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Be sure to read Chapter 1 first, as this follows on from it directly! Also, just to confirm, there’s a BB animation coming up in about a week, followed by a CB commission/CB literature post (continuing the No More Kittens story) a little later on. Anyway, without further ado, enjoy…

Larry tried not to vomit as he felt his nutsack bulge in all sorts of unnatural ways, compressing and contorting between the cat woman's sharp knuckles and the weight of his own body. His feet dangled helplessly, several feet from the ground. It seemed as if he’d been suspended for an eternity.

Eventually, Pink relented and lowered her fist, allowing Larry to drop back down to the floor. The teary-eyed young man could barely stand, his legs trembling uncontrollably as he tenderly cupped his bloated jewels.

Bringing her legs round in front of her and out of the ‘splits’ position, Pink leant back, her elbows supporting her as she admired her handiwork. Larry’s face was cherry-red, glistening with sweat, snot and tears. There was no doubt that he was in immense pain.

For a second, Pink wished the device Green had given her could inform her of every moment she’d abruptly prevented a man from breeding. She wasn’t sure she’d beaten Larry to the point of his junk no longer working (yet), but it would have certainly been amusing (and satisfying) to know the exact moment it happened. Pink could not imagine any self-respecting woman fornicating with such a miserable male specimen anyway. Frankly, she didn’t understand why any woman would want to be with any man, though she had of course been born into a very different time.

As these thoughts raced through the cat woman’s mind, Larry continued to sway and stumble before her. The fact that he was still standing was both impressive and irritating to Pink, she hadn’t expected the little dweeb to withstand that last uppercut. She wondered if she’d got rusty, perhaps all that time hiding away in the bunker had taken its toll. Maybe it was fortunate she’d found someone to ‘warm up on’ after all.

Lying with her back to the floor, Pink raised her leg and lashed out with her foot, catching Larry, who was still doubled over in pain, square in the chest. His back arched as the force of the blow knocked him upright, his arms flailing at his sides as he once again found himself struggling to maintain his balance. With his spine curving backwards and his hips stretched forwards, his crotch was presented to Pink perfectly. How could she resist such an opportunity?

With the same leg, she launched her foot forwards again. This time, rather than colliding with Larry’s balls from below, Pink’s foot connected with his groin head on. Larry let out a high-pitched wail as he felt his flaccid penis get smashed into his pelvic region. He doubled forward again, his face twisted in gruesome agony.

Pink enjoyed the reaction with an amused, internal chuckle, then promptly snapped her leg upwards, the tip of her toes making contact with Larry’s chin. His head swung back, followed by the rest of his body, and he staggered backwards, clutching his jaw and praying that no teeth had come loose.

Whilst he was distracted, Pink arched back then kicked outward with both legs, performing an elegant kip-up and springing to her feet in one fluid motion. Larry was still wobbling around and making sure his jaw wasn’t dislocated, so Pink figured she might as well get another shot in. He clearly hadn’t learnt from the last few low blows that keeping his legs spread in front of her was simply a bad idea.

The kick lifted Larry into the air. When he landed, it took all of his strength and concentration to keep his limbs from completely buckling. Whatever happened, he knew he couldn’t afford to end up on the floor in front of this crazy bitch. Who knew what she’d do to him?

Pink went for a second kick but stopped suddenly as Larry’s gaze met with hers. Shielding his throbbing balls with both hands, he looked up at her with defeated, desperate eyes. He couldn’t find the breath to speak, but he didn’t need to, his look said it all. He was begging her to stop.

In a rare moment of weakness, the cat woman actually felt the tiniest tingle of sympathy for the poor man. Placing her hands on her hips, she looked down at him. It occurred to her that maybe, just maybe, the man in front of her wasn’t actually a terrible person. Sure, he was a man, which wasn’t a great start, but she had admittedly gotten a little carried away. She paused for a second as she pondered over what she should do next.

Larry hadn’t actually expected the cat woman to stop, so her merciful gesture now caught him off-guard. The surprise and relief in his face was immediately evident. Now that he had a moment to regain his composure, he attempted to stand straight. His hands continued to protect his nuts, and his eyes were locked with Pink’s, as if he were waiting for another sudden attack. It didn’t come.

