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Redhead System

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 9: The Meeting


- Flinn -

I looked at the girl trying her best to move her sword but failing to do so.

Blue hair with a green strand, using a holy sword of all things, I knew her identity from Onee-chan’s description of her peerage members.

She looked like her counterpart from the other world and we had worked a while to search for them so I knew what they all looked like by now.

And that was the only reason why her head was still on her shoulders.

This girl was as dumb as I had heard from Onee-chan’s stories. Well, she didn’t use the word dumb but something like headstrong or impulsive but those are not really much different in her case here.

I mean imagine the audacity of this girl, coming as a part of an Archangel’s advance entourage….for a diplomatic meeting….into Devil territory and she had the fucking guts to draw her weapon on a peerage member of a Satan’s family member, without any kind of provocation, and that’s not even considering that the said member is someone who can decimate half a continent if he blew a gasket. If I didn't know better, I would have thought this girl was here from an enemy group, trying to start a war.

She gritted her teeth and the holy power on the sword increased as she tried to pull it away. It even stung my finger, even with the demonic power I was using to cover it.

Well, there is no way I am going to let this go unpunished.

The next instant, I used Armament and Conqueror’s Infusion and Demon Slayer Mark and clenched my fingers.


The sword shattered in her hand and her eyes widened in horror. Even the girl beside her stumbled back, staring at the cracked piece of the sword in shock.

“Be glad that you are here as a part of an official entourage or this would have been your head.” I glared at her.

Teresa held my arm at this moment. “Flinn….please”

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

The girl beside her continuously apologising also helped a bit.

And to think Teresa was actually hoping to meet this dumbass as she had been the one to take care of her world’s version.

What a way to ruin our first date?

I looked at the girl and spoke. “Get lost. Tell the Church to send someone with a bit of common sense. Oh and don’t think for one moment that I will let you go with just this. The Church will be giving Teresa and me an apology for this or I’ll throw a fucking meteor on the Vatican.”

The other girl quickly bowed deeply. “We apologise for this.” And then she pulled the dumb girl away with her after collecting the pieces of the sword.

“Tch….and Onee-chan said the Church people of this world were saner.”

“They were. In that world, they would have never agreed to this meeting and would have found the first opportunity to ambush and attack us.” Teresa replied.

“I’m sorry. She….ruined our date.”

“She didn’t do anything. I had a wonderful time and I am sure I will do the same now. Don’t let it bother you.”

“Why are you not angry? I am absolutely pissed off at the girl.” I asked, annoyed at her passive acceptance of the situation.

She smiled. “It’s because she actually did that due to her respect for her own mentor, Griselda. In her own way, she was actually being affectionate towards my counterpart. Moreover she didn’t know the exact situation. Let’s see it this way, what would you do if you found someone cloned Rias and kept her as a servant?”

“I am not keeping you as a servant.” I argued.

“But that’s what they see and think. Don’t be angry. They will get around when things are revealed.”

I was still miffed even if her explanation was understandable.

Although,Teresa didn’t allow me to be glum and pulled me aside to continue our date.

Seeing her excited, I too let the matter go and concentrated on our date.

- Irina -

“Are you insane!” Nero shouted at Xenovia who was lowering her head, not even daring to meet his eyes. “You attacked the younger brother of Lucifer. Do you have any idea how much your foolishness could cost us?”

They had just returned to the nearest base of the Church in the town beside Kuoh and met Nero to report about the situation.

He took a deep breath, calming himself down and then looked at the shattered pieces of Excalibur. “And this….I will have to report everything to the Vatican.”

“Report what to the Vatican? About what?” A voice came from behind them as the door opened to reveal two figures.

One of them was a handsome young man with blond hair, green eyes, and dressed in priest clothes.

Dulio Gesualdo, the strongest exorcist of the Church and the wielder of the Zenith Tempest.

Beside him was a figure which made Xenovia stiff with fear.

She had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like the woman they had encountered a few hours ago.

Griselda Quarta, one of the strongest female exorcists of the church.

She narrowed her eyes looking at Xenovia’s scared look. “What is going on here?”

“Sister Griselda….it’s like this….” Nero explained the situation, making the woman facepalm.

“You….sigh….” The woman didn’t even say anything.

“Well, that was kinda bad. Good thing no one got hurt.” Dulio laughed. “I will go and apologise to them. As for the sword….well, let’s think about that when this whole meeting is over. Right now, we don’t want people to freak out about it.”

“I….I am sorry. I just….saw her and I….” Xenovia bowed her head and whispered softly.

“Did she really look….?” Dulio asked, quite curiously.

She nodded. “If I didn’t sense her to be a devil, I wouldn’t have known she was someone else. She looked, even felt exactly the same.”

