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Hey everyone! I've been sick recently and had to work a bunch of extended shifts at work, so progress has been a bit slower this month. I'm better and back to normal work patterns now, and am still working on the next two animations (one will be another BB one with Amy for the visual novel).

In the meantime, please enjoy this second chapter for No More Kittens. As usual, make sure to read the previous chapter first for context! This is a CB post, and will begin to explore the story before, during and after my ‘Door Jam’ animation. Be aware, there's a little bit of BB in this one too, though it's necessary to set up some more CB later 😅 Hope you like it!

The bunker’s briefing room was a dim, clinical space. The floors, walls, ceiling and every other surface was either made of steel or some other grey material, reflecting the ominous tungsten glow of humming light bulbs that dangled in each corner.

Blue had always felt a slight discomfort whenever she found herself standing around the briefing table. It represented a place from which her sisters were sent into dangerous situations, not to mention the other members of the cat women force, all of which had either been relocated or had simply not returned.

Whilst the room was big enough to accommodate over thirty brave individuals, currently it was occupied only by Green, Red and Blue herself. Her two other sisters were still out on missions of their own, she assumed.

Green flicked a switch hidden beneath the underside of the briefing table, prompting its surface to suddenly light up, displaying a shimmering blue hologram of what appeared to be some kind of spacecraft.

“This is your target,” Green said, gesturing towards the rotating 3D image with her telescopic pointer. “The enemy’s command ship. Home to their troublesome advanced AI system…”

“Green, you’re a smart girl,” Red interjected with a sarcastic tone. “So, I’m guessing you’re gonna have some clear, foolproof, easy-to-understand plan for how the hell we’re going to infiltrate a fucking spaceship?”

“Teleportation,” Green said, bluntly.

“What?” Red blinked.

“Teleportation,” Green said again.

“So you just… Invented teleportation?”


“Of course you did…” Red placed her head in her hands, trying to comprehend how on earth her sister could have possibly managed this, let alone how she had the brains to achieve such a revolutionary feat.

“It’s only one way though. My machine can get you on the ship, but you’ll need to find your own way back,” Green warned, her voice stern. She flicked another switch and the hologram shifted into what appeared to be blueprints of the spacecraft. “Scans of the ship’s schematics reveal several lifepods onboard. I wager that is your best ticket out of there.”

“Sure, sounds super easy,” Red rolled her eyes. “So, when we get on this ship, we’re doing what exactly?”

“Locate the AI server and destroy it,” Green’s voice was infused with a rare, fiery determination, “That bastard has been stealing our intel for weeks. If we take it out, we’ll finally be one step ahead of these male monsters…”

“Uh, how many of these men are on the ship?” Blue stuttered, awkwardly rubbing her shoulder. It was the first time she had spoken since they’d entered the briefing room. The two other sisters looked over to her, as if they’d forgotten that she’d been standing there the whole time.

“Hard to say. Records suggest that there could be at least fifty hostiles onboard,” Green replied, nonchalantly. Blue let out an audible gulp.

“Oh, ok…” She stammered before turning away, trying and failing to hide her shaking hands. Noticing this, Red leaned over to Green.

“You sure this is a good idea for her first field op? I dunno if she’s ready for this,” She whispered, though the room carried her words further than she realised.

“The ship’s too big to scout alone. The chances of success are far higher if the two of you go. Besides, there’s no one else to send…” Green responded, also trying to keep her voice down.

“It’s fine. I can do this, ok?” Blue addressed them, surprising them both, though her words were still hesitant, as if she were trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince them.

“I know you can, sis. Just remember what we taught you, alright?” It was rare for Red to ever show any sort of emotion outside of anger, irritation or impatience, but the worry in her voice was evident.

“Sure. No problemo,” Blue, overcompensating, gave her sister an awkward thumbs up, immediately regretting her use of the word ‘problemo’. Red sighed, turning back to Green.

“So… We doing this thing or what?”

