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Ahhh sorry if this reward is disappointing! I originally had a different idea planned but it included spoilers and I didn’t wanna ruin the story for anyone! So if turo wins again in the future I’ll use that idea! But for now here’s a fun growth sequence!

professor Turo’s latest experiments requires a lot of man power. However getting help into his lab would be too much trouble, so he decides to do it himself! Creating a serum of a machamp’s sweat, buzzwole’s stinger and a grimmsnarls hair, he injects himself in order to become a bit stronger!
However, he hadnt planned on it being so effective! To his surprise, his body began expanding. This wasn’t planned as he was only supposed to become stronger, not bigger. His suit begins tearing as his muscles balloon to cartoonish proportions! Even growing taller, his lab coat bursts off as his entire body expands quickly! He’s left in what little was left from his suit covering his newly ginormous manhood. Dripping in sweat after being contained in his bodysuit, he’s finally free of its constraints! And bigger than ever!
This will make his experiments a little more inconvenient, but it seems like he’s discovered a new method for instant muscle growth! He’ll just have to control the effects of the serum...




Cool experiment


That's incredible


Don't apologize for anything your work is always amazing and well done. We'll all love it


Just since it’s more on the simple side! But I hope it’s not a disappointment


This is great! Its not disappointing

Haphazard Perry

I love it~ This is far from disappointing