“I asked her if they had forced her to be a devil but she said that she had chosen it on her own. I was so angry that I….”

“That you tried to attack her.” Sister Griselda said, tired.

“Actually….she had just drawn her sword when that guy….Flinn Gremory appeared behind her and she swung her sword at him in surprise.” She clarified and after hesitating for a moment continued. “He also claimed her to be his….”

“His what?” Sister Griselda asked.

She wondered how she would react to the information but seeing the waiting look of the woman, she replied nonetheless. “....his girlfriend.”






- Rias -

“Are you getting a hang of the training?” Ria asked her as they walked back towards their room after their training.

Learning from her own self was….weird.

It was not bad. No, far from it.

Ria knew exactly the problem she would encounter and how to solve it. It was like having a twin who could read your mind with a look.

“Yes….it’s tiring but I can feel myself getting close to being able to use Total Concentration Breathing at all times now. I only lose control sometimes and that’s when sparring.”

“Well, the entire goal of the technique is to be able to use it when fighting so keep up the hard work.”

“Hmm. Flinn really made this at such a young age?” She asked, still finding it unbelievable and she was pretty sure that she saw a slightly different look pass through Ria’s eyes as if an illusion. She was sure no one else would even have noticed it. “What happened?” She asked.

Ria shook her head. “Nothing. I was just thinking of something.”

She held her hand reassuringly and her older self looked at her with a smile and then forward before continuing. “Yes. Flinn is a genius unlike any other. But never underestimate the amount of hard work he puts in. Even when he was six or seven years old, he would train from five in the morning, spend the mornings studying in the library and attending the classes and returning to his swordsmanship at night. And he has only increased the intensity of his training over time. Even now, he has seals on his body which increase the resistance his body experiences to do his usual activities. Imagine it like wearing weighted clothes all the time. Clothes weighing several tonnes.”


“He continuously abuses his healing abilities to break himself and then slowly recover, to bring out the fullest extent of his devil physique.”

“Why? Why does he push himself so much?” She asked, not understanding. “I mean, he trained like this even before he knew about your situation, right?”

Ria looked towards the empty space in front of them. “He doesn’t want to be second to anyone. Flinn is extremely competitive in things he cares about. You can see it when he plays any games.” She smiled. “While he might avoid Sona, in a way, he is very similar to Sona. You should have seen him during his childhood. He was exactly like Sona right now. Always acting like a tsundere hehehehe.” She laughed and Rias herself got interested.

“Do you have pictures of his childhood?”

“Obviously. I made sure to keep the entire collection on me when we left.” Ria replied proudly.

“Oh! Show me, show me, show me.” She jumped excitedly.

As they were talking, they reached their room and she saw Shuri standing outside and raised an eyebrow.

“Flinn-kun said he would be spending the night with Teresa today.” She smirked.

“Oh my. I guess their date went well.”

“It apparently had an interruption but ended on a good note.” Shuri replied and she saw Ria narrowing her eyes.


“Apparently an exorcist tried to attack Teresa and Flinn-kun broke her sword.”

“What! Is he alright?” She shouted and tried to go towards their room but Ria held her hand looking tired.

“They are fine or she wouldn’t be here smiling and talking to us.” Ria explained and she paused while Ria looked at Shuri. “Please don’t tell me it was her.”

Shuri’s smile got wider. “It was.”


“What? Who are you talking about?”

“One of my Knights, Xenovia Quarta. Griselda Quarta in this world is her guardian.”

She paused at the explanation.

Shuri explained the entire situation and Ria decided to not escalate the matter for now. She would talk to them when they arrived.

“Anyways, it looks like Teresa’s wait is going to end today.” Shuri smirked and it took her a moment to understand what they were talking about and her cheeks blushed the colour of her hair at the comment.

“I guess we will have to sleep without him today.” Ria turned towards her and smiled as she led her back to their room.

Finally inside the room, they took a shower and got ready for bed.

Laying beside her, she broke the silence. “Can you tell me something about peerage members you had?”

She was always curious about the people she had recruited in her peerage.

“Hmm….alright. Let’s see, I guess I will begin with Asia….”

And with that she told her about the people and their stories….all except one….

She guessed the one about whom she didn’t want to talk but didn’t force it either.

- Flinn -

I kissed Teresa’s neck as she hugged me tighter.

She liked it when I took control of the situation which was unlike the others.

With Onee-chan, it was making love. I can always feel her love and care when we have sex. With Shuri, it’s an intensely passionate competition. With Sakuya, her sass always turns me on.

But Teresa was unlike others.

She liked it when I took the lead and played with her.

It was as if she wanted to belong to me.

When thinking about it deeply, it was understandable.

She had lost the pillar of her life and I had become one for her and now she wanted to dedicate her everything to me.

