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Wowwww this felt like it took forever to finish! But it’s finally finished! Hope you guys enjoy it!

all characters 18+

Short story to enjoy as well:

A new steroid was developed at the monastery using the crest of blaiddyd. It was suggested to Byleth to test it on the crown prince, Dimitri! It was made to enhance his already impressive battle capabilities.

After the first injection, Dimitri made it his mission to not disappoint his professor or the monastery. He worked out day and night until he couldn’t lift anymore! When he wasnt lifting he was running, when he wasn’t running he was eating! Thus, at the first checkup, Dimitri was very much visibly larger! Which wasn’t exactly intended to happen... it was originally just to enhance his abilities in battle and his crest’s power. He flexed for his professor, showing off his gains. As he did, you could hear the seams of his shirt strain. His shorts were also quite filled with muscle and a noticeable bulge...?

The second checkup, only a month later, Byleth decided to test Dimitri’s abilities. Squat, bench, deadlift, and running a mile. While his previous records were already impressive, he broke each of them effortlessly. Although saying “without breaking a sweat” would be a lie... it seemed like  the young prince was just constantly sweating! Despite his immense weight and muscle, he still beat the previous record by a whole 5 minutes! By the time he finished, he seemed even bigger than he started. His shirt rode up his torso, exposing his thick abdominal muscles, his sleeves rode up his thick arms, and his poor shorts struggled to contain his excited and bigger member... While Byleth recorded the data, Dimitri stood beside him- stretching after his “feats of strength.” Releasing a sweaty masculine musk from his pits which was a major distraction to Byleth who was trying to focus.

The next checkup was surprising to say the very least... it was time to check his stats. Dimitri entered the infirmary, struggling to get through the door. He peeled his sweat stained uniform off, leaving him in his stuffed and stained underwear in front of the small professor. His thick member made Byleth blush when he saw just how big it had gotten. After a quick chat, they prepared to check his stats. Byleth wasn’t prepared for what he would read. ”OVER SEVEN FEET TALL?!” how had he not noticed his own student growing to such an immense height?! Are these steroids magical or something? Dimitri stood blank-faced thinking about what he should have for lunch, as his professor freaked out. As he stepped off the scale, he stood over the frantic professor, enveloping him in his immense musk and sweat. His bulge unknowingly pressing up against Byleth.

”I’m sorry, professor. I can see you’re upset at the results. I will try my hardest to get bigger.“

”w-what?! No no Dimitri don’t do- ...that..”

dimitri had already left the infirmary to eat the biggest lunch of his life! Although still clad in only his underwear...

A month later, Byleth was grading exams as he heard loud thuds outside his classroom. He even felt the ground shake a bit. *THUD THUD* he heard a confusing knock at his door. “Come in!” As his door opened, the light was blocked by a ginormous figure. It was Dimitri! He walked in wearing only his underwear and what seemed like an attempt to fit in his lounge wear...

”Professor. I’ve seem to have outgrown my loungewear.“

He lifts his arms above his head to try and fit the shirt over his torso... as if he had to prove his point... as he did, that familiar musk was released from his pits. (did he even shower at this point?) He then attempted to pull his shorts over his bubble butt and massive bulge, which was contained in underwear that was stained and ripping at the seams...

“I apologize for the indecent display, professor. This is no way for a prince to present himself.”

Byleth could only blush at the clumsy yet obscene display infront of him. Just a couple months ago they were practically equal in size, now he’s staring up at his behemoth of a student.

“N-no need to apologize, Dimitri. I‘ll have the seamstresses mend you a new uniform. In the meantime, please go shower... we have class in 30 minutes!” He scolded the giant prince with a smile.




Really good one!


I don't know what I love more, the Short Story or the Pictures, both are fantastic.


Ahh I’m so glad! I haven’t gotten feedback on the short story yet! So thank you!!