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Hi! so I was wondering what you guys want to see more of in my art! Like what are your favorite things to see in my art, or even things I haven’t done yet.

like do y’all want more stuff directly related to musk/sweat and not just alt versions, or more hairy characters, fav poses/scenarios, personalities for characters, sizes for characters, types of art (comic, sequences, full bodies), fully rendered/sketches/or flat colors etc! Just lmk what y’all get excited to see from me!

(Side note: I will never draw any form of sex or any kind of penetration! I’m sorry it’s not something I’m interested in but I’m assuming if you’re here then youre probably fine with that)

And feel free to message me privately on patreon with your answers if you don’t want it public!



I love the stuff you did BLVE BXY and how you used messages and news stories to progress and show a story. That was loads of fun! I also adore seeing your progression work and these bigger characters interacting with the smaller ones. I'm partial to loving the whole musk and sweat angle, some of my favourite pieces of yours are centred around musky pits and feet haha But I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea (I would love to see more of it though)

Robin Hafner

I absolutely love the hairy versions of your art, and I especially love some of the more smug and cocky kind of guys. The back shots you do are always an absolute favourite, too. You draw really good butts, which I don't think gets brought up enough?


I love the growth sequence artworks


I would love to see more fiction whether original or fan. Nothing too extensive or substantial, but I love seeing the prose and lore you add along with the visuals.


I'm all for the growth sequence artworks as well.


I like a mix of things. Just to give the audience a variety of things. Muscle growths are good but also I like to see how they also live their daily life as already a big muscle himbo


In my opinion, you've got a pretty good diversity to keep the audience entertained. I wouldn't change that at all. And I love all of your muscle growth sequences. The more of those I can get, the better! If I had to come up with any suggestion on what to change your ad, I would request more diverse scenarios for the transformations. Maybe exploring a couple more style of Kinks in the process? (I know that you have to be careful, especially with patreon's policies.)


Ty! Yeah I’ll try and add more text and conversation in my work! And I definitely wanna do more musk stuff too


Hmmm good point I definitely tend to do more oblivious guys so I’ll try and do more cocky and smug guys in the future! And Tysm!! I love drawing a good butt


Tysm! Yeah good point that’s definitely something I struggle with so I’m gonna try and do more interesting things with growth outside my comfort zone, but I probably won’t ever do any extreme things/anything I’m not into


Not mega bigm subtle, plausible growth


But what your doing now is great you giving enough variety to us


Growth sequences are great, and the bigger the better. The promise of a big muscular guy who's gonna be even bigger in the next instalment is very exciting. Other things: I love the extreme size in your art, contrasted with handsome/cute faces. I love when the guys are so muscular their size causes inconveniences, like tight clothes, not fitting into public spaces, etc. You've got a specific gift for pecs and butts, too. Sweet handsome 500-600 lbs muscle nerds, can't get enough.


I wanted to add I really like the short stories you write to complete the draw ! Plz continue