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A little BB story requested and inspired by long-time supporter, Knife-Ears, featuring a little tongue-in-cheek cross-over between my Cat Girl universe and his Knife comics.

The awesome fan art above is by AinemsWork, and was commissioned by Knife-Ears for this post, which I think makes it my first official fan art 😍

Also, if you happen to like the character, you can find plenty more on Knife-Ears's own Patreon/Twitter accounts 😁

Anyway, without further ado...

It was the dead of night and Red was the only one of her sisters awake. Shyness and embarrassment were emotions she’d largely beaten out of herself in her youth, but remnants of them occasionally (very occasionally) resurfaced now and again. This was one of those times.

As the cat girl tip-toed her way through the silent facility, her mind raced with a girlish excitement she hadn’t felt for years now.

The door to the simulation arena mechanically hissed open and Red stepped inside, the room itself an empty metal husk, its only notable features being a computer console near the entrance, and a series of tiny lights scattering the walls, floor and ceiling.

Red produced a small USB drive she’d been keeping hidden between her cleavage for the past 24 hours. It had been given to her by Green, who had prepared something quite special for her. Naturally, Red had sworn Green to absolute secrecy in her usual “say anything and I’ll kill you” manner, though it was mostly to uphold her ‘tough guy’ image. Truthfully, she knew she could always count on Green’s discretion.

The thumbdrive clicked into the back of the console and the screen lit up, a clickable ‘exe’ file appearing labelled ‘Knife Fight’.

Eager to get started, Red impatiently triple-clicked the icon and watched a loading bar start to fill the screen, the percentage ticking up with painful slowness.

Hurriedly stripping, Red located the augmented reality suit beneath the console and squeezed herself into it. It was a skintight grey suit, not unlike her combat outfit, though its fabric was lined with thousands of tiny sensors designed to react and respond to the holographic simulations, giving the user an uncanny sense of touch, despite the fact they were merely interacting with light.

By the time she’d managed to squash her giant tits into the AR suit and pull the accompanying mask up over her face, the programme had finished initialising. It was finally time.

The simulation room whirred into life, the lights that lined the walls shining down and transforming the once empty box into a lush green forest. Hidden speakers pumped out sounds of chirping birds and rustling branches, leaving Red instantly immersed. Her heart began to race. Green had really outdone herself.

You see, Red had never been one for games growing up. She’d always took things too seriously and her temper had often got the better of her. However, the one thing she had always been able to rely on, as a form of escape, was a good comic book.

Needless to say, given where they were forced to live, her options had been limited. Whilst out on a mission, Pink had been able to scrounge a few random issues here and there, and Red would always (privately, in her quarters) swipe them and find herself getting lost in the colourful pages.

Her favourite comics, of course, focused on exploitative displays of strength and violence, and one character in particular had quickly become her favourite: Knife.

Knife was a young, wolf-like man, raised by wolves and forever going out on various violent adventures. He was simple of mind, but strong of spirit, and possessed immense strength. Though Red had been conditioned to be repulsed by masculinity, there was something about his toned, perfectly chiselled features that she found alluring. It certainly helped that he wasn’t your ‘traditional human male’ and, in many ways, exuded a fair amount of feminine attributes too. She appreciated that he was a bit of a social outcast, much like her and her sisters, and (frankly) the wolf ears were kind of cute.

It had taken Red months, perhaps years now that she thought about it, to build up the nerve to ask Green to programme the character into one of her combat simulations. It was hard to believe that the moment she could test it had finally arrived. If Green had done her comic book research correctly, which she presumably would have, then Knife would prove to be a highly-challenging warrior. A perfect combatant for Red to square off against. One that would test both Red’s physical and mental aptitude.

Trudging through the dense, digital foliage, Red suddenly heard a twig snap behind her. She whirred around, her fists at the ready, only to see… No one? Her eyes narrowed as she got the distinct impression she was being watched.

The barbarian appeared from nowhere, dropping from the sky and landing on Red, having been nestled amongst the branches of a nearby tree. The two tumbled together, rolling across the ground for a metre or two until eventually coming to a halt.

Red opened her eyes to see Knife looming above her. Her heart skipped a beat.

She had thought she’d mentally prepared herself for this moment, but seeing her comic book idol up close and in the proverbial flesh was quite the uncanny trip.

