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Chapter 265: "Meow Meow"

"Since Kawasaki-san is also a student from Sobu High, this matter falls within the service club's scope."

"So, I accept this request."

Upon hearing Yukino's words, the expressions of the people varied.

Taishi was naturally quite pleased and quickly expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, senpai."

As for Hachiman, he raised an eyebrow.

"I feel like Kawasaki-san won't easily compromise given her personality."

Yukino agreed with him, "You're right. That's why I've considered it. It's better not to rely on anyone's coercion, but rather to let Kawasaki-san herself solve the problem."

"So, what's your plan then?" Hachiman asked.

"Have you heard of Animal-Assisted Therapy?" After contemplating for a moment, the girl revealed her idea.

"Yukinon, what's that?" Yui, looking a bit clueless, asked.

Hachiman stepped in to explain, "Animal-Assisted Therapy is using interactions with small animals, playing and spending time with them, to have beneficial effects on a person's physical and psychological well-being."

"Is that what you mean?" Yui finally understood, and Yukino nodded approvingly.

"I was right, wasn't I?"

Everyone suddenly realized, and Yukino looked at him approvingly.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to know about it. You've really impressed me."

After hearing her words, Hachiman smirked.

"But what animal do you plan to use?"

"How about a dog? My Sable can participate," Yui suggested.

However, Yukino shook her head.

"Dogs might not be soothing enough. I think using a cat would be better."

Upon hearing the girl's suggestion, Hachiman displayed a face that said, "As expected," because he knew Yukino was a devoted cat lover.

"Um, okay."

Hearing that Yukino didn't agree with her suggestion, Yui felt a bit disappointed. However, Komachi, who was beside Hachiman, brightened up.

"Are we going to use a cat? We happen to have a cat named Kamakura."

"Great, then, Komachi, please bring the cat tomorrow," Yukino decided.

"No problem, Yukino-neechan," Komachi nodded.

With the plan settled, everyone resumed their study session.

This time, Komachi and Taishi joined in because their goal was also Sobu High, the reason they attended the cram school in the first place.

Since Japan follows a joyful education system and doesn't cover a lot of academic content, attending a cram school becomes essential for those aiming for good results.

Soon, it was the afternoon of the next day.

A group gathered at the entrance of Sobu High School, and in Hachiman's arms was a cardboard box containing his family's cat, Kamakura.

Placing the box on the ground, Hachiman smiled.

"This is our Kamakura. How is it? Very cute, right?"


Kamakura, inside the box and unaware of what was happening, curiously stuck its head out as everyone surrounded it.

Watching the inquisitive cat, Yui crouched down.

"Wow, so cute."

Even though she had a pet dog at home, it didn't stop her from adoring adorable cats.

Not just Yui, even Yukino's gaze softened.

As a devoted cat lover, she was naturally captivated by the cat at first sight.

Watching the yawning cat in the box, Yukino had only one thought in her mind.

So cute, so cute, so cute...

No, she couldn't let them notice.

With this thought in mind, the girl tried hard to maintain her expression.

At that moment, Hachiman, who was crouching on the ground, spoke up.

"Now, what should we do next?"

"By interacting with the animal, we can stimulate the kind part in Kawasaki's heart. As long as she's moved, she'll definitely take the cat with her," Yukino, maintaining a calm tone, said.

"Are you picking up delinquent plots from manga?" Hachiman, still crouched, commented with a smirk.

Giving him a slight glare, the girl continued, "I've already arranged each of your roles. Now, let's go to our respective positions."

Saying this, she took out a piece of paper to show the plan to everyone.

Seeing their assigned roles on the paper, each person nodded and took their positions.

Since it was the end of the school day, people were coming and going at the school gate. Soon, most students not involved in club activities had left.

Although the adorable cat caught the attention of a few girls, unfortunately, no one picked it up.

When everyone had left, a figure quietly approached the cardboard box.

With waist-length black hair and an exquisite face, it was Yukino.

Glancing around to ensure no one was present, the girl crouched down, her gaze gentle as she looked at the cat in the box.

As if sensing someone's arrival, Kamakura, who was originally lying in the box, twitched its ears, sat up, and meowed a couple of times, looking at the girl in front of it.

"Meow~ Meow~"

Hearing the cat's meows, Yukino's heart seemed to melt, and she couldn't help but respond.


Then, an incomprehensible encrypted dialogue unfolded between them.

"Meow~ Meow!"



"Meow~ Meow~ Meow!"


At this moment, Yukino seemed to transform into a cat, engaging in a conversation with Kamakura that outsiders couldn't understand.

However, what the girl didn't know was that Hachiman had somehow arrived behind her, observing the scene with great interest.

There's a saying, oh, right, "putting you in a catlike situation," and he hadn't even done anything yet, but the girl was already meowing.

Watching this amusing scene, Hachiman opened his phone's camera function and started recording.

Unfortunately, midway through filming, Kamakura, who had been meowing, noticed its owner's presence. It gracefully stood up from the box and walked toward him.


Seeing the cat suddenly leave, Yukino was a bit puzzled, and when she turned back, she saw Hachiman's familiar face.

This froze the girl's expression.

He couldn't have heard it, right?

Unfortunately, Hachiman shattered her illusion by speaking directly.

"Yukino, you're really cute."

Upon hearing his words, a faint blush appeared on Yukino's face.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to stay in your position? Can't you even handle such a small task? Hachiman-kun is really useless..." The girl maintained a stoic expression, firing off words like a machine gun.

Despite her calm exterior, internally, she was incredibly shy. Just the thought of Hachiman witnessing her meowing moments ago made her wish she could find a hole to hide in.

Despite Kamakura ruining the moment, at least the video was captured, and Hachiman still had a smile on his face.

"Just now, Komachi called me and said Taishi mentioned his sister is allergic to cats, so our plan has failed this time."


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