Blue was sweating profusely as she lay inside the egg-like teleportation chamber. Her suit clung to her skin, even more tightly than usual, as she began to shiver, the reality of her situation finally dawning on her. This was her first real mission. Her first taste of combat. Red had warned her countless times, the enemy would not pull their punches. They’d take her out without a second glance if she let them. Quite simply, she was terrified.

“How are you feeling, Blue?” Green’s voice crackled through Blue’s earpiece, which was discreetly hidden inside one of her cat ears. Another of Green’s inventions, it was capable of long range communications, and would enable Blue to stay in contact with her sisters once she was up on the ship.

“Uh, great. Yep! Good to go…” Blue was less than convincing. Through the misted glass off the teleportation chamber, she could just about make out the blurry shape of her sister, shaking her head.

“Are you sure?”

Before Blue could respond, Red, who had already been beamed up to the ship, suddenly piped up.

“All clear up here. Beginning recon…”

“Copy that, Red,” Green replied.

“Send me up,” Blue followed. Despite her fear, she was anxious not to leave Red up in orbit on her own, fending for herself.

“Ok. Remember, you’ll teleport slightly above ground level, so make sure you land on your feet,” Green instructed. “Now, get ready. There may be a slight tingle…”

With a flash of electricity, Blue abruptly vanished from the chamber. She slammed her eyes shut as she felt the ‘tingle’ of static electricity dance across her skin, her nipples hardening as it passed over her breasts. In a matter of moments, it caressed her entire body, tickling her in places to the point that she almost laughed out loud.

Suddenly, the sensation ceased. She opened her eyes. She had arrived on the ship.

Green had been right, she certainly wasn’t at ‘ground level’, quite the opposite in fact. Appearing in a large, open hangar bay, several metres above the floor, Blue found herself plummeting to the floor uncontrollably.

The poor cat woman barely had time to look down and, to her horror, see the collection of metal fuel canisters that stood below her.

As bad luck would have it, she found herself landing directly on top of one of the cylindrical canisters. Instinctively, she spread her legs wide, trying her best to avoid it, but she simply landed crotch first instead.

Her entire body froze for a moment as the impact from the fall rattled through her. Her twitching legs straddled the canister, the top of which now being firmly wedged into her groin.

“Ow…” The noise squeaked out of Blue’s mouth involuntarily, right before gravity took hold once more and she flopped forwards, falling from the canister and landing flat on the cold, steel floor of the spaceship’s hangar.

“Blue, what’s your status?” The cool and collected voice of Green pinged in her ear.

“Yep, doing great,” Was all she could croak in response, her head still resting on the ground.

“Really? You sound…”

Blue didn’t hear the rest. Her sister was cut off by the sudden rumbling of rapid footsteps, quickly heading her way. A wash of fresh dread hastened her recovery and she leapt to her feet. The noise of her clumsy entrance must have alerted some nearby troops.

Moving purely on fear-driven instinct, she caught sight of a stack of cargo crates nearby and darted over to them, hoping to find somewhere to hide. To her relief, one of the crates’ lids was loose, allowing her to quickly and quietly open it up and slip inside, out of view.

Placing her cat ear against the side of the crate, she listened carefully as the guards reached the fuel canisters and began grumbling to one another, searching the area.

“I know I heard something. Keep looking,” The muffled masculine voice was just audible from inside the crate, striking renewed fear into Blue and prompting her to hold her breath.

What Blue had failed to notice in her hurried attempt to hide was that the crate she had chosen was labelled with a very particular warning: Beware of animals.

Being the barbarians they were, the army of men that the cat women had found themselves facing had recently started experimenting with dangerous animals, hoping to up the lethality of their forces, either by dropping wild predators directly into the fray, or making use of the various venoms and poisons certain creatures possessed.

Concentrating on the sounds coming from the guards outside, Blue did not notice the low hiss of a snake, coming from behind her. Leaning on all fours, her ass was neatly exposed, and pointing directly towards the snake, which reared its head as it prepared to strike.