He had her pinned down by the shoulders, his knees resting beside her thighs, an axe dangling from his hip. Faithful to the comics, his clothing was sparse, seemingly made of scraps of animal fur and leather, showing off his glistening physique and barely covering his manhood. His wolf ears twitched as he sniffed at the blushing cat girl.

“What… Are… You?”

Knife spoke with disjointed, broken grunts. English was not his forte, which was another reason Red enjoyed his character so much. Less words, more action. The barbarian sniffed again.

“Smell good.”

“Wh-what?” Red almost never stuttered, yet she was barely able to get a word out. She screamed at herself internally as she tried to get her shit together, though the wolf man staring deeply into her eyes did not help.

“Pretty…” He uttered, studying Red up and down, his gaze lingering on her chest for a moment.

“Me? Really?” It was the first time anyone or anything had called Red ‘pretty’. Truth be told, a lot of the men she had encountered out in the field probably would’ve called her something similar, they just rarely lived long enough to express such thoughts. “Wait a second…”

Red shook her head, her embarrassment dissipating and being quickly replaced by frustration. Green must have been playing some kind of prank on her! That was the only explanation for this… Unexpected encounter. She’d been expecting a fight with a barbarian, not some twisted first date. What was this?

Unfortunately, Red’s limited collection of Knife-related comics had only revealed so much about his character. In the comics she owned, the focus was often on Knife’s warrior-like capabilities, demonstrating his impressive skill and strength in combat. However, there was a certain branch of ‘Knife’ comics Red did not own, in which (to put it bluntly) the barbarian could come across as a bit of a pervert.

Unbeknownst to Red, Green too was a secret Knife fan, though she had only ever exposed herself to these lewder, hentai-inspired works, and her ‘research’ had exclusively focused on that one particular side of his personality. It was unlikely Green was even aware of the more serious, grounded comics Red had come to know and love…

“Get the fuck off me,” She gave the wolf man a shove, her palms colliding with his rock-hard pectorals. Just the feel of them made the cat girl blush once more, though she did her best to shake it off. “Are we gonna fight or not?”

“Fight?” Knife’s ear twitched and he rose to his knees, releasing Red’s shoulders. A faint smile traced his lips. “Fight.”

The barbarian tossed his axe aside and flipped backwards, landing on his feet with his legs and arms spread, as if bracing for a bear tackle. Red followed suit, jumping to her feet and assuming her feline fighting stance. She grinned.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” Her heart was racing again. She couldn’t tell if it was from her anticipation of the fight or the lustful look Knife was giving her. “You better make this worth my while…”

The barbarian wasted no time in charging towards her. She braced herself for impact, expecting her hands to clash with his, but instead his reach went low, his muscular arms wrapping around her slim waist, lifting her several feet from the ground and locking her into a bear hug.

The holographic display of Knife was actually projected over the top of a training robot that Green had built and programmed to work alongside her simulations, which of course allowed for far more testing, immersive combat training.

Knife squeezed and Red’s breasts squished against his chest. He looked down, grinning, clearly enjoying how Red’s tits responded to his motions. It didn’t take long for his hands to find their way around to her ass.

“H-hey!” Red stammered, her eyes wide. She had not expected this. As her body was pressed tighter and tighter against his, she could sense something twitching beneath the wolf man’s fur loincloth. Something was very off here. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Pretty.” Knife said again, this time in a low growl as he crushed Red harder and harder. He was certainly seeming to enjoy the sensation of her body against his. “Soft…”

“I’ll show you soft…”

Red didn’t have much room to manoeuvre, but she didn’t need it. She rammed her knee forwards as hard as she could into Knife’s crotch, his semi-erect penis giving her a clear shot at his testicles. The tip of her knee buried deep between his nuts.

God, they were massive. Once more, Red found her face reddening as the visual of his oversized package flashed through her mind. Had it really been that big in the comics she’d read?

The knee had the desired effect and Knife released his grip, stumbling back with one hand on his crotch. Red used her newfound window to deliver a flurry of brutal hooks to either side of the barbarian’s face.

“I told you, fucker, I’m here to fight,” Red blurted, psyching herself up as her fists continued to reign down against Knife. “Now show me you’re a warrior!”

The words clearly caught Knife’s ear. He may have found the cat girl attractive, but he wasn’t about to let himself lose to such a feline. As Red swung out with her next right hook, he blocked it immediately with his forearm, and caught her left hook in his hand as she tried to follow up on the attack.

