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Chapter 305: Shocking Shizuka

As for Shizuka, she finally awoke after lying on the bed for over half an hour.

Detecting the aroma wafting from the kitchen, her stomach couldn't help but growl.

Just as she attempted to rise, she felt sore all over, as if her body had disassembled.

After more than three hours of struggle, even she found it a bit overwhelming.

Many things don't necessarily improve with more time.

"Oh, Shizu, you're awake."

At this moment, Hachiman walked in, holding a bowl of porridge.

After rummaging through the kitchen, he found some vegetables and rice. It seemed that Shizuka wasn't accustomed to cooking at home, so he had to improvise with what he found and prepared some vegetable porridge.

"You must be hungry, come and eat something first."

Observing Hachiman act as if nothing had happened, Shizuka couldn't help but feel helpless.

Wasn't there a saying that only a tired ox can't plow a field well?

Why did her own field seem almost plowed to pieces, while Hachiman, this ox, still appeared lively?

Seeing the bowl of fragrant vegetable porridge in Hachiman's hand, Shizuka's stomach growled again.

Well, let's fill the stomach first.

Unfortunately, with her body aching all over, just sitting up was quite a struggle. Any slightly larger movement would make her frown in pain.

Witnessing this scene, Hachiman placed the bowl of porridge on the bedside table, put a pillow behind her back, and helped Shizuka sit up.

"Let me feed you."

Saying this, he picked up the bowl, scooped a spoonful of vegetable porridge, blew on it to cool it down, and then brought it to her mouth.

"Come on, open your mouth."

Seeing Hachiman wanting to feed her, Shizuka felt a bit shy.

Never thought that at this age, Shizuka would be fed like a child. However, the hunger in her stomach and the soreness in her body obediently made her open her mouth.


With slightly parted red lips, she accepted the spoon.

As the vegetable porridge entered, soothing her previously empty stomach, a hint of contentment appeared on her face.

Although the porridge was salty, there was a subtle sweetness in her heart.

Being cared for in this way feels quite nice...

The two of them continued with one feeding, the other eating, gradually finishing the entire bowl of porridge spoon by spoon.

After putting down the bowl, Hachiman looked at her and spoke, "How do you feel now? Is your body more comfortable?"

After having the porridge, Shizuka's stomach did feel much better, but the lingering soreness in her body hadn't diminished much, especially in that area where Hachiman applied a makeshift remedy. Without looking, she knew it had swollen.

"Always complaining. Don't you know how to take care of yourself? I'm not made of iron." Shizuka gave him a playful glare.

Hearing this, Hachiman smiled a bit awkwardly. However, he suddenly came up with an idea.

"I have a method that might make you feel better."

"What method?"

Hearing this, Shizuka's eyes lit up. Knowing her restless nature, lying down all day was unbearable.

Instead of directly explaining, Hachiman pondered for a moment, looking at her with a serious expression.

"Shizu, what's about to happen might seem a bit fantastical, but don't be afraid."

Shizuka blinked at his words, "I've seen it all, there's nothing that can scare me."

Seeing her bold demeanor, Hachiman smirked.

"Alright then, since you're so fearless..."

As he spoke, he activated the power of light within him, a milky-white glow forming in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Shizuka immediately widened her eyes.

"This is... this is..."

"Holy light," Hachiman answered truthfully.

"Holy light?!"

Shizuka's face showed a surprised expression.

"The kind of holy light from angels?"

"That's right," Hachiman nodded.

"Then, Hachiman, are you an angel?"

Shizuka was a bit bewildered. Was she blessed by an angel?

But Hachiman shook his head, "I'm not an angel, just a human who wields holy light."

Although he was exceptional in various aspects, his race was still human without any issues.

"Explaining it in detail is a bit complicated. I'll help heal your body first, and then we can talk slowly."

Saying this, Hachiman lifted the covers on Shizuka's body, placing the glowing mass in his hand on her abdomen.

In Shizuka's surprised gaze, the glowing mass in Hachiman's hand slowly and visibly shrank, as if being absorbed by her body.

Then she could feel a warm flow filling her limbs and bones, making her involuntarily sigh in comfort.

"Mmm... warm, so comfortable."

Before long, the glowing mass in Hachiman's hand completely disappeared, and he smiled at Shizuka.

"Give it a try, see if you feel much better now."

At his words, Shizuka blinked and checked. It seemed like the soreness in her body had indeed disappeared.

After a simple movement of her body, she was pleasantly surprised to find that it felt much lighter than before.

Her shoulders, which used to ache frequently, now felt completely fine.

Now, she wouldn't be afraid even if she had to battle Hachiman for hundreds of rounds.


With the body back to normal, Shizuka began to reflect on the recent events, and her expression turned serious.

"What exactly happened?"

To think that it was holy light, a power said to be exclusive to angels. Witnessing Hachiman using it shattered her worldview built over thirty years.

Anticipating her question, Hachiman considered concealing the truth. "It's quite complicated to explain in detail. Let me give you a simple explanation."

"Shizu, you must have read novels and manga, right?"

"Yeah, I have," Shizuka nodded.

"In simple terms, if we compare our world to a novel or manga, then I'm like the protagonist, someone chosen by this world." Hachiman explained briefly.

Hearing this somewhat mystical explanation, Shizuka was half-believing and half-doubting.

"Protagonist? You?" Shizuka questioned. "But how do you explain the holy light? Isn't that a power exclusive to angels?"

"Yes, holy light is indeed a power exclusive to angels." Hachiman nodded.

"As for the holy light I possess, it was also imparted to me by an angel."

"Angels really exist?" Shizuka widened her eyes.

"And are there demons too?"

"Of course."

When demons were mentioned, Hachiman's expression became somewhat strange.

Because in Shizuka's class, there were two demons, but these two demons didn't exhibit any demonic traits.

Vignette, needless to say, was helpful, attentive in class, a perfect model student.

As for Satania, that idiot was even more irrelevant. Besides having her pineapple bun stolen by stray dogs every day, she would occasionally act foolishly and end up being punished by the teacher to stand at the classroom door.

Look, does that look like a demon?

Instead, the two angels were behaving more outrageously.

One was addicted to spending money on in-game purchases, and the other was a complete sadist, enjoying teasing others for fun.

Heaven and hell indeed eat the same bitter fruit.


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