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I spent WAYYY too long on this omg im so sorry! but I hope y'all like it!

It's been a couple of months since Dimitri took part in the Crest experiment. He had ended up growing a whole foot taller after the initial recordings! So as Dimitri's growth began to slow down, Byleth decided it was time to test the experiment on a different crest holder. Claude brought up names like Ferdinand or even Felix and Sylvain, but the two agreed on the student who would make the best candidate. Claude!

As Claude finished with his last class of the day, he was shocked when the sun went out! oh.. it was actually just Dimitri's massive frame blocking the sun... Claude craned his neck up and up... and up to see Dimitri's sincere smile. "Hey big guy!" Claude said with a smirk. Byleth appeared behind the massive boy's body. "Claude! We've been looking for you!"

After explaining the situation, called was left perplexed. "So let me get this straight. you want ME to take part in the same experiment that did THAT to Dimitri?" Dimitri bounced his enormous pecs in response. "Well... yes?" Byleth replied. Claude, being an excellent strategist, thought about it for a while. "I guess it wouldn't be too bad... sure, why the hell not?" With that, the experiment would start!

The three of them met in the infirmary where the first injection would be given to Claude. After explaining what to expect and possible side-effects, they injected the serum. Just a couple days in and Claude was already experiencing some astounding growth! He had already grown an inch and put on 25 pounds of muscle! Just a couple weeks later the golden deer house leader had reached 6 feet tall! and an impressive 235 pounds of muscle! Claude has his bulging muscles on full display! He found that he loved to show off his progress! Raphael was especially impressed with his progress! Claude was already benching Raphaels max!

About a month later, Claude had found himself beefed up a lot! he'd put on a LOT of size in just a month. Everyday he woke up bigger and bigger...and harder and harder... He measured in at a whopping 6'6 and just over 400 pounds! It was the day of his weekly strength test with Byleth. Claude struggled to squeeze into his workout clothes, barely fitting into them with his abs exposed and shorts a mere flex from bursting. As he arrived in the training area, Byleth heard loud footsteps and when he looked at the entrance he was shocked... Claude stood there beaming with confidence. With his hands on his hips, he was sweating profusely despite not lifting yet. He lifted his arm to smell his pits "WHEW that's lethal, Prof!" he chuckled and paraded his way to Byleth. "sooo what's the plan today, lil' man?" Claude asked. He stood in front of the small professor flexing his enormous biceps releasing an intense yet manly musk. "You're lookin extra small today Prof!" He let out a deep chuckle. He lightly patted Byleth on the back (Which was more like a push) which surprised Byleth as the boy's entire hand covered his back. After some more flaunting, the two got to work.

Each lift had crushed his previous records, and even on par with dimitri's progress! As the workout progressed Byleth had noticed the boy's shorts becoming exceedingly tight near his crotch. Claude was dripping in sweat by the middle of the session. "Goddamn! I feel invincible!" He said hopping off the bench and nonchalantly adjusting his crotch infant of Byleth. They finished the session by testing his deadlift. As Claude brought the weight down CRASH the floor beneath them cracked! "HAH! damn... sorry about that lil man... its hard to know your own strength, y'know?" By this time Claude was rock hard... his poor shorts were struggling to contain his raging meat. He gave it one lengthy adjustment and scratch before apologizing for the obscene display after noticing byleths widened eyes. "Oh heh- sorry its hard to control this thing!" he grasps it from his shorts and wiggles it a bit "Gonna have to deal with it soon if ya catch my drift." Byleth shyly nods at the obscene statement. With Claudes bulge literally pulsing in front of his face, the house leader starts pulling his shorts down slightly "Whew gotta let the boys get some air HAHA!"

