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Chapter 214: Collision with Graduates

After about an hour of travel, the car came to a slow stop.

Stepping out of the car and looking at the majestic skyscraper in front of him, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

"You must be Hikigaya-kun, as mentioned by Chief Nakiri."

At that moment, a hearty voice echoed, and Hachiman turned to see a tall man in a suit standing at the hotel entrance.

With a robust physique that even the suit couldn't conceal, his closely-cropped hair revealed distinct contours. Under flame-like eyebrows were piercing, vibrant eyes.

This person was Gin Dojima, the Head Chef and a member of the Board of Directors at Totsuki Resort.

"You must be Dojima-senpai, right?"

Walking up to him, Hachiman smiled and nodded.

"Haha, don't call me 'senpai.' I've heard from Chief Nakiri that your culinary skills are not inferior to mine." Gin Dojima laughed heartily.

However, upon hearing his laughter, Hachiman felt something was off.

Muda! Muda!

Weak, weak.

Kono Dio Da!

The world!

Unfamiliar sounds echoed in Hachiman's ears, but he quickly dismissed them, maintaining his smile.

"Haha, not at all. I don't have the confidence to surpass you, Dojima-senpai."

Dojima naturally caught the undertone of Hachiman's words.

Not confident to win, but also confident not to lose.

If it were the high school days, Dojima would have definitely couldn't resist challenging Hachiman, but now, in his middle age, he has become much more composed.

"Alright, let's get down to business. The other graduates have already arrived, so let's briefly discuss various matters during our stay and training." After saying this, he walked ahead, leading the way.

"Sure." Hachiman nodded and followed behind Dojima.

The two took the express elevator and arrived on the 18th floor.

Guided by Dojima, the host, they entered an elegantly decorated hall. Inside, around two to three dozen people were scattered, some chatting in groups, others meditating. However, without a doubt, each person emitted an aura of competence that students typically lacked.

Evidently, these were the outstanding graduates from various years at Totsuki.

Hearing approaching footsteps, everyone instinctively turned their gaze toward the entrance.

Dojima returned with a young boy around sixteen or seventeen by his side.

This surprised them a bit. Many among them had received early information that for this training, Chief Nakiri had specially invited someone with profound culinary skills as a guest lecturer, in addition to the graduates. However, looking at Hachiman's young face, it was hard to discern advanced culinary skills.

Could it be the type that looks young but is highly skilled?

A thought emerged in the minds of a few graduates.

At this moment, Dojima took the initiative to speak, "This is the guest lecturer for our training, Hikigaya Hachiman."

Upon hearing the introduction, the group of Totsuki graduates exchanged puzzled glances.

However, Hachiman took the initiative to continue.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Hikigaya Hachiman, a second-year student from Sobu High School. I've been invited here by Chief Nakiri because he thinks my cooking skills are passable. I'll be serving as a guest lecturer. I hope to receive guidance and support from all of you in the coming days."

Surprisingly, he was a current high school student and not even from Totsuki.

If it were Totsuki students, they might have been more accepting since they had heard about many of the current Elite Ten members.

For instance, the current first seat of the Elite Ten, Eishi Tsukasa, was known for his outstanding culinary skills, and even these graduates had heard about him. He wouldn't be inferior to them just because he had recently graduated.

Initially, they had speculated that the guest lecturer might be Eishi Tsukasa, the current first seat. However, that speculation was now shattered.

The person who arrived wasn't Eishi Tsukasa, not even a student from Totsuki. Instead, it was a student from another school. Some among them found it hard to accept.

"A high school student as a guest lecturer?" A man with red hair, sharp glasses, and an intimidating gaze spoke up. He didn't hide his disdain as he pushed up his glasses, fixing an oppressive look on Hachiman. "And not even a student from Totsuki? Don't play jokes on us, Dojima-senpai!"

His voice silenced the room. Even though he was the only one speaking, many graduates shared the same sentiments.

"Well, Kojiro, calm down."

Fortunately, at this moment, Dojima intervened to diffuse the awkward situation.

"Hikigaya-kun, let me introduce you. This is Kojiro Shinomiya, the first seat of the 79th generation Elite Ten at Totsuki, and also the head chef at the renowned French restaurant, Shino's, in Paris."

Hearing the introduction, Hachiman nodded in understanding.

Just as he expected, this guy was Kojiro Shinomiya, known for his unpleasant tone and abrasive personality. He was overly obsessed with perfection, demanding that employees follow recipes precisely and not allowing any deviations.

