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Chapter 295: Playboy

Unexpectedly seeing Hachiman and Yukino on a day off made Yui initially happy. However, when she noticed Yukino tightly holding onto Hachiman's arm out of fear, her smiling face froze.

"Yukinon, you..."

Could it be that Yukinon also likes Hikki?

Are they on a date?

It must be, considering how close they are, and Yukinon is holding onto Hikki's arm...

Finally having a good friend and someone she likes, the joy of these two things coinciding should be happy, but why does it feel like this...

No wonder Hikki hasn't formally confessed to her.

Compared to Yukino, Yui felt like she was still far behind.

Thinking of this, Yui's expression couldn't help but dim.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll leave now."

The girl apologized with a slight bow, holding Sable in her arms, and turned to leave this somewhat heartbreaking scene.

Seeing this, Yukino felt a bit anxious. With her sharp wit, she couldn't possibly not understand that Yui had misunderstood. However, before she could explain, the girl ran away.

But just as Yukino was about to chase after her, Hachiman spoke seriously.

"Leave it to me, Yukino. Stay here and wait for me; I'll make Yui understand. Trust me."

Hearing Hachiman's words, Yukino's previously anxious emotions inexplicably calmed down.

Counting the promises Hachiman made earlier, he fulfilled them all – the tennis match, workplace visit, and even the request about Kawasaki.

"Hmm, I believe in you, Hachiman."

Yukino's face lit up with a charming smile.

"Yeah, leave it to me."

Hachiman smiled confidently at the girl and then chased after where Yui had run off.

On Yui's side, she held Sable and simply ran forward, buried in her own thoughts.

Why would Yukinon like Hikki...

Moreover, Hikki already has me, doesn't he? Why does he still...

Could it be that Hikki has never gotten used to me...

With this thought in her mind, Yui couldn't hold back anymore. She squatted on the ground and silently wept, with Sable continuously licking her cheeks in an attempt to comfort her owner.

However, at this moment, Sable seemed to sense something and barked again.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Shortly after Sable's barking, Yui felt herself being embraced by warm arms.

Surprised, she was about to struggle, but in the next moment, a familiar voice spoke.


Hearing this voice, Yui lifted her face and saw the familiar face of Hachiman.


Yui murmured to herself, and tears couldn't help but flow down again.

Seeing this scene, Hachiman couldn't help but feel distressed. He lifted Yui from the ground and embraced her.

Feeling the familiar embrace, Yui found a faint sense of comfort in her heart. However, the sadness returned as she remembered the scene she witnessed earlier, accompanied by a touch of resentment.

This guy, Hikki, clearly knows how much I like him, yet he still goes on a date with Yukinon. Does he not care about my feelings at all?

"Why are you here, Hikigaya-kun..."

Being held by Hachiman, Yui couldn't help but ask with a muffled voice.

Hearing her address him, Hachiman couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, putting on an expression of mock anger.

"You, silly Yui, what did you just call me?"

"Hikigaya-kun, let me go. If Yukinon sees us like this, she'll get mad."

In Yui's arms, the girl continued speaking with a muffled voice.

Seeing Yui in this state, Hachiman couldn't resist the temptation to tease her.

"Why would Yukino get mad?"


Unexpectedly, Hachiman wanted her to say it herself, which made Yui a bit angry.

Stupid Hikki!

"Because... because you two were on a date. If Yukinon sees you hugging me, she will definitely get angry. So let me go; I don't want to make her mad."

Hearing her words, Hachiman burst into laughter.

Seeing him laugh, Yui couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"Why... why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing at you, silly Yui." Hachiman reached out and wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes.

"Do you really think Yukino and I were on a date just now?"

Yui's expression turned a bit dim. "It seemed like you were on a date. I know I came at the wrong time and disturbed your date."

Hachiman shook his head.

"If you want to say we were on a date, it's not entirely wrong."

Hearing his admission that they were on a date, Yui felt a twinge in her heart, and tears almost welled up again. She spoke with a sense of grievance.

"If that's the case, you should let me go. Don't let Yukinon see us like this."

On seeing her distressed expression, Hachiman tightened his embrace.

"I won't let go of you, Yui. You should know I really like you."

Yui looked up in surprise, "Huh? Like me, but you and Yukinon..."

"That's right, I like you, Yui Yuigahama." Hachiman's expression was earnest.

His words, resembling a formal confession, left Yui feeling both melted and unsure of how to react.

"But... but the situation with Yukinon..."

"I like Yukino too." Hachiman smiled as he spoke.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The girl couldn't help but freeze.

Hachiman pressed his forehead against hers, his expression incredibly serious.

"It means that whether it's you, Yui, or Yukino, I like both of you..."

"Not just you two, but also Shizuka-sensei, Yumiko, Kotonoha, Saeko, Utaha, and even Erina... I like all of them."

As the first girl who developed feelings for him, Hachiman decided to administer a preventive dose to Yui.

Upon hearing the long list of names he rattled off, Yui was left dumbfounded, her mind struggling to process it all.

"But... isn't it supposed to be that you can only like one person?"

"So, I'm a playboy." Hachiman spoke matter-of-factly.

Seeing him like this, Yui felt a bit helpless.

"Hikki, you are shameless."

Hachiman just chuckled nonchalantly.

In today's society, being shameless is an advantage, after all. Thick-skinned people get what they want, while those who are thin-skinned often miss out.

So, if Hachiman had to choose, he would undoubtedly prefer to be shameless.

"Sure, you are such a playboy, Hikki. Yukinon and the others won't fall for you," Yui teased with a playful expression.

Seeing her like this, Hachiman knew she was fine now, so he decided to seize the moment.

"Then, Yui, do you like me?"

Upon hearing this question, a blush appeared on Yui's face. After a moment of hesitation, she stammered out a response.

"I-I like you!"


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