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Hope the wait was worth it! I really loved how this turned out and I really love hop so I didn’t wanna just throw something out there that I didnt love! He’s been on my list to draw since I started making Muscle art! Also these stories add on HOURSSSS to these so lmk if it’s worth it 😭 I feel like it’s fun associating the story to the drawings and it adds more longevity to them but idk y’all just lmk if y’all would rather have the pieces sooner without a story.

It was a big day for Galars Reigning Champ! Leon had been called by Diantha for assistance in calming a resurgence of team flare in Kalos. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone, but his little brother, Hop, was sad to see him go. Hop had just gotten his first Pokémon too, and his big brother wouldn’t be there to help him train! Nonetheless, Hop promised to train super hard to become as strong as Leon! And Leon promised to be ready to battle whenever he returned. Determined to impress his champion brother, Hop embarked on a quest—one that didn’t involve catching Pokémon, but rather lifting the heaviest dumbbells he can…

His room transformed into a mini gym. Posters of bodybuilders flexing adorned the walls, inspiring Hop to lift more than just his spirits. He dusted off an old set of weights from Leons room, and so, the journey to buffness began. Every morning, Hop rose with the sun. His rotom phone woke him up with a blaring alarm. He’d slip into his oversized shirt, the fabric flapping around his scrawny arms. He’d never taken anything as serious as he took lifting. He didn’t want to waste any time, so he made sure to get his form down, and perfect his diet. Because of this, the boy was able to make fast progress! Week after week his arms got thicker, along with his whole body of course. It wasn’t long until Leon’s dumbells had become too light for hop. At this point his shirt was getting tight as his body surged in size. He’d built a respectable physique in such a short amount of time, everyone was amazed! And his Scorbunny wasn’t left behind! Instead of battling, he spent his time lifting with Hop too!

The next month, hop spent all his money on newer, heavier gym equipment! His nextdoor neighbor, Victor, could hear the boy’s weights clanking all throughout the morning and night. It was then he realized that it’s been a while since he’d gotten to talk to Hop. So the next morning Victor made the short walk to Hop’s house. Victor knocked on the door, expecting Hop’s mother to open the door, only to hear the clanking of weights to stop- followed by what sounded like some loud thumps down a staircase. The door swung open to a pair of heaving pecs. “Did hop live with his dad” victor thought to himself- he was of course just used to seeing hop eye-to-eye. He then craned his neck upward to meet the face of his neighbor! It was Hop! Hop stood there breathing heavy and dripping in sweat in his signature black V-neck. “OH! Victor!!! It’s been a while hasn’t it? It’s so great to see ya!” Hop engulfed the small trainer in a tight hug, contaminating Victor with his sweat. Throughout this, Victor was in a state of shock. “What’s wrong, mate?” Hop seemed concerned. “You seem a tad smaller, no? Have you been skipping on your veggies?” He let out a chuckle.

N-no Hop! You’re just… WAY BIGGER! How did this happen?!” Victor replied.

Oh- ohhhhhh! Huh. Seems like I hadn’t realized how much this whole training thing has paid off! It’s great isn’t it?” Hop said with a double bicep pose, straining his shirt further as it rides up his torso. Victor couldn’t understand how a boy could grow so much taller in just a month! His best friend had just been the same size as him a month ago too! And now he was huge! He stands over 6’ tall! “Hey Victor! Why don’t we go searching for some ingredients together? It’ll be a great way to catch up!” Hop suggested. With that the two boys set off to a nearby cave. Hop explained how he was training for Leon so he’d be just as strong as him. All Victor could think of is how misguided Hop’s mindset was… (it was quite obvious Leon meant as a Pokémon trainer).

Ah! Here they are! These fellas only grow every so often.” Hop bent down, ripping his taught jacket just a bit, and picked out some mysterious red mushrooms. Without hesitation he began eating them raw! “HOP! You can’t just do that!” Victor exclaimed. Hop gave Victor a confused face “Pfff don’t worry mate, I’ve been doing this for a couple weeks now! These are Max Mushrooms! They’re delicious! Wanna try?” Hop replied. Victor only gave him a concerned look as he researched Max Mushrooms on his rotom phone. ‘Eating raw has remained undocumented for human consumption. It’s recommended to consume in its popularized soup form.’ Victor looked back up at his massive friend chowing down on a whole stack of them. His jacket seemed to get tighter by the minute… even the button of his pants popped open! It seemed that he was getting slightly taller too! It was then when his scorbunny hopped out of its pokeball, shocking Victor with its massive mass! It grabbed a couple mushrooms and began snacking on them too! The two let out a loud burp that echoed throughout the cave as they finished off the clump of mushrooms. “You’re missing out, mate! Those are delicious!” Hop said patting his exposed belly then flexing, causing his sleeves to rip even further.