But I guess even she doesn’t realise how much she wants this.

We separated and I looked at her.

She was looking at me with glazed blue eyes. I could feel her breath on my chest.

I held her chin and raised her face towards me and she closed her eyes, giving me her acquiescence as I took her lips. We started slow.

My lips slowly felt hers. They were soft.

She responded to my approach slowly but her movements became increasingly passionate as time went on.

Apart from our light makeout sessions before this, Teresa was completely inexperienced in these matters.

I decided to take things a bit further and licked her lips, making her go still for a second. I took advantage of her surprise and pushed my tongue into her mouth. Her eyes widened but she didn’t pull back. I took this chance to slowly explore her mouth with my tongue.

Over time she relaxed more and her hands wrapped around my neck, pulling me in while my own slipped down to her waist and then her ass, taking a handful of her plump behind in my palms and gave her a light squeeze.


She moaned in my mouth and rubbed her body against mine even more.

We separated after several minutes and a bridge of saliva formed between our tongues.

I looked at her face which had a healthy flush.

Before she had the time to collect herself, I picked her up in a princess carry and carried her to our bed, laying her down softly.

With a snap of my finger, my shirt was off and I jumped on the bed, on top of her, slowly kissing her while my hands worked on her robes.

I didn’t use magic for this because watching her reactions to everything was a treat in and of itself.

My hands roamed over her thighs, pushing her robes up bit by bit until it was completely off.

She has really amazing legs.

A set of pure white lingerie appeared in front of my eyes.

By now her blush was atomic.

I kissed her once more on her lips and then slowly went down to her cheeks, neck, collar bone, slowly placing kisses on her chest, stomach.

Her breaths were getting heavier with every moment and I took a moment to see the look in her eyes.

They were expectant.

She was waiting for me to reach her panties but I completely skipped it over.

There was a look of surprise in her eyes and I gave her a smirk at this.

She realised that I was teasing her and looked the other way, not meeting my eyes due to her embarrassment.

“Don’t worry. We will get there. But today is your first time. I am planning to make it memorable.” I said before kissing her head.


Finally I took my time to appreciate the wonderful marvels of the world that were her thighs, placing kisses on them, slowly inching towards her core.

She gripped the bedsheets and bit one of her fingers to stop herself from moaning.

“Let your voice out. I love it.” I whispered as I pulled her towards me, raising her back with both her legs on either side of my head. My face was directly above her pantyclad core as our eyes met.

She smelled like jasmine.

This time I didn’t disappoint her and directly placed a kiss on her pussy, from above her panties.

She clenched her thighs gripping my head in between them almost reflexively as she moaned softly. “Mmhh.

I could see a small damp spot appear on her panties and smirked, placing more kisses on top of it, each longer than the last one.

I had learned several things from other partners.

Onee-chan had taught me how to take care of my partners while Shuri had basically competed with me to see who could tease the other more. Sakuya also had her own way to tease.

She would always make me say what I wanted, even when it was painfully obvious. It was her own way of asserting dominance in the relationship. In fact, she didn’t mind any punishments I subjected her to for her actions either and enjoyed them too.

All this experience made it extremely easy for me to make Teresa dance to my tune.

In only a few minutes, her thighs were clamping around my head and she was trying to grind herself to my face, to get more of my kisses.

I looked her in the eyes. “You want this, don’t you?”

She nodded her head.

“Tell me.”


“Tell me what you want.”

Her mouth opened in shock as she tried to understand what I had said but when she did she looked away in embarrassment.

“Come on. You will have to tell me what you want. I thought we could share everything with each other?”

“Y-y-you….Shuri was right. You really are a bully sometimes.” She complained.

“Well, who told you to be so cute? I would never forgive myself if I didn’t explore this side of you. Now….” I placed another soft kiss on her now drenched panties. “Speak up.”

She bit her lips looking aggrieved but slowly whispered. “Kiss me there.”


“Kiss me on my….”

“Say the word.”


“Louder dear.”


“Atta girl.”

I praised her before rewarding her for her efforts as I slid her panties towards the side and revealed her glistening lower lips.

They had a pretty pink colour with a neatly trimmed patch of blonde hair on top. The lips were shining due to the wetness and looked extremely inviting so I didn’t delay any further and kissed it directly.

Hmm aahhh.” She moaned loudly as the grip of her thighs became tighter.

I lapped at her slit, while my fingers worked on the hood at the top to bring out her nub. When it appeared, I made eye contact with her before taking her clitoris into my mouth and sucking hard on it.

She moaned loudly as her body arched and shuddered violently as she came.

I let her enjoy her first orgasm for a minute.

She slowly calmed down and looked at me with half lidded eyes.

“I hope you don’t think that was all. We are just beginning.” I said before diving into her core again.

