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Part 1 of the Shenhe vs Xiao fight. This will be a full animation later in the month, but I wanted the image tier to be able to see it too! The full scenario features plenty of ballbusting, femdom and MvF goodness :D 

I've added some 'story captions' to each image (there's a lot, sorry). Trying something a little different with this one, where there's a little more 'plot' involved, even though it's only a loose excuse to kick more balls ;)

This scenario was suggested/commissioned by a fellow patron! I'm always open to suggestions, but just need to ensure it fits within my remit and my schedule. I'll try to accommodate wherever I can! 


Models by Mihoyo


Xiao has a not-so-secret crush on Shenhe, but he's hopeless with women. Flexing his muscles, he hopes to impress her.
Shenhe, naturally, is not remotely interested. His small frame and lack of muscles doing nothing for her. She rolls her eyes dismissively.
Rejected, Xiao's embarrassment turns to frustration. He quickly tries to think up a way to redeem his ego.
Shenhe is about ready to walk away, Xiao's advances having left no impact on her.
Suddenly, Xiao's fist flies towards Shenhe, stopping inches in front of her face. She flinches, caught off-guard.
Xiao obnoxiously laughs to himself, pleased that he has now embarrassed her too.
In his continued misguided attempts to seduce her, Xiao challenges Shenhe to a sparring match, hoping to use it as an excuse to get close.
Shenhe, of course, wants nothing to do with it, and pleads with Xiao to leave her alone.
Ignoring her, Xiao swings another punch towards Shenhe. He wasn't really aiming for her, but she instinctively dodges out of the way.
Enjoying himself, Xiao gets ready for another 'fake' attack. Shenhe asks again for him to stop.
Swinging at Shenhe again, Xiao holds his left fist in place, drawing closer to her and she tries to lean out of the way.
He moves in to kiss her, and Shenhe notices his hand moving up towards her chest.
Unable to lean back any further, Shenhe knows her only option is to defend herself.
She raises her leg, hoping it will be enough to knock Xiao back and teach him a lesson.
She lashes out blindly with her foot. It makes contact with something soft, and she hears Xiao cry out, stumbling backwards.
Opening her eyes, Shenhe's expression turns to shock as she realises what she's done.
Xiao clutches his balls, Shenhe's foot having made a direct hit.
Not expecting the sudden retaliation, the shock and pain washes through Xiao.
Shenhe holds a hand to her mouth, she hadn't meant to hurt him quite so badly. She leans in apologetically, checking if he's ok.
His ego (and balls) now bruised, Xiao bats her hand away and raises his fists. This time, he wants a real fight.
Xiao launches at Shenhe, actually aiming for her this time. Once again, her reflexes kick in, and she catches his fist.
Xiao presses the attack, swinging again. Shenhe blocks it yet again, holding both fists in place.
With his balls still throbbing, Xiao's anger is still fresh. He pushes forward against Shenhe.
Xiao, fuelled by his anger, seems surprisingly strong. Shenhe's stance begins to falter, her foot sliding back as he presses down on her.
Running out of options and unable to hold him much longer, Shenhe can't help but notice that Xiao has left his crotch totally exposed.
Unsure what else she can do, Shenhe prepares another attack.
She kicks forward, the arc of her long legs providing incredible momentum. Her toes collide with his balls with an echoing thwack.
Xiao keels forward, the breath knocked right out of him. He crumples, clutching his already-bruised balls with one hand.
He reaches out a hand, signalling for Shenhe to stop as he tries to catch his breath. This wasn't exactly how he'd hoped things would go.
Shenhe folds her arms, feeling less apologetic this time around. It was his own fault after all, he got what was coming to him.


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