The sudden sharp sting on her rear took a moment to sink in, but once the pain registered, it took all of Blue’s willpower to stifle the scream she so desperately wanted to expel. She reached behind her, her hand flailing wildly as she tried to swat at whatever it was that had clamped onto her cheek.

Managing to grab the snake’s tail, she yanked it free and hurled it away from her, turning around to reveal not one, but three, very pissed off, hissing reptiles, staring back at her with soulless eyes. She gulped.

The snakes pounced, striking like little scaly lightning bolts. Blue had almost no time to react. She recoiled, falling back against the side of the crate, her arms shielding her face and her legs sprawled out in front of her.

The first snake latched itself directly onto her left nipple. Whilst its teeth were unable to pierce the material of her skintight suit, the pressure from the reptile’s tiny jaws pinched like a bitch. As its mouth continued to close around her teat, its tail wrapped around her left arm, constricting it and holding it away so that Blue was unable to use it.

Before she could attempt to remove the snake with her free hand, the second of the angered creatures wrapped itself around her right arm and, as if mimicking its ally, clamped its jaws firmly around Blue’s right tit.

Blue forced herself to keep her mouth shut, her lips quivering and tears welling in her eyes as the stinging sensation coming from her nipples intensified threefold. But where was the third snake?

The question was answered quickly as the final reptile slithered up between her thrashing legs and struck her, right between her ‘lower lips’. It clamped onto her crotch with the vice-like grip of a bear trap.

That was too much. Blue couldn’t hold it in anymore. Her high-pitched squeals reverberated around the inside of the crate. There was absolutely no way that the guards outside hadn’t heard the commotion.

Banging her arms against the interior of the crate, Blue managed to shake the first two snakes free, then pulled the third away from her throbbing clit. Before they had a chance to gather themselves, she leapt up out of the crate and slammed the lid back down behind her. At this point, she wasn’t even trying to be quiet.

Mercifully, none of the snakes had managed to pierce her suit, so there was no risk of any venom getting through. There was, however, a new problem. As Blue collected herself, she found herself flanked on either side by two uniformed men, both carrying stun batons.

“Knew I heard something,” One grumbled.

“Jesus, was she in that crate?” The other said, clearly aware of its contents. “What the hell do we do with her now?”

They had clearly not expected an intruder, and why would they have? They were on a spaceship in Earth’s orbit, after all. As they muttered between one another, trying to figure out what to do next, Blue did her best not to panic and tried to recall her sisters’ teachings. One particular piece of advice from Pink echoed in her mind.

“Remember, men are fickle. Play their urges against them…”

The cat woman slowly, hesitantly and very awkwardly slid her hands down her curves, moving from her breasts to her hips and tilted her butt towards one of the men. If it looked like it was her first time trying to seduce someone, that was because it was.

“Uh, what the fuck is she doing?” The first guard said.

“I think she’s coming onto you, Kev,” The second guard laughed.

Sensing her moves weren’t having the desired effect, Blue attempted a less subtle technique. Turning to the first guard, Kev, she leant forwards towards him, pushing her arms together around her tits, making them lift and bulge out in front of her. At the same time, her butt was perfectly on show for the second guard.

“These cat freaks are so weird…” Kev tried to look at his partner, but he was having trouble pulling his eyes away from Blue. “They’re some nice tits though, damn…”

“Hey, get it together, man. She’s obviously working you!” The second guard exclaimed, though his gaze too was glued to Blue’s impossibly attractive physique. Upon hearing him, she wiggled her hips gently, causing her cheeks to jiggle. Glancing behind her, the guard was getting noticeably hard.

Blue’s cheeks reddened. She’d always known that her body had been genetically engineered to appeal heavily to the opposite sex, but not once had she seen it in practice. It was a bizarre, somewhat uncomfortable feeling, having this almost magical hold over these men, despite doing very little to actually entice them. It spoke to the obvious perversion these men possessed, and made her painfully aware of what kind of pigs she and her sisters were fighting.

