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Chapter 267: The Impossibility of Crossdressing

"Among them, one is this maid café."

Standing in front of a maid café, Hachiman introduced it to the others.

Although the café owned by the mustached manager also had the word "angel," it didn't meet the criteria.

The Angel Café was steadfast in closing at 8 PM every night and even took one day off each week, showing no signs of a profit-oriented business.

Later, Hachiman learned that the mustached manager wasn't relying on the café to make money; it was just his hobby. He owned several apartment buildings for rental income, and the café wasn't a rented space – it was the manager's property.

"What's a maid café like? I don't quite understand." Standing at the entrance, Yui and the others were a bit puzzled.

"I haven't been there either, so I brought in a professional for assistance." Hachiman smiled faintly.

"A professional?"

Hearing Hachiman's words, Yui and the others were surprised.

"Yes, and you all know this professional." Hachiman teased, creating more curiosity.

At that moment, a familiar voice echoed.

"My best friend, I have arrived."

Everyone turned to see a figure with white hair, wearing a trench coat, approaching.

It was indeed Zaimokuza, whom Hachiman had called for help.

Approaching the group, Zaimokuza continued to speak in his chuunibyou manner.

"Oh, Hachiman, the great bodhisattva! Speak thy request. As one acknowledged by the illustrious General Yoshiki, thou art worthy of my assistance."

Seeing him in his usual style, Hachiman appeared somewhat resigned.

"Can't you speak normally? We have a serious matter to discuss today."

"Never mind. Let's go inside first."

Saying that, they all entered the maid café together.

Upon entering, a maid-clad waitress approached them.

"Welcome back, Master meow."


The waitress's peculiar intonation caught Yukino's attention.

"This is a form of role-playing. As you can see, she even has cat ears. She's playing the role of a cat-eared maid," explained Zaimokuza.

Upon hearing his words, the group noticed that the waitress had a pair of black cat ears on her head, adding an extra touch of cuteness to her already adorable face.

It's more accurate to say that the waitstaff in this café are portraying various roles, and their overall attractiveness is generally high, with most of them scoring 70 points or higher. In the eyes of the average person, they would be considered at least on the level of beautiful girls.

After all, in a place like this, the emphasis is on service, and the taste of the food is secondary. High standards for the appearance of the waitstaff are expected.

"Masters, please follow me, meow."

Guided by the cat-eared maid, the group arrived at an available booth.

"It seems Kawasaki-san isn't here."

Looking around the establishment and not finding the person they were looking for, Yui couldn't help but sound a bit disappointed.

"Perhaps Kawasaki-san is working in the kitchen," Saika suggested.

"It's also possible that Kawasaki-san is on the night shift. Her brother mentioned that sometimes she doesn't get home until 5 in the morning," Yukino added, offering another possibility.

"Zaimokuza, does this café operate until 5 in the morning?" Hachiman inquired, turning to Zaimokuza.

Zaimokuza, playing his part well, responded, "Not until 5 in the morning, but it's open until around 1 or 2. After that, they close and rest until reopening at 10 in the morning the next day."

Zaimokuza seemed to be quite familiar with the operating hours of this maid café, evidently a regular customer.

"Do we have to wait until the evening?" Yui asked.

"There's no need for that. Once we get into the kitchen, we can confirm if Kawasaki-san is working there. Besides, kitchens usually have schedules, so we can check that too," Yukino analyzed.

"But as customers, we can't just go into the kitchen," Saika shook his head.


Yukino hesitated, contemplating the situation. However, Hachiman spoke up.

"It's actually quite simple to get into the kitchen..."

"What, what, Hikki, do you have a plan?" Yui's face lit up with surprise.

Yukino and Saika also turned their attention to him.

Seeing their eager gazes, Hachiman smiled faintly and continued, "Yui and Yukino, you can pretend to want to work here. That way, you can enter the kitchen and check the schedule. Since these places often hire part-time workers, you can simply say the job isn't suitable when you're done."

"Work? But I don't want to work," Yui played the fool once again.

Seeing her reaction, Hachiman sighed and teased her, "You silly Yui, I'm not asking you to really work. Just act like it and get inside. Plus, these places often offer hourly wages. When the time comes, you can just say the job doesn't suit you."

"Oh, come on, don't call me silly."

Unhappy with being called silly again, Yui puffed up her cheeks, then turned to the girl beside her.

"Yukinon, what do you think of this plan?"

"At the moment, it seems like the only option," Yukino considered for a moment and reluctantly agreed. After all, they couldn't think of any other methods in the short term.

Since Yukino agreed, Yui naturally wouldn't oppose. The two of them got up and explained the situation to the manager.

The manager of the café naturally didn't refuse when two beautiful girls expressed their interest in working. He called a waitress to take Yukino and Yui to the changing room.

"Not bad, Hachiman. You managed to get them into maid outfits so easily," Zaimokuza suddenly gave a thumbs up, grinning mischievously.

"You, coming up with ideas at a time like this..." Hachiman's expression showed some helplessness.

"But this is one of the few ways to smoothly get into the kitchen."

Indeed, to enter the kitchen, they had to become employees of this café. Since it was a maid café, only Yui and Yukino, as female students, could apply for the job. Was Hachiman supposed to put on a maid outfit? That was out of the question. As for Zaimokuza, forget it, that would be unpleasant to the eyes.

But if it were Saika...

Hachiman couldn't help but imagine what Saika would look like in a maid outfit.

Um... It might look very cute.

No, this kind of thought was too dangerous.

He is a man. He is a man. He is a man...

Hachiman silently repeated in his mind, shaking his head repeatedly to dispel the images. Soon, the two girls came out after changing.


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