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Ok, so here's my first 'literature' post. The majority of you that voted were in favour of it, so I'll be doing these now and again when I get busy or get inspiration for an idea that I can't animate! Images and animations will still continue as normal though.

For context, this story (finally) properly introduces our beloved ass-assin character, named Pink. This is gonna involve a lot of set-up, but bare with me, I promise it all leads to low blows eventually!

Set several hundred years in the future, Pink is one of five genetically-modified clones, bred exclusively for military operations and intergalactic espionage.

As well as being a clone, Pink is also a 'cat woman', a species that evolved directly from the human race, but was quickly persecuted and shunned, once the 'pure humans' began to realise that these cat women were, in fact, naturally far stronger, more agile and more intelligent than regular people.

As a result of this persecution, the cat women had to find their own ways to survive, and continue their species (which, of course, included creating clones).

Inevitably, as the decades passed, human society slowly began to crumble, wars broke out, and soon more medieval systems of thinking were adopted once more. Women were treated as second-class citizens, whilst the men waged war against one another.

In the midst of this chaos, the cat women were also sought out and targeted, and they were forced to defend themselves against wave after wave of barbaric men.

Months after this conflict broke out, we now join Pink and her fellow cat women, sheltered inside the confines of one of their secret underground bunkers...

"You're sure this is going to work, right?" Pink did her best to hide the nervousness from her voice as she stood inside the whirring contraption.

"Of course, I've run numerous tests. All of my simulations were successful, you've got nothing to worry about." Green responded with confidence, seemingly offended at the mere suggestion that her plan may contain even the tiniest flaw.

"I'm not worried," Pink snapped, afraid that her tough-guy image may have been damaged, "I've just never heard of anyone successfully time travelling before, you know?"

It was a true enough statement. Over the years, many had tried to crack the illusive code of time travelling, and all of them had ended up simply atomising themselves, or worse.

That being said, Green was no ordinary scientist. She had always been the smartest of the five clone sisters, and possessed an almost supernatural intelligence. Her time travelling contraption had been a pet project of hers since she'd been able to hold a calculator, knowing that it was likely the only way she'd ever be able to prevent the extinction of the cat woman race.

"You'll be fine, sis. Trust me." A rare smile crossed Green's lips, and Pink felt immediately comforted.

"Alright then, let's do this thing!" Pink settled herself into the seat of the time machine with newfound determination.

As Green set to work behind her enormous console of buttons, dials and switches, the door to the lab suddenly burst open, catching the two sisters off guard. Green immediately dove for her sidearm, only to realise it was a false alarm. Blue and Red stood panting in the doorway. Their sisters.

Blue was, perhaps unconsciously but very obviously, nursing her crotch with her hand. Pink didn't even have to ask why. She'd obviously been sparring with Red again. Red was easily the most violent of the five sisters, and Blue always left herself vulnerable to attack. Pink knew one day she'd have to train her properly, if she was ever going to survive real combat.

"We wanted to say goodbye..." Blue sputtered, they'd clearly run quite a distance.

"Not necessary," Green snorted, "I have programmed the device to return Pink to us five seconds after she disappears, once she completes her mission in the past."

"I'm not even gonna try and understand that," Red shook her head, turning to Pink, "So, what's the plan? Kill Clayton when he's still a kid or something?"

Clayton was the man, or monster, responsible for starting the war against the cat women, and was personally leading an army of barbarians against them at that very moment.

"Not exactly..." Pink began.

"Time is too fragile for that," Green interrupted, "Our methods need to be more subtle. Outright killing someone, anyone, in the past has the potential to destabilise the fabric of time itself."

"Ok, sure, nerd. What's your plan then?" Red grumbled.

"We prevent the possibility of Clayton, or someone like him, ever existing," Green began. Seeing Red was clearly going to continue asking questions, she simply continued, "I'm sending Pink back two generations, to when Clayton's grandfather was a young man, where she will then remove his ability to breed..."

"Whoa, you gonna rip his balls off or something?" Red turned to Pink excitedly, and perhaps a little jealous that she wasn't the one being sent back instead.

"Not quite. Green said the shock of castrating the guy like that could still kill him, so I've gotta do it... The slow way?" Pink tried to explain.

"Precisely. Beat his genitals until they no longer function correctly, and he is no longer able to successfully fornicate with a mate," Green said it as if she were narrating a wildlife documentary. Still, Red was practically drooling at the prospect of such a vicious mission. Green continued, "I've fitted Pink with a device that will constantly run simulations from her 'present day', and it will transport her back to us as soon as it calculates that Clayton can no longer be born."

"So... Punch the guy's nuts until it teleports you back to us?" Red said.

"Pretty much," Pink replied.

"Man, you always get to have all the fun," Red folded her arms, pouting.

Something like thunder suddenly boomed throughout the lab, followed by muffled shouting. The conflict has reached their bunker. Clayton's army was at their doorstep. They were running out of time.

"Better get this show on the road," Pink turned to Green, "Do it."

Green nodded, turning a few final dials, "Remember, you're looking for Andrew Clayton. He'll be 20 years old. And for the love of god, don't kill him."

Pink nodded in affirmation. As the sound of distant explosions began to draw closer, Green slammed her hand down on a big red button. The time machine instantly sprung to life, blue sparks flying out and engulfing Pink from head to toe. As Red and Blue nervously waved goodbye to her, she shut her eyes tight and waited for the chorus electrical zaps and cracks to cease...

Almost a century earlier, a young man sat alone in a classroom. He was a skinny lad, fairly short, pale-skinned with wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes.

Sitting at his isolated desk, he tried with limited success to complete the test paper in front of him. It was one that he had already failed several times before, hence he was now studying alone, trying to catch up with his peers.

