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Chapter 203: Unexpected Kiss

"Fortunately, no bone injury," reassured the nurse. "Just apply some ice, put on the medicinal solution, and take it easy for a while," she advised, prompting a casual nod from Hachiman.

"Thanks for your help, doc," he acknowledged.

"No problem; it's my duty," she replied before turning to retrieve liniment and bandages.

Approaching with medical supplies, the nurse was interrupted by the school bell signaling the end of the day. Her face lit up with a happy smile as she handed the liniment, bandages, and ice pack to Hachiman.

"Uh, what's this?" he asked, puzzled.

With a cheerful expression, the nurse explained, "Sorry about this, but I have a date with my boyfriend today, so I need to leave early. Handling this is simple, and your boyfriend can take care of it for you," she added, addressing Yumiko.

"It's a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship. Don't thank me. Good luck!" she said, taking off her white coat, picking up her small handbag, and walking away in high heels, leaving a cheerful "clack, clack, clack" sound.

Watching the nurse's departure, Hachiman was utterly baffled.

"Man, is this a dereliction of duty? Who has a nurse that just abandons a sick student to go on a date?" he wondered aloud. Moreover, judging by the spring-like affection in her eyes, tonight's plans probably involve more than just a simple date.

Glancing at the dazed Yumiko, still processing the nurse's unexpected departure, Hachiman shrugged.

"Guess it's up to me now."

Setting the bandages and medicinal solution aside, Hachiman squatted down, gently holding the ice pack.

Reaching out, he grasped Yumiko's injured foot. The touch was delicate; her bare foot exhibited no signs of calluses. The feel against his fingertips was both warm and well-contoured, providing a comfortable sensation.

"Uh... What are you doing?"

Startled by Hachiman touching her foot, Yumiko, lost in thought, shivered.

"Huh? This reaction is similar to when I touched Utaha's waist before. Could it be... is Yumiko's foot a sensitive spot?" Hachiman mentally noted, smiling gently.

"Of course, I'm helping you with the ice pack. Since that unreliable nurse has already left, I'll have to take over."

Hearing his words, Yumiko froze, stammering, "I-I don't need your help. Just let go of my foot."

Attempting to free her foot from Hachiman's grasp, she forgot her injured state. As she moved, pain shot through the injured area, causing her to cry out.

"Ah, it hurts!"

"I told you, Yumiko, you're injured right now. Don't move recklessly; it could make the injury worse."

This advice worked, as Yumiko hesitated, refraining from moving.

Satisfied with this outcome, Hachiman secured the girl's foot again and slowly brought the ice pack closer.

To his surprise, he noticed that the fashion-conscious Yumiko had painted her toenails.

Clearly nervous, she kept her eyes closed, tensing up. Faint veins appeared on the surface of her foot, and her delicate toes curled tightly together.

Normally arrogant, Yumiko now resembled a lamb waiting for slaughter, a sight that brought a wry smile to Hachiman's face.

Gradually, the ice pack was placed on her sprained ankle, prompting a surprised exclamation from Yumiko.

"Uh, it's so cold."

"Just endure it; it will get better. We need the cold to reduce the swelling," reassured Hachiman, carefully massaging the swollen area with the ice pack.

When an injury occurs, tiny blood vessels may still be bleeding. Applying an ice pack at this stage helps the blood vessels contract, aiding in stopping the bleeding and effectively relieving the condition.

After about 15 to 20 minutes of cold compress, Hachiman removed the ice pack and examined Yumiko's ankle. Seeing some reduction in the redness and swelling, he breathed a sigh of relief. With a gentle smile, he turned to her and asked.

"How does it feel now?"

"Uh... it's not too painful, but still a bit swollen." Catching a glimpse of his gentle smile, Yumiko couldn't help but be touched, involuntarily turning her head slightly.

"That's normal; swelling takes a few days to subside. When you get home, continue applying cold compresses a few more times. It will help with the swelling. Also, make sure to rest more in the coming days," Hachiman advised with concern.

"Yeah... I understand." Upon hearing his caring words, a faint blush appeared on Yumiko's face.

Next, Hachiman used a cotton swab dipped in bruise medicine to apply it to Yumiko's swollen ankle. The process was inevitably a bit painful, causing the girl to bite her lip and occasionally emit a muffled groan of discomfort.

Once the medicine was applied, he carefully wrapped the injured ankle and foot with a bandage, securing it with medical tape. Throughout the entire process, he remained diligent, handling the task with utmost care to avoid causing any additional pain.

As the saying goes, men who are serious are especially attractive to women. Seeing Hachiman's meticulous demeanor, Yumiko couldn't help but feel a ripple in her heart.

After a short while, the girl's ankle was finally properly bandaged, prompting Hachiman to let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally, all done."

"Yeah, thank you." Yumiko's voice softened in response.

"No problem, it's what I should do. After all, your injury does have a bit to do with my actions," Hachiman replied, shaking his head in response to the girl's gratitude.

When this matter was brought up, a trace of resentment surfaced in Yumiko's heart.

"Why did you help that girl, Yukinoshita? And you, Hachiman, you actually didn't let me score a single point in the last three rounds, making me lose face."

"Because we're members of the same club," Hachiman chuckled.

"And, on this matter, Yumiko, you also have some faults. After all, we rented the tennis court for training, and we couldn't agree to let you use it."

"As for not letting you score, I mentioned it at the beginning, but you just didn't believe it," he added innocently, spreading his hands.

"You jerk."

Seeing him take advantage of the situation and act cute, Yumiko wished she could bite him to death.

Possibly due to Hachiman's overly cheeky expression, the girl felt an urge to give him a good beating. However, in her forgetfulness of her own injury, she stumbled forward.

Right in front of her was Hachiman, who was crouching down. As the girl fell, he instinctively opened his arms, and she stumbled into them.

In this close proximity, their cheeks were nearly touching. The girl's warm and slightly hurried breath sprayed onto Hachiman's face. With soft and moist lips so close, he couldn't resist leaning in for a kiss.

Feeling the warm sensation on her lips, Yumiko froze. Only one thought echoed in her mind: "Sorry, Yui!"


Gintoki Sakata

nice. one more for our boy