“Relax, what’s she gonna do, Dan?” Kev dismissed the other guard, Dan, with a wave of his baton. “She’s got nowhere to go.”

“I guess we don’t have to detain her right away…” Dan said absently, his eyes still firmly fixed towards Blue’s ass, as if in some kind of trance.

“You wanna have some fun, little kittie?” Kev holstered his baton and took a step towards Blue. She looked him up and down and saw that he too was now erect, his bulge clearly visible through his black combat trousers.

Unsure what to do next, Blue’s mind raced again through the various lessons and training sessions she’d gone through over the past few years.

“There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain,” Echoes of Red’s voice played across her mind, “A man will freely let you grab his balls if he thinks he’s getting some. So if he gives you the opportunity, grab and grab hard…”

Doing her best to calm her nerves and keep her hand from trembling, Blue ran her hand past the first guard’s erect cock and curled her fingers around his balls below. He was pretty well endowed, and his sack weighed heavy in her hand. The man immediately let out a pleasureful sigh and Blue’s face flushed bright red. Caught up in the moment, his hands glided over her breasts and squeezed firmly.

“Hey, why do you get to have all the fun?” The second guard protested and moved in closer behind blue, his crotch rubbing up against her butt. Blue could feel his member sitting between her cheeks, rubbing up and down against her suit.

It was certainly the first time she’d ever been touched in such a way, and the sensation was… Confusing. On the one hand, she’d have been lying to herself if she wasn’t (deep down) enjoying the attention. She hadn’t known what it felt like to be considered attractive before, and the pressure the men applied on her tits and ass was certainly not unpleasant either.

Still, there was a lingering guilt beneath it all. These men, after all, were the enemy, and were of course only hoping to exploit her before inevitably locking her up, or worse. She knew she couldn’t allow that to happen. It was time to take charge of the situation.

She twisted herself so that she stood in profile between the two guards. Whilst still holding onto the first man’s balls, she reached across with her other hand and cupped the second man’s nuts as well. The two men both moaned in pleasure and let their arms droop by their sides. They were hers now.

The tendons in her wrists strained as she squeezed as hard as she could. Both men were, naturally, caught by surprise. Their startled cries harmonised amusingly and Blue couldn’t help but let out an awkward laugh. It seemed so shockingly easy that she began to wonder how on earth men had become so dominant in the first place.

Through gritted teeth, the guard named Kev managed to retrieve his stun baton. In a desperate attempt to free himself from Blue’s grasp, he swung it blindly, smacking her right in the crotch. Blue squealed as the white hot zap shot through her groin, causing her entire body to tremour.

What Kev had failed to anticipate was the effect a burst of electricity would have on the situation. Not only was Blue holding onto both he and Dan, thereby conducting the electric shock around all three of them, but it also prompted Blue’s muscles to contort and spasm. As a result, her fingers were forced shut into tight-locked fists, completely crushing the two pairs of balls once held between them.

Kev and Dan screamed in octaves they didn’t know they could reach. As the stun baton fell from the guard’s hand and hit the floor, Blue covered her sensitive cat ears, trying to shield them from the awful noise. The two men collapsed to their knees in unison and began spasming uncontrollably, their balls reduced to a fine paste.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!” Blue panicked. She’d never really hurt anyone before, and despite her training, she didn’t feel good about it. They may have been bad men, but she hadn’t intended to take things that far. “I didn’t mean to, I promise!”

It’s not like she’d been given much choice, but she still felt guilty. It was just in her nature. Nevertheless, there was no time to help them. She was very aware that the men’s blood-curdling cries would certainly attract the attention of any other nearby guards, and she needed to get moving before they showed up.

As always, thanks for reading! The next part will lead directly into my ro-busted and door jam videos, so stay tuned 😁 BB animation with Amy coming up next!



Look out world! Little blue just nabbed her first win! (Even if impending doom is around the corner.) 🤣


I think it's fitting that her only success so far has pretty much been accidental and purely due to her opponents' stupidity 😄