During the next month, Hop continued to work on getting even stronger! When he wasn’t lifting, he picked up farm work! Tending to the local Wooloo and such. By this time, depsite not battling, Scorbunny had evolved into Raboot! Although much, much taller and buffer than a normal raboot… Victor would spend part of his day staring out his window at the massive boy on the farm right outside their houses. His drive to always do his best was truly admirable. Some days he’d sit on the brick fence to keep him company. It was one of those days which Hop finished his intense workout early and decided to do some farm work. At this point he was 6’10! So Victor saw Hop duck below his doorframe to get outside. Hop’s heavy footsteps sunk into the ground leaving deep footprints with his new much larger shoes. Hop waved at Victor with a big bright smile. The boys caught up as Victor sat on the short brick fence admiring Hop herding and feeding the Wooloo grazing around the farm. Victor couldn’t shake the thought of them being the same size just a couple months ago… hop was now absolutely massive! His heaving triceps bulged and flexed with each hay bale lifted. Even Hop’s Raboot was about to be larger than Victor! Hop’s lower half was truly astonishing as well… Victor couldn’t stop staring at his globular glutes seemingly stuffed in his pants. They seemed like they’d rip with any wrong move! Not to mention that bulbous bulge being pushed out by his massive thighs. Since when did lifting cause that to grow too? Victor shook his head out his daydream to see a rowdy wooloo chasing Hop. The Wooloo jumped up and bit on the massive boys pants, pulling them down to its level. Hop was left with his butt exposed! Although still covered by his boxers (which now fit more like briefs…). Victor blushed at the sight of it. His ass practically ate his boxers! He remembers how big those used to be on him and now they barely cover anything! Hop decided to let the Wooloo have his pants since they were way too small for him now. So he opted to finish off his yard work in his briefs which was not opposed by Victor! As he finished he was drenched in sweat (as he usually was these days) “WHEW! I really worked up a sweat today, huh? My pits are killer!” Hop said jokingly. Victor could only plug his nose around him when he stretched his arms- especially now that he was just at pit height to Hop!

The Next couple weeks saw some massive growth for Hop! Earlier, Leon had called Hop to tell him that the resurgence was dying down and he’d be home in the next month for two, so Hop went into overdrive with his training! It seemed like every day he was bigger! Victor kept having to look up, and up, and up! I order to see his best friend’s face! Which nowadays appeared more rugged and handsome thanks to his stronger jaw and chin. Day by day Hop broke another household item due to his immense size! Eventually even his bed crushed under his weight! Hop had grown so huge so fast that it was hard getting used to! And his poor mother had to keep up with his massive appetite too! It was clear that those Max mushrooms had sped up his growth! Almost like a steroid or growth hormone. He was getting gigantimaxed just at a slower rate! And his muscles especially responded to the mushrooms! There wasn’t a doorframe he could fit through anymore! When Victor came to visit he was greeted by a massive green bulge straight to his face as hop opened the door. “Sorry mate! Didn’t mean to hit ya with it!” Hop backed up noting victors sweat covered face as he was squashed by his bulge. He tossed the smaller boy a towel to wipe off, as hop used a towel to wipe his pits while he was at it. “Im loving this size, mate! It’s awesome!” Victor could only blush at the sight of his massive neighbor. Once they were equal but in just a couple months he grew into a massive testosterone factory. “Say, why don’t we measure me? I noticed I’m starting to get closer to the ceiling! So it may be a good time!” Hop said. Victor jumped at the opportunity, until he realized he was barely at the height below Hop’s heaving chest… He spotted a ladder in the corner and his eyes gleamed. He grabbed the ladder and stepped up the to the highest step and let the tape measurer fall. “W-woah…. 7 foot… 8 inches…. Hop y-you’re absolutely massive!” Victor said. Hop turned around, it was the first time they were able to see eye-to-eye in months! He looked at Victor with a bright smile and began to flex his massive arms infront of the smaller friend. Victor nearly fainted at the sight! Hop’s arms alone were bigger than his torso! Even his hefty Bulge was larger than Victor’s head!

It was a bright morning when, the now massive, Hop heard a familiar knock on the door! He stumbled down the staircase, accidentally crushing a few steps in his clumsy hurriedness. With all his excitement he accidentally tore the door off its hinge alone with some of the wall! Behind the door was his big bro! Leon was finally home! “Ready to battl-“ Leons exclamation was cut short by his utter shock. Hop stood there. Feet above leon. Heaving and dripping in sweat with a huge smile. “H-how-“ cut off once again he was swooped up by Hop’s massive hand and squeezed against his sweaty body. Enveloping his big brother in his intense musk. “LOOK! I’m finally strong like you, Lee!” Hop exclaimed. Leon was still in shock being unable to comprehend how his little brother had become such a muscle bound giant in just a couple months.

HOP?!?!” He shouted.

Y-yes?” Hop meekly replied.

This is NOT what I meant when I said train! How did you even become so massive!” Leon asked.

W-well you said you wanted me to train hard for when you return so I can be as strong as you! Look! I did it! I’m super huge and strong just like you, big bro!” His massive bicep accidentally crushing Leon.

Leon plugged his nose as being so close to the massive boy’s armpit had singed a couple nose hairs off… “I-i meant Pokémon training, Hop… Pokémon. Training.” Leon explained. Hops face dropped as he moved leon like a rag doll to look him straight in the eyes. He was now the biggest man in Galar, yet felt so disappointed… sensing the distraught in his baby brothers face “b-b-but! It’s so cool that you’re so big! I have the biggest little brother ever now!” Leon said trying to make it better. A smile returned to Hops handsome face. He squeezed leon in a death grip of a hug, nearly suffocating the older brother! “Maybe I’ll teach you how to get this strong and you can teach me how to get strong at battling, bro!” Hop said in excitement. He set Leon down as he was finally able to take in the whole of his little brothers new body… he was face to face with an unreasonably massive bulge of an over 9 foot tall brother. All he could do was shake his head and laugh and how misconstrued his words were from before he left… “sure buddy. That sounds great.” Leon chuckled with a big smile. Depsite being ‘gigantimaxed’ he was still the same old lil’ bro from before he left.



Brian Scott

Your stories are always so good!! 💕 Thank you for all the work you do!


Wow. Just wow. This is sensational! I'm glad that you took the extra time to make this amazing, it turned out great. I really loved the story too, it was long and detailed! I always love your short stories and I think they do a lot to bring the piece together.