all people here….not to say others weren’t. Hell, even Cid-kun looked intrigued.

So we all waited for him to finish his Ramen as the others finished their food and we all walked into what looked like modern Japan.

We were in an alleyway.

Looking around the place, the differences were apparent. This was similar and yet quite different from Tokyo in our world. This place seemed….more modern.

Kisuke-san made some handsigns and  chanted something as I sensed a barrier around the place. “There, no one will notice anything amiss here as long as there is no big commotion.” He said.

“That’s quite thoughtful of you, Kisuke. Leave the rest to me.” Rimuru looked at Ikki and spoke. “Can you summon your sword….device once more.” He then looked at me. “Help me out here. Connect your Sage with my Great Sage and use your Chef’s ability so that we can share the data on the analysis. It will just make the process faster.”

I nodded and activated Chef as I felt an intrusion in my head and accepted it rather than resisting it.

A voice was heard in my head.

Connection to Extra Skill: Sage has been established.

Information Sharing initiated.

This must be Rimuru’s Great Sage.

Damn, that’s so cool.

It sounds like a futuristic AI in one’s head.

“Ready.” On Rimuru’s signal, Ikki began.

“Come forth, Intetsu.” He said as he clutched the air in front of him, making a flash of light which slowly transformed into his sword, Intetsu.

My Chef analysed the whole process in detail.

His Device was attached to his soul. In fact, a part of his soul manifested outside and it became the core for his magical power to gather around and form the….shell or rather the physical body of Intetsu.

“Did you get that?” I asked, looking at Rimuru who nodded.

“Yup.” He opened his palm and a flash of light lit up on his hand, turning into a blue coloured sword. He swung it and it changed into a whip and struck the ground and with a slight pull, it returned to its original shape and came back to his hand.

“That’s convenient. What can it do, shapeshift?”

“Yes. It’s called Mimic. It can not only change its shape but also eat things and gain their properties over time.”

He looked pleased with the sword’s ability and sheathed it.

“Let’s get one for you all.”

Since Great Sage was connected to me, I was the first one after Rimuru to use the process.

This time, under the guidance of Great Sage, I felt a strand of my Soul Power move. This power concentrated around my hand as my Magic Power moved next, twirling around the strand, creating the body for the weapon. The light around my palm increased more as the figure of the Device was finally revealed.

“It kinda suits Silas-kun the best.” Bang-san commented.

I saw the two knives in my hand. They were a pair of kitchen knives. One Icy Blue while the other with a completely white blade with a black handle.

The names of the Devices came to my mind almost instinctively.

Blue Fang and Black Thorn.

The first one controlled water and ice while the other one had the same power as my Chef Skill.

With this I could probably use my Chef Skill with my Innate Cursed Technique.

According to Rimuru, I could do so with practice and experience with my Skill too but I haven’t had a chance to practise using the Chef. One of the most important reasons for it was the fact that it required enormous amounts of Magical Power and was not something I could use at will.

My thoughts were broken by Ainz’s words.

“Must have something to do with his size.” The guy said to Rimuru and Saitama as the two laughed among themselves.

These two have been a bit too much today.

“At least I have one.” I replied, making them quiet.

Rimuru recovered from the comment first. “Alright, who’s next?”

Ainz went next and got a….bone staff.

Talk about original.

“You should try too, Sakura.” On my encouragement, she went ahead and her Device turned unexpectedly into a pair of earrings.

What happened next was not something we were expecting.

In front of our eyes, black chains emerged from the air and bound around Sakura and almost at the same time, her magic power started falling down.

Was someone attacking us?

Almost on an instinct, I grabbed my Black Thorn and used Chef at full power and slashed at the black chains.

The chains shattered almost instantly as Sakura fell into my arms.

“Are you alright?” I asked and she nodded slowly at my question.

I looked back at Rimuru. “Okay, what in the world was that?”

