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Chapter 250: Don't be afraid of what comes next

As Hachiman left, the room once again fell into silence. The members of the Polar Star Dorm exchanged glances, unsure of what to say.

Eventually, Yuki, who had a relatively outgoing personality, spoke up, "How do you all feel about this?"

Hearing her question, Marui adjusted his glasses, "I think it's worth considering. Even if our recipes don't pass the review, considering the salary offered by Hikigaya-kun, it's already higher than what most chefs earn, especially for a novice just graduating from school."

Indeed, for a novice chef who had just graduated from school, a monthly salary of 300,000 to 500,000 yen was quite generous.

What? You say the salary for graduates like Shinomiya and the others is much higher? Well, don't forget, Shinomiya and the others are the Elite Ten, the most elite among all Totsuki graduates.

And among the members of the Polar Star Dorm, how many can become part of the Elite Ten?

After hearing Marui's analysis, everyone nodded, and the scales in their minds tilted a bit towards Hachiman.

However, at this moment, Soma's voice rang out.

"Hey hey, guys, are we still playing cards or not?"

Seeing him still being nonchalant, others were a bit speechless.

"Soma-kun, don't you consider Hikigaya-kun's proposal?" voiced Megumi timidly.

"What's there to consider? Of course, I won't go. After all, I have my family's restaurant to inherit." Speaking of his family's restaurant, Soma looked proud.

Although his family's restaurant wasn't large, it was something he and his father had worked hard to build, something that couldn't be bought with money.

This statement left Megumi stunned as she, too, thought about her own managed inn.

"Oh, that's nice. I envy you, Soma, not worrying about your future work. I'm quite conflicted." Yuki pouted.

"What's there to be conflicted about? If you think the conditions are good, go for it. If not, don't. And Hikigaya said you don't need to give him an immediate answer. Just think about it later." Soma shrugged.

"You're right. We'll think about it later. For now, the most important thing is to celebrate that everyone at Polar Star Dorm passed the residential training. Let's play!" Upon hearing this, Yuki immediately cast away her inner conflicts and returned to a cheerful demeanor.

Seeing her like this, the members of the Polar Star Dorm, accustomed to her behavior, also joined in the game.

As for Hachiman, after leaving Marui's room, he headed towards his own room.

However, when he arrived at his room's doorstep, he unexpectedly found two individuals.

One had brilliantly colored, somewhat disheveled blond hair and wore a somewhat dejected expression. The other had long silver-white hair, and a perpetually gentle smile adorned her face.

It was Gabriel and Raphiel.

Seeing these two standing at his room's entrance, Hachiman couldn't help but feel a bit perplexed.

It wouldn't be strange if Saeko and Kotonoha came to find him, and even if Utaha came by, it would be within expectations.

But what brought these two little angels here?

With a sense of curiosity, Hachiman greeted the two.

"Hello, Gabriel, and Raphiel."

Spotting his figure, both of them sighed in relief.

"Phew, Hachiman, you finally returned. We've been waiting for quite a while," Gabriel said in a somewhat lazy tone.

"Sorry, I had something to deal with just now. But, is there a reason for both of you to visit me so late?" Hachiman asked, slightly puzzled.

"Hachiman-kun, it's not very convenient to talk here. Could we discuss things inside your room?" Raphiel suggested.


Upon hearing this, Hachiman nodded, opened his room door, and ushered the two in.

"All right, now you can tell me what's going on," he said as the three entered.

After exchanging a glance, it was Gabriel who spoke first.

"What we're about to say might seem unbelievable, but Hachiman, please don't be afraid."

Hearing this, Hachiman's expression became somewhat odd, but he still nodded.

"Don't worry. I've undergone professional training, and I won't be scared no matter what."

"Okay, since you're so sure, let's just say it." Gabriel spoke calmly.

"In reality, Raphiel and I are angels."

"Angels? Like the ones from mythology?"

Although Hachiman was well aware of their identities, he still feigned surprise to match their narrative.

With the nearly maxed-out "Acting" module, his performance was impeccable, and at least Gabriel and Raphiel couldn't discern any flaws.

"Yes, we are indeed angels."

As if to prove their identity, Gabriel and Raphiel emitted a faint divine light, and wings unfolded behind them.

Seeing the wings behind them, Hachiman felt intrigued. "Are those wings real?"

"Of course, they're real." Gabriel even fluttered them slightly.

Observing this scene, Hachiman became even more curious. "Can I touch them to confirm?"

Upon hearing this request, Gabriel hesitated for a moment, but in order to affirm their identity, she nodded.

With the girl's approval, Hachiman took a few steps behind her and raised his hand to touch them.

The texture was incredibly soft, akin to high-quality velvet, causing his hand to involuntarily glide over them.

However, when Hachiman's hand reached the base of the wings, Gabriel suddenly let out a delicate exclamation.


"Don't... don't touch there!"

Hearing the girl's words, Hachiman immediately ceased his movement.

Looking up at Gabriel, he noticed an unnatural blush on her cheeks.

Could it be... the base of the wings is an angel's sensitive spot?

Strange knowledge acquired.

"Hachiman-kun is really a pervert, huh?" Raphiel remarked with a hint of amusement.

"Sorry, I didn't know. Are you okay, Gabriel?" Hachiman quickly apologized.

"Huff... it's okay. Do you believe now that we are angels?" After catching her breath, Gabriel regained her composure.

"I believe." Hachiman nodded, activating his random acting skills once again.

"Now that Gabriel and Raphiel are angels, what about Vigne and Satania?" he asked.

Gabriel shook her head in response, "Vigne and Satania are not angels; they are demons."


"Yes, we'll explain more about this later. We came here to tell you something else." The fallen angel had a rare serious expression.

Seeing her demeanor, Hachiman also became serious. "What is it? Tell me."

Taking a deep breath, Gabriel spoke with a solemn tone.

"Actually, we came today to inform you about your special identity."


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