Her eyes widened and her words were drowned in her moans.

I let her go after she came two more times and lay on the bed, heaving to catch her breath.

I lay by her side and placed a kiss on her head.

“How was it?” I asked.

“A-ama-zing.” She replied through her breaths. “I can’t believe I waited so long. I should have done this far earlier.”

“I will be happy to make up for lost time.”

With that, I pulled her on top of me, with both her legs on either side of me and her slit directly on top of my length.

“Your turn.” I smiled.

She placed her hands on my chest and grinded into my length.

The wetness made the movements easier and I took the moment to free her breasts which had been locked all this while in her bra. The mountains of white with erect pink nubs were freed for my eyes to feast on.

She leaned over, her hair covering our faces like a golden curtain as she kissed me, initiating a kiss for the first time. I returned her kiss as my hands went to her thighs and helped her movements.

As minutes passed, she began feeling it more and her speed increased. Her juices were flowing and mixing with my own precum, making the movements easier. By now, I was hard as a rock so I decided to go to the final phase.

I hugged her and turned her over, getting on top of her and kissed her lips lightly. “Are you ready?”

She nodded.

I placed the head of my cock at the entrance of her core and rubbed a few times before slowly easing myself in.

“Mmhhh” She gripped my arms tightly.

I continued pushing slowly as her grip on my arms increased, her nails trying to pierce my skin.

She was tight.

Incredibly so.

Her pussy was as if trying to resist my entry . With a final push, I was completely inside her.

“Ahhhhh ummmh.” She let out a loud throaty moan as I leaned in and kissed her head lightly, giving her some time to get used to my length.

Moments passed and her breathing evened as did her grip on my arms.

“Are you okay?”

“Hmm. You can move.”

“Alright. Tell me if you want me to stop at any time.” WIth that I started to move slowly.

She was gripping my length, massaging me from all sides.

Over time, she got used to the movements.

Devil physique is very useful in such situations.

Demonic power could easily get someone used to something of this level and all that is left in the end is pleasure and this was exactly what she was feeling right now.

Her moans became deeper, like music to my ears as the speed of my pumping increased.

I leaned in and took one of her breasts inside my mouth while my other hand reached her other breast. One of her hands reached my head, pulling me into her breast even more.

Her movements were inexperienced but she was learning at a very fast speed. Then again, she was always a fast learner. It was just a surprise that her learning skills also extended to this area.

I felt my climax building so I pulled back, taking a hold of her waist.

She looked me in the eye and understood my intention as she raised her waist.

My fingers found her clit and teased her while I started pumping into her in earnest this time.

Soon enough, I felt my first climax of the night approaching and released it inside her with a final thrust, painting her insides white with my cum.

While doing so, I pinched her clit, pushing her over the edge.

Her entire body arched as she came once more.

Mmmhh amazing!”

“That was just round one, dear. As I said, I am going to make up for all the time we missed.”

Her reply was wrapping her legs around me and pulling me back in.

Lewd nuns are fucking amazing.


“I talked to Michael and they apologised for the actions of their people.” Serafall said. “Still, you broke one of their Excalibur swords with your bare hands. That’s gotta hurt their pride.”

“I didn’t realise it was an Excalibur Fragment. Anyways, she attacked first so it was their fault.”

“I never denied it.” She shrugged. “Just keep calm during today’s meeting, alright. They must be on edge due to the entire Naberius thing. We need to ease them into the situation slowly. Don’t push them away.”


We were currently sitting in the meeting room of Kuoh Academy, waiting for the Fallen Angel and Heaven sides to appear.

Beside me was Onee-chan and my peerage members as well as Grayfia. The only one absent from my peerage was Kuroka who was out doing something for Onee-chan. Rias and her peerage members were responsible for guiding the guests inside.

We stood behind Sirzechs and Serafall.

“Ajuka didn’t come? I thought he was supposed to participate in the meeting too.” Onee-chan asked.

“Him? He hasn’t left his lab since he figured out how to use the Shadow Clone technique. It was honestly scary watching so many of him in a single room.” Serafall said and I think I noticed her shudder towards the end of the sentence.

By the way, I totally agreed with her.

Ajuka Beelzebub with the Shadow Clone technique was scary. Extremely scary.

“He did look quite happy though. I don’t remember him being this excited in a long time.” Sirzechs said.

Well, at least he was happy.

“I am more worried that he will never leave his lab again.” Serafall sighed.

“He could always send out a clone.” Sirzechs joked.

“Hmph, at least now he will understand how annoying he can be when he has to deal with his own clones.” Serafall laughed, making others smile.

As we were talking, the door to the room opened and Rias and Akeno entered the room followed by three people.

The first one had black hair with blonde fringes and a goatee.

I didn’t need any introduction to know who he was.

