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Because of how my patreon is set up, only the popular characters will win the polls. Which is fine since it makes the majority of patrons happy. But it leaves the obscure charactere that are suggested no chance to win. And the only chance they have is maybe a sketch at the end of the month if I like the character and I have the time.

so I’m thinking of adding the option to pay for a YCH commission to the $8 tier. I’m still not entirely sure how I would do this, so please leave some ideas in the comments! They would be about $10 or more. So it’s a cheaper way to get your character drawn than a whole commission, it would just be drawn in a Your Character Here format.



I don’t have any ideas but I’d def be interested ~


Sounds like a good way to allow the underappreciated characters their own time in the spotlight. I heartily approve! 👍


Sounds interesting


Sounds like a cool idea


Thanks for understanding this problem. YCH is good as well. How about maybe introducing really simple sketches as a method for the $8 or higher tiers? I think everyone here just loves your artstyle, so this could become a great way for all patrons to enjoy your content even more and maybe this could lead up to something big?(I for one would appreciate any kind of simple sketch from you for a character of mine ;) )


I would suggest putting a limit on how often a person can get a ych. Like maybe once every couple of months. Otherwise you're going to be overwhelmed with requests, or people are going to latch on to that slot and not let it go. And then there'll just be other people sitting there waiting, never able to participate. ( speaking from experience)


Oh yeah I’ll definitely have to have lots of restrictions like that


I forget if raffles are still banned but if not, then I'd suggest making a higher tier (maybe with limited slots) where people can suggest one character that gets raffled for a YCH


Could be YCH with slots