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Chapter 207: Satania Fish

Watching the classmates around her getting ready, Vignette adjusted her apron and looked towards the red-haired idiot beside her.

"Let's get to work too. First, we need to deal with the fish. Satania, did you bring the fish?"

"Of course, I did."

Satania nodded, seemingly performing a magic trick as she pulled out a fish with protruding fangs and a long tumor on its head, resembling a lantern fish.

Seeing this strange, still-quivering fish, Vignette took a few steps back in surprise.

"Wow, it's still alive. Where did this fish come from?"

"To ensure the freshness of the ingredients, I specially caught it from the Demon Lake this morning." Satania's face showed a proud expression.

"Is it necessary to go to such lengths?" Vignette was a bit speechless.

"Of course, as a top chef, controlling the quality of ingredients is crucial." The foolish demon held his forehead, saying it with great seriousness.

Hey, what kind of top chef are you?

Hachiman, on the side, smirked.

"Anyway, let's just go with this."

At this point, Vignette sighed, seemingly giving up, and turned her gaze to the side where Gabriel was.

"Gab, are you in charge of the tofu and seaweed?"

"Right here."

Saying this, Gabriel took out a convenience bag and emptied its contents onto the table.

But seeing the ingredients on the table, both Hachiman and Vignette couldn't help but feel a bit speechless.

This is clearly not tofu and seaweed; it's potatoes, carrots, and onions.

"What are these, tofu and seaweed?" Vignette furrowed her brow.

"Oh, this? Last night, while I was at the supermarket, I suddenly wanted to eat curry, so I just bought these on a whim."

Upon hearing this, Vignette covered her forehead, placing her last hope on Hachiman.

"Hachiman, did you at least bring what you were responsible for?"

Naturally, Hachiman didn't disappoint her. He took out onions, ginger, garlic, and various seasonings from the bag.

Seeing that there was finally something reliable, Vignette breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she looked at the ingredients on the table, wearing a somewhat helpless expression.

"Well, plans have changed. Let's switch the menu to 'Mysterious Flavor Stew' and 'Vegetable Flavor Miso Soup.'"

"Wow, such casual names," Gabriel commented.

However, Vignette picked up a knife, teleporting in front of her in an instant, wearing a kind smile.

"Whose fault do you think this is, you foolish angel?"

"I know I messed up. Gabriel, put down the knife; it's dangerous."

Seeing the blade so close, Gabriel broke into a cold sweat.

"Hehe, now it's time to showcase my exquisite culinary skills." Satania remained in a self-indulgent state.

Vignette teleported again next to her, raising the knife with a smiling face.

"Just stay quiet."

Having resolved the two unstable factors, the girl looked towards Hachiman with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Sorry, Hachiman. I'm afraid I'll need your help this time."

Hachiman just smiled in response, "It's okay. We're members of the same group, helping each other is natural."

Seeing his reliable demeanor, Vignette sighed in relief and then turned her gaze to the strange fish on the cutting board.

"First, let's deal with this mysterious fish."

"The name is too casual." Gabriel couldn't help but comment.

"Because we really don't know what kind of fish it is." Vignette sighed.

Gabriel extended a finger and suggested, "Then let's just call it Satania."

"Why me!" Satania protested discontentedly.

Ignoring her discontent, Vignette picked up the kitchen knife and approached the strange fish. After hesitating for a moment, she reluctantly put down the knife.

"No, I can't bring myself to do it to Satania."

"I told you it's not me. Enough, give me the knife."

Hearing Vignette's words, Satania shouted angrily, and then the red-haired idiot approached the cutting board, picked up the knife, and ruthlessly slashed.

"Die, you fish!"

However, the fish seemed unwilling to go down so easily. It trembled, dodging the blade, and then leaped with all its might, slamming its tail onto Satania's face.

"Take my Water Splash Leap, dammit!" proclaimed Satania fish, and everyone believed this was what the Satania fish thinking as Satania fish slap Satania .


The crisp sound of a slap echoed as Satania was knocked to the ground.

Satania fish had used Water Splash Leap on Satania.

Satania fell.

Watching the red-haired idiot, now with swirls for eyes, knocked down by a fish, Hachiman smirked.

She's really stupid.

At this point, Vignette helped Satania up. However, the red-haired fool, having been knocked down by a fish, naturally refused to accept it. She brandished her knife, shouting that she would have a decisive battle with the fish.

At this rate, the others might have already finished, and they hadn't even put the fish in the pot.

Seeing this, Hachiman sighed and approached the kitchen counter.

"Let me handle this."

Vignette hesitated for a moment but nodded.

"Thank you, Hachiman."

Taking up the kitchen knife, Hachiman swiftly executed the strange fish, effortlessly separating the fish meat from the bones.

"Hachiman, you're amazing." Seeing how easily he dealt with the strange fish, Vignette couldn't help but praise.

Not only did the girl notice, but Isshiki on the podium also paid attention, opening his previously squinted eyes to reveal emerald green eyes.

After dealing with the 'Satania fish,' Hachiman proceeded with the cleaned potatoes, onions, and carrots. A few swift movements of the knife transformed these vegetables into neat little pieces.

"This knife skill..."

Isshiki's eyes reflected seriousness, acknowledging that he couldn't match such knife skills.

Interesting. Unexpectedly, there's another culinary expert in this school.

Watching Hachiman's figure, Isshiki's mouth curved into a slight smile.

With all the ingredients prepared, Hachiman set down the kitchen knife and looked at the girl beside him.

"Alright, it's up to you now, Vigne."

"Yeah, leave the rest to me." Vignette nodded.

Now was the moment for the girl to shine, putting various ingredients into the pot, adding seasonings, and then tasting the flavor. At this moment, Vignette resembled a homely woman preparing dinner, radiating a warm feeling.

While the girl was immersed in cooking, Gabriel walked over to Hachiman.

"Not bad, Hachiman," she said, pretending to casually pat his back.

Although she originally intended to pat his shoulder, she couldn't reach it.

Hachiman thought she was praising his clean and efficient handling of the ingredients before and smiled, saying, "It's what I should do since we're members of the same group."

However, what he didn't notice was that when Gabriel patted his back, a faint holy light emanated from her hand.

This holy light seemed to scan Hachiman's body as it moved back and forth.

After a moment, Gabriel withdrew her hand, her eyes flickering as if contemplating something.

What's even more surprising is that during the scan of Hachiman's body with the holy light, his 【Learning】 module was activated, and a faint holy light was absorbed into his body.


Gintoki Sakata

yeah. he's going to be tossing spears of light in no time.