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Chapter 175: The Persistence of Utaha Kasumigaoka (Part 2)

"I don't have any issues here. You've already gone through the trouble, Hachiman," Utaha responded, rejecting Hachiman's offer to help.

In her heart, Utaha was determined to finish her novel on her own, no matter the difficulties. She wanted to prove that she could achieve success without relying on anyone.

Hachiman was puzzled by Utaha's refusal. Based on his conversation with Sonoko, things should have gone smoothly this time, considering he had already helped her once before.

"I don't have any issues here, so please return, Hachiman. I'm feeling a bit tired and would like to rest a little more," Utaha said calmly.

Hearing this, Hachiman's eyebrows furrowed even deeper. He sensed that the girl was somewhat rejecting his presence.

Had he done something to upset her? He tried to recall their interactions but couldn't identify any apparent cause for her behavior. In fact, since their return from the seaside, Utaha had been acting peculiarly, seemingly avoiding him.

Hachiman contemplated whether the events at the beach had somehow affected her, but this theory didn't seem to fit her character. Utaha was known for actively pursuing those she was interested in, as was evident in the original story where she playfully teased the protagonist.

He realized that among all the girls he now knew, aside from Kotonoha, Saeko, and Yui, Utaha had displayed the most affection toward him. He had seen hints of her interest during their time at the beach, manifested in her flirtatious behavior.

This behavior was evident in her intentional or unintentional flirtation, and it had Hachiman perplexed about her recent change in attitude.

Hachiman found Utaha's rejection perplexing and couldn't simply leave without fulfilling his promise to Sonoko. Besides, it was a matter of his pride, and he couldn't back down so easily.

As Utaha prepared to see him off, Hachiman took a step ahead and gently grasped her wrist, which startled her.

"Hachiman, what are you doing?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of surprise.

Hachiman replied with a cheerful demeanor, "Nothing much, but I did promise Sonoko, so I can't just leave like this. I need to assist you, as I said."

Utaha, with evident annoyance in her glare, responded, "Hmph, that's your promise; it has nothing to do with me."

To her, it seemed like he wouldn't have come if it weren't for Sonoko's request, and this naturally upset her.

"I don't need your help, so just leave," Utaha stated with a hint of displeasure, maintaining her assertive stance.

Hachiman couldn't help but be slightly amused by this change in her demeanor. He considered a strategy for dealing with assertive individuals, especially assertive girls.

He remembered that in such cases, it was essential to be more assertive than they were. If you displayed weakness in their presence, they would become more dominant. However, if you asserted your dominance, they would naturally follow your lead.

Of course, he added with a wry smile, if they had a particularly fiery temper, there was the risk of receiving a good punch.

Utaha, despite her assertive nature, was not a violent girl. She had a genuinely gentle personality.

"Well, that won't do. Today, I won't leave until I find out what's going on," Hachiman stated, firmly pushing her back into her chair.

He placed his hands on Utaha's shoulders, his gaze locked onto her. Despite her 168 cm height, which was already tall for a girl, it still fell short compared to Hachiman's 180 cm stature. She found herself looking up at him, feeling a bit nervous.

"Hachiman, what do you want..."

"I don't want to do anything right now, I just want to figure out what's going on with you, Utaha," Hachiman replied, his lips curling into a mischievous smile.

"But, if you don't tell me, who knows what might happen," he added, his voice carrying a hint of threat.

Utaha dismissed his threat with confidence, saying, "Hmph, forget it. I won't tell you."

Hachiman, with a sly grin, slowly lowered his head. Just as his face was inches away from Utaha's, he stopped once more.

"Utaha, are you really not going to tell me?"

"Hmph, I won't say it. Let's see what you can do to me."

As Hachiman remained close to Utaha, she could feel his warm breath on her face. Her stubbornness was evident in her words, but beneath the surface, there was a hint of anticipation and nervousness.

"Utaha, you're quite stubborn," Hachiman commented, locking his gaze onto her wine-red eyes. He slowly turned his head away, sensing her disappointment.

"Well, I guess I'll have to use my last resort!" Hachiman declared, and before Utaha could react, he leaned in and planted a passionate kiss on her tempting red lips.


Initially taken aback by the unexpected kiss, Utaha's eyes widened in surprise, but then she slowly closed them. In contrast to the shyness that often accompanied a first kiss, Utaha actively responded. This was what she had been waiting for, her ultimate goal in writing a perfect novel—to make Hachiman choose her.

Now that Hachiman had taken the initiative to kiss her, everything else seemed unimportant.

Utaha fully immersed herself in the passionate kiss, responding with equal enthusiasm.

Sensing her enthusiastic response, Hachiman couldn't help but think, "As expected," and continued to reciprocate.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally separated their lips with the distinct sound of a wine cork being opened. Utaha's cheeks were adorned with a faint blush, and she teased him in a good mood.

"Wow, how rude, Hachiman-kun. You just took away my first kiss without consent. If you don't explain yourself properly, I might have to call the police," she playfully remarked, her rosy lips slightly parted.

Hachiman chuckled in response. "How can it be considered rude when two people are mutually attracted to each other?"

"Hmph, who said we're mutually attracted? It was you who kissed me out of the blue without my consent," Utaha retorted, huffing.

"True, I didn't have your consent, but you didn't resist either. In fact, you seemed more eager than I was," Hachiman pointed out as he released her shoulder and stood up straight.

Utaha rolled her eyes at his remark. Unconcerned with her eye-rolling, Hachiman realized that after their kiss, the issue was not that she disliked him, but something else was bothering her.

"Now, can you tell me what happened to you?"


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