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Who knew that Icarus and Hercules were actually the same person!?

Pit decided to beef up and luckily his body responded exceptionally well! He had become so obsessed with building muscle, that he hadn't even noticed how ginormous he had become! When face to face with pittoo, Pit had grown confused as he was used to seeing eye-to-eye with him. Instead he had to look down and past his enormous pecs! With his underclothes struggling to cover up his body, he upset pittoo with his obscene appearance. The witty and small angel had become about 10x beefier and even more annoying to the evil clone!

Pit's journey would become a breeze with his new size, however palutena must exert a lot more power in order to keep his titanic body afloat now... His body rumbled the temple everywhere he went, and when lifting it would shake the entire building! Walking around in nothing other than his too-tight undershorts (which didn't cover much at all) would cause a great distraction to everyone around him. He didn't know though, he remained as clueless as ever. 




Now it's time for dark pit to catch up and beat him


Pit showing off his pits~