Standing upright, he looked at the cat woman in awe. The fight had broken out so suddenly that he’d barely had time to comprehend the whole situation. Now having caught his breath a little, he found himself intimated once more by his attacker’s staggering beauty. Her heaving breasts rose and fell gently before him as her heart rate steadied, and despite the incredible pain he was in, Larry couldn’t help but steal a quick glance.

Any sympathy, kindness or compassion Pink might’ve felt for the man instantly evaporated. Even after all he’d been through, the dumbass still hadn’t learnt to show her some respect. The second Larry’s gaze drifted towards her tits, she acted.

Her fist shot out, as if propelled by some pneumatic piston. It crashed into Larry’s throat, right in his Adam's apple, causing him to immediately begin choking. He clutched at his throat, gasping for air. It felt as though his airway had been temporarily shut down.

Allowing the man to continue choking for a while, Pink glanced down. His hips were still retracted, hiding his crotch beneath his torso, just out of sight. His legs were closed together and his knees were bent towards one another. Despite the throat punch, he was still obviously in pain down there.

“You brought this on yourself,” Pink thought to herself as she dismissively kicked the man’s legs apart with her foot. She was met with little resistance and the choking man’s feet slid apart effortlessly, exposing his crotch.

She took a large stride back with her right leg and crouched down, channelling all of her remaining strength and energy into her foot, tensing every muscle in her body, so much so that her abs were now visible through her skintight suit. Larry, still gasping for air, noticed all too late what was about to happen to him.

Pink used her entire body to give her kick as much momentum as possible. As her right leg flew forwards, she swung her arms and her torso back, maximising the curve along which her foot now travelled. With blistering speed, it reached its destination with an explosive crack.

Like a rocket taking off, Larry left the ground. His head hit the ceiling with such force that it crashed through the polystyrene tile above him, lodging him briefly inside the ceiling cavity before his bodyweight brought him tumbling back down.

With her leg still firmly outstretched, Pink watched with glee as the young man fell, crotch first, straight back down onto her waiting right foot. Like a steel girder, her leg held strong as Larry’s nuts were squished between her ankle and his own lower body, producing a unique, wet squelching sound.

Larry’s entire body was frozen. His eyes bulged in their sockets and his pupils dilated. He stared at Pink in terror as he felt his manhood seemingly cease to exist.

“That’s it. That’s the look,” Pink thought to herself as she indulged in Larry’s horror-stricken expression for a moment. She was pretty proud of that last kick, and was certain she’d never managed to launch a guy that high into the air before. She’d definitely outdone herself, and there was absolutely no way this loser was having kids after that hit. The thought sent a warm tingle through her loins. To have such power and dominance over a man, it was intoxicating.

Finally, Pink lowered her foot, letting Larry drop. He immediately fell to his hands and knees, right at the cat woman’s feet.

“Time for the climax,” Pink purred to herself. She was acting on pure instinct now, controlled by some primal urge within her, much like a shark after detecting blood.

She leapt into the air, spreading her legs wide. In the same motion, she reached down with her arms and pushed Larry beneath her. She then landed, straddling the man with her legs. As if snapping to attention, she brought them together sharply around Larry’s neck, locking him in place between her thighs.

The oxygen struggled to reach Larry’s lungs as Pink increased the pressure, her legs crushing his neck inwards from both sides. He clawed and flailed pathetically at the air, kicked his legs and swatted limply at the cat woman’s thighs, but all to no avail.

“Almost there,” Pink said, internally, as she adjusted her position. Her grip on Larry’s neck loosened for just a moment, allowing him one quick gulp of air before being snatched up again by her powerful thighs, the top of his head now resting beneath her buttocks. She let out a quiet groan as she strained her legs further. The sense of control she had over him was almost orgasmic to her.

Larry tried to grab the cat woman’s legs and pry them apart with both hands, but he simply did not have the strength. There was nothing he could do now apart from wait to meet his inevitable fate.

With another delicate moan, Pink expertly twisted her hips to the left, spinning her torso to the right. Larry’s head arched sharply to his left with a bone-tingling crunch. He was not conscious long enough to register what had happened, but there was little doubt that he was (to put it bluntly) screwed.