Azazel, the governor general of the Fallen Angels and their leader.

It was the second person who made Shuri grip my hand lightly under the table.


I held her hand and slowly caressed the back of her hand comforting her.

The man himself looked at us, his eyes staying on Shuri for a while longer and I found myself having trouble controlling myself from narrowing my eyes at this.

Akeno however came and stood behind Shuri and glared back at the man, making him turn away.

The last one was a silver haired boy.

A devil….no. A half devil.

Was this Vali Lucifer?

Onee-chan had told me a bit about him.

He was one of the strongest people in the war against the foreign gods and it was after his death that things went completely down in the dumps.

He was also the teacher of Onee-chan’s son.

“Oh, they do look so much alike. If I didn’t know better I would have thought you were hiding your sister-in-law somewhere. But by Father’s name, she looks like a mirror image. Are you single, miss?” Azazel asked.

Sakuya didn’t reply and just gave him the stoic stare which she has mastered over the centuries.

“See, even her glare looks identical.” The man laughed as he took the seat on the other side of the table. “So….how did all this happen?”

“Let’s wait for Michael.” Sirzechs replied, making the man raise an eyebrow. He relented nonetheless.

A few minutes later, the door to the room opened again and a stone-faced Kiba led a golden blonde guy with twelve golden wings and a halo into the room.

Archangel Michael, the current leader of Heaven.

He was followed by some familiar faces, faces which I hadn’t expected to see together.

First one was….or rather looked like a human giant hybrid.

The guy needed no introductions.

A human with that amount of holy power, there was only one I had known from both worlds.

Vasco Strada.

Behind him was the dumb girl from last time, Xenovia Quarta.

Still, it was the last two people who attracted my attention the most.

One of them was familiar, the guy I had beaten black and blue and ripped his Sacred Gear out, Dulio Gesualdo. But unlike that crazy fanatic from my last world, this one felt completely different.

The difference was almost as crazy.

It was in the eyes.

And talking about the differences, the last person was the one that attracted most of my attention.

Blonde hair, blue eyes. The nun uniform did very little to hide the figure which I am familiar with.

Griselda Quarta.

She looked exactly like my Teresa. Well….they were supposed to look alike and all but she even felt similar.

The two women were looking at each other with wide eyes.

Michael took his seat on the other side of the table.

“Now, can we get to the matter at hand? Where did all these clones appear from? How long have you known about this?” Azazel asked.

“They are not clones.” Sirzechs began, making all of them pause.

“Oh really? So my theory about the twin maids was true. That still doesn’t explain the others. I am pretty sure Shuri Himejima didn’t have any twins. Did you know of any twins of yours?” He turned towards Griselda and asked.

The woman looked at Teresa again and shook her head. “I don’t have any living blood relatives in this world.”

Sirzechs took a deep breath and started. “Maybe not in this world.”

The people from other factions looked at him strangely but he continued.

Over the next hour, he told them everything about the situation, the broken and destroyed future, the time travel Onee-chan had to do and how we broke the barriers of the world to enter this world just to warn them.

Everyone had different types of reactions to this.

Some were silent. Some were in disbelief while most were just not impressed.

“Yes yes, I hope you have proof of this because as cool as this plot would look in a  movie, I just don’t buy it.” Azazel spoke.

“As surprising as it is, I must agree with Azazel on this. I am also having a lot of difficulty believing any of this.” Michael said.

“Yes, we did expect this reaction and made some preparations for this. Ajuka has already confirmed their story but I guess Ria has something for you all as well.” Sirzechs spoke as he looked at Onee-chan.

She nodded and got up, handing a piece of paper to Michael. “Lady Gabriel had given this to me. I don’t know what this is but she said that you would believe my story if I gave you this.”

The Archangel accepted the paper curiously and opened it and almost immediately, his eyes widened and the hands holding the piece of paper shook.

He looked at Onee-chan and then back at the paper a few more times before burning the paper away with his magic. “I see. Alright I believe you.”

“Wait? Just like that?” Azazel asked, surprised. “No more questions? No verifications?”

Michael shook his head. “If she has this, then it must mean that Gabriel, as the then leader of Heaven must have trusted her with her life. There is just no chance that she could get her hands on this if Gabriel didn’t trust her.”

“What is that?” He asked.

Michael’s face looked sombre. “Nothing. It is nothing.”

Everyone looked at Onee-chan who shook her head too. “She didn’t tell me what it was, just that they would believe me if I gave them this.”

Seeing as both sides were not going to say anything more, they let this matter go.

Onee-chan turned towards Azazel.

“I assume you have a password for me too?”

“Ida. This was the only word you told me. You said this would be enough.”

And damn if it wasn’t.

