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Chapter 177: The Recklessness of Utaha Kasumigaoka

"An ordinary girl can't possibly be flawless in every way."

"Those other girls are no different. While each has their own strengths, they also have corresponding weaknesses."

"In reality, people are never without imperfections. Just like the Venus de Milo with its missing arm, sometimes, those imperfections can be a form of beauty."

"What do you think, Utaha?"

After a brief moment of contemplation, Utaha's eyes began to gleam.

Seeing that the girl was deep in thought, Hachiman continued to provide guidance.

"You can also depict a journey where the female lead continuously strives to improve herself. She could learn things she wasn't initially good at to support the male lead. It would be a way to show her feelings for him, wouldn't it?"

"Willing to make an effort to change for the person she loves – that could be seen as a radiant aspect of the female lead."

"Indeed, and..."

After listening to his words, the girl nodded in agreement, her thoughts crystallizing.

"Next is much simpler. As I've mentioned before, add some emotional scenes, love triangles, dramatic showdowns, whatever you like."

Hachiman went on to explain some classic plot points from the original "My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU" novel. Utaha listened attentively, her eyes growing ever more radiant with understanding.

"As long as you master these elements, I believe there shouldn't be a problem with your novel selling over five million copies," Hachiman concluded with a confident tone.

"Hachiman, you're amazing."

With his guidance, the girl's thoughts were now fully open. The previous sense of suppression had completely disappeared. She excitedly hugged him and planted a passionate kiss on his lips.

Hachiman responded without hesitation, holding her in his arms and deepening the kiss. His hands began to explore her body, knowing that Utaha was wearing only a silk nightgown, and every touch was soft and smooth.

After a while, the girl pushed him away, her enticing lips gasping heavily.

"You, you just wanted to suffocate me," she said while playfully rolling her eyes.

"Hehe, blame yourself for taking the initiative," Hachiman replied with a smirk, ignoring her teasing.

Seeing his nonchalant attitude and feeling his hands exploring her, Utaha got angry and pinched his waist.

"You bastard, haven't you had enough yet? Put your hands down!" The girl spoke with a hint of unease as she squirmed in his arms, seeming as if she was pleading for his caress.

However, with Utaha movement, Hachiman inhaled a breath of cool air. After all, the girl was only wearing a nightgown now, and he could clearly feel her buttocks rubbing against him, which immediately caused his soft stick to become a hard one.

Feeling something pressing against her, the girl suddenly stiffened.

"Hachiman, you..."

Upon lifting her head, Utaha was met with Hachiman's flamelike gaze, causing a hint of confusion to flash across her shy, reddened eyes.

Although she usually acted flirtatiously and had even teased Hachiman at the beach, she was, in fact, a genuine virgin.

Suddenly facing this situation, the girl was naturally at a loss. However, her strong personality did not allow her to admit defeat. With her seductive red lips slightly parted, her instinctive poison tongue began to speak.

"Oh, oh, oh, Hachiman, you've gone into heat, haven't you? This is really giving me a headache."

"How vulgar, getting aroused so easily."

The girl thought that Hachiman would react like other men, retreating after hearing her poisonous words.

Unfortunately, Utaha had miscalculated this time. Instead of causing him to retreat, her poisonous tongue only fueled Hachiman's desire to conquer.

Seeing this, he grabbed the girl and tossed her onto the bed before growling and pouncing onto the bed. Utaha, unable to dodge in time, was directly pinned underneath him.

With a sense of urgency, she was now pinned beneath him.

"You bastard, are you finally going to release your beastly desires?" The girl still didn't forget her poisonous tongue.

"You're perverted, getting aroused from my lips and tongue attack. Your body is already trembling."

"Then let me see how powerful your lips and tongue are." With that, Hachiman kissed the girl's red lips again.

Although her words were poisonous, the girl had no intention of avoiding his kisses. Instead, her agile tongue actively entangled with his.

While kissing, Hachiman's hands also wandered around the girl's plump and elastic body.

Her soft and elastic double peaks, the slender waist and the plump thighs were all touched by him.

In particular, when he touched her sensitive waist, the girl let out a few seductive moans.

Recalling her weak point, Hachiman's heart was filled with joy. He focused his attack on her waist.

"Uh... uh... hhh... ah..."

As her sensitive spot was discovered, the girl's body began to anxiously squirm, as if trying to avoid it.

Hachiman, of course, wouldn't let her have her way. Working in unison, the girl soon lost the strength to resist.

After an unknown amount of time, a "pop" sound was heard as the girl's red wine bottle cork was opened, and the two separated their lips.

At this point, the girl looked dazed, as if she had been played with.

Seeing this scene, Hachiman sighed. The stimulation of her sensitive spot was too strong.

A moment later, Utaha regained her composure and, looking at Hachiman who was still on top of her, pouted her lips and spoke her poisonous tongue once more.

"Well, is that it? Hah, it seems your endurance isn't up to par, Hachiman."

However, this time, the girl had overstepped her bounds. A man's pride is his endurance, and being told he's not up to par by a beautiful woman is something he can't bear.

Moreover, Hachiman, who had been through meat-eating experiences with both Kotonoha and Saeko, would certainly not be able to withstand such a situation.

The answer is definitely no.

"It's all your fault, Utaha," Hachiman said.


The sound of fabric being torn rang out, and the girl, stunned, found herself in her own white nightgown, which had been directly torn off by Hachiman, exposing her delicate body.

"Ah... what are you doing, Hachiman?"

"Of course, I'm going to make you feel how enduring I am."


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