Rimuru looked tense as well but tried to explain nonetheless. “I think those Chains were a sort of a limiter forced on people by the world. Maybe that's the reason why people of this world cannot raise their power beyond a certain level? Let's go inside and talk about it.”

We did just that.

The first thing I did when I went inside was check on Sakura's condition to see if she was unhurt.

Fortunately there was no harm to her body or soul.

Kisuke-san checked and verified it.

Only after that did I let her go.

Rimuru was talking to Ikki in the meantime. “Do you have any idea on what those chains were, Kurogane-kun?” He asked.

The poor guy himself looked confused about the whole debacle and shook his head in denial.

“Are you sure there is nothing wrong with her?” I asked Kisuke-san.

“Nothing from what I could say but then again, I cannot say much from the lack of information. That was quite interesting though. I wonder why the chains only appeared on Sakura-chan and not you three. Could it be because of your unusual heritage?” Kisuke-san asked. “Could it be that the chains only bind humans? Too bad we don't have any more test subjects.”

“Perhaps it would need humans with Magic Power to go through the process for there to be any chance of something like that happening.” Ainz said. “But getting volunteers for it is hard.”

“I don't think there is any need for any volunteers. We can't see Kurogane-kun’s chains either. It's better to not risk those.” Rimuru said. “If anything, we are lucky that Silas is the living cheat that he is to salvage the situation.”

At this time, a voice came from behind us.

“I wouldn't mind giving it a try.”

We looked back to see a familiar figure in black hooded overcoat.


“I am Shadow, he who lurks in the shadows to hunt the shadows.”


Ah….he’s in his roleplay mode again.

I was told by Ainz that some people like to do this. Even Ainz did it, especially when among his subordinates.

“....Shadow-kun, it’s not safe.”

“When you stare at the face of the abyss all day, death becomes just another world to you. Do not worry, I will be fine.”

- Ainz -

Damn….that line was cool.

Cid’s commitment to roleplay was quite admirable.

He looked at Silas who was still undecided.

His friend was really soft sometimes….not to say he was a coward.

The move he made to cut Sakura’s chains was almost instinctive, without even realising it himself.

Rimuru was right.

He was a damn harem protagonist saving girls and expanding his harem….

But he was their friend and for Ainz….that’s all that mattered.

“Let him try, Silas. If anything goes wrong, you can always cut those chains away. Worst case, I can bring out something to fix any lasting problems.” He offered.

Silas once more looked at Cid. “Are you sure you want to do it? You can always ignore Kisuke-san when he gets into his mad scientist mode.”

“Ara ara, you hurt my feelings, Silas-kun.” The man brought out a fan from somewhere and waved at his face.

“Shackles of the world….I have always wondered how it would feel to go up against the world all by myself. This is pretty close.” Cid replied, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

“Well, sure….go ahead.”

They walked out once more and this time Kisuke looked at Ikki.

“Kurogane-kun, do you have some area where some disturbance will not cause any problem for people? We can obviously fix things up before leaving.”

The boy was probably feeling guilty for Sakura’s situation and agreed quickly….although there was no need for him to feel guilty about anything. If anything, he had warned them in advance.

Ainz used a spell to change the way he looked and they walked to a place almost thirty minutes away from the Restaurant.

It was on the bank of what looked like a small artificial lake of sorts with no signs of civilization anywhere near.

“This place is always empty. Sometimes high ranking Blazers fight here and it rarely causes any problems.”

“Great. In that case, let’s get ready.” Kisuke started putting on barriers all around the place.

He did the same and so did Rimuru.

Even Silas threw some barriers around the place.

“This should be good.”

Kisuke set up some investigative spells and they were all ready.

“Alright, Silas. Get ready. We interfere when Ci….I mean Shadow asks. I am starting.” Rimuru did and just as before two flashes of light lit up Cid’s hands, slowly taking the form of two….are those….


“I knew it. These are definitely weapons with the best potential.” Cid said as he spun the crowbars all around himself.

Just as he was doing so, the black chains appeared again, tying him up.

