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Chapter 291: Be Sure to Take Protective Measures

Watching Mrs. Miura effortlessly manipulate Yumiko with just a few words, Hachiman smirked and decided to speak up to diffuse the situation for the girl.

"Auntie, I am indeed Yumiko's boyfriend."

Upon hearing his words, Yumiko didn't bother to argue further. After being teased by her own mother, the girl seemed to feel somewhat defeated.

As for Mrs. Miura, she crossed her arms, leaning against the back of the sofa. Her long and shapely legs, adorned in nude-colored stockings, created an enticing curve in the sunlight, showcasing her alluring figure.

However, Hachiman took only a quick glance before averting his eyes. After all, she was Yumiko's mother, and Mr. Miura didn't exhibit any strange complexes; he seemed to be leading a normal life.

Thinking about characters from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao, a prominent figure in the historical novel, gained substantial popularity through various media such as anime, novels, and games because Romance of the Three Kingdoms is popular in Japan.

Cao Cao had a peculiar taste – a preference for married women. According to him, married women possessed a mature charm that young girls lacked, making them more alluring.

However, Hachiman pondered, if that was the case, why not seek the companionship of courtesans who surely understood the art of captivating men better than anyone else.

Unfortunately, Mr. Cao despises those worldly women and exclusively adores married ones.

So, it can be inferred that this guy's true fetish is a preference for NTR.

Ahem, digressing.

In any case, Hachiman has no intentions towards married women.

Well, at least not now...

"Since Hikigaya-kun admits it, that's good," Mrs. Miura nodded.

"Don't worry; I won't oppose your relationship. However, as Yumiko's mother, I'd like to understand the details."

"Of course, that's reasonable," Hachiman smiled faintly.

"Let me reintroduce myself. I'm Hachiman Hikigaya, like Yumiko, a second-year student at Sobu High School. We're even in the same class."

"Got it," Mrs. Miura nodded, signaling Hachiman to continue.

"Strictly speaking, we're not really a couple. Although I've confessed to Yumiko, she hasn't agreed yet," Hachiman innocently shrugged.

Why would I agree when you're entertaining thoughts of two-timing? Yumiko gave him a disdainful look.

Hearing Hachiman's words, Mrs. Miura raised an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't she agree? Haven't you made up your mind yet?"

"That's just because Yumiko is shy. In my opinion, she still likes you in her heart." Mrs. Miura shifted her gaze and looked at her own daughter.

Hearing this, Yumiko was indeed shocked.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Who would like this guy."

Seeing her appearance, Mrs. Miura covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

"Then why would Yumiko keep kissing Hachiman three or four times, I have seen it twice as a mother."

This time, it was Yumiko's turn to be speechless because she couldn't refute it.

She couldn't say it was because Hachiman's skills were too proficient, causing her to unconsciously immerse herself in it, could she?

After thinking about it, Yumiko couldn't find any suitable reason and simply hmphed and found an excuse for herself: "Well, he's not officially my boyfriend right now. As for the future, we'll see how he performs."

"So it seems Hikigaya-kun needs to perform well in the future." Mrs. Miura looked at Hachiman and winked.

Hachiman naturally went along with it.

"Don't worry, auntie, I'll make Yumiko agree."

Seeing the two of them like this, Yumiko couldn't help but feel irritated. She knew her mother's personality, but she didn't expect Hachiman, this scumbag, to be so shameless and openly say he wanted to sleep with her.

No, this scumbag had always been shameless.

As she thought back to everything Hachiman had said before, Yumiko became even more irritated.

"Then go for it, I'll be rooting for you, Hikigaya-kun." Mrs. Miura encouraged Hachiman playfully, but her expression suddenly turned serious.

"But even if you become an official couple, you still need to take protective measures."

"Huh? Protective measures."

At first, Yumiko didn't realize what her mother was talking about, but a moment later her face turned bright red.

"Mom! What are you talking about?!"

Compared to her daughter's intense reaction, Mrs. Miura seemed quite calm.

She folded her hands in front of her chest and leaned back against the sofa, speaking in a lazy voice.

"Mom has been through it all, so she understands that when young people like you are alone together, it's easy to get carried away and do something sweet."

"But you two are still students and don't have a stable source of income. If you really end up getting pregnant, it will definitely put a lot of pressure on you..."

Hearing this, Hachiman couldn't help but interrupt.

"Well... Auntie, I'm actually a fairly well-known light novel author, so you don't need to worry about the financial aspect."

"Oh really?" Mrs. Miura raised her eyebrows and turned her gaze back to Hachiman.

"So, Hikigaya-kun, if you two end up having a child, what do you plan to do?"

"Of course, we would have the child." Hachiman didn't hesitate in his response.

After all, it was their own flesh and blood; how could they abandon it? Plus, he, Saeko, and Kotonoha had done plenty of sweet activities without taking any precautions, and there was no sign of any changes in their stomachs.

Mrs. Miura nodded in approval, seemingly satisfied with his answer. However, she continued to speak.

"Even so, I still suggest that you two take protective measures. Yumiko is still quite young, and having a child could be harmful to her body."

"And I haven't prepared myself to be a grandmother yet." She added, gently caressing her own delicate, youthful face.

Hachiman nodded seriously in response.

"Don't worry, auntie."

Seeing the two of them in harmony, Yumiko couldn't hold back any longer. She grabbed Hachiman by the collar, her voice rising in anger.

"You scumbag, who wants to do that kind of thing with you? And you want me to have your child? Just die already!"

Mrs. Miura, however, showed no intention of intervening. She simply leaned against the sofa back, laughing and watching as they bickered.


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