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Meet Ethan (18), Evan (18) and their older brother Derick (20)! Ethan and Evan are identical twins, but they couldn't be more opposite! Ethan grew up playing sports and roughhousing while Evan grew up staying indoors and gaming.

When Derick left for college, he wasn't any bigger than his younger brothers, but by the time he returned for winter break he was nearly double his size! The freshman 15 was more like the freshman 50 for Derick! He grew 7 inches taller too! He returned with a new boisterous and confident attitude which annoyed Evan more than anything. Ethan, however, was inspired by his big brother's growth spurt! He spent the following months going to the gym almost daily! His body had responded exceptionally well to the gym, packing on pound after pound.

By the time Spring Break rolled around, Ethan had outgrown Evan by a couple inches and a ton of pounds! Having two meatheads for brothers was the worst case scenario for Evan, and now it came true in just a couple of months. When Derick arrived home he was pleasantly surprised by his little brothers progress! Ethan's biceps were nearly the same size as Dericks! The two spent the whole week lifting, and even got Evan to join them some days. By the end of the week Evan was convinced to start bettering his body rather than sitting all day playing League...

The following months had a lot in store for the twins. Ethan and Evan had continued to lift together, but as they continued to grow, their local gym didn't really have what they needed to continue to progress. They found a Bodybuilding gym a couple miles away which they started to attend. The people there were ginormous compared to their previous gym. This is when they were introduced to a certain type of substance to boost their hormones... With this they nearly exploded in size! not actually, but the progress they started to make seemed unreal! both started needing entirely new wardrobes. Along with hitting a new PR every day at the gym, the two were still getting taller! the twins got deeper voices, smellier, stronger, and a whole lot sweatier too.

With Evan's new confidence he tried out for the school volleyball team and made the team! The coaches were surprised by his transformation and gladly put him on the team. Although the uniform had gotten obscenely tight and stained in sweat after just a week of joining... He was by far the biggest on the team, just not the tallest... yet. Ethan had also continued with his many athletic endeavors. It turned out that Ethan's wrestling tourney and Evan's first volleyball game landed on the same day! Both had dominated in their sports. Ethan had moved up to the highest weight class and still won every match as he bulged out of his three-sizes-too-small singlet. The mat became a pool of sweat by the time he was finished! Similarly, Evan dominated in his game. He would've done even better had he gotten control over his own strength. He'd hit the ball into the rafters many... many times.

By the time the last day of school came around, the twins were ginormous! Their uniforms were straining to contain their beef. and of course, stained in their intense sweat. Its like the two were just permanently sweating which didn't smell exactly fantastic... and thanks to their enhanced hormones, they had grown so much taller too! nearly the same height as Derick! Not to mention the twins members had grown very large along with them... who knew khakis could stretch like that! Derick was sure in for a big surprise when he arrives for summer.

As Derick knocks on the door he noticed some cracks and damage at the top of the doorframe and a damaged doorknob too. He was greeted by a wall of pure beef! The twins knelt down to meet their "big" brother eye-to-eye! Derick was left in a state of shock as his view was filled by his younger brothers. The twins pulled him in for a hug, a very sweaty hug at that... They didn't realize how badly they smelled or how much they were squeezing Derick until they heard his muffled shouts. They stepped back for Derick to digest the size of his younger brothers. Their deep voices boomed throughout the house as they laughed at his reaction. Ethan was only wearing his old gym shorts and Evan was only covered up by a small shirt and his "boxers". Their pecs and pits covered in hair were on full display. Evan nonchalantly scratching his bulge, and Ethan checking his pits. The obscene display of manliness in front of Derick left him speechless! The twins bulges strained their clothes as they walked, bouncing side-to-side against their muscular thighs, not to mention the globular glutes behind them! Their presence was completely overpowering especially compared to last winter when they were nearly a foot shorter than Derick! Now their walking would shake the house, it was worse when they start roughhousing! It's like a mini earthquake! This summer would be very interesting to say the least!


sorry for taking so long with this! when I get an idea I have to do it perfectly so I can't rush it out! also hoped you guys liked the story!



AC Coolz

I always love mg stories where lil bro wants to be big like big bro only to surpass him in the process. This was a fun read. Also, my heart goes out to the parents. Raising three giant kids going through constant growth spurts was probably torture on their bank accounts. XD


i literally have no idea which oc of yours to draw when all of them are this good ToT


Definitely was! Tons of new wardrobes constantly! And new floors, doors and tons of food…


Awwwwwwwe :,) tysmmmm I would be so happy to see any of them in your style