He didn’t resist but actually offered himself, spreading his arms wide.

“Oh!” Kisuke commented as he observed the process. “This is interesting. These shackles are on the person’s whole being, not something between the world and the person. It kinda reminds me of the Chain of Fate. Breaking free of it brings one face to face with their inner demons, breaking the barrier between a soul and a hollow. Interesting. If my theory is even remotely close, maybe I could help you train and increase your power, Kurogane-kun.” He said looking at the boy.

“You can?!”

“Oh obviously. I am more than certain I know the reason why your or the magic power of Blazers don’t increase naturally or through training and even the way to bypass it. Alright, I am done collecting the data, Shadow-kun. You are free to do what you want.”

Shadow looked at them and then spoke. “You all should take some distance. I am going to get serious here. A hundred metres should be enough.” He said as he walked on the water to the middle of the lake.

“He can walk on Water!” Ikki-asked. “That’s amazing.”

In the middle of the lake, Cid stood and looked up and spread his arms and his magic power began to increase as the chains appeared once more.

At one point, the increase in his magic power stopped but he didn’t stop. Instead, a large sphere of light spread out from him.

Through the eavesdropping spell, they could hear the words he was saying.




And then it happened.

A pillar of magical energy rose up from his body and into the sky.

It was no less than any full power Tenth Tier Spell.


“Holy shit! Did he just nuke the chains?” Rimuru commented.

“My my, that’s indeed something isn't it.” Kisuke tugged his hat down. “I doubt the barriers are going to be of any use now.”

He turned towards the last two members and Silas, while surprised, was not stunned. It seems that Zeref’s training was working for him.

Ikki was another story altogether.

The guy was looking at the scene with jaw hanging open. His surprise however didn’t last for long as it changed into a look of determination.

Yeah, that’s a shounen protagonist right there.

When the explosion subsided, a wave of Magic Power flowed over them before disappearing completely and from the blast zone, Cid walked out.

The whole lake had been evaporated in that attack.

“I will fix this.” Silas said as he went forward and brought out his new Device and swung his knife.

Water appeared in the air, swirling in the middle of the lake and within seconds, the entire lake was full again.

Although he looked a bit drained, that was an impressive piece of magic.

Silas did say he was good with Ice and Water Magic. Maybe he should propose some exchange of knowledge with Zeref. The magic of that world was quite good too.

“I think we should leave this area as soon as we can. The authorities will be coming here very soon.” Rimuru said.

He nodded and opened a Gate to the place where they had left the Restaurant and walked in as others followed.

This was certainly a surprising day.

At least they had new weapons and a way to get some good equipment for their subordinates quite easily.

- Lavinia -

“Are you sure you don’t need any help, Lavinia?” Azazel asked her once more.

“No. I am perfectly fine. I am just tired and need some time away from everything.” She replied, sticking to her decision.

The incident with the Wizards of Oz and the Utsusemi Organisation changed things for her.

The Restaurant….it was the place which changed her life. It was truly a magical place and not just because of its ability to connect to different worlds. No. It was because of the people who came there.

While she wasn't treated badly in the Restaurant, the opposite actually. She was treated with care and they not only saved her life but even helped to heal her back to full health. She wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t mind Silas’ actions of making her sign the contract.

The time there gave her time to think about her life and she realised that she had been living a lie for the last several years.

What was she even going to do now that the entire goal of her life was gone?

Glenda was alive. She was just using her to study her Sacred Gear and she wanted nothing to do with her, enough to pull all that act. Not that she would want to go back after finding out that she was with the people who had experimented on the kids….and that too using the data collected from her Sacred Gear.

She could go and try to stop them….but what then?

Lavinia realised that she was tired. She was just tired of all this and she just wanted some time for herself now.

The invitation from Mr. August was just the opportunity she needed….to be away from all this so she took it in a heartbeat and she wasn’t disappointed.

And she wasn’t disappointed in the least.

