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Gosh I loved making this piece! Making buff Fire emblem guys is always a great time! I hope y’all like it too! I have an nsfw version too in a separate post!

caspar and linhardt was such a fun duo too! I actually never finished crimson flower, so I never got to use them too much, but they have a great extrovert-introvert dynamic! I bet Caspar doesn’t even realize he has linhardt all flustered...

thank you for your support this month! I will try to sketch a few extra characters that got close to winning this month!

And I’m sorry I don’t get to respond to y’all’s comments on here too often, but reading your comments is 100% my favorite part about posting art! It makes me so excited to check my notifications every time I post!! So thank you for your comments, and don’t be afraid to leave comments if you’ve never done so before! It makes my day!




Funny I never did that route in the game either but these two always did stand out to me anyways. Love how you did their dynamic here and excellent job on beefing up another guy


God bless that is gorgeous! And you are incredibly fast drawing these! I don't know why the green haired guy is trying to resist, cuz I'd be all over him!


Caspar has finally gotten over his height complex 😂 Amazing work as always!


Growing to nearly 8 feet tall was a bit of an overcorrenction,,, but I bet he’s happy crushing doorways everyday!


Haha linhardt is canonically bi, and he’s also very quiet/reserved, so having his “straight” best friend be so pushy in public gets him all flustered hehe