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Hey all,

Some of you may be aware, my DA account was suspended indefinitely last night. There was no warning and it all happened whilst I was asleep. I've sent an appeal but am not hopeful.

Anyway, I wanted to update you and let you know this Patreon is still continuing as planned. I am looking into starting accounts on Twitter and/or pixiv, so as and when they go live, I'll share links with you all. I plan to share images, GIFs and previews there instead...

DA was almost half of my 'business' if you wanna call it that, so to have it vanish is really rough. It was a great way to build a following, but I'll have to start again elsewhere now.

Needless to say, your support now means more than ever, so thanks for being a patron and sticking with me ❤️


Here are the links to my new Twitter, Pixiv and Fanbox accounts! If you're so inclined, please do follow and share with like-minded individuals. It'd really help me get myself back out there!! 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/plzdontwatch

Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/89165355

Fanbox: https://sykf8442.fanbox.cc/



I'm sorry buddy ur one of the best artists in this community and I'm sorry that this has happened 2 u ik u will bounce back and ik I'm a little peon but I'll do my best to support u


Bro, that's so dumb that that can happen. I read about it last night in the discord(check out plz's discord(always be plugging)). Just know we're all still here for you and we believe in you


There was a free animated music video back on DA that was a compilation of clips timed to the beat that you made. I cant find it anywhere on here. No it wasnt the Do you Got That. Do you still have it?


May have to dig through my archive but there's a chance that one got lost to the DA ban...