It's precisely because of this reason that, in the original story, Megumi Tadokoro was expelled for secretly altering his recipes, sparking the private battle with Megumi and Soma.

Despite his unpleasant personality, his culinary skills are unquestionable, specializing in French cuisine, particularly excelling in the cooking and handling of vegetables, earning him the nickname "Magician of Légumes."

After being influenced by Megumi and Soma, he later became a mentor to Soma and Megumi, becoming a positive character.

"Hello, Shinomiya-senpai!"

Although he was rebuffed by him, Hachiman still smiled and greeted him.

However, the disagreeable Shinomiya showed no gratitude and continued, "If you really want us to accept you, show us your cooking. Let your skills speak for themselves!"

"Uh, but..." Dojima hesitated and spoke up.

"Dojima-senpai, Kojiro is right. If you want us to be impressed, you have to demonstrate your skills." A tall, handsome blonde man interrupted him.

This man was Donato Gotoda, a graduate from the 80th generation at Totsuki and currently the head chef at the Tesoro hotel.

"I also agree with Kojiro's statement." A stern-faced man with squinted eyes added.

This man was Hitoshi Sekimori, the head chef at Ginza Hinowa Sushi.

"That's right, Dojima-senpai. I share the same opinion. Since Hikigaya-kun was recommended by Chief Nakiri, he must have outstanding culinary skills. After all, cooking is the most direct way to showcase culinary talent, and I believe he won't refuse, right?" With a dignified and charming appearance, Hinako Inui, also known as "The Mist Empress," said with a squinted smile.

"I happen to be a bit hungry now. Why don't we ask Hikigaya-kun to make some dishes to fill our stomachs?" She even touched her small belly, wearing a pitiful expression.

"I'm hungry too," another woman chimed in. Seated with an emotionless expression, she was Fuyumi Mizuhara, also a graduate from the 79th generation, just like Shinomiya.

The other graduates remained silent, their expressions mirroring a shared curiosity about Hachiman's qualifications as a lecturer.

"Well, since that's the case, let's ask Hikigaya-kun to prepare a few dishes. It's a perfect chance for him to showcase his skills. And not just Hikigaya-kun; why don't each of us make two dishes? Consider it a solution for everyone's breakfast," Dojima suggested.

The graduates accepted the proposal without objection.

However, Hachiman couldn't help but roll his eyes discreetly. Despite Dojima's seemingly supportive words earlier, he was convinced that this seemingly righteous guy was the mastermind behind this scenario.

In the original story, it was no different. Kojiro Shinomiya gradually fell into the trap, agreeing to the private Shokugeki with Megumi.

As the saying goes—not only beautiful women cannot be trusted, but also men with honest faces

A friendly face conceals a sinister heart, and that perfectly describes Dojima Gin.

This suits Hachiman's taste, as he isn't one to engage in lengthy conversations. He prefers proving himself through culinary skills in a simple and straightforward manner.

With a decision made, everyone followed  Dojima to a spacious kitchen designated for testing students.

"This is one of the kitchens used for assessing students, and the space is more than sufficient."

Hachiman observed the kitchen, appreciating the well-equipped facilities. It truly lived up to the standards of Totsuki Resort.

The kitchen was enormous, easily the size of two or three basketball courts, with all the necessary equipment.

The graduates quickly decided on the dishes they would prepare and began instructing assistants to gather ingredients.

"Dojima-senpai, could you arrange for someone to help me prepare the required ingredients..."

Hachiman, having decided on his dish, approached Dojima and listed all the utensils and ingredients he needed.

"Red snapper, ice, flour, crab roe, eggs..."

Does he also need sashimi and dough?

Hearing Hachiman's requested ingredients, the experienced Dojima immediately guessed the dish he intended to make. Waving to a kitchen assistant, he instructed them to prepare the necessary materials.

Many graduates were now busy at work, and the original kitchen staff efficiently transported ingredients.

Soon, the rhythmic sounds of knives hitting cutting boards and the sizzling noise of ingredients hitting the pan began to intertwine throughout the kitchen.

After about ten minutes, the kitchen assistant responsible for helping Hachiman returned.

This assistant wheeled in a cart carrying a large fish tank, inside of which swam a lively sea bream.

"Oh, Hikigaya-kun, are you making sea bream sashimi?" Seeing the sea bream, Hinako, who had been observing, spoke up.

"That's right. This is one of the dishes I'm preparing." Hachiman smiled but didn't immediately handle the sea bream. Instead, he turned his attention to the dough.


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