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42 Captioned Images

For my 'Image Tier' patrons, here is the fourth series of images for Amy's ballbusting scenes that have been produced so far! Images are all captioned this time!! 

To trigger this scene, you'll have had to have prompted K to make some creepy advances towards Amy. Very much only ever having seen K as a friend, and knowing he's a total perv, Amy is revolted by the idea.

As K tries to make his move, Amy pushes him away, physically repulsed. She places her foot on his balls, pinning him to the bed and preventing him from getting up, but isn't sure what to do next.

Models are my OCs
Stage by amiamy111


K, perhaps losing himself a little, advances towards Amy. They are both alone in his bedroom, after all. What's the harm in a little fun?
Naturally, Amy is utterly repulsed by the idea. At best, K was a close friend, though her opinion of him was rapidly diminishing.
As K leans closer, she instinctively thrusts him away from her.
He collapses on the bed, bouncing on the mattress once or twice.
Amy slowly opens her eyes. Perhaps he'll get the message now?
She glances down to see K, staring up at her, though it's clear he's not looking at her face.
No, K is, of course, checking out her thighs from his new, low angle.
'Seems he needs a clearer message', Amy thinks to herself, as she raises her right foot.
Doing her best to keep her balance, she allows her foot to hover above his crotch. A pretty obvious warning.
Rather than take the warning, K stares straight past Amy's foot, mouth agape, as her shifting miniskirt reveals her panties to him.
'Right, that does it', Amy thinks, and slams her foot down right on top of K's crotch.
She keeps her foot in place, applying light pressure. She doesn't want to do any real harm, but the idiot is forcing her hand (or foot).
A tingle of pain shoots through K, but the sensation of having Amy's foot on his groin is as pleasurable as it is painful.
Seeing that he doesn't seem to be in any great discomfort, Amy decides to try and up the pressure.
She moves her foot up and down, grinding the sole of her shoe against his balls.
She continues the motion, up and down, up and down...
Amy watches as the motion of her foot causes K's package to shift, bulging and compressing as she adjusts her weight.
K's face twists into a contorted smile. How is this girl not realising that she's essentially giving him a footjob?
Amy catches K's expression. Why is he smiling? Shouldn't this hurt? What is wrong with this guy?
Determined to wipe the smirk from his face, Amy applies more pressure to K's balls.
She speeds up the motion, grinding up and down, faster and faster.
Faster and faster, harder and stronger, over and over...
K is quickly reaching a point of ecstasy. This was going even better than he'd expected!
As Amy pushes down on K's balls, she feels something push back. Could this be his...?
She glances up towards K, all the while, continuing her relentless grinding.
K catches Amy's gaze, realising she's become aware of his growing erection.
Amy shoots K a mixed look of both disgust and concern. She thought she understood the limits of K's degeneracy, but this was a new low.
Unsure what else to do, she shifts all of her weight onto her foot.
She pressure down with her heel, hard, eliciting a slight gasp from K.
She continues to press down, but can still feel K's package throbbing and twitching beneath her shoe. That said, it was starting to shrink.
K's expression shifts repeatedly as he struggles to identify whether or not the sensation coming from his crotch is good or bad.
The whole thing has Amy feeling pretty grossed out at this point. K groans and reaches out to her, causing her to recoil slightly.
K's in too much pain to climax, but still close enough that he's still kind of enjoying the situation. Amy however, has had enough.
Amy raises her leg up again and leans back. The sudden release of pressure prompts K to exhale, loudly.
She hovers in place, wondering if she should proceed. K clearly deserves it, though it will likely bring a swift end to their friendship.
Amy stomps down. K gave her little choice. He needs to be punished for his behaviour. This is the only way.
Amy allows her foot to crush down against K's balls for a little longer.
All pleasurable sensations begin rapidly dissipating from K's body, replaced by a numb, aching in his groin.
'Ok, this is working', Amy thinks as she raises her foot again, though she's still a little sorry for what she's about to do to her friend.
'Well, former friend', she figures, as she locks eyes with K, who seems to be in a mild state of shock at this point.
She slams her foot down again, crushing both of his testicles down with the sole of her shoe.
K is no longer enjoying this, his arousal having totally vanished. Despite this, it was clear that Amy wasn't done with him yet.


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