Hard as he might try, the answers simply were not coming to him. His frustration grew, and just as he was about to slam down his pencil and tear the paper in half, he heard a sudden commotion from the broom closet.

Blue light flashed violently from behind the door, accompanied by a flurry of cracking sounds, like a whip lashing out repeatedly. Suddenly, the lights and the noise disappeared, and there was a clatter as, what sounded like, binders and boxes of stationery were knocked from their shelves.

A second later, Pink fell through the door and lay sprawled across the floor.

The young man stood up from his desk in disbelief, and watched in awe as this mysterious figure slowly rose to her feet.

He studied her, immediately the strange, skintight grey cat suit she was wearing, lined with neon pink stripes, which matched her (static-shocked) hair. The suit neatly hugged her athletic body, accentuating every curve and crease. And what curves they were.

It was impossible for him not to notice the incredible size of her breasts, not to mention her hips. It was a miracle that such a slender form could accommodate such sizable... Assets.

As she stood, he met her eyes. They sparkled like jewels, bright pink again. Embarrassed to be in the presence of such an incredibly attractive figure, he averted his gaze, raising it above hers, and suddenly caught sight of something strange.

This woman, whoever she was, seemed to have... Cat ears? The man began to wonder if there was some fancy dress event he hadn't been invited to. It wouldn't have been the first time.

"Are you Andrew Clayton?" She asked, abruptly.

"Uh, what? No..." The name rang a bell, but the man was too discombobulated by the whole situation to think any further, "I'm Larry..."

He'd been doing his best up until now, but despite his efforts, Larry could not help but glance back down towards the giant jugs that hung from the mystery woman's chest.

At least, it was only supposed to be a glance. However, it turned out to be more of a stare. A primal, drooling, lustful stare. And it did not go unnoticed...

"Typical human male," Pink thought to herself, audibly tutting, "It seems your kind were just as brain-dead all this time ago. Still, you may serve as a good warm up..."

The man, Larry, was still staring at her breasts, his arms hanging limply at his sides. With his legs spread and his knees slightly bent, she had a clear shot at him. Closing her eyes, she allowed her combat training to kick in.

Within a millisecond, her foot was firmly lodged between his legs, crushing his frankly meager package.

Pink swiftly withdrew her foot and Larry, still processing what had just happened, keeled forwards.

Before the pain had had a chance to set in, Pink's knee collided with his face and sent him reeling backwards in a clumsy daze, once again leaving him wide open for another attack.

And attack Pink did. Not one to waste an opportunity, she slammed the same foot into Larry's balls again. This time, she held him there for a moment, suspending him slightly, so that he was practically standing on his tiptoes. He let out a breathless cry.

With a satisfied smirk, Pink granted the pervert a brief moment of release, removing her foot from his crotch and allowing him to double over. Clutching his testicles with both hands, he arched his head upwards and stared at Pink with wide, pulsing eyes.

Though his mouth could produce no words, his expression said it all: Why?

Pink found the question as hilarious as it was infuriating. Looking down at the man's stupid face, her hands tightened into fists and, almost automatically, lashed out, one after the other.

She landed left hook after right hook against poor Larry's rosy cheeks, finishing the combination with a powerful uppercut, which almost knocked the little man off his feet.

So many blows directly to the head had clearly stunned Larry, as he stood wobbling, his eyes rolling in their sockets. His arms flopped loosely by his sides, no longer shielding his aching testicles.

Of course, Pink had no choice but to exploit this. It had been far too long since she had fought with a real man, and whilst this meager specimen was hardly that, it was better than a training dummy. It was time to put the moves she had been practicing to the test.

In one smooth motion, Pink spread her legs wide, horizontally, and allowed to speedily, but controllably, descend to the ground. Now doing the splits, she fired her fist straight into Larry's nuts.

Looking up to admire his reaction, she saw his eyes cross. With his mouth agape, Larry instinctively moved his hands to cover his throbbing manhood, his knees buckling and bending inward.

Pink rolled her eyes, unable to hide her disappointment. Was this really all this guy could take? How was she supposed to practice properly if he was going to keep trying to protect himself?

With a grunt, she reached forward and grabbed the man's legs with both hands and, admittedly with some strain, pried them apart once more. With his legs now spread open and his balance unstable, Larry stretched out his arms to steady himself. He regretted the move immediately.

The flurry of furious blows that hit him next was executed with inhuman speed and strength. Pink's fists were simply a blur as she rapidly, mechanically thrust her arms back and forth, faster and faster, into Larry's crotch.

Pink moved so fast that even she couldn't count how many times she'd actually hit the man in the junk at this point. Although, judging by his trembling body, quivering lip and teary eyes, it had been enough to be effective.

Again, she finished up her combo with a devastating uppercut, which lifted Larry up, several feet from the ground, where he remained suspended for several seconds, held up only by Pink's fist digging into his swollen sack.

To be continued...

As you can probably tell, this is a more detailed retelling of my first ass-assin animation. The next part will continue on past the animation, and go on to tell more of the story of Pink, her clone sisters, and some of the unfortunate men (and women) that cross their path.

Not all stories will be BB, I'm definitely gonna be doing CB too, so don't worry. I've just had these ideas in my head for a while now. So it's nice to finally get them out. I haven't had a chance to proofread this all properly, so apologies if there were any typos. I may amend and update it later!



love it! The idea of going back in time a few generations to take away someone's ability to breed is a good one! I look forward to reading more.


Super exciting! It really fleshes out the animations and maybe even gives us an idea of where they might go? 😚💕


Thanks 😁 yeah some of these stories will definitely foreshadow some future animations 😋


Ah so Knife vs Pink fanfiction. 🤣🤔


I could definitely make this a thing 😂 just send me any info about Knife that you can and I'll see if I can work them in 😉