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Meet Jaden! He used to just sort the mail but due to certain situations he had to start delivering mail too! As time went by, lifting all these heavy packages had built him quite the physique!
Don’t mind all the sweat on your packages, it’s your fault for ordering so much for him to deliver!  Plus, you always get a bonus package when he delivers!



Andrew Zammit

Gotta love that he not only got broader, but taller too. A reason to support your local postal workers.


I hope I'm the last person on his route. I wanna make sure to give him an extra special tip


🎼"Heeeyy Mr. Postman! Deliver that letter! The sooner the better!" 🎵🎶


Love this definitely have to give him a big tip for all that helpful work bringing those packages to you


Ah I see he has his customers' best interests in mind


That's amazing