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Hey all! So, a few people have been asking about the progress on my Visual Novel Game. For those not in the know, it focuses mostly towards BB, but will definitely have CB in it too, and various other femdom elements. 

I've been working on the first chapter in the background (on and off) for months now. Admittedly, all of the regular monthly content (and life stuff) has got in the way of my progress a little, but to prove that it's all coming together, here's an early sneak preview...

Disclaimer: The music is not final, and I'm looking into what I can do with sound in general. The UI is also not final, and I still need to finish and import the animated videos that will trigger in certain scenarios. You've seen what some of these will look like in my previous Amy animations. 

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1thTNfitrJFD69s08MJkJyvDctYjgOkES/view?usp=sharing

Note: I may update this link periodically. 

In terms of where I'm at now, all of the dialogue scenes and associated images for Chapter 1 are complete and in the game. 50% of the animated videos are ready to be imported, then it's just a bit of polish and it should be good to go. After which, I'll start Chapter 2, which I've already scripted, but need to get some OCs modelled for! 

Because this is just an early, image-based preview, I'm making this available for the Image Tier too. Hopefully you guys like where it's going. I've never made a game, so it's a big old learning experience. Thanks for bearing with me...


Models are my OCs

Stage by amiamy111




Lets go! Look at you our little game maker. Since your image and wordcraft is as good as your animations, so good a visual novel style game is perfect got you! Cant wait to play it. ^^


Hehe 😁 so glad I managed to get it working in some form at least 😅 thank you, I can't wait to share it when it's done ☺️❤️