Just 2 months later Claude wakes up sprawled out over his now-too-small bed. His arms hang off the sides and his legs touch the ground as they spill over the edge. "YAAAAWWWWNNNNN" he stretches and notices his usual intense (and messy..) morning wood. "good morning to you too big guy" he chuckles to himself. He gets out of bed, his head ever so closer to the ceiling and his weight causing the floorboards to creak. He lifts his heaving arm to sniff his pits "Yeesh! I just showered last night!" He looks back at his bed which is drenched in his sweat "I guess growing everyday means lots of sweat! and smelly pits HAHA!" after another big whiff he puts on a shirt which is way too small for him and the cleanest pair of briefs he could find and made his way to the infirmary. As he arrived he ducked down to fit in the doorframe, cracking the sides of it a bit. Byleth was taken aback by the wall of beef in front of him. "This big boy is ready to get measured!" Claude exclaimed with a flex, filling the room with his musk. He stepped over to the crude version of a scale (since he was far too heavy to be measured by a regular one) after some calculations it turns out Claude now weighed an astounding 655 pounds! "Oh man that's great! I can definitely feel it!" They then measured his height. Byleth grabbed a stool which still wasn't tall enough to see. He found a ladder in the closet and brought it over. Meanwhile the giant Claude was attempting to measure himself "Man I gotta be 7'5 by now!" Byleth stepped up on the ladder to record the number and was awestruck at what he saw. "Claude? you're actually 7'7..." Claude looked over at Byleth with a cheeky smile. "HAHA I knew it! I can't even imagine being a measly 5'9 anymore! that'd be pathetic!" the growing boy steps away from the measurer. Byleth was a little hurt at the comment but he knew he didn't mean it in a way to belittle his professor. "Now what about this big guy here?" Claude tugs at his straining briefs causing his heaving bulge to bounce up and down. "My briefs are getting way to tight now! it'd be great to know how big It is so I can get some new briefs!" Byleth goes completely red in the face. Claude pulls down his briefs as his package flops out in a buoyant manner. the immense thickness and size is jaw dropping. Claude grabs the tape measurer but can't seem to do it with only two hands. "'Mind helping me out over here?" Byleth slowly walks over "Here just hold it up while I measure it!" he hands off his meat to Byleth. It had to be at least 40 pounds! Byleth had nearly dropped it when it landed in his grasp. the sheer thickness of it alone was making Byleth weak in the knees, not to mention the sweat and scent. Breaking Byleth out of his trance, Claude holds out the tape measurer. "lets see... hey don't drop it! it can't be that heavy!" As the tape expands and expands it measures in at 13 inches long yet with nearly a 20 inch circumference! "COOL! and im still soft! can't wait to share all this with Dimitri! it's great getting to talk with other huge men about this stuff!" He pats the awestruck Byleth on the head before squeezing back into his briefs "Gotta go train! See ya in class, lil' prof!" he ducks down yet still manages to destroy the doorframe.

Now just a month later, Byelth is carrying his papers to grade back to his dorm when he walked past the training area and is greeted by weights clanking and deep grunts. Curiosity get the best of him and he peeks in to see both Claude and Dimitri training together. He stood watching in a trance for at least 10 minutes before the massive boys noticed him. "Whats up, lil man?" Claude shouted with an intensely deep voice. Byleth had also gotten used to being called "lil man" despite them being the same height just a couple months ago... its like Claude was a completely different species now! His immense masculinity and heaving physique had completely changed the young student. "I'm lookin' pretty damn big, huh? I can't thank you enough Prof! Dimitri was right! being big is WAY better than being just another small guy HAHA!" He flexes his massive arms. that familiar musk filled the air again yet only more powerful now. Dimitri stopped training to come over too. The two heaving boys dripping in sweat covered only by their torn up straining briefs filled byleths field of vision. "Man remember when we were that small Dimitri? it's almost adorable" Claude tells Dimitri. "Yes it was quite a different lifestyle now that I think of it. not that I miss it. I wouldn't trade this size for anything." Dimitri states. Byleth can only stare at the young titans conversing above him, their massive bulges bouncing as they move right in front of his face. "I- Uh" Byleth attempted interrupting their conversation about their size. "I-i have your papers graded!" The two massive boys paused their conversation to look down at Byleth. "Oh! I almost forgot you were there lil' man! thanks prof! you can just leave them over there we'll get them when we're done doing our big boy stuff here. heh." Claude responds. Byleth stares up at his massive frame and does what he asked. the two boys turn around unknowingly displaying their massive bubble butts and get back to lifting and training causing the entire arena to shake a bit under their weight.

For their remaining time at the monastery they continued to train and only get bigger! they became known as the two Titan Princes! Byleth continued to keep a close eye on them monitoring their growth and recording their stats for future crest researchers and technology.

hope y’all liked it! Feel free to comments your favorite part! I love getting to read yalls comments!




How are you so good at both storytelling AND drawing! Putting out masterpieces through and through!


Maybe Claude and Dimitri should give Byleth a dose of that stuff!? LOL! Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the results of Ashe, Sylvain or Ferdinand taking that stuff. But you should totally do a thing where patrons suggest side effects, and then vote on the ones they want at each stage. :smiling_imp:


I always love drawing beefy Byleth so there's definitely a very strong possibility of that coming in the next couple of months! same with the other 3H guys! and hmmm that's definitely something to consider but im not sure how well it would work with my workflow and aesthetic