In the last month, she had gotten a father figure in August, sisters in Brandish, Dimaria and Sakura-chan, Tohru-chan and Sil-kun had become good friends to her.

She liked learning magic with them and going around the streets of Vistarion with everyone or working in Sil-kun’s Restaurant and meeting different types of people. Naruto-kun, Kanna-chan, Miu-chan, everyone in the Restaurant made her feel like a family she had forgotten about for a long time. It made her truly feel happy.

That’s why she decided to embrace this life permanently.

She had come here to officially resign from the job. Grauzaberer was quite far away but Azazel was her temporary boss so he could deal with the things.

“I heard about the thing with Glenda. If it’s any consolation, all traces of the Wizards of the Oz and the Utsusemi Organisation are gone from this country. Everything from the executives to the rats….all gone. They cannot harm you anymore.” He said.

The entire country?

She did hear that Zeref-san had used some kind of super magic to take them out but she didn’t know all the details of the spell. She will have to ask August-sensei later.

For now she continued the conversation. “Hmm….it’s fine. I have had time to think and I am better now.”

Azazel looked like he was hesitating a bit but asked nonetheless. “You are not forced…?”

“Thank you for asking but believe me….being forced is not something I have to worry about.” She smiled as she remembered Sil-kun’s reaction when he was apologising to her for making her sign the contract.

The only reason he was even doing so was to keep Sakura-chan from any danger. Seriously, sometimes Sil-kun was too kind for his own good. But then again, that’s what made him….him.

Azazel raised an eyebrow at her comment so she changed the topic.

“The reason I am quitting is because I have taken an apprenticeship under a teacher.”

“Oh?” Azazel asked, surprised at the statement.

“He is a human who likes his privacy, to remain away from this world so I cannot disclose his address to anyone.”

“What’s his name? He must be something if you talk so highly about him. I must have heard of him somewhere maybe.”

“I seriously doubt it. Even I was only able to meet him by some chance and was invited due to some mutual friends. Anyways, I am enjoying my time learning magic in peace there and I want to keep it that way.”

He looked at her for a few moments and then nodded although she could tell that he was hesitating somewhat. “Alright. If that’s what you wish. Just remember that our doors are always open for you. If you want anything, you can come to us. You will always have friends in Grigori.”

“Thank you, Azazel.” She nodded. “Can I meet Va-kun one last time before leaving?”

He smiled at her request. “Obviously. He must be in the academy with the rest of your friends. By the way, Tobio and the rest have decided to join us and train after that encounter. They are also studying in the Nephilim Academy. You can meet them there.”

“I see. I am glad to see that they are doing fine. Tobi-kun seemed very afraid last time and was injured….although he was healed too….” She suddenly stopped realising what she was talking about to not give away any more information.

Thankfully Azazel didn’t poke the topic either when she ignored his raised eyebrow.

Meeting with Va-kun and the rest was fun. He seemed to be doing better and was getting along with the new students. He will be fine.

“Do you really have to go?” Va-kun asked, sad.

“Hmm. But you know what, I will come to visit sometimes….if you’d like.”

“Hmph….who would like that?” he pouted and she hugged him.

He was such a tsundere sometimes.

With everything done, she waved them goodbye and left towards the Restaurant once more.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

I am back with another chapter of ‘Isekai Restaurant.’

Several things happened.

First Silas got a taste of Lavinia’s common sense and by the end of it got himself a cute girl to cuddle at nights.

I know many people want to know what Sakura is thinking. For them, there will be a Sakura pov soon.

Rimuru got a date.

Saitama has an exam soon.

The boys are preparing for a trip together.

Ikki Kurogane has entered the Restaurant and things are picking up pace.

Everyone got their devices. We will see the effects of the Devices for the rest in the next chapter.

Kisuke is the mad scientist we all love while Cid got to indulge in his fantasies again.

As for what the people of Ikki’s world will think about the nuke nearby….I will write that in the next chapter.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.