The casual look on his face disappeared almost instantly and a serious one took place. Even Micahel looked at him in surprise. “Brother….you.”

“That’s enough.” Azazel stopped him from speaking any further. “Okay, I believe you.”

There was a period of silence in the room, no one knowing what to say next.

The shock on everyone’s face was palpable.

Michael was the one who broke the silence. “The future is truly a bleak one if we all had to go to this extent. The question still remains, what do we do next?”

“What else, we fight. I am not going to roll over and let those people kill or enslave us.” Azazel replied.

Sirzechs nodded and so did Michael. Sirzechs continued. “We have a few plans but we will need everyone’s help to succeed with them. We need to keep everything a secret so that their spies cannot catch on to something amiss.” He went on to discuss several plans with them and they gave their own inputs.

“We need to establish peace between the Three Factions first or any moves we make will feel suspicious.” Serafall offered.

Michael nodded and so did Azazel who later turned to Vali. “And you will be changing your plans with the Khaos Brigade.”

The guy just scoffed. “If there are stronger enemies coming in, I don’t have to go around playing with those people.”

I couldn’t help but look at Onee-chan. “Is he nuts?”


The guy glared at me intensely.

“Don’t look at me like that. I am not into guys.”

“Pfft.” Azazel scoffed. “So, this is your brother from another world?” He asked Sirzechs who nodded in reply.

“And the rest are from his world which means they are not clones but actual counterparts of the ones we know. Shuri Himejima, Grayfia Lucifuge and Griselda Quarta.”

The three in question nodded.

“I wonder what kind of world that was for you all to come here. I mean if there was a chance, we could always collaborate with them. You know, two times the hands.”

“That will not work.” Onee-chan shook her head. “The people of that world were too extreme. For example, someone revealed the truth about God to some children and the Church sent people to eliminate everyone….including the kids.”

“Lies!” Xenovia shouted accusingly but was made quiet with just a glare from her Griselda….ughh….not this again.

“The exorcist in question refused to do so but she was declared a rebel. The children were killed regardless and she was chased around while being called a witch who had killed the children.” She looked at the church people. “And that’s how we found our Griselda. The one who was sent to kill her was Dulio Gesualdo.”

The shock in their eyes was palpable.

Onee-chan didn’t stop but continued. “I found her because I was searching for the counterparts of my original peerage members and heard about her. The same happened with Shuri who was abandoned by both her family and the Fallen Angels. Baraqiel of that world took away their daughter at birth and never permitted her to meet her child again. By the time that Akeno grew up, she wanted nothing to do with her either. She was all alone and joined us after we convinced her for years.l” By now, I could feel the glare from Akeno even when I was not the focus.

Seriously, this girl needs to know how to separate the two worlds.

The target of his glare however was too much in shock to reply.

Onee-chan continued. “Grayfia was in a similar situation. The people of that world are vastly different from the ones in this one. They would turn around and stab us in the back at a moment’s notice.”

“Well….that’s a no then.”

“So what then….”

Sirzechs took this opportunity to speak. “As Azazel stated earlier, we fight. But we also make some other backups.”

“Oh! What backups?”

He looked at Serafall who nodded and continued. “We have thought of using Flinn’s abilities to search for other worlds. For this, we will make a team and send them to explore the worlds and search for ways to help us fight our enemies or in the worst case scenario….retreat if we fail.”

The atmosphere became completely cold at the last statement.

“I had heard that your brother had a unique bloodline but to think it was this kind of power….are you sure you can do that?” Azazel turned towards me and asked.

“I cannot control which world in general without some kind of anchor but we have some preparations for that. We can at least open the entrance to one world with certainty.”

“Hmm, which world?” He asked.

“The world where my eyes come from?”

Yes….this was the story Onee-chan had thought about to explain to everyone about my eyes.

“My mother was experimented on to create a Super Devil. They fused her with the DNA for someone or something they had found, something completely unknown. She was the only survivor among many other subjects. We couldn’t find out much about what they were due to the lack of access and our need to keep our operations a success but due to the awakening of my final ability, we theorised that whoever they were, had the ability to travel through worlds. We found out that we could use the remains of their power to open a door to other worlds when we were developing the spell to travel here. There are still many things about my eyes and bloodline that I don’t know about and I am still exploring it all.”

The discussions were held till late. At the end of it all, Michael got up and came to us.

“I know my apology would not change anything but still, I would like to apologise to you for what happened to you.” He bowed in front of Teresa apologetically.

“You don’t have to apologise. That was not you.” She shook her head. “I am happy where I am now so you don’t have to feel guilty for it.”

He nodded and turned towards us. “Thank you, for going through so much to give us a chance to fight. I cannot insist on how much we owe you for this.”

“It was what I had to do. My home was at stake.” Onee-chan replied while I just nodded.

