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I got way too carried away with this one 😭 but I hope y'all like him! a bit of a nerd turned hulk situation. I don't do too many where personalities change so drastic so I hope this ones fun in that aspect. Also another shortstack bc we love short kings here

David Nguyen has always been the top of his class with straight A’s, he never deviated from his education. Although this meant never developing any athletic ability. Because of his small stature and noodle arms, David found himself as the victim of many bullies throughout his whole life.

He had finally had enough when he’d been swirlied for the 5th time that week. He decided that he NEEDED to get stronger. So after school, instead of reading, he joined a newly opened professional powerlifting gym. He was worried that they wouldn’t accept him there, but there wasn’t any other gyms close to him. And he had no choice, he had to get stronger. So he went up to the front desk to sign up. The man at the desk was ginormous. David craned his neck up, and up… and up! He was wide and covered in a small layer of fat over his immense muscles. He was the definition of STRONG!

What’s a lil guy like you doin’ here? Do they let elementary kids out on their own these days?” He said in a loud voice.

“A-actually I’m 18… and I’d like a membership please.” David replied meekly.

Huh. You sure are tiny. We don’t usually get small guys asking for memberships, but that don’t matter. We’ll help you out bud.” The man replied

With that, David revived his first gym membership. He began his workout as he struggled to lift even the lightest weights available. However all the big men there helped him out and gave him advice, which he promptly wrote down in his notebook. Afterwards, they helped him make his first protein shake with all the right supplements.

He slowly got stronger each day. He made sure to lift 6 days a week, sleep over 8 hours a day, and eat a ton! Thanks to his fantastic academic abilities, he picked up on the basics and correct forms right away. All the big guys helping him were extremely impressed. As he perfected his schedule and lifts, his strength sky rocketed! He saw more muscle appear day after day. He felt way more energized as well. His school uniform got tighter each day, although nothing too noticeable just yet.

After just a month of lifting he had gained over 45lbs of muscle! His determination was unmatched. Each day he came in he lifted heavier and heavier. His arms were noticeably larger especially on his short stature. David quickly became a regular at the gym, making friends and becoming more of a “bro” each day. His wider shoulders strained his uniform a bit, and his forearms were visibly thicker. He was already able to bounce his pecs too! His thighs quickly filled out his jeans, and his glutes stayed on track too. His school khakis complimented his lower half quite well. His butt filled them out completely. With his body changing so fast, he began sweating a ton, and eating a TON more. His bullies were stunned at the fast changing student. And his dad was concerned that he was becoming too obsessed with lifting weights.

In the next month, David absolutely exploded in size! He’d gained 90 pounds of mass in that time! He was absolutely massive for his size. Through this time he had been called into the principals office for his ill-fitting uniform, so he was issued a much larger one. Which he filled up right away. It wasn’t just his muscles growing though… his package had began growing with him! It created an obvious bulge in any pants he wore. However he was quite proud of it. Because of his immense mass on his small stature we became increasingly wider. It was hard to get around the school hallways without injuring or pushing a couple students on the way. And in class, the desk chairs creaked under his weight. His muscular glutes nearly ripped his khakis many times too! All these issues were eclipsed by his growing sweat problem! The boy smelt like ten locker rooms in one! Even showering every day couldnt mask it. His pits soaked his uniforms, but he sorta enjoyed it. Flexing his arms and releasing an intense smell was exciting to him. He loved bragging and showing off to the taller skinny guys. He began to see them as small and weak compared to him. Afterall he was lifting immense weight at the gym.

His strength gain didn’t slow down at all. Over the next month he only got stronger and bigger. His strength had no limits. Soon he surpassed all the huge men who taught him how to lift. He was breaking records and he didn’t even know! The weight he lifted damaged the gym floor, but no one could say anything about it unless they wanted a face full of teen pit. He dominated the gym, you could hear his deeper voice outside of the gym. His massive bulge was quite famous in the gym locker room, all the men were so impressed yet confused at the satirical size of it. It would sometimes slip out when squatting and he wouldn’t even bother adjusting it. All he cared about was getting stronger. He began to waddle at some point since his legs were getting so wide.

Another quick month passed and David was openly on steroids. The guys at the gym had introduced them to him a while ago but he hid the fact that he used them until he recently stopped caring about hiding it. He had gotten insanely massive. Standing at just 5 feet tall and 410 pounds of mass, he was about to be wider than he is tall! His voice was extremely deep, and his package was unreasonably massive! He would walk around school to find his former bullies to put them in their place. That place was his pits… his nearly deadly pits. The boys pits had become so intensely musky that when he stuffed their heads into them they’d pass out after just a few seconds. What was worse was his bulge! Only the worst bullies got stuffed face first into his bulge. He would just laugh in their face as he watched them struggle against his super strength.

David has now become a competing professional power lifter! Officially breaking every single record in the teens AND men’s category! He was now wider than he was tall which made doorways a massive struggle… his footsteps shook an entire room and his voice rattled the room. He was lifting cars for fun and with ease! He ate so much that his belly finally powered through. Giving him that power lifter look. His lifting belt barely fit anymore! He became proud of his musk and barely showered! Unless he was gonna get hosed down, he couldn’t fit in the showers anymore!

Now at over 800lbs David was the biggest man alive BY FAR! Yet he was still in school! Which made life for his bullies hell! They weren’t safe anywhere! In the restrooms his wide body took up 4 urinals at once! not to mention his massive meat between his massive thighs! It was bigger than most of the students torsos! It was so emasculating to see him in the restroom since he wouldn’t pull his pants up until he HAD to. He still did his usual pit stuffing and such to his bullies, but now he had them doing services for him such as scrubbing his smelly body down. He figured that they can’t say no, so why not have them help him out! It took hours to get him cleaned especially moving around all his heaving heavy appendages. He would end up getting all sweaty minutes after too… He spent nearly all his time lifting, although everything was too weak now, so he moved onto cars. Which were still too light! So he was forced to stack them in order to keep getting stronger!
He was never satisfied with his strength so he kept training to get bigger and stronger… 




Easily one of the all time greats for your OCs!


He is so cuteeeeee I want to hug him though I don’t think my arms are wide enough


He’d need a legitimate “group hug” from all of us in order for it to be considered a hug for him