Knife used Red’s momentum against her and pulled her in towards him, firing his muscle-clad knee up into her abdomen. Red coughed out spit into her mask. Simulated or not, she’d never felt such a powerful blow. That was certainly more like it!

Whilst Red sputtered, the wind having been forcefully knocked out of her (another feeling she definitely wasn’t used to), Knife grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up into the air, above his head. He intended to smash the cat girl into the ground, but he did not get the chance.

Red wrapped her legs around Knife’s head and pulled herself in towards him, her crotch now inches from his face. She squeezed with her thighs, choking him, though he seemed more distracted by Red’s private parts sitting so close to his now-lolling tongue. Whilst he still had the opportunity, he moved his hands from her hips to her ass and tried to pull her even closer, practically salivating.

“Jeez, why did Green make you such a freak?!” Red used her abs to keep herself upright whilst she continued to crush Knife’s neck, and began wailing down on him with her right fist, striking his face over and over again. “Stop. Touching. My. Ass!”

The fourth strike finally forced Knife to release his hold on Red’s butt as he staggered backwards, struggling for balance. Inevitably, he lost his footing and went crashing to the floor, landing flat on his back with Red still wrapped around his neck.

She seized the moment to spin around and locked the barbarian into a reverse scissor hold, squeezing his head between her muscular thighs. His struggling suddenly seemed to cease. That didn’t seem right…

Red glanced over her shoulder to see the wolf man ogling her ass once again. Was the view so good that he was willing to completely throw the fight? His blatant disregard for his own mortality irritated the cat girl to no end. None of this was going how she’d imagined it whilst reading the comics.

“That does it…” Red reached down under Knife’s loincloth. He was wearing a small set of tight leather pants beneath. Whilst the training robot, of course, had no genitalia, the sensors in the AR suit’s hands certainly made it seem like it had been gifted with quite the package. Red grabbed onto one of the ‘testicles’ and slowly began to increase the pressure. “If you want to keep these, you’ll get your head straight and fight me for real. Understand?”

“Yes…” Knife strained. “Please… Don’t crush balls…”

“What was that? I can’t hear you so good…” Red mocked as she tightened her grip. The body of the barbarian vibrated in protest beneath her.

“Please!” He howled. “We fight!”

Red rolled her eyes. She couldn’t quite believe that this was what her brawl with the great ‘Knife the barbarian’ had all come down to. She had defeated a hundred men before by crushing their balls. She’d been hoping this fight would’ve been a little more interesting. Green must’ve screwed up the programming somehow…

The cat girl stood, allowing Knife to slowly clamber to his feet, his legs still trembling slightly from the lingering pain in his groin.

“Last chance to put me down,” Red said, her eyes wide and full of fire. “No getting distracted.”

The wolf man nodded in response, shaking off the pain and finding his stance. He seemed more determined this time, almost angry. Red liked that. It was about time he took her seriously.

Before she knew what was happening, Knife lunged at her, flailing wildly as he tried to hit her with a hurricane of punches. It took all of Red’s concentration to dodge around his tree trunk-like arms, which whooshed past her face, missing her by inches.

He followed up with a kick, seemingly going for a vengeful low blow of his own, though Red was just able to leap up above his swing, spreading her legs and allowing the barbarian’s foot to catch air instead.

“Nice try,” She panted, giving him a wink. Despite her cocky front, she was starting to sweat inside the skintight AR suit, and Knife was showing no signs of letting up yet. It was the first time, albeit briefly, she actually felt like she was fighting the barbarian she’d come to know and love…

Red hadn’t realised it, but as she’d landed from her last dodge, her tail had flopped forward between her legs. Knife, however, had noticed.

He gave Red a quick toothy grin before reaching down and seizing the tip of her tail from beneath her crotch. With one mighty pull, he yanked it up towards his chest, causing it to stretch up around Red’s groin and press between her lower lips.

Red squeaked, a noise she’d only ever heard come from Mouse before now. Her ears stood on end, pointing upwards as her eyes widened. Her tail had always been sensitive, and she certainly did not appreciate it being used against her clit…

“How fucking dare…” She didn’t get to finish. Knife tugged once more, his muscles bulging as he pulled on Red’s tail so hard that it flipped her over backwards.

The cat girl fell to the floor, flat on her face with her tail literally between her legs. When she had envisioned this much-anticipated fight with Knife, this had not been what she’d had in mind.

Knife hovered over her, seemingly just staring at her. She couldn’t tell if he felt bad or was simply admiring her ass again. Either way it didn’t matter. Red was pissed now.