He smiled. “I can see why Gabriel would trust you with this. If you ever need anything in the future, you can ask us for help.”

“Thank you.”

He moved aside after that and the exorcists came in next.

Dulio was looking extremely guilty and profusely apologised to Teresa and after he was reassured, the dumb girl came forward and apologised as well.

In fact, she looked like a puppy who had been kicked aside.

Today’s revelations must have been too much for her.

From the truth about God to the actual story behind Teresa leaving the girl almost broke.

Even my anger had cooled down a bit looking at the girl’s state which reminded me of Teresa in her early days with us.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she left the Church after this.

In fact, the only reason she was even caring right now was because of Griselda holding her shoulder with a hand.

Onee-chan took this opportunity to step forward and hug the girl tightly for a moment before pulling back. “It’s nice to see you again, Xenovia.”

The girl nodded while still lost in her thoughts.

Onee-chan came back to my side and looked at me. “Flinn, give them a holy sword for the one you broke.”


“No….it was Xenovia’s fault for attacking you. We will ask the alchemists from Heaven to fix the sword.” Griselda denied.

“It’s not a problem. We are going to be working together from now on. Our allies becoming stronger is a good thing. Moreover, I doubt there would be many people on our side who can use the holy swords.”

Teresa also looked at me with a pleading look.

Seriously, you two are too forgiving.

I let out a sigh.

SInce I hadn’t traced that sword as I was quite angry back then, I decided to make a new one for them.

‘I am the bone of my sword.’

A sword appeared in my hand.

It was the Durandal from the Fate world.

“Here. Take this. Although not as good as the original one, it is far better than the one I broke. You will know its name when you touch it. As for your broken sword, you can give it to me and I will fix it up.”

They looked at the sword with wonder in their eyes.

“What sword is this? I have seen nothing of this sort and yet it feels familiar for some reason.” Michael asked.

“It’s Durandal….or at least my version of the sword.” I answered.

The bodybuilder priest took the sword in his hand and swung it once, causing waves of wind to blow across the room.

“This indeed feels strong. A bit different from Durandal I am used to wielding though I don’t know why but I know it is Durandal.”

“That’s because unlike the power to cut anything, this Durandal has the trait of ‘unbreakability’ and a few more things. It’s still untested.”

“How interesting. I have seen Durandal and I am sure several others here have done the same but it is quite different from the original sword. Not weak. If anything, I am feeling that this one is stronger for some reason. How did you do it? A Sacred Gear? Sword Birth, no….it’s a holy sword so Blade Blacksmith?”

“Projection Magic. It’s an original of mine.” I ended the line of questions before they had any chance to probe.

“Say, as” Azazel looked at Onee-chan.


“Ria, yes. As Ria just said, we are allies so can we get a few of those too?”

….this guy is really shameless, isn’t he?

But we needed their help.

“Alright. I can agree to that but….you will have to do something for us in return.”


“I want you to help my peerage members master their Sacred Gears. Unfortunately, as much as I would like it, they are not my area of expertise.”

“They have Sacred Gears?”

“Hmm. We kinda picked them up by the road before leaving the previous world.” I smiled.


“Hoh….now I am even more interested in that world. In all my life, I haven’t found any Sacred Gears lying by the road in this one.”

“What can I say, I am lucky that way.” I shrugged.

“Alright, which ones do you have?”

“Zenith Tempest, Dimension Lost, Annihilation Maker and Telos Karma.”

His mouth opened wide at the reveal and so did the other’s but he recovered it soon enough and closed it shut. “I see. Very well, I can work with that. In fact, I have never had the opportunity to work with those till now and there are many ideas I wanted to try.”

“Don’t experiment on them. Rather help them grow stronger.”

“Same thing, same thing.” He waved it off.

No they are not.

I looked at Onee-chan and then at Sirzechs and they nodded.

“Alright. I will make something later.”


At this moment, Onee-chan looked at Michael and spoke. “By the way, I have a request.”


"One of my….I mean Rias’ peerage members, is a survivor of the Holy Sword Project.” She saw their wince and ignored it, continuing. “I know that you have another person who has survived the experiments and is stuck in a barrier created by her own Sacred Gear. Her name is Tosca. If you don’t mind, can you have her shifted here? I can help her and Yuuto can get a chance to reunite with his friend again.”

Suddenly a thought dawned on me. So this way Yuuto hadn’t spoken anything even when I made a holy sword in front of him. Apparently Onee-chan had a talk with him.

“I….I will see it done.”

She then turned towards Azazel. “By the way, Kokabiel is planning a rebellion. He plans to steal the rest of the Excalibur Fragments and kill Rias and Sona in Kuoh to restart the Great War again and in doing so, he is being helped by Valper Galelie. I hope you will take care of the situation.”