“Oh, yes!” Pink exclaimed as the sudden vibration of Larry’s neck breaking shuddered through her loins with a satisfying crack. Her legs eased off on the pressure, allowing Larry’s limp body to flop uselessly to the floor, face first.

Although not visible through her latex suit, Pink’s crotch was now soaked with pleasure. Whilst she tried to hide it and control herself when around her sisters, deep down there was nothing she enjoyed more than completely dominating a man, and there were few more effective ways to do it than going for both the neck and the balls.

She indulged in the ecstasy for a minute, rubbing herself through her skintight suit as Larry’s body convulsed and twitched on the floor beneath her. It was only then that a sudden realisation hit her.

“Shit!” Pink whispered aloud, “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please…”

In all of the excitement, she’d got carried away and completely forgotten that she was still in the past and, as Green had very clearly warned her, killing was off-limits. She hurriedly knelt down beside Larry, placing her fingers across his dislocated neck and checking for a pulse.

“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon…”

To her great relief, it was there, but incredibly faint. He needed immediate medical attention if he was going to make it.

“Goddamn it, Pink…” She scolded herself and pulled Larry’s near-lifeless body up, slinging him over her shoulders, fireman-style.

Without a second thought, she burst out of the classroom and into the college hallway, carrying the unconscious man on her back. Her eyes darted up and down the hall, and caught sight of a huddle of distant students.

“Hey!” She cried out as loudly as she could, her voice echoing down the long hallway. The students looked over towards her. She couldn’t see their expression, but their body language suggested they’d noticed the unconscious body she was carrying. “Nurse’s office, where is it?”

The small group of students, clearly confused by what they were seeing, murmured some garbled response.

“For fuck’s sake, speak up! Nurse’s office! Where?!” Pink was almost screaming. One of the students managed to offer some hesitant directions in response and she wasted no time in following them.

As she sprinted down the various halls of the college, she did her best to ignore the numerous confused looks and glances being sent her way by the plethora of students that populated each corridor, even those that were blatantly staring at her giant bouncing tits.

Eventually, she reached the door to the nurse’s office, barging it open abruptly and giving the occupants (a nurse and a female student) quite the shock.

A small bed, not unlike a hospital bed, stood in the corner of the room. Pink marched over to it purposefully and set Larry down, doing her best not to worsen his injury.

“His neck is dislocated, possibly worse,” Pink turned to the nurse. “He needs medical attention, so make sure he gets it, alright?”

“Wh-what happened?” The nurse stammered, her eyes darting between the unconscious man and the curvaceous cat woman. “Who are you?”

“I just found him on the floor,” Pink lied. “Look, there’s no time to explain, I gotta go…”

Pink was already halfway out the door when she finally noticed the female student, specifically noting her blackened eye and generally-defeated demeanour.

“What’s up with her?” She asked the nurse.

“I can’t say without…” The nurse began, but was interrupted by the student herself.

“Don’t date assholes. That’s about all there is to say, ok?” She murmured, half to Pink, half to herself.

“Give me a name,” Pink stepped back into the room, looking at the girl with unblinking determination. Yet another prime example of men being dicks.

“Andrew…” She said, quietly. A lightbulb went off in Pink’s mind.


“Uh, yeah… You know him?”

“Where is he?”

To be continued…

So this wraps up the ‘literature version’ of my original ass-assin animation. Hopefully y’all enjoyed it! There’s plenty more story to go, so I’ll keep adding new chapters as time goes on. I will get back to doing image posts eventually too, I promise!

As mentioned, next up is a BB animation which should be ready in about a week, then I’ve got a CB animation to complete and the next chapter of the ‘No More Kittens’ CB story, so stay tuned!



Weirdly makes it hotter. XD Never was into snuff but liked the neck snap orgasm. So the fact that he's not dead (probably) oddly makes the animation hotter for me. :P


That's good to hear! I'm not too big on snuff either and I like the idea that the guy lives to experience the pain a while longer, humiliated and terrified that he may bump into her a second time 😜


Glad to see this! I was a bit late to reading it lol but its fun to see your old animations connected to the storyline for cats wars! maybe when we see Green again she could upgrade the device like Pink wants.