Her hands balled into fists and, with blinding speed, she leapt up and drove an uppercut straight into Knife’s nutsack. The wolf man let out a high-pitched howl, but Red wasn’t done. Now on one knee before the barbarian, she pulled back her fist and repeated the action.

“No one. Touches. My fucking. Tail!”

With each short phrase, Red shot another uppercut into Knife’s balls. He seemed to be in too much shock to defend himself, instead whimpering and staring at her with a goofy cross-eyed expression.

Red stood to face him, her own face now, well, red with rage. She gritted her teeth, shaking with anger. Knife clutched his damaged nuts with both hands, whining quietly.

“All I wanted was a REAL FUCKING FIGHT!” Red roared, slamming her foot down and flexing her arms, as if she were imitating the Hulk. She looked at Knife with ferocious intensity, heaving up and down. But he wasn’t looking back at her anymore. In fact, he wasn’t even shielding his manhood either.

Red followed his gaze, glancing down. It turned out that her last little outburst had been too much for the AR suit to handle. Her enormous tits had torn the fabric and bounced right out of the suit, leaving them naked, jiggling and glistening with beads of sweat, right before Knife’s eyes.

“Boobs…” He murmured, unable to avert his gaze, his loincloth now taking the form of a tent.

Christ… This digital imitation was a far cry from the character Red knew.
“Ok, I think we’re done…” She said, her tone suddenly cold.

Without warning she launched her foot between Knife’s legs. He winced, no doubt feeling it, but did not take his eyes away from her chest, which bounced and bobbed seductively following the impact of the blow. He seemed to be too entranced to do anything about his now highly vulnerable manhood.

Red sighed. Whatever this imposter was supposed to be, she’d had enough of it. She’d certainly be giving Green some ‘feedback’ the next time she caught her alone.

She proceeded to deliver an onslaught of kicks into the barbarian’s nuts, watching with growing dissatisfaction and disappointment as Knife refused to protect himself, instead choosing to grasp at her breasts, apparently hoping to get in one last squeeze before the simulation came to an end. At the very least, she did enjoy the visual of Knife’s swelling giant nuts compressing and decompressing every time her foot made contact with his crotch.

Red wasn’t sure how many kicks it had taken, but eventually the holographic form of this so-called ‘Knife’ began to shimmer and glitch, the integrity of the training robot beneath slowly beginning to falter. With one final, triumphant blow, Knife’s display finally vanished, Red’s kick splitting the metal chassis in two, from crotch to neck.

The metal wreck collapsed to the floor in a sparking heap and the surrounding forest flickered out and died, returning Red to the empty simulation room she had first entered.

“Well… Fuck.”

The painful bruise on the arch of her foot would be a sobering reminder, at least for the next few days, of the events that had just unfolded. As the adrenaline drained from Red’s quaking body and the cold silence of the room engulfed her, she felt a strange pang of guilt inside. She’d let her anger get the better of her, yet again, and destroyed more of Green’s equipment, yet again… She wasn’t sure how she was going to explain it this time.

Trudging, physically and emotionally exhausted, back to her quarters, she wished she’d allowed herself to spend some more time with Knife. Although her primary motivation for ‘meeting’ him had always been to fight, she couldn’t help but admit that she’d always found him a little cute. Whilst this perverted interpretation had most definitely not been the barbarian she’d been hoping for, he was of course still her secret comic book hero, and it was the closest she’d ever come to actually being able to interact with him.

No matter, the cat girl thought to herself. Sooner or later Green would fix the training robot and patch up the AR suit, and perhaps then she’d get another shot at it. Of course, she’d be sure to give Green some ‘constructive criticism’ about her first attempt. What the fuck was she thinking when she wrote the code for that thing? It wasn’t in the nerd’s nature to play pranks…

Next time, she’d be sure to oversee Green’s development on ‘Knife 2.0’, and would be keeping a close eye on exactly where she was sourcing her character lore. But until that time, she’d focus on what she’d always done best, fighting men and crushing balls. That was, at least, as soon as her foot stopped swelling…




💙 Amazing writing as always! 💙


And people said Infinity war and endgames were the best cross overs... yet here we are lol. That was a very enjoyable read and I'd love to see some more! ^^


Ahahaha why thank you 😄😂 really glad you enjoyed it! There's always room for a sequel or two, soon as Red's done giving her feedback to Green 🤭