“Kokabiel? I see. No wonder he’s been making suspicious moves for a while now.”

“Although, please inform me when you find Valper. I think the one who deserves the right to judge him is Yuuto.”

He nodded.

With that done, they left the room.

Baraqiel came up and apologised to Shuri too. He wanted to say more but Akeno and Shuri didn’t want to talk about anything for now so he left.

I can see where this girl got her ability to hold grudges from.


The meeting ended relatively peacefully and we returned back to our homes.

It was decided that we would not be living in Kuoh any longer as this place still had the pervert and the supposed priest of the Spirit Gods.

Apparently, he had a power which could read the thoughts of girls….through their breasts….

Yeah….and no one wondered if something was wrong with that.

This was the reason Onee-chan was not telling anyone the identity of that pervert.

At least any of the younger girls.

We all moved back to the Underworld and plans will be made to make a school there where all of the younger generations from the three factions can gather together.

The Magical Girl wannabe used this opportunity to promote Sona’s School plan.

It would take time but till then, we were free.

First thing they were going to do was take care of the matters of the Khaos Brigade and the internal affairs of their own factions so that we could properly concentrate on the upcoming trouble.

We were also deciding on the members of the team to go to the other world.

It would be a mixed team from all three factions but the specifics were yet to be decided.

We had a period of time for us to train and get stronger for the world jump.

The world we were targeting also had some really dangerous beings so we needed to train more.

- Michael -

“It’s unbelievable. Are you sure they were not lying, brother?” Ariel asked.

“The symbols in the paper which she gave me….were the password to access Heaven's system. If Gabriel trusted her enough to give her that, I think we should put our faith in her too.”

He was currently in a meeting with all the Seraph and above ranking Angels except Raphael. He had already discussed everything with the other three Great Seraphs and this meeting was now held to inform the rest.

Everyone, including Gabriel, looked shocked at the revelation.

“Then what are we going to do next, brother?” Uriel asked.

“From what I have been told, there are angels in Heaven who are using the loopholes in the system to avoid falling. We need to fix those to prevent any leak of information. I have been given some information about the reforms we had made in the future, one of which included the introduction of the Brave Saints system. We will have a group of scientists work on that too. Finally, we will send a group of talented younger generations to cooperate with the kids from the other two factions and create a team to explore other worlds. Right now, these will be the list of things we need to prioritise.”

As they were talking, Raphael entered the place.

“Michael, where did you get this sword from?!” he asked, still surprised.

“Hmm? This was made by Flinn Gremory using his original Projection Magic. Did you test it? He said it was still an experimental product and it's untested.”

“Obviously I tested it. It’s beyond any sword we have in our possession. I don’t even know how he could make something like this but that’s not what’s strange. The strangest part is what’s inside it. You need to see it for yourself to know!”

“What?” He raised an eyebrow, as Raphael handed him the sword.

“Check the gem.”

He did exactly that and a moment later shock marred his face as he realised what this was.

He looked at Raphael as if to confirm. “Is this?”


“But how can it be?” He was shocked as he tested it again to see if the first one was a mistake and received the same result again.

“That’s what I am asking you! How could he make something like this? It should be impossible. Especially for a devil.”

“I….have no idea, brother.” Michael quickly thought about everything he knew about Flinn and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

His mother was implanted with the DNA of someone from another world which gave him his bloodline.

Did that have something to do with it?

He did say that he still didn’t know the exact powers of his bloodline and was still exploring it.

Could it be….?

“What exactly is in the sword, brother?” Uriel asked, looking at their shocked faces.





“It's….Father’s Miracles.”


Beta Reader: LuluViBritania(FF.N, SB and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

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Authors Note:

I am back with another chapter of The Redhead System.

We got the hot nun finally.

Revelations were made and a shocking misunderstanding is being birthed due to a random mistake.

Flinn is going to have interesting times ahead.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.



Awesome as always. Can't wait for more.

mohamed musi

They are about to think he is the reincarnation of GOD just like Shin 😂😂😂


TFTC! I wonder what the first world they’re going to will be? Will there be a poll?


So glad this one rolled back around, was a great opening. I do like that he gave them a "crappy" Durandal but it's just too awesome for them, anyway.

Osiris Sundavr

Gabriel: Daddy! Flinn: Huh?

Kloud Paradizo

Go to Narutoverse and get Kurama


If the author is sadistic he will through them into Warhammer 40K


Thanks for the update


Shouldn't they have asked for Asia at some point after the discussions finished? Since they're going to prevent the whole Kokabiel arc. She could end up with that creepy nun fetishist devil if not taken away before he can get his hands on her.


And thus new misunderstandings are made about Flinn


Is it the creation of all things jutsu that’s the power they area talking about?
