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Chapter 263: One Against Three

"Black lace panties, of all things..."

Hearing Hachiman's mutter, Saki halted in her tracks, shooting him an angry and embarrassed glare.

She could ignore Shizuka's remarks, but Hachiman's comment was something she couldn't just let slide.

After all, as a young girl, being seen in panties by a boy is bound to cause embarrassment.


The girl stammered for a moment but ultimately didn't say anything. Given her personality, she wouldn't shout in the classroom. She turned around, walked back to her seat, and quietly nursed her wounded pride.

Observing this scene, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

At this point, Saki also rested her head on the desk, looking quite tired.

Fortunately, much like Hachiman, the girl was the type with few friends, so no one disturbed her during her break.

Time passed swiftly, and it soon came to the end of the school day.

As agreed, Yui, Yukino, and Saika, under Hachiman's guidance, arrived at the Angel Café.

Pushing open the café's door, they stepped onto neatly arranged mahogany flooring. Various coffee beans adorned the counters on both sides, enveloping the entire café in a classical and elegant atmosphere. It felt as if the faint strains of Scottish bagpipes could be heard in the air.

"Welcome." A somewhat lethargic voice echoed.

Looking in the direction of the voice, the group spotted a familiar figure.

A petite figure, disheveled blonde hair, and a somewhat lethargic expression on her face—this was Gabriel, who had already transformed into a lazy angel.

Yui was surprised to encounter a classmate. "Gabriel, you're here..."

"Oh, it's you guys. Surprised, huh? I'm working here," Gabriel nodded casually upon seeing Hachiman and the others.

Yui then noticed she was dressed in a waiter's uniform.

"Wow, Gabriel, you're amazing! Working outside. Is there something you want to buy?" Yui asked enthusiastically.

"Well, sort of," Gabriel replied in a lackluster manner.

Hachiman smirked upon hearing her response. Indeed, she might want to buy something, but it was likely some in-game purchases. This lazy angel seemed addicted to spending money on microtransactions.

As they chatted, an awkward voice interrupted them.

"Uh, Tenma-san, could you guide the customers to their seats? It's impolite to keep them standing."

Turning towards the source, they saw the cafe's small-bearded manager standing behind the counter, looking somewhat awkward.

Hachiman greeted, "Hey, Store Manager."

"Oh, it's Hikigaya-kun. Welcome!" The familiar face of the small-bearded manager brightened with a smile.

He always welcomes Hachiman because every time he visits, Hachiman orders a mixed coffee, making the manager feel like he's found a kindred spirit.

Glancing at the "three" beautiful girls beside Hachiman, the manager sported a knowing expression that every man understands.

One against three, impressive, Hikigaya-kun.

Seeing the expression on the manager's face, Hachiman couldn't help but smirk, thinking he could easily guess what was going through the manager's mind.

Store manager, you guessed it wrong. In fact, only two of the three are girls.

However, Hachiman didn't bother to explain further. Gabriel led them to their seats.

"What would you like?"

Handing them the menu, Gabriel spoke with a somewhat lethargic tone.

"Wow, so many types of coffee!" Taking the menu, Yui's eyes widened.

"Yeah, quite a variety," Yukino nodded.

This cafe had a considerable selection of coffee. The small-bearded manager truly lived up to the title of a coffee enthusiast. Besides regular coffee, there were various specialty coffees.

"I recommend the mixed coffee; it's the store manager's specialty." Hachiman smiled, offering his recommendation.

Hearing this, the small-bearded manager behind the counter secretly gave a thumbs up.

In the end, they chose to trust Hachiman's recommendation and ordered mixed coffee along with some desserts.

Recording their orders, Gabriel handed the order slip to the manager.

Seeing that each of them ordered his specialty, the mixed coffee, the small-bearded manager smiled.

Selecting a variety of coffee beans, blending them, then drying, grinding, and brewing...

Throughout the process, the small-bearded manager wore a solemn expression.

In no time, the four cups of mixed coffee were ready, and the manager chose to personally deliver them.

"Mixed coffee, please enjoy."

Placing the coffee in front of them, the manager wore a confident smile.

Hachiman lifted the cup of mixed coffee, the black liquid rippling with faint ripples. He brought it to his nose, sniffing the rich aroma.

Taking a sip without adding milk or sugar, the coffee tasted somewhat bitter but remarkably rich. Upon closer tasting, different coffee beans intertwined on his palate, creating a unique flavor.

"The manager's skills are getting better and better." Appreciating the lingering richness on his palate, Hachiman praised generously.

In terms of coffee craftsmanship alone, this small-bearded manager had at least a skill level of four, perhaps even reaching five.

Not only him, but even Yukino and Saika joined in the compliments.

"It's really delicious."

"Yes, the flavor is exceptional. This is the best coffee I've ever had."

Hearing their praises, the smile on the small-bearded manager's face widened even more.

Unfortunately, the bitterness of black coffee isn't for everyone. For example, Yui, who enjoys sweets, couldn't handle it and stuck her tongue out in response.

"Wow, so bitter."

"If the customer prefers it sweeter, you can add some sugar and milk; it'll enhance the flavor," the small-bearded manager said with a slight smile.

Upon hearing this, Yui nodded. Following the instructions, she added a few sugar cubes and a small cup of milk to her coffee, stirring it gently with a spoon.

Lifting the cup and taking another sip, the taste had indeed improved.

"Wow, it's so much better now." Yui's face lit up with a smile.

Hearing the girl's praise, the manager wore a satisfied smile.

"I'm actually quite confident in my mixed coffee."

As he delved into discussing his most beloved coffee, the manager's words became more elaborate.

"To ensure the quality of the coffee, I close the shop for two months every year and fly to the coffee's place of origin, searching for the finest coffee beans."

"To create the best mixed coffee, I carefully selected five types of coffee beans."

"And to balance taste and aroma, I've put a lot of effort into the blending process."


Hearing the manager's description, Yukino and the others couldn't help but show respect.

In Japan, the spirit of craftsmanship has always been highly revered.


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