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Here’s your new big boy brought to you by yours truly!

he took the term “sweaty gamer” too seriously...

I hope you guys like him!

i didn’t mention it but he probably streams on twitch! although he doesn’t know why he started getting so many viewers after getting a facecam... or people asking him to “stand up”




Nice Sweaty Gamer OC and I can see some Nintendo items and clothes


He's really adorable! Nicely done 😁

AC Coolz

In his defense, he’s so tall and wide that probably has difficulty fitting in your average size shower. The shower head alone must only go up to his bulge/midsection


Big, buff, oblivious, and a Nintendo fan. You really made the ideal man. The real question now is if he's single and free for a gaming session sometime


Oh definitely! It’s a struggle for him! He’ll definitely need some help in there


He’s definitely free for a gaming session but I don’t think the idea of a relationship has ever crossed his mind… only game


Amazing work love all the the Nintendo clothes!


I should've known. He's got his priorities in order lol.


Calienta como el sol de verano <3

Haphazard Perry

I absolutely love the Kirby boxers/briefs~ Couch co-op would be fun with him


He is amazing! Looking forward to seeing in future months. (If that's your plan 😂)

AC Coolz

I feel sorry for his mom if she has to find a way to feed all that muscle on a daily basis. Maybe she should just take him to an all you can eat Buffet instead. He can take the Nintendo switch with him.

AC Coolz

Forgive me if I sound dumb for asking this, but why does he have small band-aids on his knees/legs?

AC Coolz

Ah despite his build he’s still going through a clumsy awkward phase I see?


Yup! …but I don’t think it’s a phase at this point.. it’s just how he is

AC Coolz

Ok now I’m just imagining all the collateral damage he must cause on a daily basis because of his clumsiness. Furniture at his house must be getting destroyed often just because he trips on it.🤣


Oh definitely! Beds caved in, door frames destroyed, holes in the wall and floor! Not to mention if he falls on you you’re getting a face full of bulge or butt

AC Coolz

I mean it’s not the worse way to die but it definitely will hurt. 🤣


He looks amazing, wonderful work.


Im in love...